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Gull naz

We see and hear Discrimination everywhere, commonly among different communities of colors, religions, regions and races.

But if we pay close attention ,discrimination is biggers and huge than this, its in our homes, within our families and friends also. We discriminate our family member or friend based on physical disability , mental illness, death divorce, financial status and gender.
During this pandemic poeople with covid were abandoned by their families, Majority of Mentally ill are labeled as Crazy, Nuts and violent. Divorced and widow ladies are not given the equal chances to re-marry , poor are not treated the same as our rich relatives or friend, orphans don’t get opportunities to go to the best schools , person with born physical disability is considered useless and burden on the society , women are treated as 2nd grade citizens, and even daughters are treated differently than sons.
This all seems normal to us and we don’t think we are doing wrong because that’s how the society and culture is. But actually this is Discrimination.
We are concerned and very sensitive about international discrimination on religion, region, race, color and language , when we know its beyond our control. But the issues and discriminations facing our families and friends due to so called Norm culture and society are ignored and we don’t try to work on them when its in our control and we can avoid to happen or at least lessen them, because we are society and form the cultural norm.
We should try to educate ourselves about physical and mental disabilities and treat our disable loved ones with dignity and respect, do not label them with names, uplift them morally , provide them opportunities to participate and function in our communities and make them feel the valuable member of society.
We have to change our mindset towards the divorcee and widows ,do not eliminate them from eligibility of marriage and give them chance to re-marry , accept them with open arms and stop thinking that they are divorced, chracterless, ugly or old.
We should not place the orphans in the orphanage houses and forget them ,close doors to their bright future ,we have to give them access to higher education and skills based on their abilities and place them back into the active community and make them feel proud of them.
Money doesn’t make a person of good character and should not be the criteria of friendship or relationship, we need to treat the person based on his or her qualities and behavior towards us and not by financial status
We must not look down upon poor and make them feel unfortunate and less worthy.
Women are made physically less stronger than men but they are more mature emotionally and handle many day to day life issues better than men, they give birth to a child and raise him, they are home makers and also part of every profession, they multi task and balance between family and professional life very well and know how to maintain relationships they are as equally important and valuable as men and not to be considered 2nd grade citizen.
Gender should not play the role in value of a girl or a boy in society, and need to be treated as same human being, only preferences should be made by intelligence, character, behavior and qualities when it comes to any opportunity , event, or decision of life.
Stay blessed, and safe.



Gulnaz Ahmed

SEPARATION ,sounds very simple word as leaving something or someone but actually when it comes into action its very deep and leaves sadness, loneliness, emptiness , grief, feeling of failure and some times guilt, for instance when we lose our loved ones , precious stuff , job, assets or valuables.
But on the positive side it also brings peace, happiness, and we feel safe and protected.
You must be thinking how one can be in peace or protected by separating from part or peice of his or her life ?
The answer is within us , we can experience it by becoming little bold, strong, willing to change and learn to live different.
If we look into our lives, we are polluted our minds by negative thoughts ,and bodies by bad habbits or lifestyles. We have gathered hurtful influences around us, fight useless battles and waste energy on unnecessary arguments of What, Why, But and If. Engaged in criticism and finding flaws in people.
Say YES to please others and avoid to say SORRY to please our ego. Impressed by materials and money , busy in constant race of achievements, chasing unrealistic goals, and finding peace in man-made world. We value ourselves by opinion of other’s .
Inorder to bring peace, happiness, and to be safe and protected we have to separate from all these ,it could be hard and difficult but not impossible. We just need to think and act little different, change our prospective towards life and poeople, make some priorities and shift the view how we see the world. We need to learn to live the new way .
We have to refrain our selves from all unnecessary fights and arguments which steal our peace and leave nothing but envy or enmity. We learn to find positive into every hardship and difficulty. Remove bad influential people from lives who bring our moral down ,stay away from environment which make us think or engage into unrealistic goals and activities instead try to make small and achievable goals so we feel proud and happy whem accomplished. Money can resolve many problems and issues but can’t buy happines. Be content, enjoy what we have and not to be tempted to get what others have and be part of non ending , exhausting race of greed.
Value ourselves based on our own qualities and not by other’s opinions and try to do what make us happy and comfortable. Need to find peace in nature and spirituality, believe in ourselves and always have faith.
We have to minimize, What, Why, But, and If from our lives and maximize Thanks, Sorry, and Please to bring love and harmony . We need to separate our selves from jealousy, anger, hate and grudges to be peaceful , protect our mind and soul from negativity and detach from polluted and toxic environment of greed and animosity around us.
Be happy, peaceful and protected .
Jazakumallah khair.

Indonesia Blocks Yahoo Paypal and Gaming Websites for Licensing Violations

Yahoo, Paypal, and casino websites are blocked in Indonesia due to licence violations

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JAKARTA: Due to their inability to abide by licencing regulations, Indonesia has barred the search engine Yahoo, the payments company PayPal, and a number of gaming websites, an official announced on Saturday, setting off a social media outcry.

Regulations that went into effect in late November 2020 mandated registration and gave authorities extensive authority to request platforms to hand over user data and remove information deemed illegal or that “disturbs public order” within four hours if necessary and 24 hours if not.

The deadline, which had been postponed until Friday, prompted a rush of registrations from several tech firms, including Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, as well as Inc.

Yahoo, PayPal, and gaming portals like Steam, Dota2, Counter-Strike, and EpicGames, among others, have been blocked, according to Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, a senior official at Indonesia’s Communications Ministry.

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Iran detains a Swedish national on suspicion of spying

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After a Stockholm court earlier this month sentenced a former Iranian official to prison for war crimes, Iran announced on Saturday that it had detained a Swedish national on espionage accusations.

In recent years, Iran has detained scores of foreigners and dual citizens, most frequently on espionage and security-related charges. The suspect had been under surveillance by the intelligence ministry during several previous trips to Iran due to (their) suspicious behaviour and contacts, according to rights groups, which Tehran denies.

It did not give a name or specify when the arrest was made, but added that the suspect had a history of travelling to the Palestinian territories, visiting non-tourist locations in Iran, and contacting people, including.

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Speaking about his panic attacks while filming Thirteen Lives, Colin Farrell

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In an interview, Colin Farrell admitted that when filming underwater sequences for the upcoming action picture Thirteen Lives, he suffered “panic attacks.”

The Batman actor confessed that he experienced anxiety while submerged for the sequences as he recalled the terrifying event.”Man, I experienced panic attacks when submerged. I’ve never had a panic episode underwater, said the 46-year-old.

I had to tell myself, ‘Just relax,’ he added. Maintain your composure. You’re good. Nothing to be concerned about. Your tank is OK; it is currently 60% full. Just take a deeper breath. It’s OK.'”

The actor recalled his time in the tank by saying, “They filled them full of water, and when we went down, there was no going up.”

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Trial is set for October 17 in Twitter’s dispute with Elon Musk regarding a $44 billion deal

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WILMINGTON: A Delaware judge determined that Elon Musk must disclose by the end of this Friday any legal claims he may have against the company in order for Twitter to be able to hold him to his $44 billion acquisition for the social media platform. The trial will go for five days starting on October 17.

The ruling was signed late Thursday by Chancellor Kathleen McCormick of the Delaware Court of Chancery. Musk, the head of Tesla and the richest man in the world, has until 5 p.m. EDT (2100 GMT) on Friday to submit any counterclaims.

According to Musk’s legal counsel, he may file counterclaims, which would basically be his own lawsuit against Twitter and be used to seek monetary compensation for the disputed transaction.

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX announced his decision to terminate the partnership on July 8 and accused Twitter of breaking the merger agreement by exaggerating the number of phoney accounts on its platform.

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle went through “12 days of misery”

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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who even received significant notice with their move last week, did not have a good few days.The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have “received hit after hit over the last 12 days or so,” according to royal pundit Daniela Elser, who also noted that things are not exactly going well in Montecito.

Harry and Meghan’s arrival at the UN headquarters in New York generated headlines, but it didn’t seem like they had much of an impact. Harry’s UN speech and gesture both continued to be talked about.

The Duke’s criticism of the United States generated responses. Supreme Court’s decision to overrule the influential Roe v. Wade ruling from 1973.Tom Bower, a royal author, published his book “Revenge: Meghan, Harry, and the War Between the Windsors” shortly after that.

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After the rupee hit a record low against the dollar, Imran Khan and Miftah Ismail traded jabs

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Imran Khan, the leader of the PTI, and Finance Minister Miftah Ismail engaged in a Twitter argument over the rupee’s recent decline versus the dollar.

In response to Khan’s tweet on rising inflation and the local currency’s depreciation under the coalition government, the finance minister in a thread compared the performance of the PTI-led government with that of the previous administration.

According to Miftah, Khan took office with the Pakistani rupee at 122 and left it there at 190. In his words, Pakistan owed Rs. 25,000 billion, but when he left, the government still owed Rs. 44,000 billion.

According to Miftah, Khan took office with the Pakistani rupee at 122 and left it there at 190. Pakistan owes Rs. 25,000 billion, he continued.

The finance minister claimed that the coalition government prevented Pakistan from defaulting and blamed the PTI chairwoman for the predicament the country is in.

We know who the true thief is, he said, “from Toshakhana watches to foreign money to handing confiscated £190 million back to demanding jewellery to Farah Khan exercising power and accepting bribes.


The endangered species list now includes monarch butterflies

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The Monarch butterfly, a beloved species around the world and a symbol of North America, is now listed as an endangered species.

The butterfly is in imminent danger of extinction due to rising temperatures and the degradation of the insect’s natural habitat, according to a press release from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

According to a survey, the population of monarch butterflies has decreased by around 70% during the past ten years. According to IUCN, “a specific population group in the Western United States has decreased by approximately 99.9 percent.”

There is a lot that has to be done to safeguard the species, according to Dr. Sean T. O’Brien, President and CEO of Nature Serve. with the identification of further ozone layer holes.

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PM After the rain-related death toll reaches 120, Shehbaz Sharif travels to Balochistan

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QUETTA: On Saturday, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif travelled to Balochistan to inspect the relief efforts taking place there following the deaths of more than 120 persons due to severe monsoon rains.In Balochistan, torrential rains have caused mayhem and left ruin in their wake.

Over 10,000 homes have sustained partial damage, while over 6,000 homes have been entirely destroyed.Due to the constant rain, the prime minister appointed a committee of federal ministers on Thursday with the mission of visiting flood-affected districts and submitting a report within the next four days.

The prime minister said that Rs 1 million would be given to the families of those whose members perished in the rains, along with Rs 500,000 for those whose homes were completely destroyed, and Rs 200,000 for those whose homes suffered just partial damage.

He omitted, nevertheless, to specify when the money would be distributed. The animal losses and agricultural damage will be evaluated by a committee, according to PM Shehbaz.


No matter how strong they are, the opposition is unfrightened of them: Fazl

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According to the PDM leader, no one will be able to intimidate the coalition government. He continued, “All the partnered parties will run jointly in the by-elections

The court is the most significant institution of the state, and everyone has a responsibility to respect it, according to Fazl, who criticised the Supreme Court’s decision to choose Pervez Elahi as the chief minister of Punjab.

On July 26, the Supreme Court of Pakistan found that Dost Muhammad Mazari, the deputy speaker of the Punjab Assembly, was “illegal” in his decision to recognise Elahi as the PTI’s nominee for chief minister of the province.

He emphasised that there will be significant repercussions if a judge, through his behaviour, reveals he is taking sides with someone, adding that the state is destroyed if the judge becomes controversial by his behaviour and aids one side.

The largest known neutron star is the gluttonous cosmic "black widow."

The largest known neutron star is the gluttonous cosmic “black widow.”

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WASHINGTON: Astronomers have discovered the most massive neutron star known to science. Dubbed a “black widow,” it gained its size by consuming the majority of the mass of a stellar companion caught in an unhappy cosmic union.

According to the researchers, the neutron star is wildly spinning at 707 times per second and has a mass that is about 2.35 times greater than our sun, which may be the maximum mass that such objects can have before collapsing into a black hole.

A massive star’s compact collapsed core, which resulted from a supernova explosion at the end of its life cycle, is what makes up a neutron star. The neutron star that the researchers describe is a pulsar, a type of highly magnetized neutron star that emits electromagnetic radiation beams from its poles. From the viewpoint of an observer on Earth, these beams appear to pulse as it spins, similar to the rotating light of a lighthouse.

It is known that only one other neutron star spins more quickly than this one.

According to Roger Romani, director of Stanford University’s Center for Space Science and Astrophysics and a co-author of the study that was published this week in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, “the heavier the neutron star, the denser the material in its core.”

Given that it is the heaviest neutron star known, Romani continued, “this object presents the densest material in the observable universe; if it were any heavier it should collapse to a black hole, and at that point the matter inside would be behind the event horizon, forever sealed off from any observation.”

The event horizon of a black hole is the boundary beyond which all matter, including light, is irretrievably sucked in.

The existence of this neutron star, according to Romani, “is an important probe of these physical extremes since we do not yet know how matter works at these densities.”

According to Romani, the neutron star, officially known as PSR J0952-0607, is situated in our Milky Way galaxy in the direction of the constellation Sextans and is about 20,000 light years away from Earth. 5.9 trillion miles is the distance that light travels in a year, or a light year (9.5 trillion km). The Keck I telescope in Hawaii was used by the researchers to study it.

Thermonuclear fusion occurs in the cores of stars with masses of about eight or more times that of the sun, converting hydrogen into heavier elements. The iron core collapses into a neutron star with a diameter of only about a city when it builds up to about 1.4 times the mass of our sun, with the remaining material being blown away in the supernova explosion.

This neutron star shares an orbit with another star in a configuration known as a binary system. The term “black widow” was given to the type of neutron star in honor of female black widow spiders that consume their male mates after mating.

Apparently, it was born with a neutron star’s typical mass, which is roughly 1.4 times that of the sun, but its gravitational pull has changed over time.

Its companion star has been nearly stripped bare by the black widow, losing perhaps 98 percent of its mass, leaving it at 20 times the mass of Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, a far cry from its original size.

According to study co-author and University of California, Berkeley astronomy professor Alex Filippenko, “in a case of cosmic ingratitude, the black widow pulsar, which has devoured a large portion of its mate, now heats and evaporates the companion down to planetary masses and possibly complete annihilation.”

On favorable cues, KSE-100 new records a small gain

PSX weekly review: In a choppy rollover week, stocks only manage a modest gain.

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KARACHI: Following the news flow, the benchmark KSE-100 index of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) fluctuated between the red and green for the majority of the sessions during the previous futures rollover week. It increased just 73 points, or 0.18 percent, to close at 40,150 points, maintaining its previous level.

The stock market started the week off poorly as investors remained on edge due to political and economic uncertainty.

In addition, amid doubts about the release of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) tranche, the Pakistani rupee continued its free fall against the US dollar (reaching an all-time low of 239.94).

Volatility increased as the current account deficit increased by 39% year over year in June 2022 to reach $2.3 billion.

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However, the mood changed for the better after finance minister Miftah Ismail emphasised that all prior actions for the revival of the IMF programme had been taken.

Additionally, the acting governor of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) echoed the finance minister’s remarks and refuted claims of a near-term default on international payments.

Additionally, Fitch and Moody’s expressed confidence that the IMF would soon disburse $1.2 billion. The bourse was kept in check, despite S&P Global downgrading Pakistan’s credit outlook from neutral to negative.

Other significant events this week included ICI Pakistan’s intention to buy a 75% stake in Lotte Chemical, a $754 million decline in SBP’s foreign exchange holdings to $8.6 billion, approval by the cabinet of a power tariff increase of Rs. 3,50 per unit, a decision by the ECC to raise the price of RLNG for sectors with an export focus to $9 per MMBTU, and approval by the ECC of a revision in dealer margins for MS (petrol) and hi

Foreign purchases this week totaled $0.57 million, compared to a net purchase of $1.64 million last week. Technology saw $3 million in purchases, and textiles saw $6.44 million.

On the domestic front, individuals ($2.04 million) and insurance companies ($1.78 million) both reported significant selling.

While the

major week’s winners and losers
Technology (+176 points), banks (+138 points), exploration and production (+58 points), chemicals (+37 points), and oil marketing companies (+16 points) all made positive sectoral contributions.

Fertilizer (-231 points), car assembler (-73 points), and cement made negative contributions, on the other hand (-35points).

TRG Pakistan (+132 points), Lotte Chemical Pakistan (+51 points), Pakistan Oilfields (+47 points), Bank Alfalah (+46 points), and HBL (+30 points) were the top gainers in terms of scrip.

Engro Fertilizer (-88 points), Engro Corporation (-84 points), Indus Motors (-45 points), and Fauji Fertilizer Company were among the biggest losers (-44 points).

upcoming week’s forecast
We expect the market to remain positive in the coming weeks since valuations have opened up to attractive levels, according to a report from AHL.

Additionally, it added, “With the ongoing result season, certain sectors and scrips are expected to stay under the spotlight,” advising investors to carefully choose blue-chip stocks that have solid fundamentals.

According to the brokerage house, “The KSE-100 is currently trading at a PER of 4.1x (2022) compared to the Asia-Pacific regional average of 12.2x while offering a dividend yield of 9.6 percent versus 2.9 percent offered by the region.”

Indus Motor raises prices for vehicles despite a weakening rupee

Indus Motor raises prices for vehicles despite a weakening rupee

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The Indus Motor Company (IMC) has increased the prices of locally produced versions of the Corolla, Yaris, Fortuner, and Revo in response to the persistent depreciation of the Pakistani rupee against the US dollar and rising raw material costs.

The price changes took effect on July 28, but it should be noted that the company has decided to temporarily close its auto production plant from August 1–13 due to difficulties importing raw materials. Booking for all cars has also been put on hold by the company.

The following are the new prices:

VariantsCurrent PricesNew Prices 
Inclusive CVT
Corolla X 1.6 MTRs3,939,000Rs4,899,000Rs990,000
Corolla X.16 ATRs4,099,000Rs5,139,000Rs1,040,000
Corolla X 1.6 AT SERs4,509,000Rs5,639,000Rs1,130,000
Corolla X 1.8 CVTRs4,499,000Rs5,679,000Rs1,180,000
Altis Grande X 1.8 CVTRs4,859,000Rs6,149,000Rs1,290,000
Altis Grande X 1.8 CVTRs4,899,000Rs6,189,000Rs1,290,000

In the meantime, the cost of the Yaris 1.3 and 1.5 rose from a starting price of Rs760,000 to Rs910,000. Thus, Yaris 1.3 starts at Rs3.799 million, and 1.5 starts at Rs4.569 million.

Prices for the Toyota Fortuner increased by between Rs2.530 million and Rs3.160 million, with the new prices for the Fortuner 2.7 G and Fortuner Legender Diesel being Rs12.489 million and Rs15.839 million, respectively.

Revo’s price range increased from Rs1.830 million to Rs2.270 million for its various variations.

The price of a Hilux E unit has increased by Rs1.680 million to Rs9.039 million.

In Pakistan, the price of gold has increased by Rs1,300 per tola.

In Pakistan, the price of gold has increased by Rs1,300 per tola.

Gold glitters, price rises by Rs1,300 per tola in Pakistan

KARACHI: In line with rising prices on the global market, the price of gold in Pakistan rose by Rs1,300 on Saturday.

Data released by the All Sindh Sarafa and Jewellers Association (ASSJA) showed that the price of gold, considered a safe haven, gained Rs1,300 per tola to settle at Rs159,600.

The price of yellow metal in the local market rose by Rs1,114 per 10 grams to Rs136,831.

The price of the yellow metal fell by Rs4,200 per tola the day before, reversing nearly half of its gain from the previous day.

When compared to Dubai, gold costs Rs6,000 less per tola.

Bullion prices rose $5 per ounce to settle at $1,767 on the international market, supported by a weaker dollar and bets that the Federal Reserve may slow the rate of rate increases as economic risks increase.

The cost of silver in the domestic market today remained constant at Rs1,630 for a tola and Rs1,397.46 for a gramme.

Legal professionals weigh in on Amber Heard's appeal and say that Johnny Depp won't lose anything.

Legal professionals weigh in on Amber Heard’s appeal and say that Johnny Depp won’t lose anything.

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Hollywood actress Amber Heard formally filed a motion to appeal the defamation trial verdict in Johnny Depp’s favour at the Circuit Court of Fairfax County.

Legal experts told Newsweek that the actress from Aquaman’s latest attempt to win something in the court case against Depp is unlikely to be successful.

Although Heard’s legal team’s actions were supported, attorney Andrew M. Lieb emphasised that Heard’s appeal “isn’t a slam dunk by any stretch of the imagination.”

“Amber Heard should absolutely appeal her defamation trial loss against Johnny Depp because she is legally entitled to do so and failing to do so is an admission that she is stuck with a decision,”

The verdict will not be overturned, Lieb continued. “She is arguing improper juror service, but only on a technical basis. Absent a causal showing that the juror’s sitting resulted in bias or prejudice against her.

It was agreed by Brian Wagner, a partner at McLoughlin, O’Hara, Wagner & Kendall LLP, that it would be “rare and unlikely” for Heard to win her appeal.

In short, that is uncommon and unlikely in this case. The challenge in an appeal is not only proving the court erred, but also that the error caused a big enough error that the verdict was likely impacted.

In response to the most recent development in the legal dispute involving Amber Heard and Johnny Depp, one of Depp’s attorneys, Camille Vasquez, said: “We just are hopeful that

Norwegian woman climbs 9th mountain to break the record for "super peaks"

Norwegian woman climbs 9th mountain to break the record for “super peaks”

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ISLAMABAD: After submitting Pakistan’s Broad Peak as the ninth mountain in her quest, a Norwegian woman said on Instagram that she is still on track to climb the world’s 14 “super peaks” in the quickest time ever.

Five of the world’s 14 super peaks, or peaks higher than 8,000 metres, are found in Pakistan (26,246 feet). Mountaineers view ascending them all as the pinnacle of success.

The record set by Nepali adventurer Nirmal Purja in 2019 for climbing all 14 peaks in six months and six days is being challenged by Kristin Harila.

According to a post on her Instagram page, she scaled Broad Peak, the twelfth-highest peak, on Thursday, day 76 of her pursuit.

Although representatives from the Pakistani Alpine Club were not immediately available to confirm the 36-year-most old’s recent accomplishment, they had earlier reported that she had summited K2, the second-highest mountain in the world.

She has now descended to base camp and is moving toward Gasherbrum I and II, the final two mountains in this project’s second phase, according to the Instagram post.

While a record number of climbers are taking on Pakistan’s peaks this year, the mountains have taken their toll, leaving six people, including four foreign climbers, missing and presumed dead since the season started in June.

Officials from the Gilgit-Baltistan tourism department reported that Canadian Richard Cartier, Australian Matthew Eakin, Afghan Ali Akbar, and Pakistani Sharif Sadpara are believed dead on K2.

Gordon Henderson, a British climber who got lost while ascending Broad Peak, and Pakistani Iman Karim on Gasherbrum II.

Ordinarily, Pakistani authorities wait until the bodies of missing climbers have been found before declaring them dead.

The Alpine Club reports that this year’s summiting of the 8,611-meter K2 by over 140 people, including 20 women, broke previous records on Pakistan’s mountains.

Until this year, it had been scaled just 425 times, whereas Everest — the world’s highest — has been conquered by more than 6,000 people since Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay first reached the top in 1953.

After ascending Gasherbrum II last week, Sanu Sherpa of Nepal became the first person to successfully double-summit all 14 superpeaks.

Shahid Afridi counsels aspiring cricketers on important matters.

Shahid Afridi counsels aspiring cricketers on important matters.

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Shahid Khan Afridi, a legendary former cricketer from Pakistan, met young players in the city of Karachi, fulfilling their dream of meeting the former skipper.

The Shahid Khan Afridi Foundation (SAF), an organization where talented young cricketers join to become future stars, is supported by the Shahid Khan Afridi Foundation (SAF).

The well-known cricketer, Afridi, visited these young children on Friday at the TMC field, giving them encouragement.

Afridi urged youngsters in his remarks on the occasion to prioritize both education and cricket.

“Concentrate on cricket above all else. then your academic pursuits, “The kids heard from Afridi.

Through his welfare foundation, the former cricketer-turned-philanthropist frequently encourages and supports athletes in a variety of sports.

By 2025, India will stop using MiG-21 fighter aircraft, according to a report.

By 2025, India will stop using MiG-21 fighter aircraft, according to a report.

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The death of two officers in a crash, the most recent in a string of casualties related to the single-engine jet’s failure, has prompted India to ground all of its Soviet-era Russian fighter jets, the MiG-21, by 2025, according to a newspaper on Saturday.

Unnamed Indian Air Force officials were quoted by The Times of India as saying that although the MiG-21s are well past their retirement age, they must be replaced before being grounded.

What aspect of India’s fighter-jet capability would be impacted? was not made clear in the report. According to the Wion news source, the air force has about 70 MiG-21s. In recent years, the air force and the ministry of defence have purchased aircraft from Western manufacturers.

A senior defence ministry official told Reuters only that discussions on the future of the MiG-21 were underway as obtaining spare parts from Russia was becoming more challenging due to the conflict in Ukraine but declined to confirm or deny the Times of India report.

An inquiry for comment from a spokesman for the defence ministry did not receive a prompt response.

The MiG-21, also known as “flying coffins” by the Indian media, has been the main fighter jet for the nation since its introduction in 1963, but crashes have plagued it in more recent years.

In India’s military infrastructure, the jets have been a crucial security asset that have been used, for instance, to attack Pakistan after an alleged suicide attack in the occupied Kashmir region in 2019.

According to official data and a source, the crash of an air force MiG-21 Bison on Thursday in the desert state of Rajasthan brings the total number of MiG-21 crashes since last year to six, with five officers killed.

A.K. Antony, who was the defence minister at the time, reported to parliament in 2012 that more than half of India’s 872 MiG-21 aircraft had been destroyed in crashes over the preceding 40 years.

Watch the video below to learn more about the world's first Bitcoin skyscraper.

Watch the video below to learn more about the world’s first Bitcoin skyscraper.

PropChain’s very first Bitcoin Sky Mansion development. —Khaleej Times

After Welfare Developments opened the first Bitcoin Sky Mansion in the world, one of the most well-known and valuable cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, will soon come to life, according to reports

There will be fractional ownership opportunities for the mansion. As a result, investors will be able to use Bitcoin to purchase building shares.

According to The Crypto Basic, Welfare Developments has partnered with Propchain, a company that deals with real estate investments made online.

The building is more than 600 square metres and has three floors. It is located at Boulevard Point in the heart of Dubai.

The impressive triplex, which has a rooftop jacuzzi, bar, pool table, and many rooms branded “BTC,” has a stellar balcony from which you can see the towering Burj Khalifa.

According to Propchain CEO Robin Ubaghs, the mansion will be finished soon.

Man is detained by Sri Lankan police after president's flags are stolen

Man is detained by Sri Lankan police after president’s flags are stolen

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COLOMBO: Police reported Saturday that they had detained a trade union leader from Sri Lanka who was accused of stealing two official flags from the palace of the ousted president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa and using them as a bedsheet and sarong.

Rajapaksa was forced to flee the country and eventually resign after tens of thousands of angry citizens stormed his home and office on the seafront earlier this month.

On condition of anonymity, a police officer spoke to AFP about the man’s arrest on Friday night in response to a social media post that showed him using one of the official presidential flags as a bedsheet and the other as a sarong.

The videos that his son recorded and uploaded helped us identify him, the officer said.

He admitted to burning one flag, and we have found the one he was wearing as a sarong, according to the investigators.

The officer continued, “The man was remanded in custody for two weeks pending further investigations.”

The 22 million residents of Sri Lanka have endured months-long blackouts, record inflation, and shortages of food, fuel, and gasoline.

Before the large-scale protests that led to Rajapaksa’s overthrow, the public had been angry for months over his alleged mismanagement of the country’s finances.

Social media posts of protesters splashing around in the presidential pool and jumping on four-poster beds inside the expansive compound surfaced shortly after they overran the Presidential Palace.

On the same day, protesters also overran the nearby Temple Trees compound, the official prime minister’s residence, and took televisions and other valuables with them.

According to the police, an inventory was being taken at the colonial-era structures, which house priceless works of art and artifacts.

However, protesters also handed over to law enforcement approximately 17.5 million rupees ($46,000) in clean banknotes that were discovered in a room of the presidential palace.

Ranil Wickremesinghe, Rajapaksa’s successor, has vowed to take a tough stance against “trouble-makers,” and police have recently detained a number of protest leaders.

This week, the state of emergency was extended by Parliament, giving the military broad authority to uphold the peace and hold suspects for extended periods of time.

A protest camp outside the president’s office that had advocated for Rajapaksa’s removal was destroyed by the military last week, prompting international outrage over the use of excessive force by the military against unarmed protesters.

The trailer and release date for The Next 365 Days are provided here.

The trailer and release date for The Next 365 Days are provided here.

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The third and last movie in the steamy erotic 365 Days is still 20 days away.

The Next 365 Days will debut on Friday, August 19, according to Netflix.

The bestselling book “365 dni” by author Blanka Lipinska served as the inspiration for this drama.

Laura Biel, played by Anna-Maria Sieklucka
Don Massimo Torricelli as Laura’s husband, Don Massimo Torricelli
As Olga, Magdalena Lamparska
As Domenico, Otar Saralidze
As Nacho, Simone Susinna
Elena, played by Blanka Lipiska

Following the mafia war, Laura and Massimo try to put their lives back together.

The lovers’ lives are complicated by Massimo’s family connections and a shady man vying for Laura’s affections.

A throwback video of Kate Middleton and Prince William becomes popular

A throwback video of Kate Middleton and Prince William becomes popular

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The throwback video of the Duke of Cambridge Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, has gone viral online.

Shortly after it was posted on TikTok, the video of the royal couple having a party like regular young people quickly gained popularity.

More than four million people have watched the video, and it soon surpassed 400,000 likes.

It is inspired by sweet pictures of Prince William and Kate spending time with friends.

The caption for the video reads, “Party hard like normal young people.”

Many of the images in the viral video, according to Newsweek, were taken in the early 2000s before William and Kate’s 2011 nuptials.

The royal couple can be seen dancing with other friends in the first few pictures.

In a recent Instagram post by J-hope, IU and Jin from BTS engage in playful banter.

In a recent Instagram post by J-hope, IU and Jin from BTS engage in playful banter.

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J-hope from BTS shared an Instagram photo with well-known musician IU on July 29. Jin’s comment on the post caused people to laugh. J-hope also made a humorous response to the remark.

J-hope recently made a guest appearance on the IU’S Palette YouTube series. The rapper discussed his most recent record, Jack In The Box.

“Thank you noona (sister),” read the post’s caption.

Wow, it’s a celebrity, BTS’s Jin remarked in the comments section.

Wow, it’s the most handsome celebrity I know, J-hope of BTS cleverly retorted in response to this.

For IU’s YouTube series, J-hope wore all white, and IU matched.

They each performed songs from the other’s albums. J-hope delivered the rap verses on Equal Sign and Safety Zone, while IU sang the vocal portion. Additionally, they performed the song Pierrot Laughs At Us from IU’s 2014 album A flower bookmark, dancing along to the music.
Additionally, IU shared a video of the two of them performing Equal Sign on social media.

J-hope will be performing at Lollapalooza, while IU will be the first female Korean musician to headline a concert at the Jamsil Olympic Stadium. In addition to running the YouTube series, IU is currently getting ready for her concert.

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“I think Australia’s chance really depends on the upcoming India tour”-Ricky Ponting
According to legendary captain Ricky Ponting

“I think Australia’s chance really depends on the upcoming India tour”-Ricky Ponting
According to legendary captain Ricky Ponting, the 2023 Border Gava Skull series will have a major impact on India’s and Australia’s efforts to reach the finals of the World Test Championship (WTC). Next year, the two countries will face off in a four-game test series on the subcontinent.
India and Australia are second and fourth in the point table. Following the trip to India, a team led by Pat Cummins will host the West Indies and South Africa. In contrast, India will face Bangladesh in a two-game test series that precedes the Border Gabascar series.
Competition between India and Australia is increasing year by year: Ricky Ponting
According to the latest ICC review Ricky Ponting, the India-Australia match is one of the most anticipated on the calendar.
“I think Australia’s chances really depend on the upcoming Indian tour, to be honest. India’s chances are a bit even. In Australia’s current World Test Championship (WTC) cycle, they Completed five tests on the subcontinent. The Yellow boy beat Pakistan 1-0 in the series but recently drew 1-1 in Sri Lanka.
Ricky Ponting Steve Smith and Marnus・ Joined Love Shagne and overtook Joe Root in the hit ranking to get a big score
Joe Root has far behind his rivals after scoring an incredible number of goals in the last 18 months. With a rating of 923, the former England captain is now outperforming test batting stats.
Australians Marnus Labuschagne and Steve Smith occupy second of the top four, with Babar Azam third.

Punjab Speaker election is challenged by PML-N in LHC

Punjab Speaker election is challenged by PML-N in LHC

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The Punjab Assembly’s newly elected speaker, Sibtain Khan, and others were named as respondents in a petition filed on Saturday by the PML-N challenging the election of the assembly’s speaker that had taken place the day before.

According to reports, Mansoor Usman Awan submitted the petition to the Lahore High Court. It claims that the elections’ “legal requirements were not met.”

After the petition was scheduled for hearing, it was noted that the case would be heard by a two-member bench on Monday (August 1).

After former officeholder Pervez Elahi was chosen as the new chief minister of Punjab on July 26, the Punjab Assembly elected PTI’s Sibtain Khan, who was a joint candidate of his party and the PML-Q, as the new speaker on Friday.

Sibtain won the election with 185 votes to Saif ul Malook Khokhar of the PML-N, who was the joint candidate of the opposition, and 175 votes.

According to the petition filed today contesting the election, voting should take place in secret and it is “constitutionally unconstitutional” for ballots to include serial numbers.

The petitioner demanded that the provincial assembly speaker be re-elected and referred to yesterday’s voting as “null and void.”

Atta Tarar, the leader of the PML-N, reiterated the petitioner’s demand for re-election while speaking to journalists.

MPA Rana Mashood reported that the party has asked the Panel of Chair to reject the election. It appears that he was alluding to the PTI when he said, “The party that routinely lies now must be made accountable.”

He demanded that the petition’s hearing be scheduled for today and declared that no assembly proceedings would proceed until a decision had been made in the case.

muhammad zubair

I’m sure Imran Khan can show he’s a Sadiq, Ameen. Zubair of PML-N

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ISLAMABAD: On Saturday, PML-N leader Mohammad Zubair demanded that PTI Chairman Imran Khan “prove” that he is sadiq (honest) and ameen (trustworthy), two qualities that are necessary for anyone holding a public office.

At a press conference in the nation’s capital, Zubair stated that the coalition parties would keep probing the PTI regarding the allegation of illegal funding.

According to Zubair, the PTI is “making excuses” to delay the judgement in the case, which the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) reserved in June.

The PML-N leader said Akbar S. Babar “has presented all evidence on how charitable money was transferred into PTI’s accounts,” referring to the PTI founder who had claimed significant financial irregularities, including funding from outside Pakistan.

He urged Imran Khan to present evidence of his status as a sadiq and an ameen and urged him to file a defamation lawsuit in London’s courts against the foreign publication.

In reference to cases brought against PML-N leaders, he claimed that party chief Nawaz Sharif was the target of “fake cases,” but he displayed all of his financial information.

He questioned why the PTI leader is avoiding being held accountable, saying, “We [PML-N leaders] have appeared in the courts several times, but Imran Khan never appeared before the courts.”

How Imran Khan’s party was aided by a cricket match in the UK
Zubair was referencing a Financial Times exposé that revealed Pakistani tycoon Arif Naqvi’s involvement in the party’s finances and how a sizable portion of its funding in 2013 came from outside the country.

“Naqvi transferred three instalments directly to the PTI in 2013 totaling $2.12m,” the report states.

The Wootton Cricket Ltd., a Cayman Islands-incorporated business owned by Naqvi, and the funds raised for charities through events like the “Wootton T20 Cup” to support PTI are at the centre of the saga.

When Naqvi founded the Abraaj Group in Dubai, one of the biggest private equity firms working in emerging markets,

According to the UK publication, each guest was required to pay between £2,000 and £2,500 in order to attend. Naqvi was quoted as saying that the funds were used for “philanthropic causes” without further explanation.

A United Arab Emirates government minister who is also a member of the Abu Dhabi royal family donated at least £2 million to Wootton Cricket, according to the FT report.

Although Wootton Cricket account information and emails for the time period between February 28 and May 30, 2013, were made available to the Financial Times (FT), it is clear that both companies and foreign nationals, as well as Pakistanis, sent millions of dollars to Wootton Cricket before the money was transferred to political parties in Pakistan.

Since Akbar S. Babar, the party’s founder, claimed serious irregularities in the party’s finances, including funding from outside Pakistan, the ECP has been looking into the party’s funding.

After seven years of litigation, the case has now been resolved by ECP. The verdict’s date has not yet been made public.

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New Zealand took on Scotland in their second T20I at Edinburgh, posting their best total of 254/5 in the T20I to date.

New Zealand took on Scotland in their second T20I at Edinburgh, posting their best total of 254/5 in the T20I to date, scoring a huge win by 102 runs and completing a 2–0 winning streak. Mark Chapman makes the most of the.
season. Mark Chapman last played T20I in 2021, but when the opportunity presented itself, the left-handed player made the most of it. Chapman, who entered third, was moving on 23 of 15 balls in the power playover, but he took off at middle over in the company of Darryl Mitchell. Chapman brought out 50 of 27 balls and slammed 33 of his last 17 balls to score a best 83 off just 44 balls. When Chapman was dismissed for 16 overs, New Zealand were 175/4 and looking for around 220 marks overall.
Neesham-Bracewell Attack
Jimmy Neesham and Michael Bracewell had other ideas, however. Niesham hit a 6 on the third ball he faced and Bracewell, who had already begun to rampage, scored 26 runs before Alasdair Evans made 50 on 22 balls for the first time in T20I. Fifteen more runs emerged from the final as New Zealand achieved an all-time T20I tally of 254. The Niesham-Bracewell stand of 79 from 28 balls is the fifth fastest in T20I history for a 25+ ball partnership. Spinners continue to haunt Scotland
In the first T20I Scotland lost six wickets to New Zealand spin duo Ish Sodi and Mitchell Santner. Here Sodhi, Santner and Bracewell struggled to form a partnership and once again smothered their hosts to death. Michael Lippon also got some wickets in the turmoil. Prior to
, Scotland lost his 33/3 after Bracewell broke his stand at the opening with his two overs, and Nisham won his two wickets with his four overs. Due to a misunderstanding, power play caused a runout and another wicket. Despite Chris Greaves making his promising 29-ball 37, Scottish innings didn’t gain enough momentum to threaten New Zealand’s huge sum.

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Zimbabwe decides to play against Bangladesh
Zimbabwe decides to play first after winning the draw with Bangladesh at the first T20I in Harare.

Zimbabwe decides to play against Bangladesh
Zimbabwe decides to play first after winning the draw with Bangladesh at the first T20I in Harare. The
home team has changed from 11 people who defeated the Netherlands in the T20 World Cup qualifying final, with high-speed bowler Tanaka Tchibanga replacing off-spinner Tony Mnyonga. Zimbabwe no longer has Tendai Chatara and Blessing Musarabani from the T20 World Cup qualifying campaign. Both fast bowlers are injured.
Bangladesh came to Zimbabwe with a wider lineup gap as it rested Shakib Al Hasan, Mahmudura and Mushfiqur Rahim from the T20I lineup.

Najmul Hossain Shanto has returned to the team for the first time since last year’s match against Pakistan. Interestingly, Munim has played as an opener in many of his BPL careers and will beat Shahriar in the middle class. Visitors also chose four front-line bowlers to remove Mahedy Hasan from the lineup.
Zimbabwe: 1st Regis Chakabva (Week), 2nd Craig Ervine (Captain), 3rd Wessly Madhevere, 4th Sean Williams, 5th Sikandar Raza, 6th Milton Shumba, 7th Ryan Burl, 8th Luke Jongwe, 9th .Wellington Masakadza, 10 Richard Ngarva Tanaka Chibanga.
Bangladesh: 1st Litton Das, 2nd Anamul Haque, 3rd Najmul Hossain Shanto, 4th Munim Shahriar, 5th Mosaddek Hossain, 6th Afif Hossain, 7th Nurul Hasan (Capt & Wk), 8th Nasum Ahmed, 9th Taskin Ahmed, 9th Taskin Ahmed.

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Bubba Watson is the newest member of the LIV Golf Invitational Series and a two-time Masters champion.

Bubba Watson is the newest member of the LIV Golf Invitational Series and a two-time Masters champion.
The breakout move made by Bubba Watson LIV tour was announced prior to the third competition in the series at Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, which begins on Friday and features recently defection Henrik Stenson. The most well-known athlete to switch to the LIV Golf Invitational Series is Bubba Watson.

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Before the third LIV series event at the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey began, the two-time Masters champion’s switch to the Saudi-backed series was officially announced.

The 44-year-move old’s follows Henrik Stenson’s recent departure from the breakaway tour, to which Watson has long been rumoured to be considering joining. As Bedminster, Stenson is making his LIV debut.

As he continues to rehabilitate from a torn meniscus sustained in May, the world No. 86 will act as an off-course captain throughout this week’s competition.

Watson remarked, “When I think about the team environment, in 2016, I was seventh in the world at the Ryder Cup, but I was assistant captain, and that was great for me, I loved it more than playing golf itself.”