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Mpox: “There is no reason to fear,” a senior official insists, as the PM issues orders to halt the spread.

Following the confirmation of the first case of monkeypox in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), the federal government has urged the public to remain calm and avoid panic, highlighting the low mortality rate associated with the virus. The Prime Minister’s Coordinator on National Health Services, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad, assured that the situation is under control and that the government has implemented a comprehensive strategy to safeguard citizens from the virus.

Dr. Ahmad addressed a press conference on August 17, 2024, to provide an update on the outbreak and the government’s response. He emphasized that the detected case in Pakistan is isolated and that the overall risk remains low. According to Dr. Ahmad, the virus has been detected in 99,000 people globally, with only 200 deaths reported and the remainder of patients having recovered. He stressed that there is no need for widespread fear as the virus’s impact remains manageable.

The confirmed case in KP involved an individual who recently returned from the Gulf region. In response, the authorities have taken immediate action by isolating the affected person’s family members to prevent further spread. Dr. Ahmad highlighted that the government has established a thorough strategy to protect public health, including enhanced surveillance and screening measures at all points of entry.

Travelers arriving from Africa, the United States (US), and the Gulf countries will undergo screening as part of these measures. Dr. Ahmad noted that diagnostic laboratories for monkeypox have been set up across provinces and the federal capital to facilitate timely detection and response. This proactive approach aims to identify and manage cases swiftly and reduce the risk of an outbreak.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the federal and provincial governments are working closely to address the situation. The Prime Minister has emphasized the importance of strict monitoring and has ordered comprehensive surveillance at all airports, ports, and borders. The Border Health Services (BHS) have been instructed to enhance their oversight and ensure rigorous screening procedures are in place.

Dr. Ahmad also provided information on the symptoms of monkeypox, noting that they can take 10 to 15 days to manifest. He advised individuals with travel history or symptoms of the virus to isolate themselves and seek medical advice promptly. He stressed that spending extended periods in close contact with an infected person increases the risk of transmission and recommended quarantining patients to prevent further spread.

During an emergency meeting chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the government reiterated its commitment to controlling the outbreak. The Prime Minister acknowledged the World Health Organization’s (WHO) designation of monkeypox as a global public health emergency and highlighted the need for rigorous monitoring to prevent the virus from spreading further. He underscored the importance of maintaining vigilance and adhering to public health protocols.

Monkeypox is related to the smallpox virus, which has been eradicated, but the current form of the virus poses new challenges due to its increased transmissibility through close contact. The WHO has raised concerns about the ease with which this new variant spreads, citing recent outbreaks in Africa and the detection of a case in Sweden as indicators of its expanding reach beyond the continent.

The NDMA and health authorities are focusing on preventive measures and public awareness to manage the monkeypox situation effectively. The government’s comprehensive strategy and continuous monitoring are aimed at mitigating the impact of the virus and ensuring the safety and well-being of the population. As the situation evolves, the collaboration between federal and provincial authorities will be crucial in controlling the spread of monkeypox and addressing any emerging challenges.

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Unlocking Success: How Amazon’s Latest AI Tools Are Transforming E-Commerce

Qamar Shahzad
E-Commerce Expert | Founder/ CEO of Brands Focused

As someone deeply immersed in the world of Amazon, I’ve seen firsthand how artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping e-commerce. Amazon’s new AI tools are more than just tech upgrades—they’re game changers for anyone serious about selling online. Let me walk you through how these tools are making waves and what they mean for sellers and shoppers alike.

One of the most noticeable changes is in how Amazon suggests products. The new AI algorithms analyze your shopping habits and preferences to offer recommendations that hit the mark. A 2023 study by McKinsey shows that personalized recommendations can boost a retailer’s revenue by up to 30%. This isn’t about random suggestions anymore; it’s about delivering recommendations that feel like they were made just for you.

For sellers, Amazon’s AI tools are like having a high-powered assistant. The advanced analytics now available dig deep into consumer data and forecast trends with impressive accuracy. According to Forrester Research, businesses using these AI insights have seen a 15% boost in sales conversions. This means sellers can predict what’s going to be hot and stock up accordingly, rather than relying on guesswork.

Amazon’s AI also tackles pricing with real-time adjustments. The system continuously monitors market conditions, competitor prices, and customer demand to adjust prices dynamically. PwC’s 2024 survey highlights that 40% of e-commerce companies using AI for pricing have seen better profit margins. This feature helps sellers stay competitive and capitalize on market opportunities without manual price tweaks.

AI-powered chatbots are another big leap forward. These aren’t just basic bots—they’re advanced systems that handle customer queries with a human-like touch. Gartner’s 2023 report indicates that AI chatbots can resolve up to 80% of routine inquiries. This means faster, more efficient service, and a better overall customer experience.

Inventory management has also gotten a major upgrade. Amazon’s AI tools predict stock needs by analyzing sales patterns and market trends. Deloitte’s 2024 study shows that companies using AI for inventory management cut excess stock by 25% and reduced stockouts by 30%. This predictive capability helps sellers avoid the pitfalls of overstocking and stock shortages.

What’s exciting is that these advanced tools are available to sellers of all sizes. Previously, only the big players could afford such technology. Now, smaller sellers can also benefit from AI-driven market analysis and inventory management. Small Business Trends’ 2023 survey found that 60% of small businesses using AI tools reported increased competitiveness and market share.

Finally, AI is changing how brands engage with consumers. Personalized experiences are becoming the norm, and they’re driving higher engagement and sales. Adobe’s 2024 report found that personalized shopping experiences can boost customer retention by up to 25%. This shows how AI is not just enhancing the shopping experience but also building stronger customer relationships.

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Cultural Diplomacy: Celebrating Shared Heritage Between Pakistan and Iran

By Abid Ali Narejo

In a world where political and economic interests often dominate international relations, the soft power of cultural diplomacy remains an underutilized yet potent tool for fostering mutual understanding and strengthening ties between nations. The relationship between Pakistan and Iran is one such example where shared cultural heritage can serve as a bridge to deeper cooperation and friendship. Both countries, rooted in centuries of history, culture, and tradition, have a rich and intertwined past that offers a solid foundation for building a future of peace, collaboration, and mutual respect.

The Historical Tapestry of Pakistan-Iran Relations

The cultural connections between Pakistan and Iran stretch back to ancient times, long before the modern borders of these two nations were drawn. The Persian Empire, which at its zenith covered vast areas of the modern-day Middle East and South Asia, has had a profound influence on the region’s culture, language, art, and architecture. Persian, the language of the empire, was the lingua franca of the courts, scholars, and poets across South Asia, including what is now Pakistan. This linguistic and cultural influence is evident in the works of classical poets like Amir Khusro and Allama Iqbal, whose poetry continues to resonate in both countries.

The shared heritage is not limited to language and literature. The architectural marvels of the Mughal era, such as the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore and the gardens of Shalimar, bear testament to the Persian influence on South Asian art and architecture. These historical landmarks are not just symbols of a shared past but also serve as reminders of the cultural synergies that have shaped the identity of both nations.

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The Role of Sufism in Connecting Hearts and Minds

One of the most profound cultural connections between Pakistan and Iran lies in the spiritual domain. Sufism, the mystical dimension of Islam, has flourished in both countries, with revered saints and scholars like Hazrat Sultan Bahoo in Pakistan and Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili in Iran playing pivotal roles in spreading the message of love, tolerance, and unity. The teachings of these Sufi saints, rooted in the values of compassion and brotherhood, continue to inspire millions in both countries.

The annual Urs celebrations at the shrines of Sufi saints in Pakistan and Iran are more than just religious events; they are cultural festivals that bring people together, transcending borders and fostering a sense of shared spiritual heritage. These events provide an opportunity for the two nations to celebrate their common values and strengthen the bonds of friendship through cultural exchange and mutual respect.

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The Power of Cultural Diplomacy in Modern Times

In the contemporary world, where geopolitical tensions often strain international relations, cultural diplomacy offers a pathway to peace and understanding. For Pakistan and Iran, leveraging their shared cultural heritage can play a crucial role in overcoming political and economic challenges and fostering a positive image of bilateral relations.
Cultural exchange programs, academic collaborations, and joint artistic endeavors can serve as platforms for dialogue and cooperation. For instance, student exchange programs between Pakistani and Iranian universities can help young people from both countries learn about each other’s cultures, histories, and perspectives, thereby fostering mutual respect and understanding. Similarly, collaborative efforts in the fields of literature, music, and cinema can promote a deeper appreciation of the rich cultural tapestry that both nations share.
One of the most promising areas of cultural diplomacy is the promotion of Persian language and literature in Pakistan and Urdu in Iran. Establishing cultural centers in major cities, where language courses, literary seminars, and cultural events can be organized, would not only enhance cultural understanding but also revive the historical ties that once connected the two regions.

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Promoting Tourism and Cultural Heritage

Tourism is another avenue through which cultural diplomacy can be effectively practiced. Pakistan and Iran, both rich in historical sites and natural beauty, have the potential to attract tourists interested in exploring their shared heritage. Collaborative efforts to promote cultural tourism, such as organizing heritage tours that trace the historical connections between the two countries, can boost economic ties while also fostering people-to-people contact.
Iran’s stunning architectural wonders, such as the ancient city of Persepolis, and Pakistan’s majestic Mughal-era monuments offer a unique opportunity for cultural tourism that highlights the shared history of the two nations. By promoting joint tourism initiatives, Pakistan and Iran can showcase their cultural richness to the world while also deepening bilateral ties.

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The Role of Media in Shaping Cultural Narratives

The media, as a powerful tool of communication, has a significant role to play in cultural diplomacy. Positive media coverage of each other’s culture, history, and people can counteract negative stereotypes and foster a more nuanced understanding of bilateral relations. Joint media productions, such as documentaries, television programs, and films that highlight the shared cultural heritage, can reach a wide audience and contribute to a more positive image of Pakistan-Iran relations.
Social media platforms also offer a contemporary space for cultural diplomacy, allowing citizens of both countries to engage directly with one another, share cultural experiences, and build connections beyond official channels. By encouraging digital cultural exchanges, both nations can engage younger generations and ensure that the shared heritage continues to play a vital role in their relationship.
Looking Forward: A Vision for Enhanced Cultural Cooperation

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As Pakistan and Iran navigate the complexities of modern geopolitics, cultural diplomacy offers a timeless and effective means of strengthening their relationship. By celebrating their shared heritage, both countries can not only enhance mutual understanding but also build a partnership that goes beyond political and economic interests. This partnership, rooted in a common cultural foundation, can serve as a model for peaceful coexistence and cooperation in a region often marked by conflict and tension.
The path forward for Pakistan and Iran lies in embracing their shared history, celebrating their cultural ties, and using the power of cultural diplomacy to foster a future of collaboration and friendship. In doing so, both nations can contribute to regional stability and global peace, setting an example of how cultural connections can bridge divides and create lasting bonds between nations.

By Abid Ali Narejo
Ms Scholar author of several articles
Readers can reach at

559700 8891392 updates 1

NDMA problems flash flood warning with forecasts of heavy rain in some areas of the nation

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued a flash flood warning in response to severe weather forecasts predicting heavy rains across several regions of Pakistan. This warning is particularly focused on Sindh, South Punjab, and Balochistan, where meteorological reports indicate significant rainfall over the coming days. The NDMA’s proactive measures aim to mitigate potential impacts and ensure public safety amid the anticipated extreme weather conditions.

The weather forecasts suggest that the affected regions will experience substantial rainfall, which poses a heightened risk of flash floods. Sindh, South Punjab, and Balochistan are expected to see intense downpours, with some areas potentially receiving rainfalls that could surpass typical seasonal levels. The NDMA’s flash flood warning highlights the urgency of the situation and the need for preparedness to prevent or minimize damage and loss of life.

The heavy rains are likely to cause rapid water accumulation in low-lying areas, rivers, and streams, leading to flash floods. Such conditions can result in significant disruptions, including damage to infrastructure, displacement of communities, and potential hazards to agricultural activities. The NDMA’s warning is aimed at alerting residents and local authorities to take precautionary measures and prepare for possible emergencies.

In response to the NDMA’s flash flood warning, several precautionary measures and response strategies have been recommended:

  1. Local authorities are advised to develop and implement evacuation plans for vulnerable areas. This includes identifying safe zones and establishing evacuation routes to ensure the swift and orderly movement of people away from flood-prone regions.
  2. Emergency services are instructed to remain on high alert and be prepared for rapid deployment. This includes teams equipped to handle search and rescue operations, medical emergencies, and the provision of relief supplies.
  3. The NDMA emphasizes the importance of public awareness and education regarding flood risks. Residents are encouraged to stay informed through reliable sources, such as weather updates and alerts from local authorities, and to follow safety guidelines issued by disaster management agencies.
  4. Authorities are advised to inspect and reinforce critical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and drainage systems, to prevent or mitigate potential damage. Ensuring that drainage systems are clear and functioning effectively is crucial in managing excessive rainfall and reducing the risk of flooding.
  5. Coordination with national and international relief agencies is essential for providing timely assistance and resources. Relief agencies will play a vital role in delivering aid, including food, medical supplies, and temporary shelters, to affected communities.

The regions of Sindh, South Punjab, and Balochistan are historically vulnerable to flooding due to their geographical and climatic conditions. Seasonal monsoon rains and occasional intense weather events often result in flooding, which can have devastating effects on communities and infrastructure. The NDMA’s warning and response efforts are informed by previous experiences and aim to build on lessons learned to improve resilience and preparedness.

Sindh frequently faces challenges related to flooding during the monsoon season, with low-lying areas being particularly susceptible to water accumulation and flooding. South Punjab is also prone to flooding due to the region’s topography and the presence of various river systems. Balochistan’s rugged terrain and limited drainage infrastructure make it vulnerable to flash floods, especially during heavy rainfall events.

The NDMA will continue to monitor weather conditions and coordinate with local authorities to assess the situation and adjust response strategies as needed. Ongoing weather updates and alerts will be crucial in managing the impact of the heavy rains and ensuring that communities are prepared and protected.

The NDMA’s flash flood warning for Sindh, South Punjab, and Balochistan highlights the significant risks associated with the forecasted heavy rains. Through coordinated efforts, public awareness, and precautionary measures, the goal is to minimize the potential impact of the floods and ensure the safety and well-being of affected populations. As the situation evolves, continued vigilance and preparedness will be essential in addressing the challenges posed by extreme weather conditions.

559698 2060932 updates

NASA Delivers Essential Supplies to Astronauts Stranded in Space

NASA has successfully delivered food, medical supplies, and other essential items to astronauts stranded in space. The mission, which underscores the complexities and challenges of space travel, highlights NASA’s ability to address critical needs and maintain the well-being of astronauts in orbit.

The situation arose when a technical malfunction aboard a spacecraft left astronauts stranded on the International Space Station (ISS) longer than initially planned. The malfunction, which impacted the spacecraft’s propulsion system, rendered the vehicle unable to return to Earth as scheduled. This unexpected development created an urgent need for additional supplies to sustain the crew until a solution could be implemented.

The astronauts aboard the ISS faced challenges related to food supplies, medical needs, and equipment maintenance. NASA, in collaboration with international partners and private space agencies, swiftly mobilized resources to address these issues and ensure the astronauts’ safety and operational efficiency.

NASA’s response involved a multi-faceted approach to ensure that the necessary supplies reached the ISS promptly and safely. Key elements of the mission included:

A dedicated cargo resupply mission was launched to deliver critical supplies to the ISS. This mission involved a spacecraft equipped with a range of items, including food, medical supplies, and technical equipment. The spacecraft was meticulously prepared and tested to ensure it could handle the complexities of space delivery.

The resupply mission was supported by international space agencies, including the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). This collaboration enhanced the mission’s capabilities and demonstrated the global commitment to space exploration and astronaut safety.

The spacecraft’s docking with the ISS required precise navigation and coordination. Advanced docking systems and real-time communication between ground control and the astronauts were crucial in ensuring a successful and secure docking procedure.

The cargo delivered to the ISS included a range of essential items:

A variety of nutritious food items were included to sustain the astronauts. This included both ready-to-eat meals and ingredients for more diverse culinary options, aimed at providing the crew with a balanced diet and maintaining their morale.

A comprehensive selection of medical supplies was included to address any potential health issues or emergencies. This included medications, first aid kits, and specialized equipment for medical procedures.

The resupply mission also carried technical equipment and tools necessary for the maintenance and repair of the ISS. This equipment was crucial for ensuring that the station continued to operate efficiently and safely.

To support the astronauts’ well-being, personal items such as entertainment media, hygiene products, and comfort items were also included. These items were intended to help maintain the crew’s mental health and provide a sense of normalcy.

The successful delivery of supplies to the ISS marks a significant achievement in space logistics and demonstrates NASA’s commitment to astronaut safety and mission success. The operation highlights the importance of preparedness and adaptability in space missions, especially when dealing with unforeseen challenges.

The mission provides valuable insights into the logistics of space resupply operations. This experience will inform future missions and improve the efficiency and reliability of space cargo delivery systems.

The collaborative effort underscores the importance of international partnerships in space exploration. Future missions will benefit from the established protocols and cooperative frameworks demonstrated in this operation.

The mission’s success is a testament to the advancements in space technology, including spacecraft design, docking systems, and supply chain management. Continued innovation in these areas will enhance the capabilities of future space missions.

NASA’s successful delivery of essential supplies to astronauts stranded in space represents a pivotal moment in space exploration. The mission showcases the agency’s ability to respond effectively to emergencies and ensure the well-being of astronauts. As space exploration continues to advance, the lessons learned from this operation will play a crucial role in shaping the future of human spaceflight and international collaboration in space.

559620 6435033 updates

Gold reaches a record high amid rising global markets.

In a remarkable turn of events, gold prices have reached an all-time high amid a global market surge. This unprecedented rise in gold’s value is reflective of broader economic trends and investor sentiments that are reshaping financial landscapes worldwide. The record-breaking gold prices have captured significant attention from both investors and market analysts, underscoring a shift in economic dynamics.

Surge in Gold Prices

Gold has traditionally been viewed as a safe-haven asset, and its price has historically surged during times of economic uncertainty or volatility. However, the current record high is attributed to a confluence of factors beyond the usual economic turbulence. As of the latest reports, gold prices have exceeded previous highs, driven by a mix of strong investor demand and a favorable macroeconomic environment.

Factors Driving the Surge

  1. Economic Uncertainty: Global economic instability and geopolitical tensions have fueled demand for gold as a secure investment. Recent developments in various regions have heightened concerns among investors, prompting a rush to gold as a protective measure.
  2. Inflation Concerns: Persistent inflationary pressures across major economies have further boosted gold’s appeal. Investors often turn to gold to hedge against inflation, and the current economic climate has intensified this trend. Central banks’ monetary policies and rising consumer prices have both contributed to gold’s ascendant trajectory.
  3. Currency Fluctuations: Fluctuations in major currencies, particularly the US dollar, have also impacted gold prices. A weaker dollar often drives up gold prices, as the precious metal becomes cheaper for investors holding other currencies. Recent currency market movements have played a role in gold’s record-setting performance.
  4. Investment Trends: The shift in investment patterns, with a growing preference for tangible assets over digital or speculative investments, has also supported gold’s rise. Investment funds and institutions have increased their allocations to gold, further driving up prices.

Global Market Impact

The surge in gold prices has had a notable impact on global markets. Stock markets have shown a mixed response, with some indices benefiting from the overall positive economic sentiment, while others have experienced volatility. The broader financial market trends reflect a complex interplay of factors, including investor behavior, economic policies, and geopolitical events.

Market Reactions

  1. Stock Markets: While gold prices have soared, stock markets have responded with a combination of optimism and caution. Positive economic data and corporate earnings reports have contributed to gains in equity markets, but concerns about inflation and interest rates have introduced elements of volatility.
  2. Commodity Markets: Beyond gold, other commodity markets have also experienced fluctuations. The rise in gold prices has influenced investor behavior in various commodity sectors, with some commodities benefiting from the broader economic trends while others face pressures.
  3. Currency Markets: The currency markets have been dynamic, with significant movements in exchange rates reflecting the shifting economic conditions. The relationship between currency fluctuations and commodity prices remains a key area of interest for investors and analysts.

Future Outlook

The record high in gold prices prompts questions about future trends and sustainability. While the current economic conditions have driven gold to unprecedented levels, several factors could influence its trajectory moving forward.

  1. Economic Policies: Central banks’ monetary policies and fiscal measures will play a crucial role in shaping gold’s future performance. Changes in interest rates, inflation targets, and economic stimulus measures will impact investor behavior and gold prices.
  2. Geopolitical Developments: Ongoing geopolitical tensions and international trade dynamics will also influence gold’s market position. Investors will continue to monitor global events and their potential effects on economic stability and gold’s appeal.
  3. Investor Sentiment: The evolving sentiment among investors, influenced by economic data and market developments, will affect gold’s performance. As market conditions change, gold’s status as a safe-haven asset will be tested.

The record high in gold prices is a significant milestone in the financial markets, reflecting a complex interplay of economic factors, investor behavior, and global trends. As the situation continues to evolve, gold will remain a focal point for investors and analysts alike, offering insights into broader economic and financial dynamics.

559632 8674235 updates

Nationwide Doctors’ Strike in India: A Response to the Brutal Rape of a Fellow Medic

In India, a nationwide doctors’ strike has emerged as a significant response to a recent brutal incident involving a fellow medic. The strike, driven by outrage and solidarity, has severely disrupted hospital services across the country. The catalyst for this unprecedented action was the reported rape of a young female doctor, an event that has ignited widespread protests within the medical community.

The tragic incident, which occurred in a major Indian city, has shocked the nation and highlighted severe concerns about safety and justice for medical professionals. The victim, a resident doctor, was attacked in a manner that has been described as both violent and degrading. This assault has not only devastated the medical community but has also raised alarm about the security of healthcare workers who are often seen as vulnerable in their work environments.

In response to the attack, doctors from various states have initiated a strike, demanding immediate action from the government. Their demands include enhanced security measures within hospitals, stricter laws and enforcement against perpetrators of sexual violence, and adequate support systems for victims. The strike has seen the participation of thousands of doctors, including those in both public and private hospitals, effectively halting many medical services.

The impact of the strike on the healthcare system has been substantial. Routine services, emergency care, and elective procedures have been severely affected, with many hospitals struggling to manage patient care amidst the workforce shortage. Patients have been forced to seek alternative treatment options, and there have been reports of delays in critical care.

The government’s response to the strike has been a mix of condemnation of the violence and promises of action. Authorities have assured that an investigation into the assault is underway and have pledged to enhance security measures in hospitals. Additionally, there have been discussions about legislative changes to better protect healthcare workers and to provide them with more robust support systems.

Despite these assurances, the strike has continued as doctors remain unconvinced by the government’s initial responses. The medical community is calling for a more comprehensive and immediate plan to address their concerns. They argue that the safety of healthcare workers should be a priority and that the current measures are insufficient to prevent future incidents.

The strike has also garnered widespread public support, with various advocacy groups and individuals expressing solidarity with the medical professionals. This support has been instrumental in maintaining the momentum of the strike and in amplifying the demands for systemic change.

As the situation evolves, it remains to be seen how the government will respond to the ongoing demands of the medical community. The incident has highlighted significant issues related to the safety and security of healthcare workers in India, and it is clear that substantial reforms are needed to address these challenges effectively.

In the meantime, the strike continues to disrupt hospital services, and the broader impact on the healthcare system and patient care remains a critical concern. The ongoing protests and the government’s response will be crucial in determining how swiftly and effectively these issues are resolved.

559621 3503757 updates

Turkish Parliament Erupts in Brawl Over Ousted MP, Leaving Two Injured and Session Suspended

A dramatic altercation erupted in the Turkish Parliament recently, resulting in a 30-minute brawl that left at least two lawmakers injured and forced the suspension of the legislative session. The violent confrontation was triggered by the controversial ousting of a Member of Parliament (MP), highlighting the intense political tensions that have been simmering within the country’s legislative body.

The incident began during a heated debate concerning the removal of the MP, whose expulsion has been a contentious issue in Turkish politics. As the debate intensified, arguments between members of opposing political factions quickly escalated into a physical confrontation. The chaos that ensued was characterized by shouting, pushing, and shoving, with several MPs involved in the fracas.

Witnesses described a scene of utter disarray, with lawmakers grappling and throwing objects as the situation spiraled out of control. Security personnel and parliamentary staff attempted to intervene, but their efforts were largely ineffective in restoring order. The brawl was marked by its intensity, with at least two lawmakers sustaining injuries during the clash. Their injuries ranged from minor bruises to more significant wounds, requiring medical attention.

The confrontation forced the suspension of the parliamentary session, leaving unfinished legislative business and casting a shadow over the day’s proceedings. The suspension was a blow to the legislative agenda, as the Parliament had been scheduled to address several important issues, including proposed reforms and national policy matters. The disruption has sparked concerns about the ability of Turkey’s legislative body to conduct its business effectively amid rising political discord.

The ousted MP at the center of the controversy had been a polarizing figure in Turkish politics. His expulsion had been debated for weeks, with various factions within the Parliament voicing strong opinions on the matter. Supporters of the MP argued that his removal was politically motivated and an infringement on democratic processes, while opponents contended that his actions warranted his removal.

The incident underscores the deepening political divisions in Turkey, where tensions between various political factions have been increasingly pronounced. The country has faced significant political turmoil in recent years, with debates over governance, corruption, and democratic norms becoming increasingly heated. The brawl in Parliament is a stark reminder of the fractious nature of Turkish politics and the challenges faced by the country’s democratic institutions.

In the wake of the brawl, there have been calls for a thorough investigation into the incident. Political leaders from across the spectrum have condemned the violence, emphasizing the need for a return to civility and respect within the legislative process. However, there are also concerns that the brawl may further polarize an already divided political landscape, making it even more difficult to address the pressing issues facing the country.

The Turkish Parliament’s response to the incident will be closely scrutinized, with many observing whether the legislative body will take steps to prevent such occurrences in the future. Measures to improve security and establish clearer protocols for handling disputes are likely to be discussed as the Parliament seeks to restore order and credibility.

The brawl has also attracted significant media attention, both within Turkey and internationally. Coverage of the incident highlights the ongoing challenges facing Turkey’s democratic institutions and the broader implications for the country’s political stability. The incident serves as a stark illustration of the volatile nature of Turkish politics and the difficulties in achieving consensus amid entrenched divisions.

As the Turkish Parliament grapples with the aftermath of the brawl, there will likely be continued debate and scrutiny over the conduct of lawmakers and the state of the country’s political environment. The incident has raised questions about the future of Turkey’s legislative processes and the ability of its institutions to manage conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.

The brawl in the Turkish Parliament over the ousting of an MP has underscored the deep-seated political tensions in the country. With at least two lawmakers injured and the parliamentary session suspended, the incident highlights the urgent need for dialogue and reform to address the challenges facing Turkey’s democratic institutions. The aftermath of the brawl will be closely watched, as the country seeks to navigate its political divisions and restore stability within its legislative body.

559680 9395491 updates 1

Sadiq Khan claims that strict social media laws are necessary to put an end to anti-Muslim sentiment.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has called for stricter regulations on social media platforms to combat the rise of Islamophobia and racial hatred, which he attributes to the inflammatory rhetoric of right-wing politicians and media outlets. In a recent interview, Khan criticized Conservative and far-right politicians for their use of extremist language that has fueled racial tensions, leading to riots across the UK. He specifically pointed to the former Conservative Home Secretary and Reform Party leaders, who have made derogatory statements about Muslims, contributing to an environment of fear and division.

Khan expressed concern over the impact of these statements on social media, where disinformation and hate speech have been rapidly amplified. He emphasized that while the social media regulation passed last year was a step in the right direction, it has not been fully implemented, leaving gaps that allow for the spread of harmful content. Khan called for an urgent review of these regulations to ensure they are fit for purpose, stressing the need for immediate action to curb the spread of lies and hatred online.

The London Mayor praised Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s handling of the recent riots, noting that over 1,000 arrests had been made and that the government had taken a tough stance against those involved in the violence. However, he insisted that more needs to be done to protect vulnerable communities, particularly Muslims, who have been targeted by far-right groups.

Khan’s comments came during a visit to The Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre in west London, where he met with mosque leaders to discuss the security measures being taken in response to the riots. He announced additional funding for security training sessions at mosques across the capital and welcomed the reopening of the Government’s Mosque Security Scheme. This initiative, which provides rapid security support to buildings vulnerable to hate crimes, has been bolstered by the government’s Protective Security for Mosques Scheme, with up to £29.4 million allocated to fund security at mosques and Muslim faith schools.

The Mayor also highlighted the importance of community cohesion in tackling hate crimes and announced new partnerships with grassroots organizations to provide support and safety advice to Muslim communities. He reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring the safety of all Londoners, stating that London stands united against racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism.

Khan’s call for tougher social media regulations reflects growing concerns about the role of online platforms in spreading hate speech and disinformation. As incidents of racial and religious violence increase, there is mounting pressure on social media companies and governments to take more decisive action to address these issues. Khan’s proactive stance on this issue underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to tackling hate crimes and ensuring the safety and security of all communities in London.

559678 4330308 updates

Climate-Driven Poverty Fuels Rise of ‘Monsoon Brides’ in Pakistan

In Pakistan’s Sindh province, the intersection of extreme weather and economic insecurity is driving a disturbing rise in child marriages, particularly during the monsoon season. This trend, labeled “monsoon brides,” has seen young girls married off by families struggling to survive in the face of devastating floods and climate change impacts.

The 2022 floods, which submerged a third of the country, displaced millions, and destroyed crops, have exacerbated poverty in rural areas like Dadu district. Families in these communities, unable to recover financially, are increasingly resorting to marrying off their daughters in exchange for money. This practice has seen a significant spike, with 45 underage girls married in just one village since the last monsoon season.

These marriages are often seen by desperate families as a means of survival, but they bring a harsh reality for the girls involved. For instance, 14-year-old Shamila and her 13-year-old sister Amina were married off to much older men in the hope of securing financial stability. However, these marriages often result in further hardship, as the girls face poverty and lack basic necessities even after marriage.

The practice of child marriage had been declining in Pakistan, but the increase in climate-driven disasters has reversed this trend. The legal age for marriage varies across regions in Pakistan, but enforcement is weak, particularly in rural areas. Despite efforts by NGOs like Sujag Sansar to combat this issue, many girls are still being pushed into early marriages as a survival strategy.

This situation underscores the broader issue of how climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, exacerbating existing inequalities and driving harmful practices like child marriage .

559696 2928491 updates 1

Hundreds evacuated as forest fire rages in Turkey

A severe forest fire has been raging in the Aegean resort city of Izmir, Turkey, forcing hundreds of people to evacuate. The fire began on Thursday in the Karsiyaka district and has since spread to residential areas, damaging 16 buildings and leading to the evacuation of five neighborhoods. Authorities evacuated around 900 residents as strong winds pushed the flames further, making firefighting efforts extremely challenging.

The fire, which has already affected approximately 1,600 hectares (3,900 acres) of land, continues to be fought with two planes and eleven helicopters. However, efforts were hampered earlier by winds blowing at 50 km/h (30 mph), preventing the use of water-bombing aircraft. Reinforcements, including military personnel, have been brought in from other cities to assist with containment.

In addition to the Izmir fire, six other forest fires are currently burning across Turkey, including in Bolu and Aydin. The fires are part of a broader pattern of extreme weather events exacerbated by climate change, which has led to more frequent and intense heatwaves and wildfires.

The situation remains critical, with authorities urging residents to stay alert as firefighting efforts continue.

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Elections will be held in IIOJK five years after Modi ended its autonomy.

For the first time in five years, voters in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) will head to the polls on September 18, marking a significant moment in the region’s recent history. Nearly nine million voters are expected to cast their ballots in what will be the first election since the Indian government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, revoked the region’s semi-autonomous status in August 2019.

The upcoming election in IIOJK is a momentous event, as it will be the first time that the region’s residents will have the opportunity to vote since the controversial decision to revoke Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. This article had granted Jammu and Kashmir a special status, allowing it to have its own constitution, a separate flag, and autonomy over internal matters except for defense, communications, and foreign affairs.

The revocation of Article 370 in 2019 was met with widespread protests and condemnation, both within the region and internationally. The decision was followed by a heavy security crackdown, mass detentions, and a communication blackout that lasted several months. The region was also bifurcated into two Union Territories—Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh—directly governed by New Delhi. The move was seen by many as an attempt to integrate the Muslim-majority region more tightly into India, a strategy that has been met with significant resistance from the local population.

In the years since, the region has experienced heightened tensions, with frequent clashes between Indian security forces and local militants, as well as civil unrest. The absence of a local government has also left many residents feeling disenfranchised, as they have had little say in the governance of their region. The upcoming election, therefore, is being closely watched as it represents a potential turning point for the region.

The election process itself is likely to be fraught with challenges. Security concerns remain high, with the Indian government expected to deploy additional troops to ensure that the election proceeds smoothly. There is also a significant level of distrust among the local population, many of whom view the election as a means for the Indian government to legitimize its control over the region.

Moreover, there are concerns about voter turnout. The region has seen a significant decline in voter participation in recent years, with many residents choosing to boycott elections as a form of protest against Indian rule. The upcoming election will be a test of whether the government can win back the trust of the local population and encourage them to participate in the democratic process.

Political parties in the region are also facing a challenging environment. Many of the region’s traditional political leaders were detained in the wake of the 2019 decision, and while some have since been released, the political landscape has been significantly altered. New political alliances have formed, and the election is likely to be a battleground for competing visions of the region’s future.

The election will also be a test for the Indian government, which has repeatedly stated that the revocation of Article 370 was necessary to bring stability and development to the region. Critics, however, argue that the government’s actions have only deepened the region’s problems, and the election will be an opportunity for the people of IIOJK to express their views on the matter.

International observers will also be watching the election closely. The situation in IIOJK has been a point of contention between India and Pakistan, both of which claim the region in its entirety. The international community has expressed concern over human rights violations in the region, and the upcoming election will be seen as a measure of the Indian government’s commitment to democratic principles in the region.

As nearly nine million voters prepare to cast their ballots on September 18, the election in IIOJK represents more than just a return to the electoral process—it is a significant moment in the ongoing struggle for the region’s future. Whether it will lead to greater stability and democratic governance remains to be seen, but it is clear that the outcome will have far-reaching implications for the region and beyond.

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Introducing Muhammad Hasnain, the 11-year-old robotics prodigy from Karachi.

As the nation celebrates its heroes this August, including Arshad Nadeem’s historic gold medal win at the Olympics, another rising star deserves recognition before the month ends: 11-year-old Muhammad Hasnain from Karachi. This exceptional young boy has astounded everyone by creating an AI assistant robot at such a young age, showcasing his extraordinary talent in robotics and programming. His journey from a curious child to a robotics prodigy is a story that resonates with inspiration and potential, highlighting the future of technology in Pakistan.

Muhammad Hasnain, hailing from Saadi Town, Karachi, has named his AI assistant “Muhammad Ali,” after the legendary boxer who was known for his quick wit and sharp intellect. This robot, which activates by voice command, is a testament to Hasnain’s ingenuity, passion for modern technology, and relentless pursuit of knowledge. At just 11 years old, Hasnain has managed to create something that many adults would find challenging, demonstrating not only his skill but also his deep understanding of AI and robotics.

Hasnain’s journey into the world of robotics began two years ago when he enrolled in a beginner’s robotics course at the Imam Hussain Institute, located in Scheme 33, Karachi. The course, designed to introduce young minds to the basics of robotics, ignited a spark in Hasnain that has since grown into a blazing passion. Over the past two years, he has explored both game development and robotics, constantly pushing the boundaries of what he can achieve.

The creation of his AI assistant robot, Muhammad Ali, marks the culmination of this journey as his final project for the summer course. The robot, which is connected to his laptop, listens, processes, and responds to voice commands, much like a human assistant. It was an ambitious project for someone so young, but Hasnain’s dedication and determination saw it through to completion.

When asked about his interest in robotics, Hasnain explained, “I first explored robotics two years back. I was fascinated. It was a beginner’s course, so I decided to get myself trained this year again. This [AI assistant] was my final project for the summer course.” His words reflect not only his passion but also his drive to continuously improve and learn more.

During a visit to his home, Hasnain eagerly demonstrated how the robot works and interacts with people. “First, he listens and processes, then he answers just like humans do. It’s connected to my laptop, and since I did his programming, he gets activated when I call out his name, Muhammad Ali. The programming window prompts that he is listening and processing, and after that, he talks and completes the task,” Hasnain proudly shared.

The robot’s capabilities, while simple on the surface, are a reflection of Hasnain’s deep understanding of programming and robotics. The fact that an 11-year-old could design and build such a system speaks volumes about his potential. This achievement is not just a personal triumph for Hasnain but also a significant moment for Pakistan’s burgeoning tech scene.

Muhammad Hasnain’s accomplishment is a shining example of the incredible potential that lies within Pakistan’s youth. In a country where access to advanced technology and education is still developing, stories like Hasnain’s serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His work in robotics at such a young age is not only inspiring but also indicative of the bright future that awaits him in the field of technology.

As Pakistan continues to celebrate its heroes this August, from athletes to innovators, Muhammad Hasnain’s name certainly deserves a place among them. His story is a reminder that age is no barrier to achievement, and that with passion, determination, and the right support, young minds can accomplish truly extraordinary things. In a world where technology is rapidly advancing, young innovators like Hasnain are the ones who will shape the future. His journey is just beginning, and it will be exciting to see what this young prodigy accomplishes next.

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Indian doctors push for nationwide shutdown after horrific rape of medic

The horrific rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor in Kolkata has sent shockwaves throughout India, prompting a nationwide shutdown of hospital services. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has announced a 24-hour strike, starting Saturday, where most hospital departments will be closed except for emergency services. This drastic measure is a testament to the outrage and frustration felt by doctors across the country, who are demanding justice and better protection for healthcare workers, especially women.

The incident has sparked widespread protests, with thousands of people taking to the streets to demand justice for the victim and her family. The public outcry has been immense, with many expressing their anger and disgust at the heinous crime. The medical community, in particular, is rallying together to demand systemic changes that will ensure the safety and security of healthcare workers. The IMA has called for the establishment of protective committees for healthcare workers and better safety measures, including increased security and surveillance in hospitals.

Political leaders have also weighed in on the issue, with West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressing support for the protest and vowing to confront rising violence against women. The Chief Minister has promised to take swift action to ensure that those responsible for the crime are brought to justice. As the protests continue, it is clear that this incident has struck a chord across India, highlighting the need for greater protection and support for healthcare workers, particularly women. The shutdown of hospital services is a powerful statement of the medical community’s determination to push for change and ensure that such a horrific incident never happens again.

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EU health body raises mpox risk alert level after new strain found in Sweden

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has raised the mpox risk alert level after a new strain of the virus was discovered in Sweden. This development has sparked concerns about the potential for increased transmission and severity of the disease. The new strain’s characteristics and implications are being closely monitored by health authorities to assess the level of risk it poses.

Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral disease that can cause a range of symptoms, including fever, headache, chills, physical weakness, lymph node swelling, a distinct rash, and back pain. The virus can be transmitted through close contact with infected animals or people, or by touching materials contaminated with the virus. The risk of transmission can be mitigated by taking precautions such as isolating oneself, avoiding contact with immunocompromised individuals, maintaining good respiratory and hand hygiene, and abstaining from sexual activity until the rash heals completely.

The discovery of the new strain in Sweden has prompted health authorities to reiterate the importance of vaccination against mpox. Vaccination provides protection against the disease, and treatment is primarily symptomatic and supportive. Health authorities are working to contain the spread of the virus and are urging individuals to take precautions to protect themselves and others.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control’s decision to raise the risk alert level reflects the potential for the new strain to spread and cause severe illness. Health authorities are closely monitoring the situation and will provide updates as more information becomes available. In the meantime, individuals are advised to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of mpox.

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UNICEF urges action as rising heat threatens children’s health, well-being

UNICEF has issued a stark warning about the devastating impact of rising temperatures on children’s health and well-being. As the world grapples with increasingly frequent and severe heatwaves, UNICEF stresses that children are disproportionately vulnerable to heat stress due to their smaller bodies, faster heart rates, and inability to regulate body temperature as efficiently as adults.

The consequences of heat stress can be dire, leading to malnutrition, heat-related illnesses, and even death. Moreover, prolonged exposure to extreme heat can have long-term consequences for children’s brain development and learning abilities. UNICEF’s warning comes as the number of extremely hot days continues to rise globally, with children facing twice as many heatwaves as their grandparents did in the 1960s.

The Asia-Pacific region is particularly affected, with 243 million children exposed to hotter and longer heatwaves, putting them at risk of heat-related illnesses and death. UNICEF urges governments to take immediate action to reduce emissions, protect children’s health and well-being, and empower children with education and skills to adapt to climate change.

Furthermore, UNICEF calls for global cooperation to address the far-reaching impacts of climate change on children’s health, education, and well-being. The organization emphasizes the need for urgent action to protect children from rising heat, including providing access to clean water, shade, and cool spaces, as well as implementing policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. By working together, we can ensure that children are protected from the devastating consequences of rising temperatures and can thrive in a changing world.

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Three monkeypox cases ‘confirmed’ in Pakistan

Three cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in Pakistan, with two cases reported in Islamabad and one case in Karachi. The initial case was identified in a traveler who had recently returned from Saudi Arabia and exhibited symptoms of the disease. Following this, health officials intensified their efforts to identify and contain any potential spread of the disease.

Fortunately, Pakistani health officials have reported that there is no evidence of local transmission, suggesting that the cases may be isolated and linked to international travel. Nevertheless, airports and health facilities have been put on high alert to prevent disease transmission. Health officials have also initiated contact tracing and intensified surveillance efforts to prevent the spread of the disease.

Monkeypox is a viral infection that can be transmitted through direct contact with infected bodily fluids, respiratory droplets, or indirect contact with lesion material. The symptoms of monkeypox typically appear 6-16 days after exposure and may include fever, headache, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, chills, exhaustion, and a distinctive rash. In severe cases, monkeypox can lead to complications, particularly for children, pregnant people, and those with weak immune systems.

The confirmation of monkeypox cases in Pakistan highlights the need for continued vigilance and cooperation between health authorities, healthcare providers, and the public to prevent the spread of the disease. By working together, it is possible to contain outbreaks and protect public health.

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Mpox reported in Pakistan: How dangerous is it?

The recent reporting of mpox in Pakistan has raised concerns about the potential spread of the disease. Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, is a viral infection that can cause a range of symptoms, from mild to severe. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, highlighting the need for vigilance and prompt action.

In Pakistan, the situation is being closely monitored, and health authorities are working to contain the spread of the disease. However, the exact number of cases and the current situation are not publicly available. Mpox can spread from person to person through direct contact with infectious skin or other lesions, as well as through respiratory droplets and contaminated objects. This makes it essential for individuals to take precautions to prevent transmission.

The symptoms of mpox can vary, but they often include a rash, fever, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy, and swollen lymph nodes. In severe cases, mpox can lead to complications, particularly for children, pregnant people, and those with weak immune systems. Therefore, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately if symptoms persist or worsen over time.

Prevention is key in controlling the spread of mpox. Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the disease, especially for high-risk groups such as health workers, men who have sex with men, and people with multiple sex partners. Additionally, practicing good hygiene, avoiding close contact with infected individuals, and wearing protective gear can reduce the risk of transmission.

Treatment for mpox focuses on managing symptoms, preventing complications, and supporting the immune system. Antiviral medications and vaccines may be administered, and patients may require isolation to prevent further transmission. It is essential to follow the guidance of healthcare professionals and public health authorities to ensure effective management and containment of the disease.

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Internet firewall could cost economy $300m, says software houses association

The introduction of an internet firewall could have a profound impact on the economy, with estimates suggesting a cost of $300 million. This significant expense has raised concerns among industry experts, who are weighing the potential security benefits against the economic costs. While an internet firewall could provide robust protection against cyberattacks and malware, the financial burden of implementation and maintenance may be too great for some businesses to bear.

The software houses association has sounded the alarm, warning that the economic costs of an internet firewall could be devastating. The association represents a broad range of businesses, from small startups to large corporations, all of which could be affected by the introduction of an internet firewall. With the economic landscape already uncertain, the added expense of an internet firewall could be a tipping point for some businesses.

Despite the potential economic costs, there are valid arguments in favor of implementing an internet firewall. In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is a pressing concern, and an internet firewall could provide a vital layer of protection against cyber threats. Small businesses, in particular, can benefit from implementing firewalls, with options including Perimeter 81, Cisco Firepower Threat Defense, Cisco Meraki MX, WatchGuard Firebox, and Barracuda CloudGen Firewall.

However, the implementation of an internet firewall is no small task. It requires significant investment and planning, including the installation of hardware and software, as well as ongoing maintenance and updates. For some businesses, the technical expertise and resources required to implement an internet firewall may be a barrier to adoption. As the debate continues, one thing is clear: the introduction of an internet firewall is a complex issue with far-reaching economic and security implications.

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The Dawn of a Greener Pakistan

By Soha Nisar

As Pakistan celebrates its 77th Independence Day, the air is filled with fervor, pride, and nostalgia. Yet, amidst the discussions on debt, inflation, and corruption, a critical issue remains conspicuously absent: climate change. While the nation immerses itself in the festivities, it is imperative that we redirect some of our attention to this existential threat that looms larger than ever. Ranked as the fifth most vulnerable country on the Global Climate Risk Index, Pakistan is grappling with environmental crises that are being overshadowed by immediate economic concerns.

A Call to Action on Independence Day

August 14 is more than just a day to celebrate our national pride; it is a moment to pause and consider the formidable challenges that lie ahead, with climate change at the top of the list. Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate change is undeniable, and the nation’s future prosperity is inextricably linked to how effectively we respond to this global crisis.

The devastating floods of August 2022 serve as a grim reminder of climate change’s impact on our homeland. The Post Disaster Needs Assessment report highlighted an economic toll that is nothing short of catastrophic—Rs3.2 trillion in damages and Rs3.5 trillion required for recovery. These floods, aggravated by heatwaves, melting glaciers, and unsustainable land use, are not mere acts of nature but a direct result of human-induced climate change. Their repercussions on public health, agriculture, water resources, and economic stability underscore the urgency of the situation. Pakistan can no longer afford to be a passive observer in this battle.

Progress and Paradoxes

In response to these unprecedented challenges, Pakistan has made notable strides. The Pakistan Climate Change Act of 2017, the National Climate Change Policy, and various regulatory measures signal a commitment to addressing environmental issues. The government’s pledge to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 and initiatives like the Ten Billion Tree Tsunami and the Clean Green Pakistan campaign are commendable. The judiciary has also played a pivotal role by expanding the interpretation of constitutional rights to include the right to a healthy environment.

Yet, despite these efforts, the reality on the ground paints a different picture. The impact of these policies remains largely invisible in the daily lives of our citizens. The 2022 floods starkly exposed the vulnerabilities in our infrastructure and the inadequacies in our preparedness. Clearly, more decisive action is needed—and it is needed urgently.

The Funding Conundrum

One of the most formidable challenges in implementing our climate policies is attracting the necessary funding. Despite a growing global focus on climate investments, Pakistan has struggled to secure adequate climate financing. An evaluation by the Asian Development Bank revealed that Pakistan has received the least amount of climate financing among comparable countries over the past decade. This shortfall is alarming, as achieving our climate goals under the Paris Agreement requires significant financial resources. Creating a more favorable investment climate for climate-aligned projects and aligning our policies with global climate objectives is not just desirable—it is essential.

A New Frontier: ESG Compliance

Pakistan’s adherence to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is another area where we lag significantly. Ranked 161st globally in ESG compliance, it is evident that we must intensify our efforts. Incorporating ESG principles into our corporate and financial sectors is not merely about improving global rankings; it is about ensuring long-term sustainability, resilience, and societal well-being. The guidelines from the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan and the State Bank of Pakistan are steps in the right direction, but they must be implemented rigorously and consistently.

Renewable Energy: A Beacon of Hope

Amid the challenges, Pakistan’s renewable energy sector offers a glimmer of hope. With a focus on wind and solar power, we are gradually moving towards a more sustainable energy landscape. However, this journey is fraught with obstacles—high fuel costs, dependency on imports, and outdated infrastructure continue to impede progress. The International Monetary Fund and other global organizations have emphasized the importance of green innovation in reducing emissions and stimulating economic growth. For Pakistan, this means supporting not only large-scale projects but also smaller, scalable ventures that can make a tangible difference.

The Bigger Picture: Climate Change as a Socio-Economic Issue

It is crucial to recognize that climate change is not just an environmental issue; it is a socio-economic one that permeates every facet of our lives. The textile industry, a significant contributor to our GDP, is under immense pressure to comply with emerging global sustainability regulations. Failure to do so could lead to substantial trade losses, particularly in markets like Germany, where environmental compliance is increasingly critical. By prioritizing sustainability, we not only safeguard our environment but also enhance our competitiveness in the global market.

A Collective Effort for a Greener Future

Navigating these complex challenges requires more than just government action. It demands a collective effort from all sectors of society. Businesses must embrace ESG principles, citizens must adopt more sustainable lifestyles, and the international community must support our efforts through increased climate financing.

On this Independence Day, let us reflect on what true independence means in the context of climate change. It is about securing our future by taking bold, innovative actions today. It is about understanding that we are all in this together and that the consequences of inaction will be felt by every one of us. As a nation, we possess the resilience and ingenuity to overcome these challenges, but we must act decisively—and we must act now.

A Vision for the Future

The road ahead is undoubtedly challenging, but it is a road we must travel. By prioritizing climate action, we can ensure that future generations inherit a Pakistan that is not only free but also green, prosperous, and sustainable. Let this Independence Day be a turning point—a day when we reaffirm our commitment to protecting our environment and securing a better future for all. In the words of Rabindranath Tagore, “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.” It is time for us to harmonize our actions with the needs of our planet, ensuring that the dawn of a greener Pakistan is not just a dream, but a reality.

The writer is a policy analyst and a researcher currently working at SDPI. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy from King’s College London. The views expressed in this article are those of the author, Soha Nisar, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any organization.

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National Stadium Karachi’s new design unveiled as revamping underway

The National Stadium Karachi’s new design has been unveiled, marking a significant milestone in the stadium’s revamping process. The renovation plan is part of the Pakistan Cricket Board’s (PCB) efforts to upgrade the country’s cricket infrastructure ahead of the 2025 ICC Champions Trophy.

The new design features a modern and sleek aesthetic, with a focus on improving the overall spectator experience. A new building will be constructed in front of the main stadium, housing VIP boxes, a gallery, media boxes, and family boxes for players. The two dressing rooms may also be relocated to this new building, providing teams with state-of-the-art facilities.

One of the most notable features of the new design is the installation of a roof across the entire stadium structure. This will be done during the second phase of construction, ensuring that spectators are protected from the elements. The renovation plan is divided into two phases, with the first phase to be completed before the 2025 Champions Trophy and the second phase to follow the conclusion of the ICC event.

The PCB has allocated a substantial budget of Rs 12.80 billion for the infrastructure upgrade of the National Stadium and two other venues. This investment underscores the board’s commitment to providing world-class facilities for international cricket events. With the National Stadium set to host the ICC Champions Trophy in 2025, along with the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore and the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium, the revamping of the stadium is crucial for showcasing Pakistan’s capabilities as a host nation.

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Champions Trophy 2025: BCCI secy says no decision yet on India’s participation

The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has not yet made a decision on India’s participation in the Champions Trophy 2025, scheduled to take place in Pakistan from February to March 2025. This uncertainty stems from concerns about the security situation in Pakistan, which has been a longstanding issue for the Indian team.

India’s sports minister, Anurag Thakur, has expressed his apprehensions about sending the team to Pakistan, citing past incidents where teams have been attacked. The 2009 terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore is a stark reminder of the risks involved. As a result, the BCCI is considering alternative venues for India’s matches, with Sri Lanka and Dubai being potential options.

The strained political relations between India and Pakistan have further complicated the situation. India has not played cricket in Pakistan since the 2008 Asia Cup, and their last bilateral series was held in India from December 2012 to January 2013. The Indian government’s approval is crucial for the team’s participation in the Champions Trophy 2025, according to BCCI Vice-President Rajeev Shukla.

The BCCI will likely engage in discussions with the International Cricket Council (ICC) to explore options for India’s participation in the tournament. However, the decision ultimately rests with the Indian government, which will assess the security situation and political climate before giving its approval. The uncertainty surrounding India’s participation has added a layer of complexity to the Champions Trophy 2025, with fans eagerly awaiting a decision.

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Basit Ali Slams ICC for Retaining Babar Azam as Top ODI Batte

Former Pakistani cricketer Basit Ali has vehemently criticized the International Cricket Council (ICC) for maintaining Babar Azam’s position as the number one ODI batter. Despite not having played an ODI match since November 2023, Babar continues to hold the top spot with 824 rating points. Basit Ali’s criticism stems from the fact that Babar’s last ODI appearance was during the 2023 World Cup, where he failed to score a single century. In contrast, players like Virat Kohli and Travis Head had impressive performances, finishing with multiple centuries.

Basit Ali’s skepticism about the legitimacy of the ICC rankings has sparked a heated debate. He questioned the ICC’s decision to keep Babar at the top, suggesting that it might be a deliberate attempt to hinder his performance. The former cricketer’s comments have ignited a discussion about the accuracy and fairness of the ICC rankings. Many experts and fans have joined the conversation, sharing their opinions on social media and cricket forums.

Babar Azam’s performance in the 2023 ODI World Cup was decent, but not spectacular. He scored 320 runs, including four fifties, from nine matches at an average of 40. However, his recent form has been a topic of discussion, with some critics arguing that he doesn’t deserve the number one spot. The debate has gained momentum, with many calling for a reassessment of the ICC rankings.

Meanwhile, Shubman Gill’s impressive performances in recent ODIs have made him a strong contender for the top spot in ODI batting rankings. He currently holds the second spot in the ICC rankings for ODI batsmen with 814 points, trailing Babar Azam by just 43 rating points. The Indian batter’s rise has added fuel to the debate, with many arguing that he deserves the number one spot. As the discussion continues, cricket fans eagerly await the next ICC rankings update, hoping for a more accurate reflection of the players’ performances.


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Nasa, Bloomberg backed group to launch its first methane-hunting satellite

A groundbreaking initiative to combat climate change is underway, as a NASA and Bloomberg-backed group prepares to launch its first methane-hunting satellite. The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) has developed MethaneSAT, a cutting-edge satellite designed to track methane emissions from oil and gas companies worldwide. This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of methane leaks and hold companies accountable for their environmental impact.

MethaneSAT is set to collect data on methane emissions from 300 targets worldwide, circling the Earth 15 times a day. The satellite’s first images are expected in early summer, with publicly available data to follow later this year. This transparency will enable regulators, investors, and the public to identify and address methane leaks, driving meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

The Carbon Mapper nonprofit organization is also launching a satellite program to pinpoint methane and CO2 super emitters. With support from NASA, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Bezos Earth Fund, Carbon Mapper aims to improve our understanding of global methane and carbon dioxide emissions. Their satellite constellation will be developed in three phases, with the first two satellites planned to launch in 2023.

These initiatives mark a significant step forward in the fight against climate change. By harnessing advanced technology and collaboration, we can accelerate reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and create a more sustainable future. The launch of MethaneSAT and Carbon Mapper’s satellite program demonstrates the power of innovation and partnership in addressing the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.

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Scientists pinpoint dino-killing asteroid’s origin: past Jupiter

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery about the origin of the asteroid that led to the demise of the dinosaurs. After conducting extensive research, they have pinpointed the asteroid’s origin to a region beyond Jupiter’s orbit. This finding sheds new light on the events that unfolded 66 million years ago, when the massive asteroid struck Earth, resulting in the Chicxulub crater and the subsequent mass extinction event.

The asteroid, estimated to be over six miles wide, was a C-type asteroid, also known as a carbonaceous asteroid, which formed in the outer solar system. This type of asteroid is rich in organic materials and water, and its impact would have had a profound effect on the Earth’s ecosystem. The researchers used a novel approach to determine the asteroid’s origin, analyzing the chemical makeup of sediments found at the K-Pg boundary, the geological layer formed after the impact.

By examining the ruthenium isotopes present in the sediments, the scientists were able to trace the asteroid’s origin to a region beyond Jupiter’s orbit. Ruthenium isotopes are rare on Earth but prevalent among asteroids, making them an ideal marker for tracking the asteroid’s journey. This discovery has significant implications for our understanding of the asteroid’s composition and its potential to deliver water and organic materials to Earth.

The finding also highlights the importance of continued research into asteroid origins and trajectories. By understanding where asteroids come from and how they move through our solar system, scientists can better assess future threats and develop strategies for preventing similar catastrophes. The discovery of the dino-killing asteroid’s origin is a major breakthrough in the field of astrobiology and has far-reaching implications for our understanding of the Earth’s history and the potential for life beyond our planet.

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Freelancers decry internet slowdown in Pakistan

Freelancers in Pakistan are facing unprecedented challenges due to the recent internet slowdown in the country. The situation has become increasingly dire, with many freelance professionals struggling to maintain their livelihoods. The internet disruptions have resulted in a significant loss of revenue, with estimates suggesting that the freelance community has lost over $1.3 million in just a short period.

The internet slowdown has had a devastating impact on freelance workers, who rely heavily on fast and reliable connectivity to complete their tasks. Many have faced denial of orders, resulting in lost revenue and impacting their ability to support themselves and their families. The situation is particularly concerning, as the freelance community contributes substantially to Pakistan’s economy. The loss of revenue not only affects individual freelancers but also has a broader impact on the country’s economic growth.

The internet slowdown has seen speeds plummet by 30 to 40 percent, creating a chaotic situation for businesses and individuals who rely heavily on fast and reliable connectivity. The impact is not limited to freelancers; call centers, e-commerce professionals, the online working class, and those who manage electronic-related businesses are also struggling to maintain their operations. The slowdown has disrupted the normal functioning of these businesses, leading to lost productivity and revenue.

If the situation continues, many businesses may consider migrating their operations to other countries, leading to a mass exodus of businesses from Pakistan. This would have severe consequences for the country’s economy, leading to a loss of foreign exchange earnings and a decline in economic growth. The government and relevant authorities must take immediate action to address the internet slowdown and ensure that the country’s digital infrastructure is robust and reliable. Only then can freelance professionals and businesses operate effectively, contributing to the country’s economic development.

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Pakistan ‘completes second trial of firewall’ amid internet slowdown

Pakistan has completed the second trial of its controversial firewall, a move that has been linked to the recent internet slowdown in the country. The trial’s completion comes as a relief to many, as internet services are expected to return to normal within the next three days. However, the installation of the firewall has sparked widespread criticism from internet users and digital rights activists, who argue that it disrupts digital platforms and slows internet speed.

The firewall was installed on internet service providers possessing deep packet inspection capability, allowing for greater surveillance and control over online activity. This move has raised concerns about censorship, privacy, and freedom of expression. Many fear that the firewall will be used to block access to certain websites, monitor online activity, and stifle dissenting voices.

The impact of the firewall on digital platforms has been significant, with many users reporting slow internet speeds and difficulty accessing certain websites. This has had a knock-on effect on businesses and individuals who rely on the internet for their work, causing frustration and economic losses. The installation of the firewall has also sparked legal action, with a case filed at the Islamabad High Court challenging its implementation.

Despite the government’s assurances that the firewall is necessary for national security, many remain skeptical about its true intentions. The lack of transparency and consultation with stakeholders has only added to the concerns. As Pakistan navigates the complexities of internet governance, it is essential to strike a balance between security concerns and individual freedoms. The government must ensure that any measures taken to regulate the internet are proportionate, transparent, and in line with international human rights standards.

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LHC irked over state counsel’s ‘lack of knowledge’ on internet disruptions

The Lahore High Court (LHC) has expressed strong dissatisfaction with the state counsel’s apparent lack of knowledge and seriousness regarding the widespread internet disruptions across Pakistan. During a recent hearing, LHC Justice Shakil Ahmad voiced his concerns, emphasizing that this is a matter of significant public interest.

Internet users across Pakistan have been experiencing disruptions, including difficulties sending or receiving messages on popular networking apps such as WhatsApp and Instagram. The disruptions have caused inconvenience and frustration among the public, highlighting the need for prompt action to address the issue.

The LHC’s criticism of the state counsel’s handling of the matter underscores the urgency of the situation. Justice Ahmad’s remarks suggest that the court expects a more informed and proactive approach from the state counsel in addressing the internet disruptions. The court’s intervention demonstrates its commitment to ensuring that the public’s interests are protected and that the government takes necessary steps to resolve the issue.

In response to the court’s concerns, the government has sought a report from the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) and other relevant institutions to address the internet disruption. This move indicates that the government is taking steps to investigate and resolve the issue. However, the PTA’s initial response, stating that they are “assessing the issue,” may be seen as inadequate, given the widespread impact of the disruptions. The IT ministry is expected to provide further information, which may shed more light on the causes of the disruptions and the measures being taken to address them.

Overall, the LHC’s intervention highlights the need for effective communication and coordination between government institutions, regulatory bodies, and the public to resolve issues like internet disruptions. The government’s response will be closely watched, as the public expects prompt action to restore uninterrupted internet services.

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Arshad Nadeem Makes History: Pakistan’s Javelin Thrower Shatters Olympic Record

Arshad Nadeem, Pakistan’s talented javelin thrower, has made history by shattering the Olympic record with a remarkable throw of 92.97 meters in the men’s javelin event at the Paris Olympics. This outstanding feat not only cements Nadeem’s position as a world-class athlete but also marks a milestone for Pakistani sports.

Nadeem’s journey to the top has been nothing short of remarkable. He became the first Pakistani to qualify for the final of any track and field event in Olympic history, a testament to his dedication and perseverance. His previous achievements, including a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games with a personal best throw of 90.18 meters and a silver medal at the World Championships, have consistently demonstrated his potential to excel on the global stage.

The rivalry between Nadeem and India’s Neeraj Chopra, who was aiming to defend his Olympic title from Tokyo 2020, added an extra layer of excitement to the competition. Nadeem’s victory over Chopra is a significant achievement, showcasing his skill and mental toughness under pressure.

Nadeem’s record-breaking throw has sent shockwaves of excitement throughout Pakistan, with fans and fellow athletes alike celebrating his triumph. His achievement has created a sense of national pride, highlighting the potential of Pakistani athletes to shine on the world stage. As Nadeem continues to push boundaries and defy expectations, he inspires a new generation of athletes to follow in his footsteps.

The impact of Nadeem’s victory extends beyond the realm of sports, symbolizing hope and resilience for a nation that has faced numerous challenges. His success serves as a reminder that, with determination and hard work, anything is possible, regardless of one’s background or circumstances.

Arshad Nadeem’s Olympic record-breaking throw is a momentous occasion for Pakistan and the world of athletics. His achievement will be remembered for years to come, inspiring countless individuals to strive for excellence and push beyond their limits.

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Pakistani Footballer Abdullah Iqbal Acquired by Sweden’s Mjällby AIF

The Swedish top-tier club has secured Iqbal’s services from Denmark’s B93 club for a substantial transfer fee of €200,000. The official announcement of the transfer is anticipated later this week, marking a major milestone for the 27-year-old defender.

Iqbal’s acquisition by Mjällby AIF comes as a notable advancement in his professional journey. Having played 14 international matches for Pakistan, Iqbal has showcased his capabilities on the global stage. His experience includes leading the national team as captain in two international fixtures, demonstrating his leadership and defensive skills.

Mjällby AIF, founded in 1939, is a respected name in Swedish football with a history of nurturing notable talent. The club has previously been home to prominent Swedish players such as Christian Wilhelmsson and Mattias Asper. Mjällby AIF is known for its commitment to developing young talent, which is evident from its recent achievement of having the youngest team in the Allsvenskan, Sweden’s top football league, in 2022. Four of the club’s players even made it to the U-21 national team that year.

The Swedish club operates with a turnover of approximately SEK 50 million and boasts a membership base of around 1,100 individuals. This solid financial and community foundation provides a robust platform for Iqbal to further develop his skills and make an impact in Swedish football.

Iqbal’s move to Mjällby AIF is expected to enhance the club’s defensive lineup and contribute to their competitive edge in the Allsvenskan. The transfer not only highlights Iqbal’s growing reputation but also strengthens the connection between Pakistani footballers and European leagues.

As the footballing world awaits the official confirmation, Iqbal’s transition to Swedish football is anticipated to be a significant boost to both his career and the visibility of Pakistani players in international football.