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Pakistan ‘not to seek US backing’ for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif Vows to Address Political Reservations on Operation Azm-e-Istehkam in Parliament

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif has stated that reservations regarding Operation Azm-e-Istehkam will be thoroughly addressed and discussed within the parliament. In an interview with a US media outlet, Asif emphasized that Pakistan will not seek US support for the newly launched operation aimed at eradicating militancy within the country.

Asif clarified that the decision to initiate Operation Azm-e-Istehkam was not made hastily but was a response to a significant increase in terrorist incidents across Pakistan. The Central Apex Committee on the National Action Plan (NAP) approved the operation last Saturday, marking a reinvigorated national counter-terrorism effort.

However, the operation has faced opposition from several political parties, including the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), who have demanded that the parliament be taken into confidence. Asif acknowledged this criticism, attributing it to political maneuvering. He asserted that some parties are opposing the military operation for political point scoring rather than genuine concerns.

“Political parties’ reservations on Azm-e-Istehkam will be addressed, and the operation will be discussed in parliament,” Asif affirmed. He added that opposition parties would be briefed on the details of the operation to ensure transparency and consensus. The defence minister suggested that an All Parties Conference (APC) could be convened to build a consensus on the operation.

Asif highlighted the intrinsic link between terrorism and the country’s economic condition, arguing that economic stability cannot be achieved without eliminating terrorism. “How can foreign investment come in if terrorism is not eradicated?” he asked rhetorically. He noted that China, a key economic partner, has expressed concerns about Pakistan’s security situation, emphasizing that an improved security environment would make Pakistan a priority for Chinese investment.

Responding to concerns about potential adverse impacts of the military operation, Asif assured that the scope of Azm-e-Istehkam would be different from past operations and would not result in large-scale displacement of local populations. “Azm-e-Istehkam will not lead to the displacement of local people,” he claimed, aiming to allay fears of a humanitarian crisis.

Asif also addressed the issue of cross-border terrorism, stating that banned outfits operating from Afghan soil pose a significant threat to Pakistan’s security. “Exporting terrorism from Afghan soil to our territory is a clear violation of international law. A party is violating international law and not fulfilling its obligations as a neighbor,” he asserted. He noted that while some elements of the banned outfits are operating within Pakistan, their primary base of operations is across the border.

The defence minister underscored the economic motivations behind the operation, pointing out that Pakistan’s current economic hardships necessitate decisive action against terrorism. He explained that improved security would not only attract foreign investment but also pave the way for economic independence, especially in light of China’s interest in a stable and prosperous Pakistan.

In the interview, Asif reiterated that the government is committed to addressing all political reservations regarding the operation and ensuring that it proceeds with broad-based support. He emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation among political parties to tackle the menace of terrorism effectively. “The operation is being opposed on political grounds, with some parties prioritizing their interests over the country,” he remarked.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif’s statements reflect the government’s determination to press forward with Operation Azm-e-Istehkam despite political opposition. By committing to parliamentary discussions and potentially an All Parties Conference, the government aims to build a unified front against terrorism. Asif’s comments highlight the intertwined nature of security and economic stability, underscoring the need for comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism efforts to secure Pakistan’s future.

551403 8468589 updates

NASA publishes new 3D visualisations of the Pillars of Creation.

NASA’s New 3D Visualization of the Pillars of Creation: A Celestial Masterpiece

NASA has released a groundbreaking 3D visualization of the Pillars of Creation, utilizing data from both the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. This new visualization, heralded as the most comprehensive and detailed multiwavelength movie to date, offers an unprecedented view of these iconic star-forming clouds.

The Pillars of Creation, located in the heart of the Eagle Nebula, first captured the public’s imagination in 1995 when the Hubble Space Telescope revealed their ethereal beauty. These towering structures of gas and dust have since become one of the most recognizable and celebrated images in the realm of astrophotography. The latest visualization, as reported by Science Daily, elevates our understanding and appreciation of these celestial wonders to new heights.

The 3D visualization was developed under NASA’s Universe of Learning program, led by principal visualization scientist Frank Summers of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore. Summers and his team have created a visual experience that allows viewers to virtually fly past and amongst the pillars, providing a unique perspective on their three-dimensional structure. This immersive experience is designed to illustrate how different wavelengths of light—visible through Hubble and infrared through Webb—reveal distinct aspects of the same object.

“By flying past and amongst the pillars, viewers experience their three-dimensional structure and see how they look different in the Hubble visible-light view versus the Webb infrared-light view,” Summers explained. “The contrast helps them understand why we have more than one space telescope to observe different aspects of the same object.”

The Pillars of Creation are primarily composed of cool molecular hydrogen and dust. They are being sculpted by the intense radiation and stellar winds from nearby young, hot stars. These forces erode the pillars, creating their distinctive, finger-like structures that extend into space. Remarkably, some of these structures are larger than our entire solar system, and the tallest pillar stretches across three light-years—a distance that is three-quarters of the way from our Sun to the next nearest star.

Embedded within these towering structures are embryonic stars, which form as the dense gas and dust collapse under their own gravity. These young stars heat the surrounding material, causing it to glow and creating the spectacular, illuminated pillars we see in the Hubble and Webb images. The new 3D visualization allows us to appreciate the complexity and scale of these star-forming regions in a way that static images cannot.

The use of multiwavelength data is crucial in astrophysical studies, as different wavelengths reveal different physical processes and components of celestial objects. Hubble’s visible-light observations highlight the dense, dark regions of the pillars where star formation is occurring. In contrast, Webb’s infrared capabilities penetrate these dusty regions, revealing the stars forming within and behind the clouds.

This ability to see through the dust is one of the reasons why the James Webb Space Telescope is so valuable for studying star formation. Infrared observations can uncover details that are invisible in visible light, providing a more complete picture of the processes at work. By combining data from both telescopes, scientists can gain a deeper understanding of the life cycle of stars and the dynamics of star-forming regions.

The Pillars of Creation are a dynamic laboratory for studying these processes. Over time, the intense radiation from young stars will continue to erode the pillars, dispersing the gas and dust and eventually leading to the formation of new stars and planetary systems. By observing these changes over different wavelengths and timescales, astronomers can piece together the story of how stars and planets form and evolve.

NASA’s new 3D visualization of the Pillars of Creation is not only a scientific achievement but also a visual masterpiece that brings the wonders of the universe closer to us. It reminds us of the incredible beauty and complexity of the cosmos and the importance of continued exploration and discovery. As we look forward to future observations with the James Webb Space Telescope and other advanced instruments, we can anticipate even more breathtaking insights into the universe’s most awe-inspiring phenomena.

551386 3092002 updates

King Charles believes Prince Harry does not exist anymore.

King Charles Sees Prince Harry as a “Non-Existent” Figure Amid Strained Royal Ties

In recent developments, King Charles is reportedly starting to view his son, Prince Harry, as someone who no longer exists within the royal family. This revelation comes from an insider close to the Duke of Sussex, who shared insights with Closer magazine about the increasingly strained relationship between Prince Harry and the rest of the royal family.

The insider began by expressing the depth of Prince Harry’s emotional turmoil, noting, “He continues to be heartbroken and confused by the way he’s being treated by the royals.” This sense of alienation and heartache has been a recurring theme since Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, decided to step back from their royal duties and relocate to the United States.

One of the most poignant aspects of this estrangement is the lack of communication between Prince Harry and his family members. According to the insider, “He’s not getting updates on his father or Kate’s health, and even basic communications are pretty well non-existent.” This communication breakdown signifies a profound rift, making it challenging for Prince Harry to remain connected to his roots and the family he once was an integral part of.

The source went on to describe how this lack of interaction has led Prince Harry to feel as though he is being erased from the family narrative. “It’s as though he doesn’t exist anymore,” the insider remarked, highlighting the sense of invisibility and exclusion that has taken hold. This sentiment underscores the depth of the disconnect between Prince Harry and the royal family, emphasizing the emotional toll it has taken on him.

King Charles’ perception of Prince Harry as a “non-existent” figure points to the severity of the familial discord. While the reasons behind this shift in perception are complex, they are undoubtedly rooted in the turbulent events of the past few years. The couple’s decision to step back from royal duties, their subsequent move to California, and their candid interviews revealing tensions and grievances have all contributed to the widening chasm.

This situation has not only affected Prince Harry but also has implications for the broader royal family dynamics. The lack of updates on family members’ health, such as King Charles or Kate Middleton, speaks volumes about the deteriorating lines of communication. It also reflects a broader sense of disconnection that extends beyond just Prince Harry and affects his relationship with other key figures within the royal circle.

The insider’s revelations also shed light on the broader emotional landscape for Prince Harry. Being treated as though he doesn’t exist is a profound form of emotional exile, and it’s clear that this has deeply affected him. The isolation from his family, coupled with the ongoing media scrutiny, creates a challenging environment for the Duke of Sussex.

In public, King Charles and the royal family have maintained a measured stance regarding Prince Harry and Meghan’s departure and subsequent revelations. However, behind the scenes, it appears that the emotional repercussions are significant. The insider’s comments suggest a deep-seated hurt and confusion on Prince Harry’s part, indicating that reconciliation may be a distant prospect if current dynamics persist.

This evolving narrative of estrangement and emotional distance within the royal family highlights the complexities of familial relationships, particularly under the intense scrutiny of public life. The royal family, often seen as a symbol of unity and tradition, is now grappling with internal divisions that have become increasingly public.

As Prince Harry navigates his new life in the United States, the lack of communication and perceived erasure from the royal family remains a poignant aspect of his journey. His continued heartbreak and confusion, as expressed by the insider, reflect the deep emotional wounds that are yet to heal. The future of his relationship with King Charles and the rest of the royal family remains uncertain, shrouded in the complexities of personal grievances and public expectations.

The insider’s revelations to Closer magazine paint a picture of a royal family grappling with profound internal strife. King Charles’ perceived view of Prince Harry as “non-existent” underscores the deep emotional and communicative rifts that have developed. For Prince Harry, the sense of being erased from his family’s narrative is a source of continued heartache and confusion, highlighting the ongoing challenges in mending these fractured relationships.

551427 1845717 updates

Shaun White reveals plans to travel with Nina Dobrev

Nina Dobrev, well-known for her role in “The Vampire Diaries,” underwent surgery in May following a dirt biking accident. Her boyfriend, Shaun White, a five-time Olympian, has been vocal about his excitement for their upcoming travels once she fully recovers.

In a recent interview with People magazine, White discussed his collaboration with the Aruba Tourism Authority and shared details about their future travel plans. Despite Dobrev’s current recovery phase, the couple is looking forward to several trips, including a visit to Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympics in July. This trip holds special significance as they plan to cheer on their friends competing in skateboarding and fencing events.

White, 37, expressed his admiration for Dobrev’s commitment to her recovery process. “She’s probably got another week or two and then she’s off crutches which will be really nice,” he said. He added that her dedication to healing has been remarkable, noting that she is even more diligent than he was during his competitive career. “She’s such a trooper. I mean, she really took her recovery so seriously,” White praised.

The accident occurred when Dobrev attempted a wheelie on her bike and lost control, resulting in injuries that required surgery. Since then, she has been meticulously following a recovery regimen, including icing her injuries, taking peptides, and undergoing daily therapy sessions. White highlighted her rigorous approach, emphasizing how quickly she has bounced back due to her determination and hard work.

Their relationship, which has been public since early 2020, appears to be stronger than ever, with White constantly supporting Dobrev through her recovery journey. The couple often shares glimpses of their life together on social media, showcasing their adventures, mutual support, and affection for each other.

The prospect of attending the Paris Olympics is particularly exciting for the couple, as it combines their shared love for sports with the opportunity to explore one of the world’s most iconic cities. White, who has competed in five Olympic Games himself, is undoubtedly familiar with the excitement and grandeur of the event. For Dobrev, this will be a chance to witness the games firsthand and support their friends from the sidelines.

In addition to Paris, White mentioned that they have other destinations on their travel bucket list. While he did not specify all the locations, his partnership with the Aruba Tourism Authority suggests that a trip to the Caribbean island might be in the cards. Known for its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and diverse activities, Aruba could offer the perfect backdrop for Dobrev and White to relax and enjoy some quality time together after her recovery.

The couple’s enthusiasm for traveling highlights their adventurous spirit and love for new experiences. Their shared interests and mutual support system have been evident throughout their relationship, making them one of Hollywood’s beloved couples.

As Dobrev continues her recovery, fans and followers are eagerly awaiting updates on her progress and future adventures with White. Her positive attitude and dedication to healing serve as an inspiration to many, demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity.

For White, Dobrev’s swift recovery is a testament to her strength and determination. He remains a supportive partner, cheering her on every step of the way and planning exciting future endeavors together.

Nina Dobrev’s recovery from her dirt biking accident has been marked by her unwavering dedication and the loving support of her boyfriend, Shaun White. With plans to travel to Paris for the Summer Olympics and other destinations, the couple looks forward to new adventures and shared experiences. Their journey together continues to inspire, showcasing the power of love, resilience, and mutual support in overcoming life’s challenges.

551436 8194807 updates

Matt Damon urges Ben Affleck against salvaging Jennifer Lopez’s marriage.

Matt Damon, widely known for his strong friendship with Ben Affleck, reportedly had reservations about Affleck’s rekindled romance and subsequent marriage to Jennifer Lopez from the beginning. As one of Hollywood’s most recognized and enduring friendships, the bond between Damon and Affleck has always attracted attention. Their partnership has been celebrated ever since their breakout success with “Good Will Hunting.” However, Damon’s concerns about Lopez’s impact on Affleck have now come to light amidst fresh rumors of the couple’s potential split.

Earlier in the year, reports surfaced suggesting that Damon had “serious reservations” about Affleck’s decision to reunite with Lopez. According to sources close to Damon, his worries centered around Lopez’s temperament and the potential strain it could place on Affleck. Despite these concerns, Damon maintained a public facade of support, and any rumors of a feud were seemingly put to rest when Damon and his wife, Luciana Barroso, appeared alongside Lopez and Affleck at the 2024 Golden Globes.

However, with new rumors of trouble in Affleck and Lopez’s marriage making headlines, an insider recently revealed to the Daily Mail that Damon had indeed expressed his concerns to Affleck early on. “Matt tried to warn Ben when he got back together with J Lo that this could happen,” the source disclosed. “Matt was there to help Ben get it together after their first split and he felt like this would happen again.”

The source further explained that as the relationship began to falter, Damon reiterated his support for Affleck while urging him to focus more on his career. “Matt told Ben that he supports whatever choice he makes but wants him to jump in and focus on his work,” the insider claimed. This advice underscores Damon’s belief in the importance of professional stability and personal well-being, a belief likely rooted in his own successful marriage to Barroso.

Damon’s own relationship with Barroso, whom he married in 2005, has often been cited as a model of stability and happiness. This long-standing, drama-free marriage contrasts sharply with Affleck’s more tumultuous romantic history. “Ben has always been in awe of Matt because Matt has had a successful marriage for years,” the source said. This admiration is likely a factor in Affleck’s reliance on Damon’s counsel, especially during times of personal crisis.

The insider went on to describe Damon as “the only real guy friend Ben has,” emphasizing the depth and exclusivity of their friendship. This unique dynamic has allowed Damon to speak candidly to Affleck, even when delivering tough love. One notable piece of advice reportedly given by Damon highlighted a recurring issue in Affleck’s relationships with Lopez: “Ben spent so much time focusing on J Lo’s projects just like he did the first time around. He told Ben, ‘What has she ever done for your career?'”

This question reflects a broader concern about the balance of power and mutual support in Affleck and Lopez’s relationship. While both are hugely successful in their own rights, Damon seems to believe that Affleck’s career could suffer if he prioritizes Lopez’s projects over his own professional aspirations. Damon’s advice suggests a need for Affleck to maintain a sense of individuality and career focus, regardless of his romantic entanglements.

As speculation about Affleck and Lopez’s marriage continues to grow, the insights provided by Damon’s close friendship with Affleck offer a unique perspective on the situation. Damon’s apprehensions, born from a place of genuine concern and historical precedent, highlight the complexities inherent in high-profile relationships. His support and advice underscore the importance of maintaining a balance between personal happiness and professional fulfillment.

Matt Damon’s foresight regarding Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez’s marriage reveals the often-unseen dynamics at play in celebrity relationships. His steadfast friendship and willingness to offer candid advice reflect the depth of his concern for Affleck’s well-being. As Affleck navigates the challenges in his marriage, Damon’s support will likely continue to be a crucial pillar in his life, illustrating the enduring power of genuine friendship amidst the often tumultuous world of Hollywood.

551422 9631203 updates

Michael Jackson drowned in debt, despite his King of Pop popularity.

Michael Jackson, one of the most iconic figures in music history, is someone few would expect to be mired in debt. However, recent reports and court documents have revealed a startling financial reality: when the pop star passed away at the age of 50 on June 25, 2009, he was over $500 million in debt. This revelation sheds new light on the final years of Jackson’s life, marked by financial turmoil and an ambitious but ultimately unfulfilled comeback plan.

On the night before his death, Jackson went through a six-hour dress rehearsal at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. This rehearsal was part of his preparations for the “This Is It” residency at the O2 Arena in London. Scheduled to run from July 2009 to March 2010, these concerts were intended to mark Jackson’s grand return to the stage. He had crafted new songs and practiced their delivery meticulously, aiming to deliver a series of flawless performances that would reestablish his dominance in the music world.

Despite these professional efforts, Jackson’s financial situation was precarious. According to the Los Angeles Times, his extravagant spending habits had led to a debt that was accruing at a rate of $30 million per year. This unsustainable level of expenditure included a wide range of lavish purchases and lifestyle choices that drained his resources significantly.

In 2013, during the wrongful-death trial, certified public accountant William R. Ackerman provided detailed insights into Jackson’s finances. Testifying as a defense witness, Ackerman revealed that Jackson’s spending habits included donations to charity, gifts, travel, art, and furniture. These expenditures painted a picture of a man who, despite his immense earnings, was unable to manage his finances effectively.

One of the key factors contributing to Jackson’s financial woes was his pattern of lavish spending. Known for his love of luxury, Jackson frequently indulged in high-end shopping sprees. He purchased expensive art, antique furniture, and extravagant gifts for friends and family. His generosity extended to charitable donations, reflecting his desire to give back but also adding to his financial strain.

Travel was another significant expense for Jackson. His international lifestyle, frequent tours, and preference for luxury accommodations and private jets all contributed to his mounting debt. These costs, coupled with his other expenditures, created a financial burden that even his substantial earnings could not offset.

The financial strain was further exacerbated by Jackson’s legal battles. He faced numerous lawsuits and settlements, which added to his already substantial debt. These legal challenges not only drained his finances but also contributed to his declining public image and increasing stress levels.

Jackson’s financial situation was a stark contrast to his public persona. Known as the “King of Pop,” he was one of the best-selling music artists of all time, with estimated sales of over 350 million records worldwide. His albums, such as “Thriller,” “Bad,” and “Dangerous,” were monumental successes, and his tours attracted massive audiences globally. Despite these achievements, his inability to manage his finances effectively led to a precarious financial situation that shadowed his final years.

In his attempt to resolve his financial issues, Jackson hoped that the “This Is It” concert series would provide the financial boost he needed. The concerts were highly anticipated and expected to generate significant revenue. However, his untimely death meant that these plans never came to fruition, leaving his financial issues unresolved.

In the years following his death, Jackson’s estate has worked diligently to address his debts and manage his assets. Through strategic releases of his music, posthumous albums, and other ventures, the estate has been able to generate substantial income. This has allowed for the repayment of debts and the stabilization of his financial legacy.

Michael Jackson’s story is a poignant reminder of the complexities and challenges that often accompany immense fame and fortune. Despite his unparalleled success in the music industry, his financial struggles highlight the importance of effective money management and the potential pitfalls of an extravagant lifestyle. As fans remember his extraordinary contributions to music and culture, the revelations about his financial difficulties add a layer of complexity to his legacy, underscoring the human vulnerabilities behind the icon.

551374 8191068 updates

Fourteen Killed as Monsoon Storms Devastate Nepal

Nepal has been struck by a series of devastating monsoon storms, leaving a trail of destruction and claiming the lives of fourteen individuals. The catastrophic weather events began over the weekend, unleashing torrential rains, landslides, and flash floods across various regions of the country. This tragic incident underscores the severe impact of monsoon seasons in Nepal, which often bring with them a perilous combination of heavy rainfall and natural disasters.

The fourteen fatalities occurred in different parts of the country, with some areas being hit harder than others. According to local authorities, the hardest-hit regions include the hilly and mountainous areas, where landslides are a common occurrence during the monsoon season. In the district of Sindhupalchok, three members of a single family lost their lives when a landslide buried their home. In Gorkha district, another landslide swept away a house, killing four people. Similarly, in the Lamjung district, three individuals died after being trapped in their homes by a sudden landslide.

Flash floods have also wreaked havoc in the low-lying Terai region. In the Bardiya district, flooding caused by the swollen Babai River resulted in the deaths of four people. The floods have submerged vast tracts of land, destroyed crops, and displaced hundreds of families. Many homes have been swept away or severely damaged, leaving people without shelter and basic necessities.

The Nepalese government has mobilized emergency response teams to provide aid and support to the affected communities. Rescue operations are ongoing, with authorities working tirelessly to reach those stranded by the floods and landslides. However, the challenging terrain and continuous rainfall have hampered rescue efforts, making it difficult to access remote areas and deliver essential supplies.

Nepal’s Home Ministry has reported that several highways and roads have been blocked by landslides, further complicating rescue and relief operations. The ministry has urged residents in vulnerable areas to move to safer locations and has warned of the possibility of more landslides and flash floods as the monsoon season progresses.

Monsoon rains are a critical part of the annual weather cycle in Nepal, providing much-needed water for agriculture, but they also bring significant risks. The country’s rugged terrain, combined with deforestation and poor infrastructure, makes it particularly susceptible to landslides and flooding. The impact of climate change has exacerbated these issues, leading to more intense and unpredictable weather patterns.

In recent years, Nepal has experienced an increase in the frequency and severity of monsoon-related disasters. This trend has highlighted the urgent need for improved disaster preparedness and response mechanisms. The government, along with various non-governmental organizations and international agencies, has been working to enhance the country’s resilience to natural disasters through better infrastructure, early warning systems, and community training programs.

Despite these efforts, the scale of the challenges remains immense. The recent monsoon storms have once again exposed the vulnerabilities of Nepal’s infrastructure and the precarious living conditions of many of its residents. The loss of lives and widespread damage underscore the need for sustained investment in disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation strategies.

In the aftermath of the storms, there has been an outpouring of support from both within Nepal and the international community. Aid organizations are on the ground, providing food, water, medical care, and temporary shelter to those affected. Local communities have also come together, showing resilience and solidarity in the face of adversity.

The government has pledged to support the affected families and expedite the reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. However, the road to recovery will be long and arduous. As the monsoon season continues, Nepal remains on high alert, bracing for further challenges while striving to protect its citizens and build a more resilient future.

The monsoon storms that ripped through Nepal have resulted in a tragic loss of fourteen lives, highlighting the ongoing vulnerability of the country to natural disasters. The combined efforts of the government, local communities, and international aid organizations will be crucial in providing relief and rebuilding the affected areas. As Nepal navigates the remainder of the monsoon season, the importance of disaster preparedness and climate resilience cannot be overstated.

551360 2466850 updates

Karachi is one of the world’s ‘least liveable’ cities, according to a poll.

Karachi, once a shining example of state-of-the-art infrastructure and modern education, has been ranked as the least liveable city in a global survey by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). This survey, which ranks 173 cities worldwide based on various critical factors, has again placed Karachi near the bottom of the list. The EIU, a sister organization to The Economist, assessed cities on health care, culture and environment, stability, infrastructure, and education.

The cities were scored on a scale from one to 100, with one indicating an intolerable living situation and 100 representing an ideal one. According to the report, Karachi received an overall score of 42.7, with its performance particularly poor in the stability category, where it scored only 20.

Breaking down the scores, Karachi earned 54.2 for healthcare, 35.9 for culture and environment, 75 for education, and 51.8 for infrastructure. These figures highlight the city’s struggles in maintaining a stable and livable environment for its residents. The megalopolis, known for its bustling port and vibrant history, now grapples with significant challenges that impact the quality of life for its inhabitants.

This report comes at a time when Pakistan is enduring a protracted political and economic crisis. The country’s political instability, economic downturn, and security concerns have contributed to the declining livability of its largest city. Karachi’s ranking reflects broader national issues that affect its governance and public services, exacerbating the city’s existing problems.

In stark contrast, Vienna, Austria, continues to top the list of most liveable cities with an impressive overall score of 98.4. Denmark’s Copenhagen retained its second position, while Switzerland’s Zurich moved up from sixth place to third. These cities exemplify the benefits of strong governance, robust infrastructure, and comprehensive public services.

Western Europe, in general, performed well in the rankings, with 30 cities achieving an average score of 92 out of 100. However, the region did see an overall decline in stability scores, attributed to “increasing instances of disruptive protests” and crime. Despite these issues, Western European cities continue to offer high standards of living.

The top 10 most liveable cities of 2024 are as follows:

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Copenhagen, Denmark
  3. Zurich, Switzerland
  4. Melbourne, Australia
  5. Calgary, Canada
  6. Geneva, Switzerland
  7. Sydney, Australia
  8. Vancouver, Canada
  9. Osaka, Japan
  10. Auckland, New Zealand

These cities have maintained high rankings due to their consistent performance across all measured categories. They provide excellent healthcare, vibrant cultural and environmental scenes, stable governance, solid infrastructure, and quality education systems. Their success stories contrast sharply with Karachi’s struggles, highlighting the disparities in urban livability across the globe.

Karachi’s poor ranking underscores the urgent need for comprehensive reforms and interventions. Addressing the root causes of its instability, improving healthcare and infrastructure, and fostering a more vibrant cultural environment are essential steps towards making Karachi a more liveable city. The local government, along with national authorities, must prioritize these areas to uplift the city and provide a better quality of life for its residents.

The EIU’s report serves as a critical reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by Karachi and other similarly ranked cities. It emphasizes the importance of stable governance, robust infrastructure, and comprehensive public services in achieving a high standard of urban livability. For Karachi, the path to improvement is clear, but it requires dedicated effort and significant investment to overcome the obstacles it faces.

Karachi’s ranking as the least liveable city in the EIU’s global survey highlights the city’s numerous challenges amid Pakistan’s political and economic crises. With scores reflecting poor stability, healthcare, culture, and infrastructure, Karachi’s situation contrasts sharply with the world’s most liveable cities. The report calls for urgent reforms to address these issues and improve the quality of life for Karachi’s residents, while showcasing the successes of top-ranked cities as models to aspire towards.

551329 7961137 updates

IMF rejects the government’s plan to decrease tax rates and make concessions.

Washington-based lender also refuses to allow government to restore export proceeds into a fixed income tax regime

IMF Denies Restoration of Export Proceeds into Fixed Tax Regime

Fund insists on normal tax treatment for all incomesLender agrees to abolish GST on textbooks

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has refused to grant most of the concessions proposed in the Finance Bill 2024-25.

The IMF has agreed to eliminate the goods and services tax (GST) on textbooks, restore rebates for professors and researchers, withdraw Federal Excise Duty (FED) on cement, and make some other technical changes.

To compensate for reducing the FED on cement, the government plans to double the FED on international air tickets in the Finance Bill.

Despite exporters lobbying hard, the IMF has refused to allow the government to restore export proceeds into a fixed-income tax regime. The government proposed restoring a fixed regime for exporters with increased rates from 1% to 2% or 3%, but the IMF insisted on treating all incomes, including exporters’ earnings, under the normal tax framework.

The government is set to present the Finance Bill to the National Assembly within this week.

A key question is how the government will adjust the fiscal space of Rs250 billion created by reducing the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) from Rs1,400 billion to Rs1,150 billion. The IMF appears unwilling to let the government use this cushion to reduce tax rates.

Pakistan and the IMF have continued virtual negotiations over the past few days. The government requested the withdrawal of GST on stationery items, but the IMF only agreed to withdraw GST on textbooks, leaving other items like pencils, sharpeners, and exercise books at 18% GST.

The government had initially proposed increasing the FED on cement from Rs2 to Rs3 per kilogram in the budget, but the IMF has agreed not to increase the rate.

Currently, the Finance Bill 2024-25 proposes a 1% tax on export proceeds as a final tax. To ensure horizontal equity—taxpayers with equal income paying equal tax—it was proposed that income from exports be subjected to normal rates, with the 1% tax on export proceeds treated as a minimum tax. The IMF has strongly resisted this proposal, making it unlikely that the government will satisfy exporters.

Regarding property and tax rates for salaried and non-salaried classes, the IMF has rejected all requests for changes, meaning no major adjustments in the proposed Finance Bill.

The IMF also opposes the gradual withdrawal of a 6% GST rate for FATA/PATA, and it is unclear how the government will convince the IMF of this politically charged decision. A cabinet member has advocated for continuing all tax exemptions until June 2025.

Clause 2 of Part III of the Second Schedule of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001 grants full-time teachers and researchers employed in non-profit educational or research institutions or universities recognized by the Higher Education Commission a tax rebate equal to 25% of the tax payable on their salary income. The federal budget proposes abolishing this rebate, but it is expected to be restored.

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The government proposes pension modifications in an effort to lessen financial load.

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The government of Pakistan has proposed significant modifications to the pension system in an effort to alleviate the financial burden on the country’s economy ¹ ² ³. The proposed changes aim to reduce the financial load of pension payments, which are expected to exceed Rs 1 trillion in the coming years ³.

The key modifications include calculating pensions based on the average of the last three years’ drawn salary, reducing the commutation formula to 25%, and limiting pension entitlement for certain categories of retirees ² ³. Additionally, the proposal suggests indexing pension increases with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and introducing penalties for early retirement ² ³.

The changes also aim to transition the pension system to a defined contributory model, where expenses will no longer be borne by the government ². Federal government employees will be entitled to a gross pension based on 70% of average pensionable emoluments drawn during the last 36 months of service before retirement ¹ ² ³.

The proposal also introduces the option for federal government employees to commute up to 25% of their gross pension at the time of retirement ². Family pension entitlements will be limited to a maximum of 10 years after the death or disqualification of a spouse, with exceptions for Shuhada families and disabled or special children ² ³.

The proposed modifications are expected to significantly impact the pension landscape for public sector employees in Pakistan ². The government’s efforts to reform the pension system aim to reduce the financial burden and ensure sustainability for future generations ³.

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coup attempt in Bolivia is foiled during a military attack on the presidential residence

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Bolivian armed forces pulled back from the presidential palace in La Paz on Wednesday evening and a general was arrested after President Luis Arce slammed a “coup” attempt against the government and called for international support.

Earlier in the day, military units led by General Juan Jose Zuniga, recently stripped of his military command, had gathered in the central Plaza Murillo square, home to the presidential palace and Congress. A Reuters witness saw an armored vehicle ram a door of the presidential palace and soldiers rush in.

“Today the country is facing an attempted coup d’état. Today the country faces once again interests so that democracy in Bolivia is cut short,” Arce said in comments from the presidential palace, with armed soldiers outside.

“The Bolivian people are summoned today. We need the Bolivian people to organize and mobilize against the coup d’état in favor of democracy.”

A few hours later, a Reuters witness saw soldiers withdraw from the square and police take control of the plaza. Bolivian authorities arrested Zuniga and took him away, though their destination was unclear.

Inside the presidential palace, Arce swore in José Wilson Sanchez as the military commander, Zuniga’s former role. He called for calm and order to be restored.

“I order that all personnel mobilized on the streets return to their units,” Sanchez said. “We entreat that the blood of our soldiers not be spilled.”

The United States said it was closely monitoring the situation and urged calm and restraint.

Tensions have been building in Bolivia ahead of general elections in 2025, with leftist ex-President Evo Morales planning to run against former ally Arce, creating a major rift in the ruling socialist party and wider political uncertainty.

Many do not want a return of Morales, who governed from 2006-2019 when he was ousted amid widespread protests and replaced by an interim conservative government. Arce then won election in 2020.

Zuniga said recently that Morales should not be able to return as president and threatened to block him if he attempted to, which led Arce to remove Zuniga from his post.

Ahead of the attack on the presidential palace, Zuniga had addressed reporters in the square and cited growing anger in the landlocked country, which has been battling an economic slump with depleted central bank reserves and pressure on the boliviano currency as gas exports have dried up.

“The three chiefs of the armed forces have come to express our dismay,” Zuniga told a local TV station, calling for a new cabinet of ministers.

“Stop destroying, stop impoverishing our country, stop humiliating our army,” he said in full uniform, flanked by soldiers, insisting the action being taken was supported by the public.

Zuniga told reporters later on Wednesday that Arce had on Sunday asked him to “raise something up” to boost his popularity, without offering evidence.

Interior Minister Eduardo del Castillo later said Zuniga was seeking to court popular support and that the nine people injured in the attempt proved “this was not a drill.”

Morales, head of the ruling MAS socialist party, said that his supporters would mobilize in support of democracy.

“We will not allow the armed forces to violate democracy and intimidate people,” Morales said.

Bolivia’s public prosecutor’s office said it would launch a criminal investigation against Zuniga and others involved in the attempted coup.

Public support for Arce and Bolivia’s democracy has poured in from regional leaders and beyond.

“We express the strongest condemnation of the attempted coup d’état in Bolivia. Our total support and support for President Luis Alberto Arce Catacora,” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on X.

Even conservative political opponents of the government in Bolivia condemned the military action, including ex-President Jeanine Anez, who was imprisoned in 2022 amid political turmoil.

“I fully reject of the mobilization of the military in the Plaza Murillo attempting to destroy constitutional order,” she wrote on X. “The MAS with Arce and Evo must be got out through the vote in 2025. We Bolivians will defend democracy.”

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Omar Ayub Khan leaves his position as secretary-general of the PTI

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Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) top leader Omar Ayub Khan has said that he stepped down as secretary-general of the party “to focus on my role as Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly of Pakistan”.

“I am most grateful to [former] PM Imran Khan sahib for accepting my resignation as Secretary General PTI to focus on my role as Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly of Pakistan,” he wrote on his official X handle on Thursday.

Ayub said he had tendered his resignation on June 22, 2024 via letter addressed to jailed PTI founder Imran Khan and party Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan sahib.

“Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator Shibli Faraz sahib conveyed my message to [former] PM Imran Khan sahib today during their meeting in Adyala Jail,” he added.

Omar Ayub Khan steps down as PTIs secretary-general

The NA opposition leader further said further changes will be made in the organisational structure of the PTI in the coming days on the directions of the party founder.

“I want to thank all members of the PTI family, Parliamentarians, and Tanzeem Office Holders who have worked tirelessly and braved tremendous hardships for [ex] PM Imran Khan sahib and PTI.”

The surprise development came amid reports of rifts in the ranks of the PTI with Geo News reporting citing sources on Wednesday that PTI-backed 27 Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) lawmakers deliberated on the option of resignation from the National Assembly in protest against the party’s top leadership.

Of the 27, the insiders had said 21 of its lawmakers hinted at forming a forward bloc over top leadership’s inability to secure the release of party founder Imran Khan from jail.

They also “conveyed a message” to PTI chief Barrister Gohar and Secretary-General Omar Ayub to make serious efforts for incarcerated leaders’ release.

The disgruntled MNAs complained that some leaders were eyeing higher posts instead of focusing on the PTI founder and party leaders’ release.

Ayub was appointed as the PTI secretary-general last year after his predecessor Asad Umar quit the party and active politics, joining the ranks of dozens of party members who parted ways with former PM Khan in the aftermath of violent May 9 protests that saw attacks on public and military installations.

His resignation came on the same day when a district and sessions court in Islamabad shattered the PTI’s hopes for the release of the party founder as Khan and his wife’s pleas seeking suspension of their sentences were rejected.

Khan, the deposed prime minister who was ousted from power via the opposition’s no-confidence motion in April 2022, has been facing a slew of charges ranging from corruption to terrorism since his removal as the premier.

He has been behind bars since August last year after he was sentenced in the Toshakhana case and subsequently sentenced in other cases ahead of the February 8 elections.

Despite securing relief in other cases including £190 million reference and Toshakhana, and acquittal in the cipher case earlier this month, the former premier remains behind bars due to his conviction in the iddat case.

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Bushra Bibi and Imran Khan’s requests for a sentence suspension in the iddat case were denied.

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 A district and sessions court in Islamabad Thursday rejected the pleas seeking suspension of the sentences handed down to  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi in the iddat case.

The verdict drew strong condemnation from the PTI, which called it “absolutely ridiculous”, and its leaders — who were hoping for Imran’s release today — staged a protest outside the Adiala jail, where the court had been set up to ensure the security of the ex-prime minister.

Additional Sessions Judge Afzal Majoka announced the verdict today, reserved on Tuesday, with the hearing on the main plea related to the annulment of their conviction set to take place on July 2.

The PTI founder and Bushra were each sentenced to seven years in prison in February earlier this year after a trial court found their nikah to be fraudulent as Khawar Maneka, Bushra’s ex-husband, moved the court against the couple’s marriage.

In the 10-page order, the court mentioned that there was no reason to suspend the sentence.

“…[there is] no ground for suspension of [the] sentence is available to both the petitioners. Accordingly, both the petitions under section 426 Cr.PC are dismissed,” it said.

In response to the verdict issued by the lower court, PTI Secretary General Omar Ayub Khan said: “[We] will challenge the verdict in the high court immediately.”

Following the announcement, PTI workers began protesting outside the district and sessions court and also blocked the road. The protesters include women, who chanted slogans in favour of the PTI founder.

Meanwhile, heavy police deployment was also present outside the court.

Khan, the deposed prime minister who was ousted from power via the opposition’s no-confidence motion in April 2022, has been facing a slew of charges ranging from corruption to terrorism since his removal as the premier.

He has been behind bars since August last year after he was sentenced in the Toshakhana case and subsequently sentenced in other cases ahead of the February 8 elections.

Despite securing relief in other cases including £190 million reference and Toshakhana, and acquittal in the cipher case earlier this month, the former premier remains behind bars due to his conviction in the iddat case.

Khan has also been granted bail in the May 9 cases registered in Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Faisalabad. On the other hand, the Federal Investigation Agency also twice interrogated him in the jail regarding an anti-state post shared on X, formerly Twitter. There is, however, no new case against the PTI founder.

After Babar, Wahab Riaz submits a defamation notice to Mubasher Lucman.

Senior Team Manager National Team Wahab Riaz also submitted a defamation notice to anchor Mubasher Luqman for Rs500 million after Babar Azam sent the notice over the match-fixing allegations and charges against the national team and other players.

Mubashir Luqman has accused Wahab Riaz and his father of match-fixing, referring to Wahab Riaz’s late father as a ‘bookie’ – someone who booked the match before the game started.

Azhar Mehmood, along with Babar Azam and Sayaa Corporation, submitted a legal notice to Mubasher Lucman. “It is a crime to accuse me and my late father without any proof,” he told me.

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Should Afghanistan win the T20 World Cup, nobody should be shocked: Afridi Shahid

The 2009 champion talked about how cricket has grown in Afghanistan and what it takes to take home the grand prize. Shahid Afridi, a former cricket player for Pakistan, was all praise for Afghanistan after they advanced to the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup semi-finals by defeating Bangladesh.

He claimed that Afghanistan deserves all of their achievements. “It has been amazing to watch Afghanistan’s progress in this ICC Men’s T20 World Cup,” he stated.

“They deserved to be in the semi-finals for the first time ever. You don’t take a side that wins competitive cricket matches against Australia, New Zealand, and Bangladesh lightly. They have shown excellent cooperation, pressure tolerance, and an optimistic outlook.

Afridi was impressed by the achievements of individuals, particularly their star player Rashid Khan, who, in addition to batting and bowling, has taken on the added role of captaincy in this World Cup.

“Afghanistan has some notable players who have shined in this competition and will play an important role in the semis. “They have excellent match-winners throughout the team. Rashid Khan is leading from the front, and they have an excellent opening duo who have formed incredible partnerships, as well as pacers who bowl with terrific line and length and take crucial wickets”.

“Rahmanullah Gurbaz is the leading run-scorer in the competition and Fazalhaq Farooqi has taken more wickets than anybody else – he, Rashid Khan and Naveen-ul-Haq have done wonders with the ball.” Rashid Khan is happy of the team’s belief in itself. T20WC 2024 When asked about Afghanistan’s chances of hoisting the trophy, the 2009 World Cup winner had no concerns.

“They should be confident after defeating New Zealand, Australia, and Bangladesh in a thrilling, low-scoring thriller. If they can do that, they will be able to lift the trophy, which should come as no surprise.

“The ability to deal with stress in high-pressure situations is critical. Players must be positive and focus on one game at a time. Even though it is a team game, when everyone accepts responsibility for performance, the team simply works.

“The key to producing in big games is to control the six inches of space between your ears. The one who can manage his nerves takes the glory.” Afghanistan will meet South Africa in the semi-finals, with both countries looking to reach the final for the first time. Afridi, who was named player of the match in the 2009 semi-final, reflected on the game and discussed South Africa’s strengths.

It’s still fresh in my mind, and remembering it always makes me grin. “It was one of my most memorable performances, with a half-century and two wickets while bowling at four an over, and it helped the team advance to the final, which we won.

“This year’s competition will feature a new finalist, either Afghanistan or South Africa, which is refreshing. “South Africa have match-winners of their own – Quinton de Kock has exhibited some of his brilliant ball-striking skills, while Anrich Nortje and Kagiso Rabada have shown great discipline with the ball.” The former all-rounder also discussed the second semi-final between India and England, stating that it will be a wonderful match to witness.

“Rohit Sharma’s innings against Australia was magnificent, and having Virat Kohli on your team always gives you an advantage. “Arshdeep Singh, Jasprit Bumrah, and Kuldeep Yadav have all performed admirably, while Adil Rashid, Phil Salt, and Jos Buttler’s exploits have helped England to some impressive victories and a place in the semis. Liam Livingstone can also be an important figure on a big day.”

MT20WC: India against England general, Shahid Afridi expressed his delight at seeing new teams develop and challenge the existing powerhouses, emphasizing how Afghanistan’s performance will contribute to the general evolution of cricket.

“Making it to the World Cup final will benefit not only Afghanistan, but also cricket. It will help promote the great game of cricket in countries that are no longer considered’minnows’, as well as motivate young cricketers to dream big and aid their countries.

“In general, seeing new clubs make it into the top four is fantastic. “The game of cricket wins in that scenario and the ICC has done a remarkable job promoting cricket to new nations and in the United States, which will serve this great game of cricket for generations to come.”

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Babar and Rizwan decrease in the ICC T20 rankings.

Babar Azam, the captain of Pakistan, dropped from third to fourth place.

LAHORE: In the T20I Batting Rankings, Pakistan’s top batters, Babar Azam and Mohammad Rizwan, have each fallen one spot. The greatest movement was Travis Head of Australia, who moved up four ranks to take the coveted top batting title.

Suryakumar Yadav of India, who had been in first place since December 2023, fell to second. Babar Azam, the captain of Pakistan, dropped from third to fourth place. Previously ranked fourth, wicketkeeper-batsman Mohammad Rizwan is now ranked fifth.

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Afghanistan is crushed by South Africa to advance to the inaugural T20 World Cup final.

With one wicket lost, South Africa’s modest goal of 57 runs was accomplished in 8.5 overs.

In the opening semi-final of the ongoing T20 World Cup 2024, South Africa defeated Afghanistan by nine wickets on Thursday at Tarouba, Trinidad’s Brian Lara Stadium.

This is the first time South Africa, who haven’t lost in the competition, has advanced to the World Cup final (T20 and ODI) The Proteas won the first-ever ICC Knockout Trophy in Dhaka in 1998, which was the only previous time the South African men’s team advanced to the final of an ICC competition.

With one wicket lost, South Africa’s modest 57-run target was reached in 8.5 overs. Fazalhaq Farooqi removed Quinton de Kock (5 off 8) early, but South Africa crossed the finish line with ease thanks to opener Reeza Hendricks (29 off 25) and captain Aiden Markram (23 off 21).

Afghanistan had earlier chosen to field against South Africa after winning the toss. Afghanistan batted first, but the Proteas cleaned them out for just 56 runs in 11.5 overs, demonstrating their exceptional bowling ability.

Anrich Nortje and Kagiso Rabada each claimed two wickets, while Marco Jansen and Tabraiz Shamsi each claimed three. Azmatullah Omarzai was the only player to reach double figures in a miserable batting effort with 10 runs scored. Mohammad Nabi, Noor Ahmad, and Rahmanullah Gurbaz were all sent out for a duck.

The lowest score a side has ever posted in a T20 World Cup semi-final is 56 all-out. In T20 Internationals, this is Afghanistan’s lowest total to date.

 Kagiso Rabada and Anrich Nortje each took two wickets apiece, while Tabraiz Shamsi and Marco Jansen each took three. With 10 runs scored, Azmatullah Omarzai was the only player to score in double figures during a terrible batting performance. Rahmanullah Gurbaz, Noor Ahmad, and Muhammad Nabi were dispatched to find a duck. 56 all-out is the lowest total a team has ever scored in a T20 World Cup semi-final. This is Afghanistan’s lowest-ever total in T20 Internationals.

“I think the guys did a great job playing and executing.” All we had to do was bowl our best ball and follow the plan. We wanted to keep things basic, and the wicket was giving us a few to work with, according to the assessment.

After winning Player of the Match, Marco Jansen stated, “We will enjoy [the win] and be back at it tomorrow.” For this game, neither team changed their starting lineup.

Teams South Africa (starting XI): Heinrich Klaasen, David Miller, Tristan Stubbs, Marco Jansen, Keshav Maharaj, Kagiso Rabada, Anrich Nortje, Tabraiz Shamsi, Quinton de Kock (wk), Reeza Hendricks, Aiden Markram (c).

Afghanistan (Playing XI): Rashid Khan (c), Nangeyalia Kharote, Noor Ahmad, Naveen-ul-Haq, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Gulbadin Naib, Mohammad Nabi, Karim Janat, Rahmanullah Gurbaz (wk), Ibrahim Zadran, Azmatullah Omarzai, Gulbadin Naib, Mohammad Nabi, Karim Janat.

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England is cautious of Kohli’s danger ahead of the elimination T20 World Cup the semifinals.

The England camp expects the experienced right-hander to be at his best in their final four encounter in Guyana.

England coach Matthew Mott is aware of Virat Kohli’s danger as his team prepares for a knockout semi-final against India at the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup. Kohli has yet to ignite in this tournament, scoring 66 runs from six innings, but Mott expects the experienced right-hander to step up for the semi-final game in Guyana.

Mott cited Kohli’s proclivity for peak performances in big games and understands his squad must neutralise the 35-year-old’s top-order danger on Thursday. “Virat has proven his class over a very long period of time and he is one of the players we’ve prepared well for,” commented Mott.

 “We know how he can play, how destructive he can be, and how smart he is at the game. He has the ability to pitch a variety of innings if the game requires it.

“So, he’s clearly a vital player for them, and as we’ve stated throughout this tournament, what’s transpired throughout this tournament means nothing tomorrow when we face off against each other. Big players step up in the big moments. We hope our players do this, but you can expect him to do the same.”

Yuvraj Singh recalls his historic six sixes | T20WC 2024. Yuvraj Singh smashed six consecutive sixes off Stuart Broad at the 2007 ICC Men’s T20 World Cup. The final four battle in Guyana will be a rematch of the 2022 semi-final between England and India, and Mott is hoping for a similar outcome after his side won by ten wickets at the Adelaide Oval.

Teams will confront radically different circumstances in the Caribbean than they did two years ago, and both England and India will be playing their first matches of the tournament at the Guyana National Stadium. Dominant England seals final spot with easy win over India.

T20WC 2022 Match Highlights: England defeated India by ten wickets to go to the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup final against Pakistan. Mott believes that both teams will have to adapt to the conditions they confront, and that the team that adjusts the fastest will win.

“I don’t think anyone starts at an advantage or disadvantage in a semi-final,” Mott told ESPN. “I believe it is whomever adapts (to the conditions) the quickest. I believe you can come in with preconceived notions, but our philosophy has always been to play what is in front of us.

So, the information we can acquire in those first couple of overs, whether it’s with the bat or the ball, has been a real strength in this competition, the back-and-forth communication about what to expect, what ends to maybe target with the wind.I arrived today, and there is no wind, but we can expect some.

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Government approves joint ventures to move Chinese industry to Pakistan

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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday permitted joint ventures (JVs) between the two nations to relocate Chinese industries to Pakistan, as part of its efforts to fire up the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) activities following his recent engagements with top officials from Beijing, state media reported.

Presiding over a meeting centred on the matters of the Board of Investment (BoI), the premier underscored the government’s commitment to fostering both local and foreign investment, which he said were among the government’s priorities

During the meeting, he spotlit the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) )-led administration’s contributions towards creating a truly business-friendly environment for traders and investors.

The prime minister, according to state-run APP, tasked the authorities to submit a detailed report on the follow-up actions related to the memoranda of understanding (MoUs) inked between Pakistani and Chinese companies during his recent visit to Shenzhen, China. 

China’s President Xi Jinping in a meeting with Prime Minister Shehbaz in Beijing on June 7 had said that their two countries should focus on “promoting the joint construction of the CPEC,” and Chinese and Pakistani firms 31 MoUs covering technology, agriculture, trade, energy, coal and gasification, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

The premier also called for a review of the draft legislation for the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) One-Stop Shop, keeping in view the latest economic and business-related developments from his successful China trip.

Highlighting the potential for relocating industries, the PM identified significant potential for China’s textile, leather, footwear, and other sectors to move to Pakistan, as per the state media.

During the briefing, the BoI secretary outlined steps being taken to support this industrial relocation, including hiring Chinese experts to establish a Business Facilitation Centre in the federal capital. 

Moreover, the draft “Easy Business Act” is being forwarded to the Cabinet Committee for Legislative Cases.

The meeting was attended by Federal Minister for Privatisation and Investment Abdul Aleem Khan, Federal Minister for Commerce Jam Kamal, Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Muhammad Aurangzeb, Federal Minister for Petroleum Dr Musadik Malik, Prime Minister’s Coordinator Rana Ehsan Afzal, and other senior government officials.

In the June 7 meeting, Xi also said that China would also help Pakistan with its economic and social development.

“China will, as always, firmly support Pakistan and safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Xi told Sharif, adding that the two countries’ “all-weather strategic partnership… had broad development prospects.” .

But the Chinese leader also called on his guest to step up efforts to ensure the security of Chinese projects in the country.

Pakistan owes China almost 13% of its total debt, which was taken on to pay for infrastructure projects over the years and other types of spending.

Beijing has lent Islamabad almost twice as much as its second- and third-ranked multilateral lenders, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, to which Pakistan owes $16.2 billion and $13.7 billion respectively.

Chinese firms have also invested a further $14 billion in Pakistan since CPEC was announced in the summer of 2013 as part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative, data from the American Enterprise Institute think tank shows.

Most of that investment was made by Chinese state-owned energy companies financing fossil-fuel and nuclear power plants, as well as logistics routes under construction connecting Gwadar Port in the Arabian Sea with the Xinjiang region in China’s northwest.

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“Confident” that Prince William will succeed Charles as King

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Prince William stood out while welcoming Emperor Naruhito on a state visit from Japan, a body language expert claims.

The Prince of Wales took care of an important royal duty as he formally welcomed the ruler and his wife Empress Masako and escorted them from their London hotel to Horse Guards Parade where they met with King Charles and Queen Camilla.

As Naruhito arrived at Buckingham Palace for the state banquet, body language expert Darren Stanton noted that William “stole the show” as the King “found his feet.”

“Prince William steals the show when he arrives. He is such a professional and has developed leaps and bounds. His performance shows he has full belief in his abilities as the future King,” he tells Mirror.

He also analyzed the King’s overall aura and explained that he looks relaxed as he finally knows how to carry on the late Queen Elizabeth’s legacy.

“He seems confident and not as nervous compared to other appearances. It’s taken Charles decades and decades to build his resilience, but he has definitely developed into a strong man. The main difference we see in Charles now is he has found his feet within the Royal Family. He has taken the protocols his mum instilled in him and knows what works for him in a modern monarchy,” Darren concluded.

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Amidst a court battle, Brad Pitt’s children force him to “surrender” to Angelina Jolie.

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Brad Pitt has finally decided to ‘surrender’ to his ex-wife Angelina Jolie after he was brutally snubbed from his kids on Father’s day.

The Father’s Day snub came on the heels of Shiloh officially filing to drop his name which made the Fight Club alum realize that he may lose his kids forever if he does not do anything about it.

Hence, he came up with the decision to end his years-long legal battle against the Maleficent star to win back the trust of his six kids, Maddox, Zahara, Pax, Shiloh, Vivienne, and Knox.

“Brad’s kids,” a source told In Touch Weekly, “want nothing to do with him.”

They said that “never in a million years did Brad imagine this years-long fight and rivalry,” with Jolie, which started after they called it quits in 2016 following their now-infamous plane fight.

Pitt, who is indulged in a legal battle over their French Winery and the custody of kids under 18, is “willing to throw his hands up and surrender” to Jolie.

The insider said that the Hollywood hunk knows his relationship with his kids has been damaged to the point where there is no going back as he understands that them dropping his name is “just the tip of the iceberg.”

Pitt regrets going on war with Jolie. “Brad spent a lot of time and money trying to do what he thought was the right thing for his kids, but now he’s wondering if it was worth it,” they said.

“Miraval was something for the kids to have and build on when he’s gone, but if they don’t want it, it’s a moot point,” the insider added. 

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PHC commands PTA to take down offensive material from TikTok.

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The Peshawar High Court (PHC) on Wednesday directed the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to ensure the removal of any blasphemous and objectionable material from the social media short-video sharing platform TikTok.

A bench comprising Justice SM Atiq Shah and Justice Shakeel Ahmed presided over the critical hearing of the petition seeking to ban TikTok in Pakistan.The petition was filed by Advocate Imran Khan requesting the court to direct the respondents — PTA, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), and Ministry of Information — to ban TikTok in Pakistan permanently for persistent breach of guidelines and violation of the Constitution.The court addressed concerns over the platform’s content, specifically focusing on blasphemous and objectionable videos.Jehanzaib Mehsud, the lawyer representing PTA, informed the court, “We have submitted our comments today.”The petitioner’s lawyer said they had in their petition appealed to the court that TikTok be banned, arguing, “While we do not oppose the sharing of positive content, the platform is also being used to share blasphemous material.”Justice Ahmed supported this view, asserting, “Positive content should be shared, but there must be no place for objectionable material.”During the hearing, PTA’s lawyer noted that any blasphemous posts on TikTok were promptly blocked. However, Justice Shah questioned the effectiveness of these measures, pointing out “why such content didn’t get filtered in Pakistan like in the US and other countries, where they have better filtering systems in place.””Why hasn’t such a system been implemented here?” he asked. He further inquired about the possibility of creating a firewall to automatically block blasphemous videos, to which the PTA’s lawyer responded, “We do not currently have such a system.”The court emphasised the national importance of this issue, urging the PTA to take a proactive role in addressing the concerns raised. The PTA was directed to remove all objectionable content from TikTok and to submit a detailed report within seven days.The next hearing of the case is scheduled for July 24.The popular video-sharing platform TikTok was initially banned in Pakistan in October 2020. Since then, it has faced multiple bans, with authorities citing concerns over the promotion of immoral content.In its last hearing on June 21,  the PHC had sought the PTA response to a petition seeking a ban on TikTok.According to TikTok’s latest transparency reports, in the second half of 2023, TikTok received 303 requests from the Pakistani government, resulting in the removal of 93.5% of reported content.The platform removed 12,392 pieces of content due to community guidelines violations and 2,126 pieces of content due to local law violations, the report said.TikTok also removed 270 accounts due to community guidelines violations and 59 accounts due to local law violations.Additionally, TikTok’s latest Community Guidelines Enforcement Report shows that the platform proactively removes content that violates its guidelines, with a 99.5% proactive removal rate globally in Q4 2023.

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After recent shenanigans, “Stupid” Justin Timberlake could lose Jessica Biel.

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Justin Timberlake’s wife Jessica Biel is not letting his DWI arrest fly, according to an insider.

The hitmaker was arrested last week for DWI as he was taken into custody for jumping a stop sign at Hamptons.

Despite the fact that he was released shortly, Justin’s reputation has taken a hit in the industry, including the mother of his two children.

Speaking to Life&Style, the source said, “She’s upset, as anyone can imagine. She doesn’t understand why he would do something so stupid as attempt to drive himself home after a night of drinking. She’s disappointed.”

“She’s stood by him for so long. It’s one thing to sit back with friends over a drink. It’s another to consume so much alcohol that you’re DWI bait,” the tipster added.

The statement comes after Jessica was spotted on the filming of her new movie The Better Sister without her wedding ring.

“It’s already been tough on their marriage with Justin on tour, having to rely on FaceTime to stay connected. The fear is that more tough times are in store. And if Justin isn’t worried about losing Jessica, he should be,” the insider concluded.

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AGP informs the highest court that PTI-SIC cannot be allowed to use a backdoor for assemblies.

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The Attorney General of Pakistan (AGP) on Wednesday submitted its written response to the Supreme Court in the reserved seats case, stating that the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) “cannot be permitted to make its way into assemblies via backdoor”.

The SIC’s appeal, the AGP stated in its 30-page written submissions to the 13-member full court, for reserved seats should be dismissed and the Peshawar High Court’s (PHC) verdict on the matter should be upheld.

The attorney general, while elaborating on the allocation mechanism, said that reserved seats for minorities and women could be given to a political who contested the polls and won at least one seat besides providing a list of candidates based on the total number of seats it won as per the law.

Furthermore, independent candidates could not automatically become relevant for reserved seats under a parties’ list system unless they join a political party.

“Independently elected candidates are counted towards reserved seats for women and non-Muslims only when they join political parties within 3 days of publication of names of the returned candidates in the official Gazette” under Articles 51(6)(d) and (e), as well as 106(3)(c), the AGP’s response read.

The SIC neither contested the general elections as a political party nor filed any list of candidates for reserved seats for women and non-Muslims, under Section 104 of the Election Act, 2017, it further stated.

Subsequently, the aforesaid party did not present its manifesto before the February 8 nationwide polls and its candidates to the voters for their scrutiny.

“The SIC cannot be permitted to use the backdoor to make its way into the assemblies. Allowing so will set a very dangerous precedent,” the AGP said.

“It will permit elements who would otherwise be rejected by the voters to make their way into the assemblies by encouraging independents’ getting elected or luring them to join such parties and benefitting from the allocation of reserved seats.”

The attorney general said that the approval of the SIC’s appeal would be an “antithesis to the democracy” and “will weaken the political parties who participate in the electoral process”.

It further elaborated that the reserved seats for women and non-Muslims would only be allocated to political parties, whereas, independently elected candidates or those parties who have not contested the polls would not be considered for the seats.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has decided to become a party in the reserved seats’ case being heard by Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa-led full court and submitted a plea via its chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan.

The petition sought the top court’s permission to be a party in the case after the “Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) levelled “unfounded” allegations on the PTI during the hearing of the SIC’s appeals”.

It read that the PTI and the SIC were deprived of reserved seats despite being eligible. The SIC was ready to provide a list of candidates for the allocations but was denied permission to submit it.

The Imran-founded party blamed the poll organising authority for “unconstitutionally” allocating reserved seats belonging to the PTI-SIC alliance to other political parties which also went against the aspirations of the nationals.

The former ruling party said that SIC Chairman Sahibzada Hamid Raza contested the 2024 general elections and won a seat in Faisalabad’s NA-104 constituency.

It further claimed that Article 51 of the Constitution does not elaborate on obligations to independent candidates to join those political parties who won more than one seat in the polls.

The PTI-backed independent candidates, who emerged victorious in the February 8 elections, had joined the SIC in a bid to claim seats reserved for minorities and women.

However, this did not help the party as the election commission did not allocate reserved seats to the SIC, citing its failure to submit its list of candidates.

The party had then approached the PHC on the said issue wherein the court upheld the electoral body’s decision.

In April, SIC chief Sahibzada Hamid Raza, along with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly speaker, moved the SC seeking setting aside of the PHC verdict and the allocation of 67 women and 11 minority seats in the assemblies.

On May 6, a three-member SC bench headed by Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, including Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Justice Athar Minallah, suspended the PHC verdict.

It then referred the matter to the judges’ committee for the formation of a larger bench since the matter required constitutional interpretation.

Meanwhile, the ECP had last week submitted its response to the apex court, saying the SIC does not qualify for reserved seats as the political party doesn’t allow non-Muslims to be a part of it.

The ECP informed the top court that the reserved seats cannot be allotted to the SIC as the party did not submit the list of candidates before the January 24 deadline.

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Post Malone promotes his album “F-1 Trillion” through concerts and a tour.

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Post Malone just embraced his country music era completely as he prolifically works to promote and spread his melodies.

The 28-year-old rapper and singer revealed the schedule of his upcoming tour titled, F-1 Trillion Tour which would consist of 21 shows that Post Malone would take to different festivals and stadiums.

Post Malone hypes up album F-1 Trillion with tour and performances

This endeavor comes shortly after the announcement and hyping up of his fresh, country-genre debut album of the same name as the tour.

“I love y’all so very much, and I’m so excited to get out and play new music for you,” the Rockstar singer captioned the upload with the picture of a poster having all the dates of the tour.

Post Malone hypes up album F-1 Trillion with tour and performances

According to the uploaded poster, the artist starts off his tour in Salt Lake City on September 8 further stopping in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama and more.

The Circles crooner will be concluding his tour with a final show in Nashville, one of the ideal places for country music, on October 19.

Post Malone hypes up album F-1 Trillion with tour and performances

With reference to Post Malone’s album, he hyped up his album tracks by performing one of his songs.

On his official Instagram account, in the video, he could be heard performing his track from F-1 Trillion, I Had Some Help, which is a collaboration with the singer, Morgan Wallen, at BlueBird Café.

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Kanye West’s legal issues are resolved in just one

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In a throes of lawsuits Kanye West has reached to a settlement with Donna Summer estate after the latter sued him for copyright infringement given him time to focus on other cases.

Earlier, legal action was taken on one of the songs of Vultures 1, which the estate claimed used the pop icon’s I Feel Love track sans permission.

Legal documents read by People say both parties “entered into a settlement agreement that is a full and final settlement of all of the claims in the action.”

Summer estate lawyer Larry Stein meanwhile clarified to Billboard that Kanye will be unable to use the Hot Stuff crooner’s music library in the future.

“We did not license the song,” the attorney added. “As part of the settlement, they have agreed not to distribute or otherwise use the song. So we got what we wanted.”

In another instance, an ex-aide of Kanye leveled allegations of inappropriate behaviour.

However, Ye dismissed these accusations by calling them “baseless,” saying Lauren Pisciott was terminated for being unqualified, demanding unreasonable sums of money (including a $4 million annual salary) and numerous documented incidents of her lascivious, unhinged conduct.

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BTS V announces the “new story” project “TYPE 1” release date.

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BTS V might have just teased his upcoming project, unveiling the title as TYPE 1.

In the latest update, the official page of the music band, bts.bighitofficial, shared a video on their stories, revealing the release date as: “202.7.9.”

BTS V unveils release date of new story project TYPE 1

The announcement of TYPE 1 came on June 25, 2024, Tuesday, which accompanied a rather sensual picture of the Blue and Grey crooner in a monochromatic theme.

Adding to the intriguing mystery factor, the accompanying text on the picture read, “I still wonder wonder beautiful story/ Still wonder wonder best part/ I still wonder wonder next story/ I want to make you mine.”

Whether it is an upcoming album or a single still remains in the dark however it would be safe to assume these lines might just be lyrics that would be featured in the K-pop star’s forthcoming endeavor.

BTS V unveils release date of new story project TYPE 1

With respect to V or also known as Kim Taehyung’s solo career, TYPE 1 follows tracks like the post-military single FRI(END)S and his 2023 EP Layover.

However, if shed light upon all the entire band members, BTS’ Jimin is geared up to release his solo album, titled, Muse, on July 19, 2024.

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Euro 2024: Following a goalless encounter against Serbia, Denmark secures a Last-16 berth

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Denmark advanced to the knockout phase of Euro 2024 with a tense 0-0 draw against Serbia in Munich on Tuesday.

Finishing bottom of Group C, Serbia ended their Euro 2024 campaign with just two points from three matches.

Christian Eriksen, who set a record with his 133rd appearance for Denmark, orchestrated the midfield but couldn’t break the deadlock. Despite several chances, Denmark’s third draw of the tournament was enough to see them through to the next round, finishing second in the group. They will face hosts Germany in the last-16 in Dortmund on Saturday.

Both teams had goals disallowed in the match. Denmark’s effort was nullified because Eriksen’s corner went out of play. Meanwhile, Serbia’s Luka Jovic was ruled offside after netting the ball. Serbia needed a win to progress hence, they defended robustly but struggled to create opportunities for veteran striker Aleksandar Mitrovic, who unsuccessfully appealed for a penalty multiple times.

Denmark dominated the first half with most possession of the ball. Eriksen had a shot saved by Serbia’s Predrag Rajkovic and Rasmus Hojlund missed Denmark’s best chance when he appeared to slip while shooting.

In the second half, Serbian manager Dragan Stojkovic introduced Dusan Tadic and Luka Jovic to add some urgency to the attack. However, the changes could not pay off well.

Denmark will now focus on their upcoming clash with Germany in the knockout stage of the contest.

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Never one to take a day off, even on his birthday, Lionel Messi

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Lionel Messi, the Argentine football prodigy, turned 37 on Monday and spent his birthday preparing for Argenina’s Copa America clash with Chile, scheduled for Tuesday.

The Inter Miami star took to his Instagram to share an image of himself holding a birthday cake while being surrounded by his team in a hotel room.

He captioned the post with a humble message, that read: “Thank you very much for all the greetings and congratulations!! Another year that coincides with my birthday being with the National Team… So just a little celebration and we continue preparing for our next game. Hugs!”

The official Argentina social media accounts, along with Fifa, also paid their tributes, Marca reported.

The Argentina account on X, posted a a video of Messi’s crowning moment lifting the World Cup in Qatar 2022 and wrote: “Today is the birthday of the one who fulfilled our dream of seeing him champion.”

David Beckham, co-owner of Inter Miami, also wished the eight-time Ballon d’Or award winner on his birthday on his Instagram, writing: “Happy Birthday to the greatest. Happy Birthday my friend.”

Born on June 24, 1987, Messi’s birthdays have often been shared with the Albiceleste, from the World Cups of 2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018, to the Copa America tournaments.

This time, he was busy preparing for their Copa America clash against Chile at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey on Tuesday.

The venue holds a bittersweet place in the former Barcelona star’s heart as it is the same venue where Argentina fell to Chile on penalties in the Bicentennial Cup final on June 26, 2016.

However, fans are eager to see if Argentina can turn the tables this time.

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The fastest bowler to reach 150 T20I wickets is Rashid Khan.

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Afghanistan spin wizard Rashid Khan Tuesday added another feather in his cap by becoming the first bowler to grab 150 wickets in less than 100 T20 international matches.

The Afghanistan skipper became the fastest bowler to take 150 T20I wickets in 92 matches, achieving a historic feat.

The only other bowler to reach this milestone is New Zealand’s Tim Southee who bagged 150 wickets in 118 matches. Which means there are just two such bowlers in T20I yet.

Bangladesh’s Shakib Al Hasan is one wicket short of joining the club though. He has played 129 T20I matches.

This was not the only glory in which Afghans basked on Tuesday as Afghanistan for the first time reached T20 World Cup semi-finals after beating Bangladesh in the crucial Super 8 match. The victory was guided by Rashid’s stellar performance as he took four wickets for 23 runs.

The Rashid Khan-led unit beat Bangladesh by 8 runs (DLS method) at the Arnos Vale Ground, Kingstown, St Vincent.

India, England and South Africa, had already qualified for the semi-finals of the ongoing mega event and the fourth one was decided after the today’s match.

Now, South Africa will face Afghanistan, while England will lock horns with India in the semi-finals. Both matches will be played on June 27.