Deepika Padukone, an actress who has frequently spoken out about her own struggles with depression, discusses the importance of carers during depressive episodes.”Even in my personal journey, the role of the caregivers has been extremely important. That’s why my mother is here. That’s why my sister has been so passionately involved in this cause for many years. And when I hear the stories of the caregivers, I understand how equally important that is as well,” Padukone said in a statement to NDTV.
She asserts that the caregiver’s emotional health is just as crucial as that of the person who is afflicted with a mental disease.”In my own case for example, had my mother and the caregiver not identified my symptoms, in my moment of vulnerability, had she not had the foresight to tell me to or help me reach out to the professionals, I don’t know what state I would be in today,” said Deepika, using her own experience as an example.