UK: At Mousehole Harbour in the United Kingdom, a man repeatedly kicked a seagull , which resulted in its death in less than 24 hours. When it was discovered, the bird was severely hurt and had trouble standing.
The rescue facility stated: “We were startled and dismayed to have admitted what was a perfectly healthy adult seagull after it was kicked repeatedly by a member of the public for kicking an ice cream out of a child’s hands in Mousehole Harbour.” Prior to the occurrence, the bird was deemed “totally healthy,” and it might be laying eggs.
Due to population losses of more than 50% over the previous 25 years, seagull are designated in the UK as a species of conservation importance and have been on the red list since 2015.
They may appear to be in great numbers, but as they leave their original habitat and move into ours, they merely take on a more common appearance because we encounter them more frequently. They pleaded with residents to respect local animals and noted that it is illegal to harm or kill a seagull.