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What is Fate?

Dear Mr. Hameed Shaheen,

By Dr Maqsood Jafri

You have invited intellectuals to opine on the belief/ concept of Fate. What is Fate? The philosophers and the theologians have different views about it. The traditional theologians are of the opinion that fate is a predetermined course of events that we have to act upon and is known as Pre- destiny. We have no control on events and we are the slaves of the destiny. In Hinduism, it is linked with “ Karma”, where our actions/ deeds influence our future life .

There are so many words philosophically used in this context in different languages and religions. Fate or destiny, in my opinion is that what you do and what you plan. Man has given Free Will. The debate between God’s Will and Human Free Will has created much controversy and confusion. The stones and stars are destined. The objects under Natural Law are destined and their natural order is their destiny as they are not given free will. They can not move out of their natural course and are not free to act. But, humans have given intellect and free will. If we plan well, we succeed in our mission and if we fail to tackle the situation, we lose.

God has made specific laws which do not change. Fate for natural objects and free will for humans. If we accept that whatsoever we do, it was already written by God and we have to do what is prescribed, then we are not responsible for our good and bad deeds. If a man kills someone and pleads that he is not guilty as God had written this to happen. It was in the fate of the man to be killed by me. So, why to blame me or punish me? It is a wrong plea. Everyone is responsible of his deeds. In my opinion God doth not interfere in the daily affairs of people and all affairs are under man’s own control and command.

The universe moves under natural, material laws, while the humans have been given intellect to manipulate and manage the matters. It is tragic that the Muslim Sufis and Mullahs concocted and coined the belief of Fate and made people lethargic and shackled. They even justifies the economic, social and political exploitation as the will of God. Instead of changing the unjust system, they accept it as the will of God. This concept has ruined the entire human struggle and the quest of change and revolution. It happened with other religions as well. They left everything on God and acted like statues. Eventually, their dormant existence destroyed the whole programming and process of progress and prosperity. The individuals and the nations which act freely and wisely, became the masters of the world and the nations dependent on so called destiny became slaves.

We must note that when God interferes that is called Miracle. He saved Moses and gave him path in the river. He saved Abraham and the fire was extinguished and did not burn him. Now the question arises as to what is the purpose of praying? Does prayer help us and can prayer change our fate? Yes, prayer is an appeal to God to creating better opportunities and rescuing from adversity. The theologians keep on praying and do not act, while the atheists act and do not pray. My belief is First act and then Pray. Both, action and prayer are incumbent and intertwined. Action means Man’s Will and Prayer means God,s Will. Man must struggle to achieve the cherished goals and also seek the mercy of God.

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Dear Biljana Chelik ,

You are a great voice of democracy and humanity from Macedonia. I am proud of your friendship. I feel honored and humbled on your commending comments on my writings, which promote rationality, humanity, love, justice and tolerance. Today, on your Facebook page, I have been much inspired to read your sentence. You have written:“

Enlightened man is the one who is just and good”. What a golden line. Through out my life through my poetry and articles, I have been preaching and promoting enlightenment. If people become properly educated, rational, humane and enlightened, the racial and religious feuds will automatically end. After my serious and deep study of world literature, history and religion, I have come to the conclusion that Humanity is the best religion. There is an interesting anecdote which narrates that once four persons belonging to different religions were quarreling. Each one of them said that his religion is the religion of peace and condemned the religion of others.

A man who was irreligious happed to pass by and saw them debating and quarreling on the issue of peace and religion. He said to them: “ My religion is the religion of peace, as I have no religion. If you all claim that your religion is the religion of peace, then prove it by peaceful means, not by fighting.”

Dear Bijjana Chelik,I appreciate your dedication to great ideals of mutual harmony between different nations. This is the age of science and technology. This is the Age of Enlightenment.
The religious maniacs like the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is playing the card of Zionism and indiscriminately and incessantly are shedding the blood of innocent civilians of Gaza/ Palestine. I salute the young students of different universities world wide, who are rallying against the genocide of the civilians of Gaza. Their voice is the voice of justice, freedom, democracy and humanity.

I am deeply shocked to watch some videos that show the brutality of the police. The way the young students, who are peacefully protesting are being beaten is undemocratic, inhumane and illegal. Shame on those rulers and people who support Israeli aggression. If we want peace, it will come through dialogue; it can not come through baton charging, tear gassing, incarceration and bestiality. If we want to stop Third World War, we must promote human rights and respect UN resolutions. Let the enlightened people around the world stand by these universal principles: peace, rationality, humanity, justice, equality and love.
Dr. Maqsood Jafri

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We Need to promote Enlightenment Dr. Maqsood Jafri

This is an open letter to be shared by the peace loving enlightened people of the world through press.
Dear Biljana Chelik ,
You are a great voice of democracy and humanity from Macedonia. I am proud of your friendship. I feel honored and humbled on your commending comments on my writings, which promote rationality, humanity, love, justice and tolerance. Today, on your Facebook page, I have been much inspired to read your sentence. You have written:“ Enlightened man is the one who is just and good”. What a golden line. Through out my life through my poetry and articles, I have been preaching and promoting enlightenment. If people become properly educated, rational, humane and enlightened, the racial and religious feuds will automatically end. After my serious and deep study of world literature, history and religion, I have come to the conclusion that Humanity is the best religion. There is an interesting anecdote which narrates that once four persons belonging to different religions were quarreling. Each one of them said that his religion is the religion of peace and condemned the religion of others. A man who was irreligious happed to pass by and saw them debating and quarreling on the issue of peace and religion. He said to them: “ My religion is the religion of peace, as I have no religion. If you all claim that your religion is the religion of peace, then prove it by peaceful means, not by fighting.”
Dear Bijjana Chelik,I appreciate your dedication to great ideals of mutual harmony between different nations. This is the age of science and technology. This is the Age of Enlightenment.
The religious maniacs like the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu is playing the card of Zionism and indiscriminately and incessantly are shedding the blood of innocent civilians of Gaza/ Palestine. I salute the young students of different universities world wide, who are rallying against the genocide of the civilians of Gaza. Their voice is the voice of justice, freedom, democracy and humanity. I am deeply shocked to watch some videos that show the brutality of the police. The way the young students, who are peacefully protesting are being beaten is undemocratic, inhumane and illegal. Shame on those rulers and people who support Israeli aggression. If we want peace, it will come through dialogue; it can not come through baton charging, tear gassing, incarceration and bestiality. If we want to stop Third World War, we must promote human rights and respect UN resolutions. Let the enlightened people around the world stand by these universal principles: peace, rationality, humanity, justice, equality and love.

May 24, 2024 New York

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Special Event at ISSI to celebrate “Africa Day ” May 24, 2024

The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISSI) organized a special event to celebrate “Africa Day 2024.” The theme was “Pakistan’s Contribution to Peace, Security, and Prosperity in Africa.”
The Speakers included: Director General ISSI Ambassador Sohail Mahmood; Dean of African Corps/Ambassador of Morocco, H.E. Mohammad Karmoune; Additional Secretary (Africa), Mr. Shehryar Akbar Khan; Sector Commander West MINUSCA, Central African Republic (CAR), Brig. Fahad Ayub; President Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), Mr. Saqib Rafiq; Senior Research Fellow at Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Dr. Tughral Yamin; Senior Vice President Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI), Muhammad Hamza Sarosh, and Director CAMEA, Ms. Amina Khan.

The Heads of African Missions in Pakistan and Heads of Pakistan Missions in Africa also spoke on the occasion. Academics and members of the business community and students participated in the celebratory event. Stalls exhibiting African products and art work depicting African culture were also set up by African Missions in Islamabad.
During his welcome remarks, Director General Amb. Sohail Mahmood acknowledged contributions from partners including the Africa Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MO Directorate at GHQ, RCCI, African Missions in Islamabad, African students, and Pakistan’s Envoys in Africa. He highlighted Africa’s progress and the AfCFTA’s impact, reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for Africa’s development, and emphasized the role of Pakistani peacekeeping. Amb. Mahmood detailed Pakistan’s ‘Engage Africa’ policy, which helps strengthen and expand diplomatic and economic ties through new missions and joint initiatives. He stressed the strategic imperative of deepening Pakistan’s partnership with Africa and underscored the importance of a clear vision, consistent policy, and long-term strategy in this regard.\

Director CAMEA, Ms. Amina Khan highlighted the opening of new diplomatic missions in Rwanda, Djibouti, Ghana, Uganda, and Ivory Coast, and Ethiopia’s mission in Islamabad, signifying strengthened bilateral relations. Ms. Khan also commended Pakistan’s UN peacekeeping efforts and stressed the importance of cultural and educational exchanges for lasting partnerships and shared prosperity.

Ambassador Mohammed Karmoune discussed Morocco’s significant role in African peace and development, highlighting its contribution of personnel to UN peacekeeping and involvement in stabilizing regions like Somalia and the DRC. He also emphasized Morocco’s major investments in African infrastructure, banking, and telecommunications, including the Morocco-Nigeria Gas Pipeline, enhancing integration across 30 countries.

Mr. Shehryar Akbar Khan commended Africa’s advancements and Pakistan’s support, noting over 230,000 personnel deployed in UN peacekeeping over six decades, with 4,300 currently active. He highlighted the “Engage Africa” policy that fosters ties through training programs, reaffirming Pakistan’s dedication to Africa’s peace and development.

Brig. Fahad Ayub and Dr. Tughral Yamin praised the dedication and significant role of Pakistani peacekeepers in Africa. Brig. Ayub noted the deployment of 4,000 troops, efforts to increase female participation, and initiatives like agricultural support, highlighting their impartiality and trust earned. Dr. Yamin emphasized the peacekeepers’ professionalism and the challenging conditions they face, underlining the importance of continued support and recognition for their efforts.

Mr. Saqib Rafiq and Mr. Hamza Sarosh emphasized RCCI’s commitment to boosting Pakistan-Africa trade. Mr. Rafiq highlighted successful initiatives like the Pak-Africa Forum and a Cairo business event that led to several MoUs, ongoing capacity-building efforts, and proposed a Trade Help Desk. Mr. Sarosh noted the nearly $4 billion in trade, potential for growth through the AfCFTA, and underscored Pakistan’s strengths in textiles and agriculture as crucial for entering African markets.

An interactive discussion followed, where representatives from the African missions based in Pakistan shared their views. Representatives from the Pakistani missions based in Africa also joined virtually, reiterated the importance of closer ties with Africa, and offered their suggestions. At the end, the guests visited all the stalls established by African Missions in Islamabad, displaying African food and other products, which were introduced by the concerned Heads of Missions.

The event was attended by diplomats, practitioners, academics, students, and members of the business community, civil society, and the media.

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Unveiling the Literary Journey: Zubida Khatoon, Urdu Novelist Written By: Dr. Aqeela Asif

Literature holds a thoughtful significance in cultured societies, serving as a cornerstone of arty expression, scholarly exploration, and societal progress. Poetry and prose acts as a repository of a society’s collective intellect, beliefs, and behaviors. Through literary activities and storytelling, artistic legacy is passed down from generation to generation, certifying its preservation and stability. It promotes creative thinking and compassion. Literature offers readers to dwell the minds and involvements of characters from diverse experiences, nurturing care and thoughtful by engaging with different perspectives. Readers develop critical intellectual skills and promote a broader view and perceptions. A voyage of self-discovery is another feature of standard literature. It provides a mirror through which individuals can reflect on their own lives, values, and identities. Consequently, by exploring universal themes such as love, hate, and flexibility, readers increase vision into the human condition and find quality in their own experiences. Hence, literature is an important tool to promote refined ethos in societies.
In the world of Urdu literature, the name of Zubida Khatoon stands as a luminary, her pen knitting tales that vibrate with readers across generations. Born into the amusing cultural tapestry of Subcontinent, her life story is a testimony to resilience, creativity, and the enduring power of storytelling. Zubida Khatoon’s journey commences in the vibrant time of Indo-Pak partition. She raised in a family that cherished literature so she developed a deep interest for Urdu poetry and prose from a young age. Her mother A.R khatoon was also the famous novelist. Zubida Khatoon shared era with famous Urdu writers, surrounded by the works of legendary writer like Saadat Hasan Manto and Ismat Chughtai. She found inspiration in their bold narratives and distinctive voices.
Her fictional aspirations fueled by her passion for storytelling. Zubida Khatoon’s life and her literary trajectory recognized as brand and netted with unwavering commitment in the world of Urdu literature. She expressed her inner feelings and addressed gender related issues. She had sensitive mind, strong observation, grip on portraying the picture of different situations in words with the blend of her own experiences and observations of society. She probed and described beautifully the complexities of human emotions, societal norms with the lens of cultural dynamics and gender related issues.
Zubida Khatoon’s literary career reached new heights with the publication of her groundbreaking novels including Nadira, Huma, Aroosa, Kiran, Tarannum, Maham, Ainee, Fakiha, Nihala and Adeeba. Two of her novels were selected for TV drama series titles Uroosa and Kiran and were very popular among viewers especially Uroosa got record popularity. In Urdu literature her innovative style of working got popularity among young educated girls of that era. Her work, characterized by their touching interpretation of human relationships and societal concerns, struck the minds and hearts of the readers nationwide. From tales of love and longing to narratives of resilience and rebellion, each novel showcased her mastery of the written word and her deep understanding of the human condition. Zubida Khatoon’s legacy endures through the lives she touched and the minds she inspired. Her novels continue to captivate readers, transcending barriers of time and space to resonate with audiences around the world. Through her words, she leaves behind a timeless legacy, reminding us of the transformative power of literature to illuminate, educate, and unite.
In the archives of Urdu literature, Zubida Khatoon’s name shines brightly, her life story a testament to the enduring legacy of storytelling. As we celebrate her contributions to the literary world, let us also reflect on the power of literature to transcend boundaries, foster empathy, and ignite the imagination. In the words of Zubida Khatoon herself, “Every story we tell, every word we write, has the potential to change the world.”
Many works of literature serve as powerful vehicles for social commentary and advocacy, shedding light on pressing issues such as injustice, inequality, and human rights abuses. Through storytelling, authors provoke thought, inspire action, and challenge the status quo. Reading and analyzing literature enhance language proficiency and communication skills. Exposure to diverse styles of writing, vocabulary, and rhetorical techniques enriches language acquisition and fosters effective communication. Zubaida Khatoon’s work server all such purposes in superb manner. Literature sparks imagination, creativity, and innovation. Through the exploration of imaginative worlds and complex characters, readers are inspired to think creatively, problem-solve, and envision new possibilities.
Zubida Katoon’s novels provide valuable insights into historical contexts and societal dynamics, offering a window into the past and present. By studying literary works from different time periods and cultures, individuals gain a deeper understanding of human history and social evolution. Her contribution to Urdu literature brings people together, fostering a sense of community and connection among readers. It also offers enjoyment and escapism, providing readers with a reprieve from the pressures of daily life. Whether through gripping suspense novels, heartwarming romances, or fantastical adventures, literature offers endless opportunities for entertainment and relaxation.
Urdu novels of Zubida Khatoon enhanced language and communication skills, societal insight, helpful in building community and connections and suitable themes for promotion of Urdu dramas. Her work also covers gender related issues as these are remains a significant theme in Urdu literature, with many novels exploring the experiences of women in patriarchal societies, challenging traditional gender roles, and advocating for gender equality and empowerment. Urdu novels incorporate elements of magical realism and fantasy. Her novels blur the boundaries between reality and imagination, offering readers enchanting narratives that explore themes of mythology, spirituality, and the supernatural. Due to the socio-political transformation of the country due to partition of India –Pakistan, the process of rapid urbanization transformed the societal fabric and many Urdu novels depict the complexities of urban life, exploring themes of alienation, anonymity, and the search for meaning in bustling metropolises. In response to fluctuating norms and to promote awareness, some Urdu novels addressed such changes and challenges to advocate for sustainable practices in new born state. Some trends and themes that have been prominent in that era of Urdu literature was especially addressed in Zubida Khatoon’s work.
The landscape of Urdu novels is diverse and constantly evolving. Authors continue to explore new subjects, experiment with narrative styles, and push the boundaries of storytelling, ensuring that Urdu literature remains vibrant, relevant, and captivating for readers around the world with the brilliant names of the authors of the past like Zubida Khatoon, a prominent name of the Urdu literary world.

Pakistan, Lithuania agree to enhance high-level exchanges in diverse sectors

ISLAMABAD: On Friday, Pakistan and Lithuania decided to expand high-level communication and collaboration, particularly in the areas of information technology, education, commerce and investment, parliamentary exchanges, labor mobility, connectivity, and cooperation in multilateral forums.

At the 7th Round of the Pakistan-Lithuania Bilateral Political Consultations (BPC), which was conducted here, an agreement was achieved.

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According to a news release from the Foreign Office, the Lithuanian team was led by Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Egidijus Meilunas, while the Pakistani group was led by Additional Foreign Secretary (Europe), Ambassador Shafqat Ali Khan.

The Lithuanian delegation also included non-resident Ambassador Recardas Degutis and senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The consultations provided an important opportunity to review the entire scope of bilateral relations and regional and global issues of common interest.

The Additional Foreign Secretary briefed his Lithuanian counterpart on the broad contours of Pakistan’s foreign policy, perspectives on regional and global issues, and the challenges related to geopolitical developments. The two sides also expressed satisfaction at the engagement and cooperation at international forums, including at the United Nations, and agreed to continue supporting each other.

Vice Minister Meilunas also called on Foreign Secretary, Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi. They expressed satisfaction at the trajectory of bilateral relations and reaffirmed commitment to further expand and diversify mutually beneficial cooperation.

The two countries are commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations this year.

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Rumoured to take place in Paris on July 10th, Samsung Unpacked

Chosun is now reporting the date as true, despite Samsung having initially announced it in March. Considering that Samsung is sponsoring the Paris Olympics, which begin on July 26th, it also makes sense. Imagine the advertising opportunities! We will be hearing more about wearables including the Galaxy Ring, Galaxy Watch 7, and Galaxy Buds 3, as well as the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Flip 6.

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Rumours of a JLo split are causing Ben Affleck to come closer to his ex-wife Jennifer Garner while renting a $100,000 house each month.

Amidst mounting speculations of his breakup with Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck just moved into an opulent $100,000-per-month property. The rumours of a potential divorce have been stoked by Affleck’s move to be closer to his ex-wife, despite the fact that neither of the celebrities has acknowledged it. Remarkably, the 51-year-old actor’s rental property is only two blocks from Jennifer Garner’s residence in Los Angeles’ affluent Brentwood area. What does this signify, though? This is what we currently know.

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The 54-year-old singer and Affleck had their first falling out after going almost two months without being spotted together. On July 16, 2022, the Justice League star and Lopez exchanged vows. People reports that after their small-scale wedding in Las Vegas, they had a lavish ceremony at Affleck’s Georgia house.

PTI Islamabad President Aamir Mughal is arrested by the PTI Central Secretariat sealed CDA.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Central Secretariat has been sealed by the Capital Development Authority (CDA) as part of a significant campaign against unauthorised buildings and incursions.

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The operation, carried out in conjunction with the district administration, involved the deployment of anti-encroachment teams, outfitted with heavy machinery, at the Sector G-84 location.

Heavy contingent of police force was also present outside the PTI Central Secretariat as the CDA initiated the action against unauthorised structures established by the political party.

According to a CDA spokesperson, the plot in question was allotted to an individual named Sartaj Ali. However, violations of building by-laws, including the construction of an additional floor, were noted. The political party had also reportedly encroached on the adjacent land.

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The CDA had issued several warnings and notices to the plot owner over the past few years,” he said and added notices were sent on November 19, 2020, February 22, 2021, and June 14, 2022, followed by a show-cause notice on September 4, 2023. “Despite these warnings, compliance was not achieved, prompting the CDA to issue a sealing order on May 10, 2024.”

The spokesperson emphasized that the ongoing operation aims to enforce building regulations and remove encroachments. “This drive to eliminate illegal constructions and encroachments will continue without discrimination,” the spokesperson stated.

PTI chairman Barrister Gohar 

PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar condemned the sealing of the PTI Central Secretariat by the Capital Development Authority (CDA). He asserted that the party had requested the CDA to specify the encroachments so they could address them independently. Gohar labeled the operation as unconstitutional and illegal, vowing to challenge the move in court.

“No official notice was received,” Gohar emphasized. “We urge the judiciary to intervene and take notice of this matter.”

Gohar also highlighted incidents of harassment faced by PTI members, mentioning that homes were raided and individuals, including Rauf Hasan, were attacked. He criticized the timing of the operation, stating, “There is no justification for conducting an anti-encroachment operation under the cover of night. We are being targeted.”

He further remarked on the symbolic attacks on the party, noting, “You can demolish buildings, but you cannot take away the people’s support. Despite having our election symbols seized, we still received votes. After the elections, our goal was to move forward.”

Opposition Leader Umar Ayub

Leader of Opposition in National Assembly Umar Ayub expressed strong condemnation of the recent operation on the PTI Central Secretariat, during which PTI MNA Aamir Mughal was arrested by the police.

Speaking to the media, Ayub criticized the Capital Development Authority (CDA) for taking action without prior notice. “This issue could have been resolved amicably,” he stated.

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Ayub emphasized that his privileges as an opposition leader have been violated. “Chairman CDA and IG Islamabad will be called before the committee. We will fight this through the courts,” he asserted.

He also accused Shahbaz Sharif and Mohsin Naqvi of fascist behavior, warning that they will face consequences for their actions. “We will file a case against the CDA and Islamabad Police in the morning. The IG Islamabad will be summoned to the committee. This operation on the PTI Secretariat is a national issue and will be raised in the assembly,” Ayub declared.

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Bitcoin slips for second day to $68,032

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: The cryptocurrency market edged lower for the second straight session on Thursday, with the market capitalization losing 0.5 percent to reach $2.69 trillion.

As of 1355 hours GMT, the price of Bitcoin, the world’s oldest and most valued cryptocurrency, dipped to $68,032 with a decrease of 2.4 percent in the last 24 hours. The market capitalization of the biggest crypto has reached $1.34 trillion with this decrease. Bitcoin has been 2.4 percent up in the past seven days.

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However, Ether (ETH), the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, gained 2.2 percent to reach $3,763. With this increase in price, the market capitalization of ETH has reached $452.4 billion. ETH has gained 25.9 percent of its value during the last seven days.

On the other hand, Binance Coin (BNB) price went down by 3.9 percent to reach $592. The market capitalization of BNB has reached $91 billion with this decrease. BNB has gained 2.6 percent of its value during the last seven days.

Meanwhile, Solana price went down by 5 percent to $170. With this decrease in price, its market capitalization has reached $76.6 billion. SOL has gained 5.4 percent of its value during the last seven days.


On the other hand, the price of Ripple (XRP) went down by 0.2 percent to reach $0.528. The market capitalization of XRP stands at $29.4 billion with this decrease. XRP has gained 2.4 percent of its value during the last seven days.Meanwhile, the US lawmakers have united to approve a significant piece of legislation concerning cryptocurrencies. The bill, known as the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21), received a favourable vote from 279 members of the US House of Representatives on Wednesday. This legislative milestone underscores the growing recognition of the need for regulatory oversight in the rapidly evolving realm of digital assets. With this move, the United States joins a cohort of nations that are actively addressing the challenges posed by the burgeoning crypto sector. The FIT21 bill aims to provide clarity on regulatory jurisdiction within the crypto space, striking a balance between ensuring security and fostering innovation.

Gold price dips Rs6,200 a tola

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Gold price decreased in the country for the third session in a row by Rs6,200 per tola on Thursday in line with a consistent drop in the price in the international market.

According to the data provided by the Karachi Sarafa Association, the price for one tola of 24-karat gold decreased to Rs242,000 from Rs248,200. Similarly, the price for 10 grams of 24-karat gold decreased to Rs207,476 from Rs212,791, showing a dip of Rs5,315. Likewise, the price for 10 grams of 22-karat gold decreased to Rs190,186 from Rs195,059, going down by Rs4,873. Earlier on Monday and Tuesday, the gold price in the local market came down by Rs1,900 and Rs300 per tola, respectively.

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It is worth noting that the price has been kept Rs4,000 below its actual cost, the Karachi Sarafa Association reported, saying: “In view of the significant reduction in purchasing power, the price of gold today has been kept under cost by Rs4,000.”

The gold price in the country surged by Rs7,100 per tola in April. It may be noted that the gold price hit an all-time high in Pakistan on April 20 when it reached Rs252,200. Earlier gold price per tola in Pakistan hit all-time highs of Rs251,900 on April 17, Rs247,300 on April 16 and Rs247,600 on April 9.

On the other hand, gold futures in the international market as of 1330 hours GMT were available at $2,363 per ounce, showing a decrease of $15. Out of the $15 decrease, +$6.30 was due to weakening of the US dollar and -$21.30 was due to predominant sellers, according to the Kitco Gold Index.

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Gold struggled to stage a rebound and traded in negative territory below $2,370 following Wednesday’s sharp decline. The benchmark 10-year US Treasury bond yield held steady above 4.4 percent and made it difficult for the gold price to make gains.

Minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting suggested that the Fed could stick to its ‘higher rates for longer’ stance, weighing further on expectations of interest rate cuts this year. The hawkish Fed minutes helped the US dollar regain its recovery momentum, with US Treasury bond yields also rising. This weighed heavily on the non-interest-bearing gold price.

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PKR snaps 3-day losing streak, rises to 278.30 vs USD

By Staff Reporter

KARACHI: Pakistani rupee snapped a three-day losing streak against the US dollar in the interbank market on Thursday with an appreciation of 17 paisas.

According to details, the rupee opened at 278.47 against the greenback in the interbank market and closed at 278.30, going up by 0.06 percent. The rupee depreciated by 26 paisas in the previous three sessions, while it shed nine paisas last week. The local unit closed at 278.21, against 278.12 it had closed the week earlier against the greenback.

The rupee has largely been stable around this rate for months with Pakistan eager to sign up for another bailout program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after its previous $3-billion Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) ended. An IMF mission, led by Nathan Porter, began discussions, but details are yet to be finalized. The new IMF program is also being seen as crucial to maintain currency stability.

The government has proposed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to increase income tax exemption threshold up to Rs1 million for salaried class, according to media reports. There is a proposal to rationalize the tax rates for individuals by removing the salaried/ non-salaried distinction and reducing the number of rate slabs.

Demand for the greenback has picked up in recent days amid a widening of the trade deficit by 22 percent year-on-year in April. On the other hand, the foreign exchange reserves, held by the SBP, have continued to improve, rising past $9 billion.

On the other hand, Pakistan’s current account posted a provisional surplus of $491 million in April 2024 compared to a revised surplus of $434 million in March 2024, revealed data released by the SBP on Friday. Overall, during the ten months of the ongoing fiscal year, the current account balance stood at a deficit of $202 million, massively lower than $3.92 billion in the same period of the previous year.

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PSX regains 75,000 level in volatile session

By Staff Reporter

KARACHI: Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) turned positive on Thursday and regained the 75,000 points level, with the benchmark KSE-100 Index gaining 157.80 points (+0.21 percent) to close at 75,114.47 points.

The market opened on a slight positive note but remained volatile amid cautious trading and the indices swayed both ways during trading before closing in the green. After touching record highs in recent weeks, the market has turned in a cautious performance as investors look for fresh positive triggers ahead of the monetary policy meeting and budget announcement. The benchmark index has surged by 82.76 percent during the last one year and 16.17 percent during the current year. The KSE-100 closed below 75,000 a session earlier as the index faced some late-session profit-taking to lose over 250 points.

“Positive sentiments brewed at the PSX. Indices oscillated between both directions until finally closing in green. Volume rose compared to the preceding day,” brokerage house Capital Stake said in its post-market report. Sectors driving the KSE 100 forward included power generation and distribution, oil and gas exploration, and oil and gas marketing, the brokerage house said.

The benchmark index traded in a range of 558.68 points showing an intraday high of 75,284.74 points and a low of 74,726.06 points.

The total volume of the KSE-100 index remained 336.88 million shares. Interestingly, most of the volume was seen in the final hour of trading, with the index settling at 75,114.47.

Out of the KSE-100 Index companies, 51 closed up, 44 closed down, two were unchanged, while three remained untraded. The KSE-100 Index was supported by power generation & distribution (98 points), oil & gas exploration companies (81 points), oil & gas marketing companies (21 points), tobacco (16 points), cement (15 points), food and personal care products (14 points), insurance (11 points), fertilizer (8 points), and technology and communication (6 points).

On the flip-side, the index was let down by commercial banks (44 points), automobile assembler (13 points), automobile parts & accessories (10 points), synthetic & rayon (8 points), and investment banks/ investment companies/ securities companies (6 points).

The companies adding points to the index were OGDC (78 companies), KEL (40 companies), PKGP (29 points), FFC (27 points), HUBC (26 points), SCPBL (18 points), PAKT (16 points), SEARL (14 points), BAHL (13 points), and PSO (12 points).

On the other hand, the companies that dragged the index lower were MCB (50 points), UBL (44 points), ENGRO (14 points), POL (12 points), THALL and LUCK (10 points each), MEBL (9 points), IBFL (8 points), and MTL and DAWH (7 points each).

In the broader market, the All-Share index closed at 48,716.55 with a net gain of 233.82 points. Total market volume was 758.94 million shares compared to 584.48 million in the previous session while traded value was recorded at Rs16.71 billion showing a decrease of Rs1.1 billion. There were 227,775 trades reported in 374 companies with 191 closing up, 155 closing down and 28 remaining unchanged.

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Poco F6 and F6 Pro, flagship killers, reach global market.

The Poco F5 and F5 Pro, popular mid-range models from last year, stood out for their impressive performance and display quality, offering exceptional value for money despite a few shortcomings.

Now, Xiaomi is introducing the F6 duo, which addresses and improves upon the areas where the F5 series fell short.

Poco F6

The Xiaomi Poco F6 comes with a flagship-grade Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset. Manufactured on a 4nm TSMC process, it includes the latest Cortex-X4 and Adreno 725, delivering significantly higher performance than the 7+ Gen 2 chip found in the F5.The base memory configuration remains at 8GB RAM and 256GB storage, but this year, Xiaomi offers an optional upgrade to 12GB RAM and 512GB storage, featuring LPDDR5X RAM and UFS 4.0 storage.The F5 display featured vibrant colors, and while the 1080p+ resolution was adequate, the F6 takes it further with a 1.5K display (approximately 1200p+). It boasts a 6.67” OLED panel with a 120Hz refresh rate, 100% DCI-P3 color gamut, and Dolby Vision. The display can reach up to 1,200 nits in high brightness mode, with a peak brightness of 2,400 nits, and uses 1,920Hz high-frequency PWM dimming.One aspect that received less attention was the camera setup. The primary module incorporates a Sony IMX882 sensor, boasting 50MP resolution with 0.7µm pixels, which is similar to the pixel size of the 64MP sensor in the previous model. However, it retains OIS functionality. The 8MP camera remains largely unchanged from last year. There is a slight enhancement in the selfie camera, now featuring a 20MP sensor compared to the previous 16MP.

Moreover, while the F5 boasts a robust 5,000 mAh battery and 67W charging capability, the F6 enhances the offering with faster charging at 90W (still limited to wired charging).

The Poco F6 has a starting price of $380 and is available in Black, Titanium, and Green colors.

Poco F6 Pro

The Poco F6 Pro stands out as a more premium variant with several distinct advantages over its standard counterpart. Firstly, it utilizes the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset. Despite being a generation older than the 8s, it offers superior GPU performance, and its higher clock speeds ensure competitive CPU performance. This marks a significant generational leap compared to the F5 Pro, which was equipped with the older 8+ Gen 1 chipset.

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Law minister, Canadian HC discuss HRC, policies related to minorities

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Law and Justice and Human Rights, Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar had a meeting with High Commissioner of Canada to Pakistan Leslie Scanlon here on Thursday at the Ministry of Law and Justice.
They discussed the Human Rights Commission and policies related to minorities and Canadian support for Judicial and Police trainings.

Senator Tarar reiterated the government’s commitment to protecting and upholding human rights.
The honorable Minister emphasized that national development is Govt’s top priority. He highlighted the collaborative roles of both the government and the opposition within the democratic system.
Talking about Climate Justice, Tarar also detailed the government’s proactive measures for environmental sustainability, addressing climate change, and promoting eco-friendly practices.
This dialogue reflects the strong bilateral relations between Pakistan and Canada, focusing on mutual understanding and cooperation on critical issues.
Both parties agreed on the importance of continued collaboration to promote human rights, social inclusion, and sustainable development.

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Yousuf Raza Gilani says the Markhor’s journey from near extinction to a growing population is a story of hope

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Acting President and Chairman Senate of Pakistan Makhdoom Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani has said that the Markhor’s journey from near extinction to a growing population is a story of hope and an exemplary model of successful conservation.

This was stated by Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani in his message on International Day of the Markhor being observed tomorrow (Friday).

Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said that as we observe the International Day of the Markhor, we celebrate more than just the survival of an iconic species; we celebrate the spirit of resilience and the power of collective action. He said that the Markhor, our national animal, is a symbol of Pakistan’s natural beauty and our dedication to environmental stewardship. The United Nations’ recognition of May 24th as the International Day of the Markhor highlights the importance of conserving this magnificent species and its habitat.

Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said that the Markhor’s journey from near extinction to a growing population is a story of hope and an exemplary model of successful conservation. Our efforts to protect the Markhor have involved not just government action but also the active participation of local communities and international partners. This day reminds us of the urgent need to continue our work in preserving biodiversity and addressing the challenges posed by climate change.

Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani said that Pakistan, as a committed signatory to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), proudly announced its elevation to CITES Category I. This elevation, achieved through rigorous legislative and enforcement measures, is a resounding affirmation of our dedication to wildlife conservation.

“Let us celebrate this day by renewing our pledge to protect our wildlife and natural habitats. Together, we can ensure that the Markhor continues to thrive in the mountains of Pakistan and that our environment remains healthy and vibrant for future generations” Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani concluded.

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PM Shehbaz invites UAE business leaders to take advantage from immense investment opportunities in Pakistan

By Staff Reporter

ABU DHABI: A delegation of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry called on Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in Abu Dhabi on Thursday. The delegation was led by Abdullah Mohamed Al Mazrouei, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

While interacting with the delegation, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif appreciated Chamber’s role in the economic development of the UAE.

Referring to bilateral trade and investment cooperation between Pakistan and the UAE, Prime Minister reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to enhance volume and scope of trade and explore possibility of its diversification. He invited UAE business leaders to take advantage from immense investment opportunities in Pakistan especially in energy, infrastructure, tourism and IT sectors.

The members of Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce showed keen interest in doing business and investments in Pakistan.


“By Omay Aimen”

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 The recent events in Azad Kashmir have raised number of questions and resulted into sending shock waves across the country. By no means, these disturbing events augured well for the image of the country in multiple domains. Unabated acts of violence exposed the extremist tendencies in our society for which both protesters as well as Law Enforcement Agencies cannot be absolved. It is crucial to check these growing tendencies as violence is not a solution to an issue rather it further exacerbates the issue. Killing of three protesters and a police officer were gory images originating from an otherwise serene and scenic vally of Kashmir.

 The violent protests caused a considerable dent to the image of the country as a whole. India exploited these events to optimum in portraying disturbing picture of Kashmir. Their sinister media which is otherwise on the look out to find an opportunity to tarnish image of Pakistan branded these events an exploitation of rights of Kashmiris. Pakistan attaches an immense affection with the people of Kashmir residing both sides of Line of Control and this bond is reciprocated with equal affinity and respect. It was the violent nature of few myopic elements which provided an opportunity to India to equate these events to IIOJ&K which is confronted with massive human rights violations by Indian occupation forces. India’s ridiculous attempt to portray these protests was an absurd effort devoid of facts on ground.

 Despite irrational demands of protesters (later conceded), government of AJK and govt of Pakistan resorted to a logical and pragmatic approach to handle violent mobs. The Prime Minister of Pakistan announced a relief package worth Rs. 23 Bn for AJK. A substantial decrease in the prices flour from Rs. 3100 to Rs. 2000/ 40 Kgs is a major relief extended to the people of AJK. Similarly, electricity prices have also been reduced substantially and in accordance with the demand of people. In line with people’s demand, a Judicial Commission is also being set up to review perks of high-ranking officials. These measures of government have resulted into calling of agitation by protesters. The life in AJK has returned to normal leaving few lessons to be learnt.

 The mainstream political leadership of AJk was found absent from the scene which raises serious question as protesters were left to the whims of local leaders belonging to different parts of AJK. These leaders supported by their respective factions could not reach to a consensus solution which delayed the settlement of the issue. Seasoned politicians like Sardar Atiq ur Rehman, Raja Farooq Haider etc could have played a more positive and effective role instead of leaving protesters at the mercy of their local leaders. The absence of leading political leaders is meaningful and leaves a question mark on their role in addressing critical issues of local populace.

 The use of force by protesters was a disturbing factor which resonated extremist tendencies in our society. This was a repeat of 9th May vandalism which goes unchecked till now. Use of force remains the prerogative of State and at the same time state extends all out efforts to find an amicable solution in line with interest of contesting parties. Violence is, by no means, an expected norm and it cannot be justified at any pretext. The writ of the state is supreme and while enforcement of this, basic right to a peaceful protest is to be respected too. It is imperative to understand that such events are prone to exploitation by 5th Columnist to meet their heinous agenda of creating rifts between State and its people.

 Another concerning aspect of this episode was role of our media which failed to exercise its editorial check in highlighting vociferous images intensifying the commotion between LEAs and protestors. Occasional irresponsible reporting created concerns across the country and foreign hostile media exploited these images in their favour. The country is passing through a critical juncture where we are looking forward to FDIs. Such events are crucial for our pursuits in reviving our depleted economy. We cannot afford to generate a negative impression when IMF team is busy in concluding its package and is sceptic on internal instability.

These unfortunate events, by no means, can be considered a divisive factor for Pakistan’s resolve to extend comfort to Kashmiri people. Pakistan’s unflinching dedication to Kashmiri cause can never be deterred with these happenings and any effort to create a rift in the bond will meet an utter failure. It is imperative to learn lessons from these events and take appropriate measures to obviate chances of repetition of such disturbing events providing fodder to anti Pakistan elements.

The author is an independent researcher who writes on issues con­cerning national and region­al security, focusing on matters having critical impact in these milieus. She can be reached at

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Date of release, models, and costs of the iPhone 16You should be aware of this iPhone leak: Fresh features, fresh look, and more

A glimpse of IPhone 16

The arrival of the iPhone is rapidly approaching, which is fantastic news for owners of iPhones.

Display production is about to get underway, according to a tweet from display asnalyst Ross Young. According to him, Apple would begin producing screens for the iPhone series in June.

In September 2024, Apple will make the iPhone announcement. It is anticipated that the market will be released on or around September 20.

IPhone 16 pre-launch

The iPhone 16 series will be unveiled at an event in September.

Models and Costs:
The iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Plus, and iPhone (16) Pro Max are the four models in the iPhone 16 lineup.

It is anticipated that prices will not change from earlier iPhone models.

Camera and Display: Newly disclosed reports indicate that the iPhone Pro variants would sport bigger displays, measuring 6.3 inches and 6.9 inches.

To facilitate spatial video recording, the camera arrangement will shift to a vertical configuration.

A 5X telephoto and 48MP ultra-wide camera will be featured on the iPhone Pro.

Features: A brand-new “Capture Button” for instantaneous photo or video capture.

3nm devices offer better performance and longer battery life.

iOS 18 with generative AI features will power the iPhone .

Production: The iPhone series’ display manufacturing is scheduled to begin in June. The iPhone Pro and base model will be produced in the largest quantities.

Production is on track for a September launch, and the supply chain is aware of Apple’s schedule.

Know more….


Samsung releases the Galaxy Ring, one step ahead of Apple! Ring was first displayed in acrylic for security concerns, but it might be released this year.

With the release of its most recent invention, the Galaxy Ring, Samsung Electronics has created quite a stir in the tech community. This elegant wearable that resembles a ring has the potential to completely change the wearable technology market and put Samsung ahead of its rivals, most notably Apple.

The Galaxy Ring, which made its debut on February 26 at the esteemed Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, Spain, represents a major advancement in wearable technology. Samsung promises that the Galaxy Ring will revolutionize the smart device market when it launches it for general public later this year, despite the device’s initial display being in acrylic due to security concerns.

Jesse Baird: A policeman has been charged with the murder of a missing Sydney couple

A 28-year-old police officer has been charged with murdering missing Australian TV personality Jesse Baird and his boyfriend Luke Davies.

Detectives launched a frantic search on Wednesday after the couple’s bloodied items were found in a bin near Sydney. Beaumont Lamarre-Condon, Baird’s ex-boyfriend, was being sought by police and handed himself in on Friday. Detectives say they are yet to locate the men’s bodies or confirm their cause of death.

Police allege the couple were killed on Monday inside Jesse Baird’s house in Paddington, an inner Sydney suburb, before their bodies were moved in a white van. Witnesses told investigators they heard “shouting” and a “verbal argument” that morning, and the rented van was captured at the scene on CCTV footage that evening. The van was found in Sydney’s south on Friday morning.

New South Wales Police have said a bullet matching Beaumont Lamarre-Condon’s work-issued gun was found at the crime scene in Paddington, as was a “significant” amount of blood and upturned furniture. He did not turn up to work on Tuesday, but the senior constable’s gun was later located in a safe at a police station, Det Supt Daniel Doherty told reporters.

Police have also seized blood-stained clothes, a phone and credit cards from an industrial bin in Cronulla, 28km (17 miles) away from the crime scene, and a number of items from a house in Balmain.

Det Supt Doherty said Beaumont Lamarre-Condon was also believed to have travelled to Newcastle – 170km north of the crime scene – at some point after the alleged killings.

He did not turn up to work on Tuesday, but the senior constable’s gun was later located in a safe at a police station, Det Supt Daniel Doherty told reporters. Police have also seized blood-stained clothes, a phone and credit cards from an industrial bin in Cronulla, 28km (17 miles) away from the crime scene, and a number of items from a house in Balmain.Det Supt Doherty said Beaumont Lamarre-Condon was also believed to have travelled to Newcastle – 170km north of t he crime scene – at some point after the alleged killings.