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Exceptionally Stylish” Anushka Sharma Found A Fan In Karan Johar And Then An Instagram Exchange Happened

‘Exceptionally Stylish’ Anushka Sharma Found A Fan In Karan Johar And Then An Instagram Exchange Happened
Anushka Sharma

New Delhi: Guys, Karan Johar’s latest update on Instagram Stories needs all your attention. The filmmaker has given a shout-out to none other than Anushka Sharma. Why you, ask? KJo, known for his fashion statement, has declared that Anushka is “exceptionally stylist”. The director added that Anushka is also quite “individualistic in her approach to fashion.” His complete note read, “Anushka Sharma is exceptionally stylish and so individualistic in her approach to fashion…Nailing every look…Always! That’s all…(IYKYK)” Anushka didn’t miss this special appreciation post.

Resharing it on her Instagram Stories, Anushka dropped a red heart and tagged Karan Johar. For those who don’t know, Anushka has been ruling the red carpet and how. First, she showed up in a purple bodycon dress and then the classic black number. Read more about it here.

Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, Karan Johar’s much-awaited film, is about to the theatres. It also represents his return to directing. Ae Dil Hai Mushkil was his most recent movie. Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt will play the movie’s namesakes. Both of them had experience with Gully Boy. On July 28, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani will be released in theatres.

The movie was initially scheduled for release in April. Hello, say “sabr ka phal meetha hota hai,” therefore to raise the mithaas of this really wonderful story – we’re coming with a whole lot of love! KJo published the announcement on Instagram with a poster. Rocky and Rani’s parivaar was successful, and there was a happy ending.

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Scientific Proof of the Ascension of Prophet Mohammad

By: Dr. Maqsood Jafri
Some enlightened Muslims have sought my opinion about the event of “Miraj” ( ascension) of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad( peace and blessings be upon him) into heavens. The inquisitive nature of theses modern , rational and scientific minds needs to know the real truth and essence of this great miraculous event of Muslims history.

“The Night of Ascension” is the night time journey of Holy Prophet of Islam in 621 AD from Mecca to Jerusalem, from where, he then ascended to heavens / empyrean. While in the Kabah, the sacred shrine , he was accompanied by Arch angels Gabriel and Makail to heavens. He was ascended from Dome of Rock, Jerusalem to heavens. He travelled in a single night on a strange winged creature called “ Buraq”. According to Arab linguistics, Buraq is the superlative degree of Arabic word “ Burq”, which means electricity. He ascended into heavens by electric magnetic/ energy.

The Holy Quran about this journey says:” Glory to the one who took His servant ( for a journey) by night from the Harm Mosque ( in Mecca) to the farthest mosque. We blessed these precincts in order that We might show him some of our signs. He is All- healing, the All- seeing.” This Quranic verse clearly mentions that this journey to heavens was not a dream but a physical journey. If it were a dream and not a miraculous physical ascension , then what is glory in it, while God says “ glory to the one”. Moreover, the Arabic word “ Abd” used in this verse means a Person subservient to God. The word “ Abd” is not used for a dreamy condition but it is used for a person experiencing and witnessing the things in a waking position. If we call it a dream, then it is not a miracle and has no special attribute and tribute.

Does science approve or prove such an event? Is it possible? The Quantum Theory of Physics supports such occurrence. In the light of Quantum Physics, the physical transportation of material objects is possible. The scientific verity is deducible by Quantum physics. It refers to proof that the discrete units of matter and energy are predicted by and observed in Quantum Physics. Light waves act like particles and particles act like light waves which is called wave particular duality. Matter can go from step to another with out moving through the intervening space, called quantum tunneling.

There are immaterial implications in quantum theory known as “ Quantum Teleportation”. This process is spiritual process. This phenomenon is called “ entanglement” to reproduce in one point in space a quantum state of existence.

It is a proven scientific fact that matter can be transported to higher celestial spheres keeping its solidity in tack. Matter and energy are inter- convertible. But the question arises; Is “ Spiritual Transportation” possible? As human body is the blend of clay and soul, is it possible that while transporting a living object, the soul does not suffer?

Yes; the spiritual transportation is possible as in the sphere/ zone of electricity, the spirit is not harmed. Soul according to the Quran is a “Special Creation” which is divine light and energy. Besides, the act of transportation and ascension to heavens is so speedy that no material law of nature is applicable on it. When one thing crosses the flames of fire slowly, it burns.

But, when you throw a material object with fast speed through the flames, it remains safe. Similar is the scientific occurrence of the event of ascension of Prophet Mohammad. Time and Space are physical , spacial and natural laws which were superseded by spiritual and supernatural laws. Miracle supersedes material laws. This secret has been nicely depicted in an Urdu couplet of Dr. Iqbal. He says:
عشق کی اک جست نے طے کر دیا قصّہ تمام
اِس زمین و آسماں کو بیکراں سمجھا تھا مَیں
( one leap of love has crossed all boundaries; I thought this earth and heaven could not be crossed as they are infinite”.

Conclusively, I would like to quote a few lines from my book titled “ Philosophy of Soul.” “ In the present monograph, I have tried to prove that matter is bottled up light waves and soul is bottled up divine light wave.

It is not only the spiritual transmutation of man after his death which is discussed in it but also I am of the view that a living man can also be physically transported to the other planets.

If we can convert the living man into light waves and send him to higher planets and there the same waves can be converted into a human being. In this process of conversion of man’s body into waves, the soul does not suffer as it is a superior kind of divine breath as mentioned in the Holy Quran. This holy breath is a spiritual wave. When the Muslims talk of the Holy Prophet’s journey towards the celestial spheres, it is a belief that now scientifically is being authenticated.”

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Democracy or Monarchy

By: Dr. Maqsood Jafri

Eminent reverted Muslim rationalist Ms. Linda Barto on her Facebook has written:” If someone discovers Islam through the guidance of Allah and the Qur’an, he or she will find a simple and beautiful religion that makes sense. If he or she is guided by Muslims, he or she may find a religion that is confusing and unattractive or accept a form of Islam that is extreme and harsh. Some Muslims are too misguided themselves to be able to guide others. May Allah grant help and proper guidance to the Ummah”.

While commenting on her post, a person who lived in Saudi Arabia writes:” Many Muslim Americans , I worked with for two years in Saudi Arabia got so turned off by the Saudis that they reverted back to Christianity. I befriended other Muslims who were not Saudi and my faith grew. We made Umrah together and became a close ex- Pat Muslims.”

Is there any need to comment on this horrendous religious plight of conservatism and extremism Neither Islam is Arab culture nor Arab culture is Islam. Islam is a universal religion based on monotheism, humanity, rationality, equality, peace and justice.

The present image of Islam emerged from the retrogressive and autocratic rule of the Arabs? Which is anti- Islam in its nature , practice and spirit. I have visited some of the Arab countries and found their residents very illiterate and poor living as in a jail. Wherever, there is monarchy, it is a suffocating and throttling cage.

In this strangling atmosphere they live like dead bodies. Exceptions are always there. Some monarchic states are welfare states because of the noble or just ruler but systems are not run on individual bases. In the Muslim history, we find noble, righteous and just rulers like Omar bin Abdul Aziz but we also find callous debauches like Yazid and other kings of Umayyads and Abbasids , Ottomans and Moghals.

Hence, monarchy as a political system can not be adopted. I support the idea of Ms. Linda Barto, who writes that we must get Islam by the Quran. What the Quran says about political freedom and independent opinion which in our modern era is called democracy? The Quran in Surah Aale- Imran says:” And take council with them in affairs.”

Then in Surah Shoora ( The Cousel), it says:” And their rule is to take counsel among themselves.” These verses clearly show that the political power lies with the masses; not with the kings. Roussue opined that sovereignty lies with the masses but in Islam government lies with the masses and sovereignty lies with God. Monarchy is anti- Islam.

No enlightened person can live in any Arab state. These monarchic states have promoted religious extremism, conservatism , fascism and sectarianism. In the name of Islam, they are ruling over suppressed and oppressed people. The public exchequer is being misused by princes and princesses. In America and Europe, the Arab ruling class can be seen in casinos and pubs. The moneyed and ruling class is keeping numberless concubines. There is no social justice in these monarchic states. No political freedom and no social justice are the pinnacles of their autocratic rule. According to the Charter of UN, there can be no slavery and freedom is to be granted and established. The Arab States are the members of UN.

They have to abide by the articles and provisions of UN Charter. When UN will implement the articles of human rights and freedom for all, written in its Charter and emancipate the slaves from the tight and tenacious yoke of the Arab Kings? I endorse the stance and statement of Ms. Linda Barto that we should seek guidance from the Quran to understand the Real Islam and should not get Islam through other sources leaving the Quran aside.

The greatest historical tragedy occurred when after the four caliphs, caliphate was turned into manarchy. The book of Moulana Moududi titled “ Caliphate and Monarchy “, is one of the best books written on this subject. Dr. Allama Iqbal also in one of his Persian couplets says that when the Caliphate severed its ties from the Quran and turned into monarchy, Islam was altered into Monarchic Islam. He further says that unless we obliterate priesthood and monarchy , we can not find Real Islam.

About a Muslim ruler great Muslim political thinkers al- Mavardy and Ibn- e- Qateeba opine that a Muslim ruler must have theses four qualities. He should be a scholar, an administrator, a just and a pious person. Do we find our rulers who meet these tributes? Most of our politicians and rulers belong to elite class and are financially and morally corrupt. Great English thinker and playwright Bernard Shaw had aptly said that Islam is the best religion while the Muslim are the worst people. What does it mean? It means that the Muslims under the spell of priesthood and monarchy have coined up a farce and fake religion whom they call Islam. Islam of Mohammad is different from the Islam of the monarchs. Islam is a democratic religion. Islam is not a monarchic religion.

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A literary Legend

Dr. Maqsood Jafri:

By: Ms. Iffat Malik

Sometimes, You have very fortunate and delightful experiences of life that become assest of your life. One such memorable and mesmerizing experience of mine was to come across with living legend and genius Dr.Prpfessor Maqsood Jafri through face book, who happens to be a great poet,author,philosopher religious scholar, orator, rationalist, master of international affairs last but not the least a political leader. In a nutshell an all rounder in every field who shares deep wisdom and intellect to share his vast and varied knowledge in different languages with equal ease and comfort.

While reading his books,I got amazed with his skills to use Urdu,English and Persian languages with their utmost beauty and handling them with his grip at vast and varied fields of literature like poetry and prose as well as religion, politics, international affairs. His soft and melting diction in poetry. His accurate thoughts to spread the message of Islam on rational, humanistic, progressive and democratic lines and his hawked-eye analysis for politics .

His every piece of work is a master-piece that needs detailed review and analysis that I will do in episodes with great pride and gratitude.
“The Message of Iqbal” penned by him is a true guide to cope with Iqbal’s deep philosophical thoughts and dreams for the generation to come.
It’s really an honour for me as a reader and his facebook fellow to express my humble thoughts for such literally giant and genius.
More power to him for these great efforts to spread intellect, knowledge and wisdom.

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The Recitation of the Holy Quran

By: Dr. Maqsood Jafri

I was questioned by a friend that his son is studying in an English medium school and does not even know proper Urdu.

What to say about Arabic language! Arabic language for him is like a cry in wilderness. As we are Pakistanis and Arabic is neither our mother tongue , nor is our educational/ academic language, then how our kids can read the Quran in Arabic language?

He was much worried and concerned about this issue. I told him that you get a copy of the Quran translated into English and ask your son to read it regularly and comprehend the message of God and act as God hath ordained.

So many people pose such religious queries and are in a state of predicament, and perplexity. The reason is, we have retrogressive mindset and do not seek the solutions in the light of rationality. Besides, the enlightened thinkers avoid getting entangled in the mesh of sensitive religious issues for the fear of the attack and opposition of rigid and dogmatic clergy.

In my opinion to guide the younger generation about the real spirit and message of the Quran is an obligation and one must express his views on religious matters in a modest and positive way. This mental exercise is called “ Ijtehad.”

This analytical method is known as soul searching and rational analysis. Islam is a religion of intellect and the intellectuals are ordained to interpret Islam in the light of time spirit and needs of the epoch. The saying of the Holy Prophet is to ascertain the juristic issues with reason and wisdom to facilitate people. Rational analysis is the back bone of religious assessment.

The Quran says, it was revealed to prophet Mohammad( PBUH) in Arabic language so that the Arabs can understand the message propounded in it. Hence, the focal point to read/ recite the Quran is to understand its message and act on it. The sensible and advisable way is to read the Quran in one’s own language. The non- Arabs can learn Arabic and read it in Arabic language as the Quran is the Word of God and its every word is sacred.

But, the tragedy is that ninety five percent non- Arabs just recite the Quran with out understanding it. They consider this reading as spiritual reward and a virtue. With out understanding the language of the Quran and its meanings, what are we up to? About this mode of recitation about the Jews, the Quran says in Surah The Cow:” There are illiterate men among them who, ignorant of the meaning of the Scriptures, know of nothing except lies and vague fancies.” ( 2: 78). The Muslims are doing the same for which the Jews were condemned in the Quran. The non- Arabs do not know Arabic and recite the Quran without understanding it. If you do not know what you are reading/ reciting, then how can you act upon the Quranic injunctions?As we do not read the Quran in our mother tongue, we are dependent on sectarian Mullahs.

I have met many Muslim clerics who have memorized some Quranic verses and use them in their fiery speeches and enkindle the flames of sectarian hatred to win the hearts of their illiterate blind bigots, but do not know the meaning of the Arabic verses. Under the situation, it is recommended that every non- Arab Muslim should read the Quran in his/ her mother tongue. If, he/ she can learn Arabic language and recites the Quran in Arabic, it is excellent and preferably admirable. Otherwise, read it in your own language and understand its meanings and act as commanded by Allah. The professional clerics in all religions do not want that their monopoly on religion should be challenged or finished.

The Torah descended in Hebrew language. Only the professional rabbis were permitted to read the Torah and common people were not even allowed to touch the book. Similar was the case of the Christian priests. They were the self- styled custodians of religion. If any person save a priest, even touched the holy Bible, he was alive burned to ashes. One must read the book of great British philosopher Bertrand Russell titled “ Why I am not a Christian.”

The horrors of clerics are the worst part of human history. Karl Marx regarded religion as an opium. Are the sectarian clerics of all religions not intoxicated by opium? Religion has been made the maid of clergy. Majority of the Muslim Mullahs are sectarian, retrogressive, short sighted, professional, irrational, and narrow minded. They are playing havoc with people.

The Quran condemns the Jewish clergy for selling the name of God. Are the Muslim Mullahs and Sufis not selling the name of God? We need enlightened Muslim thinkers to guide the Muslims towards the Real Islam. Islam that proposes and promotes a democratic welfare state. Islam is not a Cult. Islam is a Code. Unfortunately, the Code has been made a Cult. Dr. Allama Iqbal had said: “ Goethe says back to Art; I say back to the Quran.”

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On the Empowerment of Women

The world is celebrating Women Day. Some friends have asked me to give my opinion on this sensitive issue.

Very briefly, I would like to comment that in retrogressive and traditional societies like Asian and African countries, even today, the ladies are deprived of their social rights.

The men dominate women, while in American and Western countries, the ladies have infinite freedom and they dominate men.

I believe in equal respect of men and women. I strongly support the genuine rights of women given to them by Islam. They are free to get education, job and have free choice of marriage. In some uncivilized societies , even today, the women are maltreated and mishandled which is against humanity and religion. No religion or philosophy permits the exploitation of women. No one can permit violence on women folk. The educated and civilized men must support the genuine demands and rights of women. There are no two opinions about it. But some of the ladies who are struggling for women freedom and equal rights and women empowerment are Westernized and intend female chauvinism against male chauvinism. Most of them are on foreign sponsored agenda. Some of them are sincerely and seriously supporting this mission while some others are financed by anti- Islam forces who want the Muslims to adopt their free Sex culture. I condemn male chauvinism and also condemn female chauvinism . I have seen in America and some Western countries, the ladies direct and dominate men. We need a balanced society. No ones rights should be trampled under feet. Respect begets respect. The Western ladies are in a big mess. They have to bear the brunt of life adversities all alone. Their life is miserable. The rate of divorce is on apex. Family life has been shattered. The cumbersome life has depressed the Western ladies. Majority of them do not produce kids and spend time with dogs and cats. Pets can’t replace kids. What a miserable life! These ladies take drugs. Dr. Iqbal in a Persian poem writes that the daughter of the Holy Prophet Fatima is the role model for the Muslim ladies. When she used to visit the Holy Prophet, he got up to welcome her and offered her his seat. It was to show respect for his daughter and also was a universal and everlasting message for all humans to love and respect daughters. He respected his wives and asked the people to be very careful and decent to women. On his last pilgrimage sermon on the mount of Arafat, he exhorted Muslims to guard the rights of women accorded to them by God. There is a Surah in the Quran titled “ The Women”, which grants rights to women and protects their dignity. I wish the Muslim ladies follow the life style Hazrat Fatima , instead of making the Western actresses as their role model and spoils their lives.

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Interfaith Dialogue: The Gateway to Peace

By: Dr. Maqsood Jafri

Engineer Col( Retd) Mumtaz Hussain is a veteran scholar and has deep insight in the matters of natural divine acumen and in religious scriptures.

He aspires to see peace and harmony in the agonizing, warring, turbulent, aggressive, devastating and divisive world through the modes and methods of Interfaith dialogue in establishing, justice, peace, equality, humanity and fraternity. He yearns a humane, peaceful and Inter- cultural, Inter-environmental and Inter- Faith world that is saturated with the precious pearls of modernation, reliance, reability, rationality, and tolerance. His treatise contains two parts. In part one titled “ Divine Environmental Acumen”, in the light of the Holy Quran and the Traditions of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad( PBUH), he has proved that Islam enhances Environmental Acumen. The author ardently desires a clearer, greener, safer and healthier environment.

The second part of the book is of immense importance as it is the dire need of our times. The author aptly opines that the religious extremism, ethnic cleansing, racial feuds, political victimization, state terrorism, social strifes, tribal skirmishes are the main reason of global unrest. He recommends the Policy of Reconciliation between the antagonistic and warring parties. He concludes that human rights and peace must be maintained through tolerance and interfaith dialogue. Great British philosopher Bertrand Russell was a staunch exponent and proponent of tolerance and regarded it the basic trait and factor in enhancing education and civilization. The religious fanatics have profusely shed the blood of innocent people in the name of religion. The human history is drenched in the blood of humans. The Hindus shed the blood of the Buddhists, the Christians shed the blood of the Jews. The Christians and the Muslims in the Crusades killed numerous in the name of Holy Wars for two centuries. Hitler mercilessly killed the Jews and played the Holocaust with the Jews. Today, the Jews, in Israel are randomly killing the innocent Palestinian Muslims. About this horrible, horrific and horrendous human plight in my book titled “ The Rational Study of Islam “ on page 43, I had suggested: “ How can we stop wars and blood baths? The simple answer to this question is, we will have to respect the ideas and faiths of all and sundry.”
What the scriptures say about human peace, harmony, fraternity and interfaith dialogue is the most sacred and sanctum verdict on this subject. In the fifth book of The Torah, in the section called Deuteronomy, Prophet Moses says:” And I charged your judges at that time, saying; “Hear the cases between your brethren, and judge righteously between every man and his brother, and the stranger that is with him”. The Message of The Torah is the establishment of a just and peaceful world. The Holy Bible in the Gospel of John, Chapter 12, verse 47, Jesus Christ says:” And if any man hears my word and believes not, I judge him not, for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world”. The Holy Bible repeatedly preaches justice, virtue, mercy and love. In Psalms 4: 8, John 14: 27, and Philippians 4: 7, the glad tidings of peace and love have been given to humankind.
Similarly, the Holy Quran in Surah The Heifer verse 256, says:” There is no compulsion in religion.” In Surah “The Bee”, verse 125, the Holy Quran says:” Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and decent preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious.”
I feel it pertinent to deal with this issue in the light of religious mutual harmonious factors and international arena.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of UNO guarantees dignity, freedom, and justice for all. The human rights enshrined in the UDHR provide guidelines to all nations to evade racial, religious and gender discrimination. But practically, we see that the world is still engulfed in the swirls of turbulent crises. The genocide of the Muslims in Rwanda at the hands of the extremist Buddhists, the uncouth massacre of the Muslim Kosovoians by the Christians Serbians, the bestial killings of the Indian and Kashmiris by Indian fascist regime of Narendra Modi and RSS and the brutal killings and religious cleansing of the Muslim Palestinians by the Israelis are the outcome of religious extremism, racial discrimination , Islamophobia and xenophobia. Islamophobia is a term concocted and coined by the anti- Islam forces. Islam is a religion of peace , moderation, equality and humanity but is being branded as the religion of terrorism. There are many verses in the Holy Quran about peace, justice, humanity and harmony. The treaty between the Muslims of Medina and the Jews of Bani Awf and the peaceful dialogue between Prophet Mohammad ( PBUH), and the Christians of Najran, district of Yemen are living examples of the message of peace, tolerance, mutual harmony and respect for all religions and all humans.
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Semitic religions and all preach peace, justice , love and humanity.
It is very tragic that not only different religions are at loggerheads but all religions have combatting sects. Both, Intra- faith and Interfaith dialogue and harmony are the dire need of time to save humanity. Every religion is divided into several sects and these sects are beheading each other. We have to face these two challenges and enhance the spirit and culture of fraternity and humanity to save the world from racial discrimination and religious extremism.
I appreciate the enlightened and insightful contribution of Col. Mumtaz Hussian to unite the humans under one canopy of humanity. This treatise is a great contribution and will become a harbinger of peace and tolerance through the call for Interfaith dialogue.
March 17, 2023

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Pakistan and TTP

By syed Ali Shah

For more than a decade now Pakistan has been in a state of war with far-right outlawed extremist militant group the Tehreek Taliban Pakistan. The group even after numerous full scale military operations and scores of defeats somehow surfaces back to existence and proves to be a hornet’s nest for the security institutions of Pakistan.

With the Afghan Taliban coming into power the TTP found an easy ground to regroup and re-emerge. The year 2022 turned out to be pretty devastating for the Pakistan’s security forces as 282 personals were the victims of terrorism and as per research a report released by the Centre for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) stated that the violence is more likely to increase in 2023.

The Taliban now with advanced US weapons have launched their attacks on the security forces.

TTP attacked the CTD headquarters in Bannu held it hostage demanding safe evacuation to Afghanistan to clear them out the finest men within the army (Al zarrar a unit of SSG) were to rescue the hostages, though the operation with some casualties and injuries was successful numerous questions were raised about the Taliban comeback days later inside Peshawar police line the headquarters of KPK police, a suicide bomber disguised in police uniform conducted a suicide attack blew himself inside the mosque the bomb caused more than 100 casualties of KPK police. TTP did not confine their attacks to KPK and started launched their attack on Karachi police line the battle between the police alongside rangers Sindh and the 3 terrorists continued for hours, the attack caused 3 casualties and injured 19 whereas two of the terrorists were eliminated and one blew himself. With police stations being attacked and the police-men being held hostage and Taliban gaining continuous ground all we can expect the is Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan to follow the same pattern as it has before brought another wave of terror back to Pakistan but this time with much deadlier American advanced weapons.

Recently, Federal Minister for Human Rights Riaz Pirzada in an interview claimed that the former govt. had decided to bring the Taliban (TTP) back and re-settle them but the plan backfired. This statement has raised many questions the most valid why was the govt. in the first place was negotiating with the TTP? Knowing the fact, the TTP has caused the state more damage than its arch rival India ever did in each and every aspect whether be it economic political, social or military. How is Pakistan going to deal with Taliban now? would there be another military operation? Is Pakistan going back to the days of terrorism? All the operations and all the men who laid their lives was that for nothing?  The government and the decision makers have a lot to answer and a lot to make up for

Taking the history of the outlawed outfit Pakistan to deal with the Taliban negotiated with conducted several military operations i.e. Zarb-e-Azab etc. for which Pakistan had to pay a heavy price we had IDP’S military casualties and economic losses    into account negotiations and military operations both up to some extents have failed.  The reemergence of the TTP time after time has its credit to the failed and confused policies adapted by Pakistan’s policy makers. Instead of being in a political turmoil I think the policy makers of Pakistan all together are in a dire need for constructing a policy to deal with the TTP for once and for all but it seems the utmost representation of non-serious political affairs has ignored and sidelined a major threat existing to the security institutes, the government and the citizens of Pakistan. It seems to me that whilst we have engaged ourselves in politics another imminent terrorist attack is under the pipeline

PSL 2023: Quetta Gladiators loses against Lahore Qalandars

PSL 2023: Quetta Gladiators loses against Lahore Qalandars

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In the 18th match of Pakistan Premier League (PSL) season eight at the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore, Lahore Qalandars defeated Quetta Gladiators by 17 runs to claim win.

The points table continues to be dominated by Qalandars, who hold the top spot, while Gladiators occupy the lowest spot.

The Sarfaraz Ahmed-led Gladiators were held to 131-7 in 20 overs by the Shaheen Shah Afridi-led Qalandars as they failed to reach their 149-run goal.

Prior to Yasir Khan’s dismissal, who had scored 14 runs in 15 balls on the last delivery of the powerplay thrown by Haris Rauf, the pair had contributed 53 runs for the first wicket.

While this was going on, Rashid Khan trapped the batter in front of the stumps and sent Smeed back to the hut. 32 runs were scored in 25 balls by the right-hander.

As a direct hit from Fakhar Zaman struck the stumps, Mohammad Hafeez (2) was run out.

Rashid added pressure on Quetta by by getting the crucial wicket of Iftikhar Ahmed in his final over. The leg-spinner from Afghanistan concluded with noteworthy statistics of 2-14 in four overs.


Yasir Khan, Martin Guptill, Will Smeed, Mohammad Hafeez, Iftikhar Ahmed, Mohammad Nawaz, Odean Smith, Umaid Asif, Naseem Shah, and Naveen-ul-Haq are among the Quetta Gladiators.

Lahore Qalandars: Abdullah Shafique, David Wiese, Shaheen Afridi (c), Rashid Khan, Sam Billings (wk), Fakhar Zaman, Mirza Tahir Baig, Hussain Talat, Sikandar Raza, and Zaman Khan

Heart attack victim Sushmita Sen assures admirers that she is now OK

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The news that Sushmita Sen had a heart attack two days ago was shared with her followers on Instagram. She received well greetings from fans and followers.

“Keep your heart happy & courageous, and it’ll stand by you when you need it the most Shona,” she said on Instagram. (Sage advice from my father, Sensubir) A few days ago, I had a heart attack… Stent in place following angioplasty… I do have a big heart, my cardiologist has reiterated, and that is the most essential thing. There are many persons to appreciate for their prompt assistance & helpful action… I’ll do that in a different thread! This post is merely intended to inform you—my loved ones and well-wishers—of the excellent news.

among the six TTP terrorists killed in an IED strike were commanders

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In an IED attack targeting the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Thursday in Afghanistan’s Khost province, at least six terrorists, including commanders, were killed and 15 others were injured.

Sources claim that three of the terrorists who were slain have been named: Abdul Manan, Alam Khan Mudakhel, and Kajeer. Three more militants have not yet been given a name.

The terrorist commanders Fazl Amin, Muhammad alias Toofan, Noor Payo Khan, Tarozai, Sat Kai, Ali Sur Khan, Zubair, Hijratullah, Kamal, Sher Afzal, Bakhtullah, Zubihullah, and two others are among those who have suffered injuries.

The attack’s perpetrators have not been identified by any group or nation.

It should be highlighted that while the TTP declares its allegiance to the Afghan Taliban, it is not an official member of the organisation in charge of Kabul.

The Taliban’s rivals are the Daesh Khorasan affiliate in Afghanistan, which takes its name from an earlier moniker for the area. In 2014, Daesh-affiliated fighters first showed up in eastern Afghanistan and eventually spread to other regions.

Against the dollar, the Pakistani rupee plunges and amid IMF deal impasse

Against the dollar, the Pakistani rupee plunges and amid IMF deal impasse

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The Pakistani rupee lost Rs17.89 versus the dollar during intraday trade on Thursday due to political and economic instability, sending the US dollar spiralling out of control.

When the trading session was still open, the dollar was trading at Rs284 in the interbank market. Following the review of monetary policy and delay in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) arrangement, the local currency’s value plunged by an unprecedented amount.

The dollar increased by Rs 9 in the open market as well.

Since the government limited imports to manage the depleting foreign exchange reserves amid a significant danger of default, the interbank market continued to appreciate, according to Arif Habib Limited.

The change occurs as the market prepares for the State Bank of Pakistan’s (SBP) emergency Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting later in the day, which is expected to result in additional monetary tightening to combat inflation. On Wednesday, the local currency declined against the US dollar and ended the day at 266.11 after losing 1.73 percent, or Rs4.61, in the inter-bank market.

According to Zafar Paracha, secretary general of the Exchange Companies Association of Pakistan (ECAP), the IMF had ordered Pakistan to exchange dollars at the going rate for trade with Afghanistan.

In other words, he explained, the IMF had stated that Pakistan’s true rate should be the rate on the grey market rather than the open market or the interbank rate.

“They [the IMF] are right because the current exchange of dollars exclusively occurs in the grey market,” Paracaha continued.

IMF adds four new requirements

According to further sources, the IMF has revised its understanding of at least four earlier decisions in preparation for reaching a staff-level agreement (SLA) on the urgently required economic assistance.

The most recent IMF action has angered Pakistani authorities, who warned that if we [Pakistan] continued to act like beggars, the IMF will terminate our membership.

The global lender has already taken four steps, including imposing a permanent power surcharge of Rs3.39 per unit plus 0.43 paisa (totaling Rs3.82 per unit), using market-based exchange rates, raising the discount rate by 150 to 250 basis points, and getting approval from bilateral partners to cover a $7 billion shortfall in external financing.

Authorities compared the situation to the one in 1998, after Pakistan’s nuclear testing, when its economic problems grew worse.

Aurat March 2023 will take place in Karachi on March 12

Aurat March 2023 will take place in Karachi on March 12

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This year’s Aurat March in Karachi will take place on March 12 instead of March 8.

The organisers announced their intention to reschedule the march from Women’s Day to the new date in a social media message.

The 20th anniversary of Aurat March Karachi will occur on March 12th, 2023. “They published an Instagram update on their official page. “ We still stand in total solidarity with the impending Marches for Aurat on March 8, 2023 in Hyderabad, Lahore, Islamabad, and Multan, according to the caption.

The protesters will march in assistance of “our hunger, social security, a living wage, an end to bonded labour, rehabilitation of flood victims, an end to mob violence, an end to domestic violence, the Transgender Persons Protection Act 2018 and to end forced conversions,” according to a previous statement from the organisers.

The statement continued by outlining the reasons behind the organisers’ modification of the date. We made the decision to hold the Aurat March in Karachi on March 12 rather than March 8 because that day is a Sunday. By doing this, we would spare the working-class communities we serve the pain of losing a day’s pay. The march will happen on March 12, 2023, with all of its fervour and vigour.

Student organizations "clash" at Punjab University

Student organizations “clash” at Punjab University

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According to the Lahore police on Wednesday, the most recent act of violence included a fight between two student organisations at the University of Punjab.

Aerial fire and stone-throwing were also used during the incident at one of the biggest universities in the country, however it is yet unclear how many students were harmed.

The other students involved in the shooting on university premises, including Haseeb, were also said to have been arrested by the authorities.

The incident happened just a few days after Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU), the top university in the country, was closed this week for an undetermined amount of time due to an altercation between two student organisations.

According to Dr. Raja Qaiser Ahmed, the university’s registrar, the altercation between the two groups took place on Monday, and as a result, students were told to leave the dorms.

Price of petrol is decreased by Rs5 per litre

Price of petrol is decreased by Rs5 per litre

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ISLAMABAD: The federal government announced Tuesday that the petrol price will drop by Rs5 per litre to Rs267 per litre for the upcoming two weeks.

Ishaq Dar, the Minister of Finance and Revenue, stated during a news conference that the petrol price would remain at Rs280 per litre till the next review.

The finance czar stated that light diesel oil’s price has been reduced by Rs 12 per litre to Rs 184.68 per litre and that the price of kerosene oil has been reduced by Rs 15 per litre to Rs 187.73 per litre.

The global market for gasoline and diesel has seen a major fall, which has allowed the government to provide assistance to the already-burdened population due to inflation.

According to the article, the rupee’s rise against the dollar over the previous two weeks also contributed to a decrease in the import price of gasoline and diesel because the average exchange rate fell by Rs8 for the upcoming price review.

Imran Khan suspends the "Jail Bharo Tehreek" following the SC decision

Imran Khan suspends the “Jail Bharo Tehreek” following the SC decision


Imran Khan, the chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, praised the Supreme Court’s (SC) decision in the election suo motu case on Wednesday and declared the “Jail Bharo Tehreek” suspended. He also stated that the party would continue its election campaigns in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Punjab.

“We applaud the SC ruling. After the Supreme Court ordered that elections be held in the provinces within 90 days, the former prime minister remarked, “It was the duty of SC to preserve the Constitution and they have gallantly done so via their judgement today.

In a split decision today, the Supreme Court directed the governor KP to declare a date for the election in the province while also directing the president to meet with the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) and set a date for elections in Punjab.

That is an assertion of the rule of law in Pakistan, according to Imran Khan, whose party was one of the petitioners in the election delay lawsuit.

We are continuing our Jail Bharo election campaigns while stopping our Jail Bharo movement.

Fawad Chaudhry, the head of the PTI, had said earlier in the day that the verdict supported their position.

It’s actually a unanimous decision, as Judge Mansoor Ali Shah said, “The Supreme Court shouldn’t have taken suo motu notice on it when the Lahore High Court had taken up the subject and determined that the elections should be held in 90 days.” said Chauhdry.

He thus concurs with our position. Moreover, the Constitution has won.

In the meantime, Fawad stated that the president has been requested to announce the election in Punjab while the governor is directed to determine the polling date in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, preventing Awami Muslim League chairman Sheikh Rashid from appearing outside the supreme court following the ruling.