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Arshad Nadeem, a Pakistani athlete, travels to the UK to compete in the Commonwealth Games.

Pakistani athlete Arshad Nadeem has arrived in Birmingham from London to compete in the Commonwealth Games javelin throw competition. Upon arriving at
, Arshad Nadim was taken to the Game Welcome Center, where he was tested for Covid-19, but he returned negative. After the registration process, Arshad Nadeem, Dr. Asad Abbas and Arshad Sattar Shackleton Village Birmingham were accepted by the National Delegation’s Deputy Major CDM (r) Majid Wasim.

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Arshad Nadim said he made a comeback at the IAAF World Championships in the United States after a year of injury and finished fifth with a throw of 86.16 meters. He went on to say he was pleased with his performance at the World Cup and prepared extensively for the Commonwealth Games.
Arshad praised the doctor. Thanks for the support of Asad Abbas and Arshad Sattar. Please note that the Commonwealth Games Javelin Throw Qualifying Round will be held on his August 5th and the final round will be held on his August 7th. Arshad asked the Pakistani people to pray.

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Former F1 race director Michael Masi has spoken out about the events that followed the contentious Abu Dhabi finale he oversaw in December 2021, saying that he got “racist, nasty, and filthy” threats on his social media accounts. Masi was found to have violated rules during a safety-car period at the conclusion of the disputed race, according to an FIA investigation.


Bitter consequences of inflation: Adulteration in edible items in Pakistan

It is no denying the fact that prosperous life of common man is a blessing which is indirectly linked with wellbeing of nation state. It includes efficient delivery of services by the Government. Controlled Inflation, one of the features of economic Stability, is the biggest reason behind the wellbeing of people in any state.

World Happiness Report 2021 stated that Finland ranks as the world’s happiest country. It Perceives lack of corruption; it is safe and clean country besides controlled Inflation. Denmark is second-happiest country in the world.

It is sadden to learn that developing country like Pakistan has been facing the menace of inflation which is increasing at alarming rate each passing day; it results in rampant corruption and deadly adulteration in every edible things of daily use. According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), the urban inflation increased by 12.2% yearly in April 2022.

Woefully, the rising Inflation has badly affected the people’s daily life and standard of living in Pakistan where a large number of people belong to poor strata of society. People belongs to different trades make all efforts to earn a livelihood using different adulteration techniques due to high inflation in country. Various trade folks apply numerous strategies of adulteration to gain more profit in order to fulfill the needs of household even though its consequences are more health hazard.

In Pakistan, now a days,  it has become a day dream to get every edible item in its pure form with good quality such as Milk, Curd, oil, Ghee, black pepper, Chilly Powder and   bottled water under the dark cloud of raising inflation. In order to overcome the negative impacts of inflation on household, adulterants including chemicals and powders are added by Greengrocer, Shopkeepers and trade folks. Such practice of adulteration, in regularly used edible items, leads to harmful effects on health such as Gastro-intestinal disturbances and other stomach disorders.       

According to a 2018 report by the PIMS (Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences), there was a 30% increase in reported gastro issues in just one year. Gastrointestinal issues have become common in Pakistan, due to poor living conditions and unsanitary food and contaminated water.   

To Sum up, it is need of hour that the government chalk out effective strategies to reduce the inflation to a large extend  so that common man can make both ends meet without being compelled to do ills by adulterating the daily use edible items for the  sake of livelihood. The tradesfolk must be given subsidy in order to facilitate them to offer good quality in edible foods. This panacea would win their hearts and soul and ensure happy and prosperous life besides sound health of common man in Pakistan.

Nuzair Ahmed Jamro,

Civil Servant, Government of Sindh

Shikarpur, Sindh


Deforestation   :  hell in Pakistan

It is true that the Trees are a source of life. Not only with regard to natural ecosystems, but also for the survival of the human beings. Trees create an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for birds and other animals.  Moreover, these also   provide many benefits to us, every day. They offer cooling shade, block cold winter winds, attract birds and wildlife, purify our air, prevent soil erosion, clean our water, and add grace and beauty to our homes and communities. Photosynthesis is the process through which trees produce their food by absorbing carbon dioxide from the environment and releasing back oxygen in return. This process is an effective way to slow down the climate change and fight against global warming.

It is imperative to learn that One large tree can supply a day’s supply of oxygen for four people. More Forest and focus On Plantation drive in developed countries is the reason of the coldest climate. Russia has 8,148,895 sq. km, Brazil has 4,925,540 sq. km, Canada has 3,470,224 sq. km and United States of America  has 3,103,700 sq. km Forest.

Globally, there are estimated to be 3.04 trillion trees. According to a study by journal Nature, there are roughly 422 trees for every person on earth. Canada has 318 Billion, Brazil has 302 Billion, USA has 228 Billion and China has 140 Billion trees.

Russia has 642 Billion trees. Average July temperatures are between 71° F (22° C) and 77° F (25° C). Summer is the wettest season of the year in Russia. The temperature remains around 03 degree Celsius.

It is true that global warming and climate change have highlighted the importance of forests in our lives. Pakistan, The world’s fifth most populous country, is one of the most vulnerable to global warming.

According to Global Forest Watch organization, from 2001 to 2021, Pakistan lost 9.75kha of tree cover, equivalent to a 1.0% decrease in tree cover since 2000, and 3.56Mt of CO₂e emissions. Such figures speak volume of disaster. Summer temperatures in its southern cities often surpass 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Deforestation is a problem across Pakistan:

Woeful, the poorest fell trees to burn for cooking and to stay warm. The trees will take years to grow but it will take a few seconds to chop them down. In addition to it, owing to urbanization, the public and the private sector are busy constructing new societies and roads by cutting down more vegetation every day.

The effects of climate change are visible in Islamabad.  The city used to be one of the coldest cities but it remained dream these days. Bahawalpur has recorded 45.5°C and has been ranked as the joint tenth hottest place in the world today.

It is no denying the fact that Sindh is not excluded from effect of deforestation. As of 2019, Sindh had already lost 50% of its forest cover. Even under the billion-tree tsunami project, only 601.96 million trees were planted, which was the lowest compared to other provinces.

Jacobabad, Nawabshah, and Sibi have recorded 47.4°C and are the three Pakistani cities that make up the top three hottest places in the world today. Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) officials reported that, the maximum temperature was recorded as 49°C in Jacobabad on April 30, 2022.

If compared to last five years, the rain was also recorded low in this current year due to deforestation. Deforestation is also the main reason behind less rainfall. Across Pakistan, green areas are being turned into deserts because of the impacts of global warming.

 Federal Minister for Climate Change, Senator Sherry Rehman, stated that the 60pc shortage of water in River Indus is very dangerous. The population of the province, agriculture and livestock are at risk due to the 52pc to 62pc shortage in Sindh’s barrages and canals. UN reported that Pakistan will experience a drought by 2025.

According to Inspector General Forest Syed Nasir Mahmood, if plantation efforts were taken in Karachi on scientific lines as is happening in other countries, Karachi’s temperature could be brought down by at least six to 10 degrees centigrade.

Retrospectively, In Pakistan, April 2022 turned out to be the hottest month in the last 61 years. Both the months of March and April this year remained the warmest months in the history of Pakistan. Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air to breathe. Climate action has not historically been a priority for incumbent government. Climate change is indeed a greater security threat to Pakistan than terrorism because it could affect temperatures, environment, economy and the future policies of the country.

To cut to the chase, the reason of no rainfall is deforestation. Trees play an important role in climate change. Forests directly cool the planet, like natural evaporative air conditioners. Now is the need to start a campaign for trees plantation.

It is imperative to recognize that Rome was not built in a day. It is need of hour that People should grow more and more plants to make the environment friendly for all species. The federal and provincial government should work in tendon to start campaigns for growing hand planted forests and cutting of forests must be banned or must be replaced by young trees. Media is forth pillar of state; it must be used to bring awareness among citizen to initiate a plantation drive.

Besides it. Radio is most listen  in rural areas; it must be used so that the plantation awareness message may be heard in every corner of rural in order to mitigate the scorching heat. The situation facing Pakistan calls for extra ordinary measures. Climate experts should urge the current government to continue previous government’s Ten Billion Tree Tsunami program (TBTTP). Pakistan is emitting planet-warming 480 million tons of carbon annually but Such program would enhance the capacity of the forest cover to the extent where it will be able to absorb 500 million tons of carbon from the air, more than the total emission of the country.

To sum up, as citizens, It’s our to implement actions that can make planet a better place to live in. The implementation of environmental laws to make sure an end to deforestation and maximum plantation in this regard is necessary for State.


Nuzair Ahmed Jamro,

Civil Servant, Government of Sindh

Shikarpur, Sindh

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Pak China friendly Relationship

Pakistan and China enjoy close and friendly relations .This relationship has built on the strength of its successive achievements, and has become formidable with each passing day and year. The leadership of both countries is committed to taking this relationship forward. Pakistan was one of the first countries that recognized the People’s Republic of China.  Pakistan considers China as one of its closest friend and partner and China considers Pakistan as its “Iron Brother”.

The bilateral relationship between the two neighboring countries is characterized by feelings of mutual trust, respect and goodwill towards each other. There is a regular exchange of visits at the highest level between the two countries. The strategic cooperation between Pakistan and China has grown over the past several


Economically, China is Pakistan’s largest trading partner and a major investor, especially in infrastructure and energy sector.  With the official launch of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the bilateral relationship has been elevated to a higher level. CPEC is a flagship project of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s initiative of “One Road and One Belt”. It aims at enhancing connectivity and improving infrastructure between Pakistan and China. Several projects are being implemented under CPEC, for enhancement of infrastructure and generation of energy. People-to-people contacts are an important aspect of the bilateral relationship.

Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque said that the China-Pakistan

Economic Corridor played a vital role in the future economic development of Pakistan, with the Gwadar port as the main component.

“The CPEC is one of the most important flagship project of the five corridors launched under Belt and Road Initiative. Half of its projects have already been executed, he said in an interview .

Ambassador Haque said, under the first phase of the CPEC, several major energy project including hydro, wind and solar projects were executed.

“The second component of the CPEC is infrastructure, highways, waterways and bridges which have been built across Pakistan, improving the communication and road infrastructure, he added.

The important part of physical infrastructure was laying the fiber optic link from Chinese border to Pakistan to

help the communication network.

Ambassador Haque remarked that the third important component of the first phase was the Gwadar port which is almost complete and functional.

About special Economic Zone being set up in Gwadar, he said, a large number of Chinese companies were setting their businesses there.

The country was entering into phase two which was even more important and focused on industrialization, agriculture, social well-being of the people, poverty alleviation and green economy.

“We have also launched recently China-Pakistan healthcare corridor, digital corridor, green corridor,” he added.

He said “Under Green Corridor, we are focusing on the agriculture and food security, and in digital corridor, we are

benefiting from China’s experience and expertise in the IT sector and industry.

“The government is developing special economic zones and encouraging relocation of Chinese industries to Pakistan not only to help the domestic market, but also to the region and exporting to other countries,” he added.

Terming the CPEC a broad framework of economic development for Pakistan and also for the region, Ambassador Haque said, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has rightly linked it with the economic future of Pakistan.


Blame Game

Let’s not go too far back and start blaming the establishment or throwing dirt on the army just because one single dictator ruled the country for 9 years in the name of bringing stability to the country. But instead try to figure out why and how the dollar jumped to 250 pkr in a period of less than 5 years. That is more than a hundred percent decrease in the value of our beloved Pakistani currency against the dollar.
Let’s keep the adverse effects of this on the economy and the decresed purchasing power of the public of this country on a side and first try to figure out who actually caused this mess. Was this just because one single political party? Or were all the political parties playing power games? Did one or more parties try to hide their corruption as they all say about each other?
In the past 5 years we have seen that every single ruling governement that has gained power has not been able to do any good for the drowning economy of Pakistan instead the pakistani currency along with it’s economy has gone down the ditch to a point it has never been in the past. The reason why we are ready to forget the past and just focus on these last 5 years is because this is the time period that Pakistan has seen the steepest drop to the ditch of poverty, chaos and instability in the country. Take any sector for example, public or private, all have faced massive losses, losses in terms of jobs, money, value, everything. Giving subsidy or tax cuts and amnesty schemes to a few industries like agriculture and real estate just to boost the flow of black money in the market to sustain or cover the adverse effects of a failing economy do not actually count because all these measures have done is filled the pockets of the ultra rich and not a single penny of prosperity was brought to the general public which comprises of 90% of the population.
Now we need to ask ourselves and the people making the decisions whether they are from a political party, public office, private investors of the political parties, establishment, judges or whosoever, are they being directly affected by the continous rise in petrol prices? Are they being affected by the decreasing purchasing power day by day? I don’t think so. Most of these personalities are being provided free petrol from our pockets, pockets of the general public who are paying indirect as well as direct taxes only so that these high profile personalities can travel in air conditioned cars and sit in air conditioned offices making important decisions regarding power play about who is going to rule which province and finding ways of narrating that the destruction of our economy is the fault of the previous public office holders, who are surprisingly the same people moving through different parties depending on the political position of a given party.
It is about time that we move ahead of the political polarization caused by media campaigns of these political parties to sell their narrative that everything wrong that has happened with this country is the fault of previous governements and a chance should be given to them to “fix everything” or bring down cost of living. It’s about time we move ahead and bring all the stake holders in the same net of accountability, whether they are against each other or they are in favour of one another. We should bring into accountability the organizations that were made for this purpose of accountability and ask them why they have failed to do their job because if they had done their job properly than this day wouldn’t have come. We should hold accountable not one or two but all the political parties and treat them as different branches of the same tree. We should ask them that was the economy and sustainability of this country more important for them or being in and holding power more important? We should get detailed description from every party of how the previous governement as they allege destroyed our economy to this level and what they did to reverse that? How much reversal was brought to the destruction? Or was the economy and country further pushed into more debts and destruction and why? If this was too because of bad decisions of the previous rulers then why did they claim to “fix everything” once in power? Why were the alleged mischief makers not punished or was this all just a false narrative?
In order to reach a conclusion and move ahead to figure out what truly went wrong we need to stop accepting this useless reason that the previous governments weren’t good enough, because if they weren’t good enough then what good are the current ones if they are making the conditions even harsher than the previous ones? Secondly if there was so much miss handling and corruption then what is the reason behind the failure of sitting governments to bring to accountability the people who caused such a downfall never seen in the history of the country? Is it because the organizations made to do accountability have failed? This is a very important issue that the public needs to be enlightened about instead of hearing and believeing numbers from political leaders about their competitors’ corruption and blindly believing them and voting for those particular leaders in hopes for a better tomorrow. That better tomorrow hasn’t come in a long time and if we keep behaving like a herd of sheeps that tomorrow isn’t coming any time soon.
All the talk that we hear from these politicians on television programmes consists of how establishment and judiciary interfere in the parliamentary affairs of state and cause hindrance in the prosperity of our country. We should as responsible citizens and effectees of any good or bad governance make sure that if it is the root cause of the problem then we should find ways to fix those.
In my personal opinion it is about time that now we choose sides. Not the sides of politcal parties but bring into the blame game another party, the largest party, the general public of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Where the general public blames the entire system of this mess that is increasing day by day and all they care about is being in power and degrading immoraly their competitors. It’s now time to make the Public stand against all the political parties that ever ruled this country, the establishment, bureaucracy, judiciary, public office holders, private stakeholders and anyone who has ever been involved directly or indirectly in the decision making of policy, implementation, planning and execution of any and every kind of agenda or task. We should weigh the results and hold accountable even the slighest of mistakes and give praise to those who deserve it. Afterall we have the right to hold accountable our rulers as stated in Islamic Principles and this being the beauty of democracy. My question is, being the general public of this country is it time yet to see the bigger picture and take any action we can or we should stay still and wait for the next political party to come rule us, telling us that the previous governement wasn’t good enough and then leaving us in an even worse state.
Democracy is the way forward in all the developing countries of the world and it is what has brought prosperity to nations that now literally rule the world. However, in a case like ours has democracy failed? Or is there a difference between the democracies of the western world countries and ours? Or let’s not go too far and compare our democracy with that of our neighbours like India or Bangladesh? What’s the major difference and why have they been able to successfully execute this process of democracy and we have failed? Do we need another dictator to bring the country back on its tracks? If not, then what changes do we need to make in order for us and our future generations to be able to have a standing in the world where all democracies are prospering despite being affected by viruses like Corona or natural disasters like Tsunamis and Earth Quakes and what not.

Blame Game
Fahad Malik

Pakistan in Permanent Crisis

Pakistan in Permanent Crisis

Dr. Maqsood Jafri
A few years ago in Islamabad, in a conference, I had said: “ Some of the respected speakers have reiterated that Pakistan is running through a serious crisis. I agree with them but kindly permit me to say that Pakistan is always at critical juncture and running through crisis because we have no economic and political system. As a nation , we are clutched and fastened with a clove hitch of feudalism, capitalism, sectarianism, parochialism, tribalism and regimentalism”. I further, in a light mood said: “ We must whisper in the every newly born child that unfortunately, he is born in a country which is always running through odd times and critical crisis and now through out his life, he will have to bear the brunt of being born in this embattling and choking country .” I still remember there was an outburst of laughter in the audience and big clapping as they took my joke seriously.
I had been suggesting a few revolutionary steps personally and through columns to my friends who were at the helm of affairs, but to no avail as the rulers belong to elite class and they only hoodwink the poor and illiterate masses. They change parties and brazenly Join a political party which offers him ministry. Their aim of life is to become a minister. I had been very particular in suggesting to end feudalism in Pakistan. Once, Mr. Imran Khan invited me over a cup of tea and had an exclusive meeting with me for one hour on national issues. The Secretary General of PTI, Mr. Mairaj Khan was also present in the meeting. One day before our meeting, he visited me at my residence and gave me the message of Mr. Imran Khan for the meeting with him which took place the very next day in his Party office in Islamabad. The first proposal, I gave him was to weed out feudalism, when he came into power. He gave me his manifesto and said, If he gets power, he will end feudalism. Could he eradicate this vicious cycle and system during his three and a half years governance? He could not even he had wished so , as the politicians belong to elite feudal class. In this vile and vicious system, no body can touch them. Only a true Man of the masses is required to change this spurious system. Now, our economy is in shambles. One dollar is of Rs 250. It is tantamount to complete national disaster and economic collapse. If we want to save our country from hazards, we will have to take stringent radical measures.
The following measures must be taken to get rid of social, economic and political ills and evils.
1- Political Stability is essential for economic growth and prosperity. The present political parties and politicians have no plan for political reforms. They are the beneficiaries of elitism. They take advantage of the poverty and illiteracy of people. They want people to remain poor and illiterate as it is in their benefit. The Supreme Court should take the notice of this national issue and decree that no non – graduate can contest the election of Provincial Assembly, National Assembly and Senate. No non- matriculate can cast vote in the assembly elections. In this way, we can bring some positive change in our present political system. In America and Europe, basic education is free and compulsory. So every one has basic education and no one is illiterate. We have majority of illiterate people, hence they have no vision about political matters.
2- Pakistan is an agrarian country. Only land reforms won’t solve the issue. Land must be nationalized. According to the Quran: الارض للّٰہ ( Land belongs to God), and it can not be owned by any individual. Dr. Allama Iqbal in his poetry and statements clearly propounded that feudalism is un- Islamic. In one of his Persian poem he says: “ The capitalist makes gems out of the blood of the laborers and by cruelty, the land lords loot the produce of the farmers, hence, Revolution is required”. We depend on foreign funds and IMF loans. No country can survive on loans. We appoint Finance Ministers on the instructions of IMF. That finance minister is consigned this job who is an expert beggar and is successful in getting more loans from IMF. Even the ex- bankers are made Finance Ministers. Today, our boat is sinking. It is the matter of shame for us that all civil and military governments have failed in taking our wrecked skiff to the shore of safety and solidarity. The Chief of Army, General Qamar Javaid Bajwa had to call the Americans to help us out from this deplorable economic crisis by exerting influence on IMF. Our economy has gone to such an ebb level that the Chief of Army in national internet had to intervene. Unless, we take revolutionary steps to enhance our agricultural and industrial structure, we will remain hand to mouth and will never able to control dearness. The skyrocketing prices have broken the back bone of the middle class. I envision bloody revolution. Some foreign powers want to damage and destroy Pakistan. The imminent danger of bloodshed and bloodbath will be the last nail in the coffin of our national solidarity. To avoid this horrendous and horrific National tragedy, all patriots are beseeched to take active part in educating the public to safeguard Pakistan.
3- We need tribal, racial and religious harmony. It is a serious front that needs our serious attention. Particularly, the sectarian issues must be dealt with carefully, wisely and cautiously. Religion is a serious and personal matter. We must avoid sectarian extremism and violence. Majority of our Mullahs ( clerics) are hardliners, professional , retrogressive , sectarian and aggressive. Government must take strong and stringent measures to curb and contain sectarianism. Every sectarian is free to sit on the pulpit and deliver hate -speech. No one is there to check them. The hold of religious parties on politics is inflammatory and impairing for National unity and solidarity. The mosques are being used for discord, division and deleterious purposes. The government agencies are advised to immediately take action against sectarian hardliners.
I strongly appeal to all patriots to actively take part in National matters. Our government officials are mercenaries. They lack missionary zeal and zest. Though exceptions are always there. Most of them are career stricken slaves. They are opportunists. They are not protected properly by law and are bound to surrender before the prevalent evil system. They need to be protected by courts from the hazards of senior arrogant and conscienceless officials. Justice must prevail.No justice means no solidarity.
4- The most important aspect to maintain law and order is the fair and speedy justice in our courts. Bribery is the order of the day. Our custom, tax, revenue and police departments are minting money. There is no check on them. The Anti- corruption departments are called by people as Pro- corruption departments. The courts are the last resort. If people will not get justice from the courts, then be ready for total collapse or bloodshed. May Allah save Pakistan.
July 31, July

Commonwealth Games: Pakistan and India will play each other in a T20 match today

Commonwealth Games: Pakistan and India will play each other in a T20 match today

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BIRMINGHAM: A T20 match between India and Pakistan’s women’s cricket teams is scheduled to take place today (Sunday) as part of the Commonwealth Games 2022 in Birmingham.

The Pakistan women’s cricket team will play India in their second group A match of the Commonwealth Games T20 cricket at the Edgbaston Stadium, and they are eager to win to stay in the competition. At 3 PM PST, the game will start.

Barbados defeated the Green Shirts by 15 runs on Friday night. As Australia defeated India in the opening match, neither team has scored a point thus far in the contest.

The fact that Barbados defeated Bismah Maroof’s team in a match in which Pakistani batters struggled against bounce and deviation was a major setback.

However, Nida Dar played with poise, making some spectacular shots before scoring 50 unassisted off of 31 balls.

T20I cricket matches between the two teams have been played 11 times. Pakistan is currently ranked seventh, while India, which is currently ranked fourth, has won nine matches.

The two teams’ most recent T20I match took place in Providence, Guyana, during the 2018 ICC Women’s T20 World Cup. By seven wickets, India’s women won.

Aimen Anwar, Aliya Riaz, Anam Amin, Ayesha Naseem, Diana Baig, Fatima Sana, Gull Feroza (wicket-keeper), Iram Javed, Kainat Imtiaz, Muneeba Ali Siddiqui (wicket-keeper), Nida Dar, Omaima Sohail, Sadia Iqbal, and Tuba Hassan are the members of Pakistan’s squad

Tennis pro. In this Sunday selfie, Sania Mirza is absolutely stunning.

Tennis pro. In this Sunday selfie, Sania Mirza is absolutely stunning.

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Sania Mirza, a tennis player from India, recently posted her most recent Sunday selfie on Instagram, and people are gushing over how stunning she is.

If you’re a fan and want to see a glimpse into the celebrity’s personal life, you must visit Mirza’s Instagram page.

Sania looked stunning in her most recent selfie as she was dressed up in a black spaghetti strap V-neck tank top. She chose a subtle makeup look with pale pink lips and dark smokey eyes. She wore her hair in waves in the meantime.

The star player captioned the picture: “Sunday mood.”

More than 10,300 people liked the selfie, which captures the ideal summer Sunday look. Additionally, her admirers praised her in the comments section.

How amazing,” said one person.

Another person chimed in, “Beautiful picture.”

Another user replied, “Oye hoye, Masha Allah.”

However, the majority of her followers showed their support for the tennis pro by leaving comments with heart and kiss emojis.

Biden catches the coronavirus once more

Biden catches the coronavirus once more

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US Vice President Joe Biden is resigning from office and going into isolation after testing positive for Covid-19 a second time, the White House said on Saturday.

Following four days of negative tests, Biden “tested positive late Saturday morning, by antigen testing,” and “will reinitiate strict isolation procedures,” according to a memo from the president’s doctor, Kevin O’Connor.

Using the term “rebound” positivity, O’Connor described a circumstance in which patients taking the medication Paxlovid, like Biden, are cured of the virus but test positive after finishing their course.

“The president’s symptoms have not returned, and he is still feeling very good. Given this, there is no justification for starting treatment again at this time “Added he.

Biden appeared to be attempting to downplay the situation in a tweet.

“Folks, I tested positive for COVID once more today. A small percentage of people experience this “He composed. “Despite the fact that I have no symptoms, I will isolate myself to protect those around me. I’m still at work, but I’ll soon be returning to the road.”

The White House announced that Biden postponed his travel plans to Michigan and Delaware.

“Specially conscientious” – Three days after O’Connor claimed that Biden had tested negative and was no longer required to isolate, as he had been doing since getting a first positive result on July 21, the second positive test came out.

Contrary to his predecessor Donald Trump, who occasionally made fun of people who wore masks, Biden has generally been noticeably cautious about adhering to Covid protocols.

According to O’Connor, “the President continues to be very specifically diligent to protect any of the Executive Residence, White House, Secret Service, and other staff whose duties require any (even if socially distant) proximity to him.

Since Biden will turn 80 in November, he will be the oldest US president in history, and his health is a constant topic of discussion.

He had completed his earlier five-day Covid isolation on Wednesday, looking upbeat as he told cheering assistants that Americans should be encouraged by his quick recovery to benefit from free vaccinations and treatments.

He compared his apparent speedy recovery to Trump’s more serious illness in October 2020, which occurred before vaccines were available.

“My predecessor had to be helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center when he got Covid,” Biden said. “His illness was severe. Happily, he made a full recovery. I used to work from the White House’s upper floors when I first got Covid.”

He also said that using the Paxlovid therapeutic, getting all recommended vaccinations, and getting any necessary screenings all prevent deaths and are free of charge.

He declared, “You don’t have to be president to get these tools.

Biden had been cleared of his first round of Covid, but O’Connor had warned that the president would wear a mask for ten days when around other people and continue to test frequently in case of a second round.

Saudi female DJs advance from hobbyists to stars

Saudi female DJs advance from hobbyists to stars

Saudi DJ Leen Naif plays at a university event in Saudia Arabias Red Sea coastal city of Jeddah on May 26, 2022. Photo: AFP

JEDDAH: Saudi DJ Leen Naif seamlessly transitions between pop hits and club tracks for a group of business school graduates enjoying sushi while seated behind her control tower and wearing headphones around her neck.

The low-key setting is a far cry from the high-profile venues that have helped the 26-year-old DJ Leen establish herself on the Saudi music scene, such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Jeddah and Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Nevertheless, it captures a significant turning point: Women DJs, previously an unimaginable phenomenon in the traditionally ultraconservative kingdom, are now fairly common in its major cities.

As they perform gig after gig and attempt to make a living from what was once just a hobby, they no longer draw much attention.

According to Naif, “a lot of female DJs have been coming up,” and as a result, audiences have grown “comfortable” with seeing them perform.

“It’s simpler now than it ever was.”

Up until recently, Mohammed Nassar, a Saudi DJ known as Vinyl Mode, said that “we didn’t expect” DJs to be welcomed at public events, let alone that so many of them would be women.

More female artists are now emerging, Nassar claimed.

Before, “expressing oneself in their bedrooms was just a hobby.”

“We now have platforms, and they might even lead to careers. This is truly amazing.”

converting sceptics
When Naif was a teenager, one of her uncles first introduced her to electronic music, and she almost immediately began to wonder if DJing was a career she could pursue.

While her friends fantasised about becoming doctors and teachers, she knew she lacked the patience to devote to the years of education these professions required.

She declared, “I’m not a study person; I like to work.

She was immediately supported by her parents and siblings, unlike other female DJs.

But there were other Saudis that needed some persuading.

A few years ago, a man approached her in the middle of her performance and told her she was “not allowed” and to stop what she was doing.

Naif’s set was shut down as a result of his complaints, but she doesn’t think the situation would turn out the same today.

“Now I bet that same guy will stand first in line just to watch if he sees me,” the bettor said.

Official efforts to promote Saudi Arabia’s new entertainment-friendly image, which are frequently criticised by human rights organisations as a diversion from abuses, have benefited Naif.

She performed in front of an international audience for the first time thanks to her nomination to play at the Saudi pavilion of Expo Dubai 2020.

But her daily existence is supported by her work from home, which pays her 1,000 Saudi riyals (about $260) per hour.

We’re staying
Other female DJs have faced more opposition.

During the pandemic, Lujain Albishi, better known by his stage name “Biirdperson,” began experimenting with DJ decks.

When she began talking about becoming a professional DJ, her family disapproved and preferred that she pursue a career in medicine.

She persisted nonetheless, honing her abilities at exclusive events.

Her big break came the previous year when she was asked to perform at MDLBeast Soundstorm, a festival in the Saudi capital Riyadh that drew more than 700,000 partygoers for performances like a set by legendary French DJ David Guetta.

She felt “really proud” after the experience.

“My family visited Soundstorm and saw me perform. They were joyful, dancing, and “She spoke.

Despite having different justifications, Naif and Albishi both assert that they think female DJs will continue to be commonplace in the kingdom.

According to Naif, female DJs are more adept than male DJs at “reading people” and playing what the crowd enjoys.

Albishi believes that once a person puts on headphones, there is no difference between a man and a woman, which is why she believes that female DJs belong.

She claimed that neither women nor men should listen to her music. “Music lovers should use it.”

ISPR: Pak Army, FC working to reestablish connectivity in flood-affected areas.

ISPR: Pak Army, FC working to reestablish connectivity in flood-affected areas.

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In addition to continuing their rescue and relief efforts in the country’s flood-affected regions, Pakistani Army and Frontier Corps troops are hard at work repairing roads and bridges to restore connectivity, according to a statement released on Sunday by the Inter-Services Public Relations.

Army and FC personnel “are busy in rescue and relief efforts, in addition to providing medical care and opening up communication infrastructure,” the military’s media wing said in a statement.

The ISPR gave an update on the flow of different rivers, stating that all rivers are “flowing normal” with the exception of a small flood in the Indus River at Attock, Tarbela, Chashma, and Guddu. Warsak and Nowshehra in the Kabul River both reported low and moderate floods, respectively.

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The Mardan district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where a maximum of 133mm of rain was recorded, came in second with 85mm of rain, according to the statement.

The ISPR reported that the troops worked to dewater Mardan.

The local Mohmand nullahs have reported flash floods, it continued.

Punjab’s south
According to the statement, “all hill torrents are flowing normally to the south of Punjab, with some increased flow in Mithawan, Kaha, and Sanghar Hill torrents.”

Local commanders went to Rajanpur and DG Khan, where medical camps have been set up and relief supplies have been given out to flood victims, according to the ISPR.

Magsi Jhal
Jhal Magsi, a town in Baluchistan, boasts that “complete connectivity of Gandhawa has been restored.”

According to the military’s media wing, there are no longer any isolated areas in Gandhawa and its surroundings, and additional relief efforts are in progress.

One of them is an army medical camp, which has seen 115 patients so far.

The M-8 highway remains closed in Khuzdar City. The ISPR statement stated that “work on the restoration of connectivity is underway.”

A field medical camp established in Hafizabad by CMH Khuzdar and FC has reportedly treated 145 affected individuals.

The ISPR reported that no rain was observed in the small town of Naseerabad throughout the day.

The statement stated that “relief activities are underway for the affected population of Babakot and Gandakha” and added that prepared meals and food supplies were given to flood victims.

Furthermore, a field medical camp in Gandakha provided care for a range of patients.

No rain was noted in the Chaman district of Baluchistan. According to the ISPR, the Bab-e-Dosti (Friendship Gate) at the Pakistan–Afghanistan border is “fully operational.”

In the town of Noshki, no rain was reported either. The ISPR stated that “relief efforts are under way for the stranded population.”

“Over 1,000 people were served cooked meals,” the statement claims.

The N-40 highway, which is damaged in three places, “has been repaired and traffic has resumed,” according to the military’s media wing.

No rain has fallen in the last few hours in the Lasbela district, and the situation is stabilising, according to the ISPR.

Five field medical camps are offering medical care in Naka, Bela, Duddar, Hub, and Gadani, according to the military’s media wing.

The N-25 highway is now open, and bridge repairs are in progress, according to the statement.

The statement continued, “General Officer Commanding at Gawadar visited Hub and Uthal. Two MI-17 sorties were conducted and 1,500kg of ration items were distributed in Hub and Uthal.”

Saifullah Kila
Rainfall was reported throughout the entire district of Kila Saifullah.

Islamic Bagh
According to the ISPR, a field medical camp set up in Khazina provided care for more than 200 patients.

Additionally, the troops conducted operations in Gilgit-Baltistan.

The ISPR reported that “two mudslides were reported near Sikandarabad at Karakoram Highway.”

It continued, “FWO has opened the road for one-way traffic.

Nawaz, who decided on the no-trust motion, is now discussing leaving the government: Rasheed

Nawaz, who decided on the no-trust motion, is now discussing leaving the government: Rasheed

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Sheikh Rasheed Ahmed, a former interior minister, claimed on Sunday that PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif is now considering leaving the government after deciding to remove former prime minister Imran Khan via a vote of no-confidence.

“London was where the no-confidence motion decision was made. Currently, the same Nawaz Sharif is discussing leaving the government “Rasheed tweeted once more, directing his wrath at the PML-N hierarchy.

He claimed that the nation is in a “economic jam” and that the people are unable to pay fixed taxes on top of their electricity and gas bills.

The politician continued by claiming that Imran Khan “took over” following a brief campaign while the coalition government “just keeps holding ineffective press conferences.”

Rasheed, a close aide to the former prime minister, declared that “the government is at zero, while he [Imran Khan] has become a hero.”

Rasheed added in a different tweet that neither the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout programme nor assistance from Saudi Arabia, China, Dubai, Qatar, or Dubai helped Pakistan this time.

The Awami Muslim League leader wrote, “[Pakistan] is left with] reserves sufficient for only 45 days instead of 90 days, while China has extreme reservations regarding the US conditions for the aid.

The JUI-F leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman and the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) “have the same stance,” according to Rasheed, regarding the reintegration of the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

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Taylor Swift’s jet beats Kylie Jenner’s in carbon emissions

Kylie Jenner’s been taking some heat lately from fans, accused of being a ‘full-time climate criminal’ as it was unveiled that she used her private jet for extremely short flights.

The backlash began after she posted an “out of touch” photo of herself and boyfriend Travis Scott embracing in front of their respective jets.

Kylie was accused of “bragging” about “her absolute disregard for the planet” as the damage that private jets do to the environment was highlighted online. 

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Amid the backlash, many delved deeper into her jet’s flight history and were horrified to discover that it regularly took flights as short as 12 minutes.

However, according to a new report, Kylie doesn’t even make the top 10 in the list of celebrities with the worst CO2 emissions via their private jets. 

Sustainability-driven digital marketing agency Yard has revealed through its research that although Kylie’s jet’s average flight time is just 24.5 minutes long, there are many celebs doing much worse than she is.

The company discovered that singer Taylor Swift has racked up more emissions on her own in just seven months than 1,184 average people would put out in a year. In fact, her two jets took 170 flights in a mere 200 days this year, with her total amount of CO2 flight emissions for the year, as of July 20, being 8,293.54 metric tons. According to Yard’s report, the average person emits just 7 metric tons of CO2 a year.

While many would be forgiven for assuming that most of Taylor’s flights would be between the UK, where she lives with her partner, Joe Alwyn, and the US, where her family lives, her average flight time is actually just 80 minutes.

Taylor’s shortest recorded flight of 2022 was just 36 minutes when her jet flew from Missouri to Nashville.

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Meghan Markle accused of ‘serving’ Lilibet ‘on a platter’

Meghan Markle has come under fire for letting the media ‘tear a part’ her daughter with racist accusations after “serving Lilibet up on a silver platter for the waiting media, for anyone.”

Royal blogger Neil Sean cites a “very good source” on the matter and admitted to Daily Star, “We know that Harry and Meghan returned to California rather abruptly during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.”

“Then, we’ve got this bombshell dropped on our mats. And it’s strange because Meghan famously said, ‘Why should I serve up my children on a platter for the waiting media or for anyone? It’s not what I want to do.”

“Then what does she do? Serve it up on a platter for the waiting media, for anyone.”

“Now, according to a very good source, this was really put out through sheer anger because they felt – and I’m saying the ex-royals that is – and as ever allegedly, that they were so dramatically overlooked that they wanted to obviously make sure that their presence was felt.”

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Prince Andrew’s daughter Princess Beatrice sparked private security row before Harry

by Humaira

Princess Beatrice, the daughter of Prince Andrew, allegedly started a private security dispute before the Duke of Sussex in the Royal Household.According to journalist Richard Palmer, Princess Beatrice’s worries about her own security were voiced in the royal family long before Prince

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Palmer stated at the Royal Round-Up that the events involving Beatrice had prompted calls for taxpayer-funded protection for even lesser royals. This information was made public not long after Harry achieved an early success in his legal battle with the Home Office.

“Prince Andrew’s daughters, as far as we understand it, don’t have taxpayer-funded security. They occasionally have bodyguards but they are privately funded, ” the royal correspondent said.

“There was a case a while ago when Princess Beatrice was driving a car, and left the keys in the ignition when she popped into a shop. Maybe she wasn’t used to being responsible for things like that at that point,” Palmer explained.

He went on: “There was another case when Beatrice had her bag stolen on a beach once. I had a debate with someone in the royal household about this incident and they said to me ‘This shows why they need taxpayer-funded security to protect them

“I countered that all sorts of people get mugged on a beach, and they can’t get all have taxpayer-funded security with them.

“So the Home Office has to make a judgment, an assessment, about the risk, and they say it’s done on a case-by-case basis.”

He added: “What the Home Office doesn’t want to do is open up a Pandora’s Box where any high-profile wealthy person can say they want to pay for protection and they demand that the Home Office provide it.”

Last Friday, a judge in London ruled that the Duke of Sussex’s case can go to the High Court in London, meaning Harry will face off with the Home Office. Meghan Markle’s hubby is fighting against a 2020 decision that denied his family police protection while in Britain after he and his wife Meghan Markle stepped down as senior working royals.

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Tiger 3 star Salman Khan upgrades car to a bulletproof Land Cruiser following death threats allegedly made by Lawrence Bishnoi gang

by Humaira

It seems that Salman Khan is well and truly facing the heat these days of his life being in danger. If reports are to be believed, then the Tiger 3 superstar has upgraded his regular mode of car travel to a Toyota Land Cruiser, with his current vehicle featuring bulletproof glass and armour. Apparently, this version of the Toyota Land Cruiser isn’t the all-new model, but the one from the previous generation, and was recently spotted coming out of the driveway of Salman Khan’s home, Galaxy Apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. Also Read – Sonam Kapoor wishes husband Anand Ahuja with rare pictures; says, ‘You’re going to be the best dad’

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Salman Khan, father Salim Khan receive letter with death threats
Earlier, it came to light that legendary scriptwriter Salim Khan came upon an anonymous chit near the Bandra Bandstand promenade, Mumbai, on Sunday, 5th June, while taking a break from his morning walk. Police have confirmed that the chit contained death threats for both Salim and his superstar son, Salman Khan, with the words, “Moose wala jaisa kar dunga (I’ll give you a fate like that of Moose Wala),” written on it among other dire threats. Also Read – Sonu Sood birthday: From engineering student to struggling actor to messiah – how the actor turned from a reel villian to real hero


Bipasha Basu shares ‘husband appreciation post’ for Karan Singh Grover amid pregnancy reports

By Humaira

Bipasha Basu shares ‘husband appreciation post’ for Karan Singh Grover amid pregnancy reports
Bipasha Basu is all over the headlines these days and rightfully so. After all, the lady is expecting her first child with her husband Karan Singh Grover. Pinkvilla was the first to report that the couple is set to embrace parenthood for the first time. And as everyone is waiting for an official announcement, the Bachna Ae Haseeno actress is once again grabbing eyeballs and this time for her recent post for her main man. Yes! Bipasha, who is quite active on social media, has shared a sweet husband appreciation and it is sheer love.


Taking to her Instagram story, Bipasha shared a shirtless pic of Karan Singh Grover wherein he was seen posing in his gym and was flaunting his abs. Sharing the pic, Bipasha called Karan ‘100% hottie’ and captioned the post as, “Husband appreciation post” along with hearts in the eyes emoticon. Interestingly, the pic was earlier shared by Karan on his Instagram handle and Bipasha took to the comment section and wrote, “My golden baby” along with a heart emoticon.
Take a look at Bipasha Basu’s post for Karan Singh Grover

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The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical’ Creators Sued by Netflix for Infringement

The team behind an unofficial “Bridgerton” musical is being sued for infringement by Netflix in a Washington, D.C. U.S. District Court.

Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, the songwriting team behind the project, initially developed the musical on social media. The duo went on to score the No. 1 slot on iTunes U.S. pop charts and even won a Grammy this year in the category of best musical theater album.

Netflix alleges that it made “repeated objections” against the team as they planned to mount a live stage show of the project. “The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical Album Live in Concert” performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. earlier this week, selling out the venue with ticket prices that ranged up to $149.

The stage show reportedly featured more than a dozen songs that involved exactly copied dialogue, character traits, expression and other elements from “Bridgerton.”

The streamer alleges that “The Unofficial Bridgerton Musical Album Live in Concert” misrepresented to audiences that it used the “Bridgerton” trademark “with permission.” Netflix also objects to an allegedly planned line of merchandise and the production’s upcoming tour dates.

Representatives for Barlow & Bear were not immediately available for comment on the lawsuit.

“Netflix supports fan-generated content, but Barlow & Bear have taken this many steps further, seeking to create multiple revenue streams for themselves without formal permission to utilize the ‘Bridgerton’ IP,” Netflix wrote in a statement. “We’ve tried hard to work with Barlow & Bear, and they have refused to cooperate. The creators, cast, writers and crew have poured their hearts and souls into ‘Bridgerton’ and we’re taking action to protect their rights.”

“There is so much joy in seeing audiences fall in love with ‘Bridgerton’ and watching the creative ways they express their fandom,” Shonda Rhimes, creator of the “Bridgerton” series, said. “What started as a fun celebration by Barlow & Bear on social media has turned into the blatant taking of intellectual property solely for Barlow & Bear’s financial benefit. This property was created by Julia Quinn and brought to life on screen through the hard work of countless individuals. Just as Barlow & Bear would not allow others to appropriate their IP for profit, Netflix cannot stand by and allow Barlow & Bear to do the same with ‘Bridgerton.’”

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WI vs IND: Rohit Sharma, spinners inspire India to victory over West Indies in opening T20I

TAROUBA: India skipper Rohit Sharma and spinners shined as India beat West Indies in a one-sided match in the opening T20I of the five-match series at the Brian Lara Academy on Friday.

The hosts won the toss and elected to bowl first. India posted a 190-run on the scoreboard, thanks to Rohit’s 64-run knock and Dinesh Karthik’s unbeaten 41 off just 19 balls at the finish.

Rohit’s opening partner Suryakumar Yadav also scored 24 runs, while Shreyas Iyer and Rishabh Pant failed to perform for the touring party.

For the West Indies, Alzarri Joseph claimed two wickets, while Obed McCoy, Jason Holder, Akeal Hosein, and Keemo Paul claimed a wicket each.

In pursuit of 190, West Indian batters struggled against Indian spinners who were sensational in the opening T20I.

The decision by India to play three spinners yielded excellent results as Ravindra Jadeja, R Ashwin, and Ravi Bishnoi together took five wickets, helping the visitors to a 68-run win.

Shamarah Brooks top-scored for West Indies, as he scored 20 runs in 15 balls, while skipper Nicholas Pooran could only score 18 runs.

Meanwhile, Arshdeep Singh claimed two wickets while Bhuvneshwar Kumar took a single scalp.

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CWG 2022: Dropped by Govt, Pakistan badminton contingent finds last minute sponsor to reach Birmingham

The same was the case with her women’s double partner, Ghazala Siddique, who also had to pair up in the mixed doubles event. The male team members are Murad Ali and Irfan Saeed Bhatti.”The other teams have eight players. Here, four of us have to play all the games.

I am a singles player but had to play in doubles and mixed doubles as well. It becomes difficult to focus on one,” Shahzad told PTI after the 0-5 loss to India.

Both Shahzad and her doubles partner Siddique have government jobs but that salary is not enough to make their ends meet. For Shahzad, who hails from a business family, badminton is a passion while Siddique doubles up as a sports teacher besides her government job to support her family that includes five siblings.

Shahzad’s long-term goal is to make the 2024 Paris Olympics but despite being around for a long time, she feels stuck as far as her career is concerned.

“In a country like Pakistan, it is very tough to train. You have to fend for yourself, there are no good coaches, you have to do fitness, gym on your own. There is no proper training center back home.

“No players come to Pakistan and we don’t play international events that much. So the level is stuck. I myself feel that my game is stuck and I need to train abroad to improve.” Siddiqui, on the other hand, started playing only five years ago and for her just being part of the national contingent is a real honour.

The 28-year-old, who makes around 13,000 Indian rupees from her government job, can’t put all her energies into the game due to her dual duties.

“Cricket is the only sport that gets support. I have to do two jobs as one is not enough to run the family. I am the eldest among five siblings so there is responsibility as well,” Lahore-based Siddique said with a wry smile.

On Friday, the more experienced Shahzad got to face Indian superstar P V Sindhu, having already played against Saina Nehwal in the past. Her favorite player however is Chinese Taipei’s Tai Tzu-ying.

“Sindhu came to me to shake hands after the game which was a good gesture. Compared to Saina, Sindhu comes across a lot more deceptive. Saina was much more aggressive when I played against her,” added Shahzad.


Timing is right for Vettel to go, says Red Bull boss


Formula One will miss Sebastian Vettel when he retires at the end of the season but the four times world champion has chosen the right time to go, Red Bull boss Christian Horner said on Saturday.

Horner had a close bond with the German when he was winning four successive titles with Red Bull from 2010-13, and also most of his 53 wins.

“It’ll be sad not to see him around. But I think the timing is right for him,” Horner told reporters at the Hungarian Grand Prix.

“It’s not nice to see him running around in the middle of the field, he doesn’t deserve to be there. And I think the time is right for him to say, ‘Now’s the time for me to call time on Formula One’.”

Vettel has not won a race since 2019, when he was at Ferrari.

Now at Aston Martin, he qualified 18th of 20 drivers on Saturday after crashing in final practice.

Vettel said on Thursday, when he made his announcement, that he wanted to spend more time with his family and pursue other interests and ideas away from racing.

Now 35, he said he did not feel old or physically limited and recognised he was likely to miss the adrenalin rush of racing.

Horner said Vettel had been “incredible” in his time at Red Bull, on and off the track.

Behind the dominance and thirst for success, Horner recalled a personality who was both formidable and disarmingly down to earth.

“He worked hard, he worked late, and he had a great sense of humour, so fitting into a British team, he embraced the culture immediately,” he recalled.

He endeared himself across all areas of the business, whether he was turning up with chocolates for secretaries or learning the lingo in the garage … his command of cockney slang became legendary.”

Horner said setting records had meant a lot, as had the support of fans — particularly in Japan where Vettel would insist on taking home every gift.

“Some of the objects were slightly weird, but he kept everything, he kept absolutely everything,” said Horner.

He endeared himself across all areas of the business, whether he was turning up with chocolates for secretaries or learning the lingo in the garage … his command of cockney slang became legendary.”

Horner said setting records had meant a lot, as had the support of fans — particularly in Japan where Vettel would insist on taking home every gift.

“Some of the objects were slightly weird, but he kept everything, he kept absolutely everything,” said Horner.


Indo-Afghan Relations: A Myth or Reality?

By Ahmed Saeed*

In the arena of global politics, ‘there are no permanent friends and foes’. This little phrase describes the whole international politics and one of its prominent examples include the tilt of India towards Afghan Taliban. A wondrous shift in India’s policy has created new dynamics in the regional politics. Historically, all the regional states including China, Russia and Iran have been in relations with Taliban through one way or the other except India. As a matter of fact, India has been supporting anti-Taliban forces but all of a sudden shift in policy is the Hobson’s choice and is caused by heavy investment of India in Afghanistan. On the other hand, Taliban must ensure that their soil is not used by notorious elements which may cause turmoil in the region.

Historically, after the Taliban’s ouster from power in 2001, India supported successive governments in Afghanistan and aided extensively in the socio-economic development of the country. Though, it did not send its troops to fight against Taliban but provided training to military forces, police, bureaucracy and teachers. In addition to that, India opened its embassy in Kabul and consulates in Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad, and Mazari Sharif. However, when Taliban captured Afghanistan, India called back its diplomats and found it an avenue of escape.

At this stage of game, as to some Indian high officials, they have been engaging with Taliban officials behind the closed doors. Additionally, few months ago, Taliban leader Sher Mohammed Abbas Stanekzai, residing in Doha, requested Indian ambassador to Qatar, Deepak Mittal, to meet and hence, it was done. Likewise, right after the Russian invasion over Ukraine, India provided wheat aid of 50,000 metric tonnes to Afghanistan via Pakistan on February 26, 2022. Moreover, Indian officials have visited Afghanistan recently while claiming the supervision of aid.  All such engagements give the positive gesture at diplomatic ends in between both the countries.

The reason behind this shift is India’s will to secure its strategic as well as economic interests. India has spent $2billion in infrastructure and development in Afghanistan in the form of roads, dams, hospitals etc. India has built a highway named ‘Delaram-Zaranj Highway’-a 218 km long trade route which connects Iran with Afghanistan and other Asian states- to protect its trade interests. Further, India has reduced its dependency on Pakistan’s land through ‘Chahbahar Port’- a sea-rout from India to Afghanistan and other Asian states. ‘Salma Dam’ on river Harirud is also a part of that hefty investment. In addition to that, in November 2020, India announced 150 more projects worth $80million in the country.

In case of strategic interests, India is hostile towards Pakistan and has been designing nefariously while using Afghan land. Spying activities of ‘Kulbhushan Jhadav’, an Indian RAW agent, in Pakistan and ammunition supply to Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) through Afghan border are enlisted among those designs. Similarly, pro-Indian rulers of Afghanistan such as Ashraf Ghani and Hamid Karzai have been blaming Pakistan despite its key role in Afghan peace-process.   

Additionally, in the reflection of Sino-US rivalry, India may play a role of proxy against China while using Afghan land. The duality of US can be gauged through the fact that right after the fall of Kabul, US announced that any state having economic relations with Taliban would face economic sanctions. But in the described scenario, US is just a spectator because ultimately it will serve US’ policy to contain China. Similarly, India’s own interest to play tactics against Pakistan will also be served.

On the contrary, Afghanis share ethnic, cultural and regional bonds with Pakistan. Additionally, Pakistan too has provided sanctuaries to their 3million refugees resulting from ‘war on terror’. Hence, their tilt towards anti-Pakistan elements would weaken this stronger bond. Nevertheless, regional peace will also be deteriorated. In accordance to that, Taliban leadership should think about the region’s peace and country’s progress as well. Moreover, they should remember Pakistan’s efforts in peace-process and must be vigilant to India’s tactics against Pakistan. Otherwise, these historic and durable relations will be under the harrow.

Upon considering all the facts, it seems that entirely opposite shift in policy is the only left option for India. Being an anti-Taliban to Taliban-friendly element shows that how national interests cause shift in policy. In order to serve strategic interests and save billions of investments, Indian officials have paid a visit to Afghanistan while giving a peaceful gesture in bilateral relations. It is undoubted that India has tremendously performed in the socio-economic sector of Afghanistan and after fall of Kabul, Taliban ensured that these developmental projects would not be harmed. Escape of Indian diplomatic staff from Afghanistan made Taliban trustworthy. Likewise, Taliban should ensure the region’s peace and strive hard to dispense prosperity in the country. Thus, response from the Taliban side will determine the upcoming dimensions of regional politics.   

*Ahmed Saeed is an IR Analyst based in Islamabad.


BJP’s Fascist Regime and Indian Muslims

By Ahmed Saeed*

The state of India constitutes of Muslims and Hindus. The Hindus hold the majority with 84% of the population whereas the Muslims are the minority holding 14% of the entire population which ultimately makes them inferior and endangers them. The Muslim Community of India has always faced systemic oppression and prejudiced discrimination, but it wasn’t to this extreme. Since BJP has gained the rule of India the Muslim community of India is facing utmost turmoil and brutality in every aspect of their lives. The condition of inequality and harassment toward Muslims is worsening with the passage of time and no betterment in the state of Muslims is expected soon.  As it is stated by Mahbooba Mufti, PDP leader in her statement:    
“There seems to be a race among the chief ministers in this country on who could harass the Muslims more.”

The intensity of harassment varies from region to region. For instance, Muslim residents in the regions of UP, Karnataka, Assam, and Madhya Pradesh are more prone to harassment. The harassment and oppression have many shapes and forms i.e., Muslims are being triggered to react. Consecutively, communal issues like claims of Mandirs on mosques or Hijab, etc. are being raised so that RSS goons get a chance to execute another episode like that of Gujarat or UP. What the British used to do in prior times, a century ago referring to putting up Hindus against Muslims, a similar agenda is being practiced by the BJP leadership.

The leaders of India during foreign trips are always narrating Mahatma Gandhi’s notion of depicting India as a land of peace and love and boosting its moral authority as a responsible democracy on the world stage. But clearly, the crisis faced by the Muslim Community reflects the entire parallel of this notion. Referring to a state of oppression and harassment witnessed by Muslims, Joe Biden said,       
‘Gandhi’s “message of non-violence, respect, and tolerance matters today maybe more than it ever has.’

So far, the India People’s Party (BJP) is successful in instilling a profound sense of Hindus being the victims of the Muslims through propaganda, misinformation, deception, hate speech, and initiating old religious crises and wounds, also mainly by utilizing the mass media, hushing the prominent liberal representation and by authorizing the Hindu chauvinists and violence masses using their established phrase “Hindu khatre mein hain” / Hindus are in danger.

Muslims are the largest minority group in India and under the governmental rule of the BJP, the sufferings of Muslims are never-ending and never lessening. For instance, PM Modi kept on watching silently while a man was beaten to death in Madhya Pradesh for being a Muslim. The only visible stance that is being practiced under the Modi regime is ‘the oppression of the Muslim community.’ The members of the party are of the view that what they’re doing is right. Prior to the BJP’s regime, the alarming concerns for the Indian state were the rapid increase in poverty, joblessness, and socio-economic crisis         

Despite the constitutional rights and protection, the Muslims are living in the poor condition which is a serious alarming situation for the international arena, and the international media should raise their voices which in turn will compel India to pay heed to the minority community. A study conducted by an NGO in 2019 highlighted that one of the prominent reasons behind the pathetic conditions of Muslims is half of the police surveyed indicated the anti-Muslim bias, making them less prone to interfere to stop crimes against the Muslims. Apart from that, analysts also have noted a pervasive immunity for those who are attacking and harassing Muslims. Since the BJP came into power the courts and governmental institutions have at times invalidated and abolished the sentences and revoked the cases of those who have accused Hindus of participation in violent acts against the Muslim Community.

Once Modi tweeted, “peace and harmony are central to our ethos” and appealed for “peace and brotherhood at all times”. The narrative always put forward by the Indian Government focuses on the notion of ‘Secularism’, but the current political and social turmoil of India depicts zero secularism because religion is the most significant point of prejudiced discrimination.

With the growing and escalating Hindu nationalism and polarization, the lives of the Indian Muslims are cornered, limiting their lives, as the freedom for the minorities is limited. The university scholars, campaigners, opposition politicians, and dissenters who challenge the governmental orders and unfairness towards the Muslim minority group have always been charged with treason or provocation to violence.

Increasing international criticism is not likely to change and correct the Bharatiya Janta Party’s policies or approach, promoting the Hindu nationalism that is instilled as their raison d’etre. But there are chances that the foreign advocacy will strengthen as well as encourage the resistance within India against a regime striving for political domination through violent polarization.

In the BJPs administration, the discrimination, exclusion as well as the disempowerment of Muslims is increasing a new societal dilemma has also emerged, ‘segregation of the Hindu Community as “us” and the Muslim Community as “them” is now a common practice.

The quotation of Ghazala Jamil, an assistant professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University clearly expresses the harassment and oppression faced by Muslims in the following words:

“The idea was that if you were a Muslim, you were liable to be attacked anywhere, anytime.”

*Ahmed Saeed is freelance writer based in Islamabad.



(Ahmed Saeed*)

     The post-World War-II era started with nuclear proliferation throughout the world, including south Asia. In the region, India and Pakistan have achieved the nuclear weaponry system. Game started in the early 1970s when India conducted its first nuclear test. Later on, Pakistan also put efforts to get nuclear arms and hence, succeeded. This nuclear proliferation adversely impacted the regional prosperity and progress in the form of western sanctions, international isolation, regional instability and insecurity, economic decline and bloc politics and hence, both the states introduced their nuclear doctrines. Still nuclear arms race is continued and can only be averted by strict measures such as stagnation of arms race, pre-test notifications and confidence building measures must be taken. All these suggested measures, sooner or later, would lead to nuclear free south Asia.

During the era of cold war, in 1964, China gained nuclear power and India felt insecure which further led India to become a nuclear state. In 1974, during the rule of Indira Gandhi, India conducted its first nuclear test with codename ‘Smiling Buddha’. It was not enough to declare India as a nuclear state so after years’ efforts on May 11, 1998 India conducted 5 nuclear tests and put itself in the list of nuclear states. Moreover, it is vivid enough that India started nuclear arms race in the region. Despite declaring it’s ‘No first use policy’, this nuclear proliferation resulted in international outrage which further paved the way for sanctions and many other implications to India such as stagnation of arms race and suspension of previously approved defense articles and services.

Since independence Pakistan had fought three wars against India on Kashmir issue till 1974. In addition to that, Pakistan also lost its eastern part, Bangladesh, in 1971 war. Moreover, India’s placement among nuclear states posed an existential threat to Pakistan’s territorial integrity.  In the response, Pakistan conducted 5 successful nuclear tests on May 28, 1998, during the rule of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and placed itself among nuclear states. Presently, Pakistan is the only nuclear member state among Muslim states. Later on, Pakistan declared its nuclear doctrine while mentioning the deterrence in order to avoid existential threat posed by Kashmir dispute and hydro-politics. In return, international outrage led to stagnation of arms manufacturing and economic as well as military sanctions. At that time, south Asia was called most dangerous place on Earth by the then US president Bill Clinton.

Amongst the adverse impacts regional instability is the prominent one. South Asia’s regional stability is predicted by Indo-Pak relations hence, peace between them will entail peace in the region and vice versa. Likewise, nuclear proliferation here will bolster other neighboring countries, such as Iran, to achieve nuclear weaponry system. In addition to that, southeast Asian region will feel insecure and hence, it will move towards achieving nuclear capabilities.

Despite being developing nations, both states’ expenditure on defense is huge. For the ongoing fiscal year, India has announced $70.2bn to spend on defense which consists of 13% of government’s total expenditures. While Pakistan allocated $8.8bn for defense in its last budget. If this huge spending is spent on the betterment of people, living standard in both the countries could be improved. Moreover, high defense expenditure may result into economic decline such as poverty, unemployment and poor living standards. Similarly, nuclear proliferation will further strengthen the bloc politics and hence, north south divide, which will pose serious threats to developing nations.

Till the date, both the arch rivals have not signed ‘Non-Proliferation Treaty’ (NPT) and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) yet. The former US president ‘Donald Trump’ asked former Pakistani PM ‘Imran Khan’ to stay away from nukes, PMIK denied while saying that first India would have to do so. According to current figures, India has 156 nuclear warheads while Pakistan has 165 and both the rivals have achieved ‘nuclear triad’ as well.

In order to eradicate the adverse impacts of nuclear proliferation in south Asia, nuclear arms race must come to an end. Both countries must ensure cooperation to maintain peace across the borders. Deployment of troops on the Line of Control (LoC) must be limited and resolution of Kashmir dispute may play vital role in this regard. In addition to that, end of hydro-politics may also ensure peace in the region. While testing nuclear experiments, both nations must notify their neighboring countries e.g. China and Iran, so that misunderstanding can be avoided. There must be common defense exercises which will build confidence between armed forces as well as give a clear message to regional enemies.  

Development of nuclear weapons in south Asia was initiated in 1970s specifically by India, though, it was revealed in the end of century by both countries. Such developments gave setback to the western world which further led to economic as well as military sanctions. Currently, both states have gained latest nuclear technologies including ‘nuclear powered submarine’ purchased by India from US, while from Pakistan’s side deal is still in the progress with China. Regional instability will make region more vulnerable to living threats including poverty and unemployment. Bloc politics will lead to economic disparities in the region and all these circumstances can be averted by compromised policies of both countries. Common defense activities and peace agreements can tackle too the fire, fueled by nuclear weapons.

*Ahmed Saeed is freelance columnist based in Islamabad and can be reached at

Local Government Elections in Balochistan: Faith in Democracy

By Saleem Bari Patujo

Local government is a foundation of democracy which has great significance especially in countries like Pakistan where on one hand, democracy is evolving and on the other hand, delivers better due to the huge population.

Pakistan’s democracy in its evolution process to strengthen its framework by pursuing the basic democracy achieve another milestone. After 9 years, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) held local government elections in 32 districts of Balochistan.

The number of voters in these districts was 3552398 whereas 16195 including 132 women contested the elections in 4,456 wards whereas candidates in 1,584 wards have been elected unopposed. ECP established 5,226 polling stations across the province wherein 7 seven districts were declared as the ‘most sensitive’. To ensure safe and secure elections, 45436 police personnel were deployed in all the polling stations.

Due to the issues of delimitation and the formation of wards, the elections didn’t take place in Quetta and Lasbela.

According to election results, independent candidates were leading with maximum seats whereas, among political parties, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) was on top. Surprisingly, Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), the ruling party in Balochistan faced a great setback and stands at the third position.

ECP ensured safe, and fair local body elections wherein minimum reports of complaints were received. A few minor incidents of clashes among rival groups were reported across Balochistan wherein around three dozen people were injured and one person was killed. Overall, the security situation was satisfactory.

“The voter turnout was estimated to be the highest in the province since the year 1988.” The voter turnout proves the people of Balochistan expressed their trust in democracy, security, and the State of Pakistan.

Arranging the successful local government elections echoes the law-and-order situation improved in the province. Despite the fact that India still continues to sponsor terror activities in Balochistan, the peace has returned to the people with the day and night efforts and sacrifices of security forces.

Common people expressed their intention to fight for their rights politically. With increasing political awareness, the people signified the importance of democracy which is the only way to identify and address their problems besides getting overall development and progress.

Amid security threats and the declaration of about 2,000 polling stations ‘highly sensitive’ and 1917 ‘sensitive’, a huge number of people expressed trust in security institutions by coming out of their homes to cast their votes.

Local government elections increase awareness about politics, democracy, and their values among local people which will help to fortify democracy at the gross-root level. The public has rejected the narrative of anti-Pakistan elements especially India and its sponsored separatists by overwhelmingly participating in the democratic process.

India continues to create a perception of unrest and instability in Balochistan in order to defame Pakistan. Balochistan public has realized that so-called separatists for their minor personal interests pushed an entire population into the darkness of backwardness.

The people of Balochistan apprehend that local body elections generate political activities and new political leaders who one day will represent their constituencies at the national level. Besides, the public expressed interest and attachment to the State which helps to curb separatist tendencies spread by Indian-sponsored terrorist groups in Balochistan.

The confidence of the public in democracy will furnish democratic culture in the province. Local leaders will emerge who will one day represent their people at provincial and national level.

The representatives of the local government live among their voters who always remain available and accessible to the citizens unlike members of the provincial assembly (MPA) or members of the National Assembly (MNA) who remain away from their voters in order to attend the sessions of their respective assemblies.

By participating in the local government elections, people of the interior parts of the province especially far-flung areas have reduced their suffering. Tthey do not need to travel to Quetta for their minor issues rather to resolve them in their areas; this will not only save their time and energy but also reduce their financial burden.

Due to the frequent interaction among local government representatives and voters, the fundamental spirit of democracy can be revived by the people to make their leaders accountable for their performance and bring welfare and prosperity.

The local government will bring positive outcomes for the people as a result of their belief in democracy. The representatives of local government will be effective in averting the small disputes and the big tribal clashes. By using their influence, they bring the rival groups to the negotiating table to find out an instant solution which helps to keep the law and situation under control.

The people of Balochistan have played their part by believing in democracy, now it is time for the State and the provincial government to address their grievances. The local government representatives need to further strengthen the confidence of the people by performing as per their wishes.

The writer is an Islamabad-based researcher, freelance journalist, and security analyst. He can be reached at:


Kashmiri’s brave out to the Modi’s Fascist Regime

By Ahmed Saeed*

Jammu & Kashmir is one amongst such terrains within the world that continues to be contested. Though Kashmir Freedom Movement encompasses a decades-old history of struggle and resistance against Indian Occupation and state-sponsored brutalities, Narendra Modi’s accession to power created an atmosphere comparatively hostile and chaotic. Under the banner of the BJP, it had been one of the core agendas of Narendra Modi-led BJP to invoke Article 370 of the Indian Constitution to abolish the autonomous standing of Jammu & Kashmir. By doing so, it permits the Modi-led government to further amend Article 35-A, permitting non-Kashmiris to shop for property in Jammu & Kashmir. Once BJP succeeded to amend the constitution, it had been planned to change the demographic standing of the territory and derail the wide echoed right of self-determination. Jammu & Kashmir’s leadership was well-aware of Modi’s malicious styles and so, they continued to boost the decision against New Delhi’s infiltration into the territory through public processions

India’s atrocities against the people of Kashmir are war crimes and have gone past the stage of human rights violations. These are being committed by the Indian occupying force and militias against the people of Kashmir as a region of a larger design to change the very character of the state by sterilizing its demographics. And restricting worshipers from attending nonsecular prayers was a plain manifestation of Modi’s fascist mindset. Modi’s advocate (Hindutva) ideology had turned Kashmir into a virtual hell for its voters. Unfortunately, this cruel methodology has been a standard feature and also the primary tool of India’s BJP government to suppress the liberty movement.

When it involves the humanitarian dimensions of Indian occupation and coercion within the Jammu and Kashmir territory, the facts as quoted by International Human Rights observers and a few independent exemplary teams portray an especially unsatisfying scenario. Defense Force Special Powers Act that was incorporated into the Indian constitution in 1990 remains in effect that authorizes security forces within the state of Jammu and Kashmir to use deadly force to maintain law and order and arrest anyone against whom an inexpensive suspicion exists” while not informing the captive of the grounds for arrest.

Besides unexplained arrests of the Kashmiri males, the females bear an incomprehensible magnitude of trauma. This trauma isn’t solely a derivative of the end of the male heads and figures of their families however conjointly a dire repercussion of subjection to physical and statutory offense at the hands of the safety forces. Within the employment of rape as an associate instrument of conflict, their bodies are relegated to battlegrounds for subsidence scores, since it’s not solely tried at displaying power but conjointly a method of compromising and tainting the collective honor and purity of the Kashmiri community. 

Moreover, BJP’s hostile policy on Kashmir is driven by its racial bias, preconception, and its zeal for turning India into a Hindu Rashtra. Terming such acts as an associate infringement on non secular matters of Kashmiri Muslims, blackballing people from providing congregational prayers within the historic masjid was the worst example of political theory. The policy of motioning down places of worship and limiting worshipers from attending nonsecular gatherings was like the policy Israel has been active against Muslims in Palestine. Modi’s racial regime is resolute in turning the geographic region into Palestine.

Contrary to the Indian government’s claims, several Kashmiris support the reason behind the separatists and came in droves to protest against Indian rule and military operations within the reality, Kashmiri youth are at the forefront of the new wave of violence. Specialists say that a lot of those teenagers, born after the beginning of the revolt in 1989, do not feel any association with New Delhi. According to the most recent census, nearly sixty % of Kashmir’s male residents are under the age of thirty, and seventy % are below the age of thirty-five. This brave youth stood against Modi’s fascist regime and its unwell techniques in geographic regions.

Kashmiris are an emblem of exemplary bravery for the planet. They have suffered the worst human rights abuses for quite seventy years and can still persevere fighting for their basic rights. Kashmir’s separation from India is complete, for it signifies the people of Kashmir. One might have occupied their land, however, their hearts and minds are forever alienated from them. Right away you’re the victor, you’ll be able to threaten them. However, you no longer have the courage to look them straight in the eye and talk over them. Here, one would love to repeat Kalhana’s saying concerning Kashmir and Kashmiris. “The country of Kashmir is also conquered by the force of nonsecular benefit, however not by the force of soldiers!” therefore the sooner the nonsecular facet is obsessed, the higher for one and all!

In a nutshell, it may well be that India’s policy on Kashmir under PM Modi is offensive and has not attained any gains. It aggravates the truth within the territory. In between the spoiling developments, they’re the native Kashmiris’ that still endure oppression and reside in wretched living conditions. Jammu and Kashmir stay in a land of imminent unrest and coercion. If the policy of terrorism and brutality continues inflicting deep suffering on the people of Kashmir, it might turn into the significant increase of killings. The cycle of continued violence and terrorism will worsen the situation and sustainable peace would difficult to be ensured within the region. Without resolving this intractable conflict, regional peace and security stay in peril.

*Ahmed Saeed is an analyst based in Islamabad, Pakistan.


Burhan Wani: Proud Son of Kashmiri Soil

Ahmed Saeed

In the contemporary world, amongst several ongoing freedom movements, the movement of ‘Palestine’ and ‘Kashmir’ are prominent. Since decades, indigenous residents are bearing the brunt of ‘Israeli’ and ‘Indian’ forces respectively. International peace-keeping agencies including United Nations Organization (UNO) are nothing but spectators on the ongoing conflicts. In Kashmir freedom movement, an era from 2010 to 2016 will be remembered on both sides of Line of Control (LoC) because a young boy named ‘Buran Wani’ joined this guerilla warfare.  He had a spirit much higher than mountains and much deeper than oceans. His struggle gave a new rise to the freedom movement and at the same time, he inspired young generation to fight for the right to self-determination.

The boy was born on September 19, 1994 at Dadsara village of Tral area of Pulwama in an upper middle-class family of Muzaffar Wani. Burhan joined the armed struggle on October 16, 2010 to avenge the humiliation when he was severely beaten by Indian troops along with his brother Khalid Muzaffar Wani, who was later killed by the Indian army in custody on April 13, 2015 for meeting Burhan in Tral forest. Since exception to that, he was determined to get basic rights for Kashmiris such as right to self-determination. He wanted that Kashmiris should be independent enough to make their decisions by their own. In addition, he wanted to stop atrocities of Indian military over innocent Kashmiris, continued since decades. 

While talking about his way of fighting, he opted unconventional ways. He used latest technology and the internet to promote Kashmiri cause on social media that sent shock waves across top ranks of the Indian army in New Delhi and gave sleepless nights to the New Delhi’s security establishment for more than six years. In addition, Burhan had his own schedule of armed life. He and his colleagues used to sleep in the day and moved from one area to another at night to change their location in south Kashmir.

Additionally, the pictures of Wani and his company’s movements, which were spread on social media, inspired the local young generation. He broke more than 20 Indian army crackdowns with the help of locals which showed the popularity and love of the people for Burhan in Indian Illegal Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K). His political wit can be gauged through the fact that he completely followed up the line of the ‘All Parties Hurriyat Conference’ (APHC) to promote Kashmiris struggle.

By the same token, he became the real face of Kashmiri freedom fighters since 2010 to 2016 on social media. He was the only man in the town who gathered all militants in Kashmir to fight under an umbrella against illegal Indian rule in IIOJ&K. Another quite interesting fact is that he never used a laptop and cellphone twice for sharing and uploading images, posters and videos during his six years of armed struggle. All this bothered to Indian military forces up to the extent that they announced 1 million Indian rupee bounty for the one who would help them to arrest Burhan. 

After putting so much efforts, Indian military along with other intelligence agencies succeeded to push Burhan and his colleagues – Sartaj Ahmad Sheikh and Pervaiz Ahmad Lashkari- in the mouth of martyrdom, at Bumdoora village in Kokernag area on July 8, 2016. In the history of Kashmir freedom movement, the martyrdom of Ishfaq Majeed Wani in the 1990s shook the entire IIOJ&K and after 27 years, at the time of Burhan’s martyrdom history repeated itself. Also, his martyrdom gave a new life to freedom struggle in the region.

In the same way, more than 1 million people gathered at Tral Eidgah and offered 40 funerals of Burhan. He was laid to rest close to the grave of his elder brother Khalid Muzafar Wani. Following the martyrdom of Burhan, the entire IIOJ&K was engulfed in chaos and turmoil. The violence continued from July 8, 2016 to February 2017. During this longest shutdown, clashes erupted between Indian forces and protesters in which nearly 100 people were killed, 15,000 were injured and hundreds were made blind by pellet guns.

All things considered, the young boy gave new dimensions to the freedom movement of region. He used updated and latest means to counter the Indian aggression. Being the member of Hizbul Mujahideen Organization, he followed the ideology of ‘All Parties Hurriyat Conference’ and promoted the Kashmiris struggle. Similarly, his tactics against enemies put them into pressure and hence, their sleep was fainted. His funeral proved that he revolutionized the struggle and in response to his martyrdom, many lives got the taste of death. In a nutshell, Burhan made a historic era in the Kashmir freedom movement and one day it will bring the desired result for Kashmiris. 

Ahmed Saeed is analyst based in Islamabad.



By Ahmed Saeed

After independence India declared itself Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state by adopting constitution. In the present time, modern states ensure minorities’ rights and consider their opinion too in state affairs. Since its inception, India has been violating minorities rights including Sikhs, Muslims and Christians. Hindu extremists have been targeting the minorities and the situation has further exacerbated after Prime Minister Narendra Modi came into power in 2014. Indian minorities have been bearing the brunt of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led fascist regime in one way or the other. Currently minorities do not feel safe and have existential threat in the country.

Sikhs constitute 2% of the national population of the country and mainly reside in the north-western India i.e. Punjab. Due to majority population in Punjab, 58%, Sikhs started ‘Khalistan Movement’ in 1940s but it became popular in 1980s when ‘Operation Blue Star’ was conducted at Golden Temple in Amritsar by Indira Gandhi’s regime. 251 Sikhs were killed there and when Sikhs throughout the country came to know about this incident then they left for Punjab. Indian military stopped them to reach there and hence, massacre took place with killing of 50,000 Sikhs. Such frustration for Sikhs led agitation and in October 1984, two Sikh security guards from Indira Gandhi’s security personnel killed her. Additionally, Khalistan Movement preceded speedily. 

Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) is a non-governmental organization which is working for Sikh community throughout the globe. SFJ has conducted referendum under the shadow of Khalistan Movement in different parts of the world. In UK more than 200,000 and in Italy more than 40,000 Sikhs have turned out to vote. Results provided solid opinion of a separate homeland for 30million Sikh community worldwide. Likewise, referendum was conducted within country too. Indian authorities have banned SFJ in 2019 under the draconian ‘Unlawful Activities Prevention Act’ (UAPA) and have declared SFJ’s General Council as a ‘terrorist’.

Chattisingpora, a hilltop hamlet of southern Kashmir, on May 20, 2000 became a massacre site and took 36 lives. The lone survivor of incident ‘Nanak’ suspected that there could have been state’s hand behind this massacre. It is because, at that time, the then US president Bill Clinton was visiting India and it could have been a part of an attempt to portray Kashmir’s militancy as deeply communal. It is an ample evidence of brutality of Indian government towards minorities especially Sikhs.

Recently, Indian Supreme Court has sentenced 1year prison to former Indian cricketer and Congress leader ‘Navjot Singh Sidhu’ in a road-rage incident, occurred 34 years ago. In 2018, SC fined Mr. Sidhu INR. 1000 and acquitted him from murder. Later on, SC reviewed the decision and found it pertinent to prison Mr. Sidhu. Here question arises on the credibility of SC and seems a matter of religious based violence towards minorities.

In addition to that, a very recent killing of a renowned Sikh artist and Congress leader ‘Sidhu Moose Wala’ is another incidence of hatred against minorities in the reign of BJP. State police has termed it as inter-gang rivalry while family and friends have called it a brutality of BJP and Hindu extremists, following Hindutva ideology. Moreover, CM has announced to set up a judicial commission under the sitting judge of Punjab and Haryana High Court to probe the killing.

A year back farmers of Punjab started protests against the BJP led regime due to ineffective policies regarding agricultural sector. Livelihood of majority of Punjabi farmers is associated with agriculture. Moreover, agitation was observed and police used tear gas, water cannons and baton charges and media called them ‘terrorists’.

Similarly, an incidence of ‘Lakhimpur Violence’ incidence also took place in which the son of minister Ajay Mishra crushed farmers to death under his car. Eight people died including four farmers. Frustration led agitation and infuriated farmers lynched few workers of BJP and a journalist was also killed in the incident. However, PM Narendra Modi didn’t sack the minister which shows the negligence of authorities towards lives of minorities.

List of brutalities is not limited to above mentioned incidents but continues to unlimited. Shortly, few of them are opposition by BJP regime to opening of ‘Kartarpur Corridor’, despotic legislation by the BJP legislator such as doubling the punishment for minorities, verdict of ‘Babri Masjid’ in favor of Hindus, revocation of special status of Kashmir, harassment of hijab girl, named Muskan Khan, by infuriated crowed, case of the son of Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan, vandalism of Catholic Church in south India and many more.

It is clear from the above discussion that minorities in the country never felt secured throughout the history since independence. Sikhs as well as other minorities were sacked every time in the state affairs. The atrocities of Golden Temple, attempts to suppress Khalistan Movement, killings of Congress leaders, agitation towards farmers, opposition to Kartarpur Corridor and putting religious hurdles are ample evidences of fascist regime of BJP and former governments. All these scenarios depict a horrible picture of minorities in the Hindu state. BJP led regime must come to an end of such cruelties and probe pending cases justly in order to ensure minorities’ rights. Such measures may help to develop better state for minorities.

  *Ahmed Saeed is freelance writer based in Islamabad.


Pakistan: A Second Home to Afghan Refugees

Ahmed Saeed

Since decades, Middle East region and associated countries are suffering from various wars based on various grounds. This led native citizens to take refuge in the war-free neighboring countries. As Afghanistan is neighbor to middle eastern countries, so the country also suffered from war on terror and presently, Taliban regime. Whether it is Russian invasion over Afghanistan or American led war on terror, Afghan refugees took sanctuary in the neighboring countries specifically in Pakistan. Being a refuge provide country, Pakistan also suffered from the problems like economic suppression, food insecurity and many more. Appropriate management of refugee crisis can avert the darkness spread by the issue.

The Afghan refugee crisis has been ongoing since the late 1970s, but it was in the 1980s and 1990s that the crisis reached its peak and started to affect Pakistan directly as an influx of Afghan refugees flooded into the country, seeking refuge from their war-torn homeland. In fact, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), at one point, there were more than 6 million Afghan refugees in neighboring countries. Nowadays, the Afghan refugee crisis has decreased significantly. They first came to Pakistan as refugees during the Soviet-Afghan War in the 1980s. Since then, they have continued to come to Pakistan, fleeing war, persecution, and poverty. However, Taliban take over in last year has also exacerbated the situation.

It is estimated that there are approximately 3 million Afghan refugees living in Pakistan, making it the second-largest refugee-hosting country in the world. Most refugees live in camps, which are often overcrowded and lack basic services. Many refugees are also unable to work legally, which can lead to exploitation and extreme poverty. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Pakistani law does not allow for the permanent resettlement of refugees, meaning that they are essentially stuck in a limbo.

Despite all of these challenges, however, many refugees have managed to find a sense of community and belonging in Pakistan. They have created schools, cooperatives, small businesses, and other social organizations that provide an alternative to their lives back home. One such organization is Afghanistan Red Crescent Society (ARCS), which provides healthcare and education to more than 350 refugee families in Quetta with few other resources available. ARCS has been able to provide services largely due to its dedicated volunteers who come from around the world.

While talking about the challenges being faced by Pakistan are unlimited. These, mainly, include population growth, water crises, food shortages, energy scarcity, urbanization and so on. Presently, Pakistan’s population has grown to 220million and 24pc is abject to poverty. Pakistan has the highest rate of urbanization in the region, according to census of 2017, more than 37pc people live in urban areas. In the context of water crisis, per capita water availability has decreased to 978 cubic meter. In case of energy scarcity, it has been observed that the current energy shortfall in Pakistan is exceeding 7,000 MW. Likewise, country’s 40pc population is food insecure. The last but not the least is that refugee crisis has created more problems for the country’s crumbling economy.

Given these points, it is evident that Afghan refugees issue is decades old issue. It is not only caused by Afghanistan but also other middle eastern countries. Despite exposed to severe challenges, Pakistan government is hospitable to the refugees. On the other side, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are also active in providing shelter and other better facilities to the bag people. In parallel with refugees, hosting country is also bearing the brunt of homeless people in the form of population growth, water crisis and food insecurity. All these issues can be averted through the better management of resources and at a point, there will be no such issue in the country.

Ahmed Saeed is an analyst based in Islamabad