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562354 7500885 updates

Cristiano Ronaldo Sets His Sights on MrBeast’s YouTube Crown

Cristiano Ronaldo, the global football superstar, has set his sights on a new goal—dominating the world of YouTube. Already a titan in the realm of social media, Ronaldo is now aiming to challenge YouTube’s most prominent figures, including the platform’s reigning king, MrBeast. With his recent achievements on the video-sharing platform, Ronaldo has made it clear that he is not just content with being a football legend; he also wants to leave a mark in the digital space.

Ronaldo’s foray into YouTube has been nothing short of spectacular. In a short span of time, his channel has amassed millions of subscribers, making it one of the fastest-growing on the platform. His immense popularity, combined with his ability to engage fans worldwide, has driven an unprecedented surge in subscribers. According to the Guinness World Records, Ronaldo achieved the feat of gaining the most subscribers in a 24-hour period, a testament to his unparalleled influence.

This rapid growth led to Ronaldo receiving the coveted Gold Play Button from YouTube, an award given to channels that surpass the one million subscriber mark. For most content creators, reaching this milestone takes years of dedicated effort. However, Ronaldo managed to achieve it in a fraction of the time, underscoring his star power and the loyalty of his global fanbase.

Ronaldo’s success on YouTube is not solely due to his football prowess. His content strategy is carefully designed to engage his fans on a personal level, offering glimpses into his life beyond the pitch. From behind-the-scenes footage of his training sessions to intimate moments with his family, Ronaldo’s videos provide fans with an exclusive look into the life of one of the world’s most famous athletes.

Additionally, Ronaldo has been leveraging his brand partnerships and collaborations to create content that resonates with a broader audience. Whether it’s fitness tips, fashion advice, or insights into his rigorous training routines, Ronaldo’s content is varied and appeals to a wide demographic. This versatility is key to his success on YouTube, as it allows him to attract viewers who might not be hardcore football fans but are still interested in his lifestyle and personality.

While Ronaldo’s YouTube journey is off to an impressive start, dethroning MrBeast—currently one of the platform’s most dominant creators—will be no easy task. MrBeast, known for his extravagant challenges and philanthropic endeavors, has cultivated a massive and dedicated following. His content, which often features large-scale stunts and generous giveaways, appeals to millions and consistently garners millions of views per video.

However, Ronaldo has the advantage of an existing global fanbase, something that few, if any, YouTubers can match. With over half a billion followers across various social media platforms, Ronaldo’s reach is unmatched, and his ability to convert these followers into YouTube subscribers gives him a unique edge in the race for the top spot.

Moreover, Ronaldo’s YouTube ambitions are likely supported by his team of marketing and content professionals, ensuring that his channel continues to grow and evolve. With the right strategy, Ronaldo could very well become a major contender in the YouTube space, potentially giving MrBeast a run for his money.

Cristiano Ronaldo’s move into YouTube represents a new chapter in his already illustrious career. By expanding his influence into the digital realm, Ronaldo is not only solidifying his status as a global icon but also setting a precedent for athletes looking to diversify their brands. While the challenge of surpassing MrBeast is formidable, Ronaldo’s early success on YouTube suggests that he is well on his way to becoming a major player in the platform’s ecosystem.

As Ronaldo continues to engage his audience with compelling content, the world will be watching to see if the football legend can achieve yet another extraordinary feat—becoming the king of YouTube.

562443 5680896 updates

Pakistan Sports Board Enforces Financial Transparency Among Sports Federations

The Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) has taken a significant step towards ensuring financial transparency and the proper utilization of funds allocated to sports federations across the country. In a recent directive, the PSB has asked 44 sports federations to submit comprehensive financial and audit reports, highlighting the importance of accountability in the management of public funds meant to support the development of sports in Pakistan.

This initiative by the PSB aims to foster greater transparency within sports federations and ensure that the funds provided are used effectively to benefit athletes and the broader sports community. The board’s directive underscores the need for federations to maintain rigorous financial standards and provide clear evidence of how public money is being spent.

In its letter to the federations, the PSB specified that they must urgently submit detailed financial reports, along with complete and audited financial statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. To ensure accuracy and adherence to financial standards, these documents must be certified by a recognized chartered accountant firm. The requirement for professional certification reflects the PSB’s commitment to enforcing strict financial scrutiny and ensuring that the federations’ accounts are transparent and reliable.

Furthermore, the PSB has mandated that federations provide bank-attested copies of all bank account statements covering the period from January 1, 2023, to August 31, 2024. This measure is intended to verify the authenticity of financial transactions and ensure that the allocated funds are being managed correctly. The submission of these documents is critical for maintaining the trust of both the PSB and the broader public in how sports funds are handled.

The deadline for submitting the required financial documents is September 15, 2024. The PSB has issued a clear warning that failure to comply with these requirements could result in the suspension of future financial support. This ultimatum highlights the seriousness with which the PSB views financial transparency and its commitment to holding federations accountable for the public funds they receive.

A spokesperson for the PSB emphasized that these measures are not just about compliance with rules and regulations but are part of a broader effort to promote financial transparency within the sports sector. “Our objective is to ensure that the funds are used correctly and effectively benefit the athletes representing our country,” the spokesperson stated. “These steps are part of our broader efforts to foster financial transparency, which is essential for the development of sports and the encouragement of athletes in Pakistan.”

The PSB’s directive is a response to growing concerns about the misuse of funds within sports federations and the need to ensure that public money is spent on activities that directly contribute to the development of sports. By demanding detailed financial reports and bank statements, the PSB aims to create a culture of accountability that will ultimately lead to better management of resources and improved support for athletes.

This move is expected to have a significant impact on how sports federations operate in Pakistan. Federations that have not maintained proper financial records or have mismanaged funds will now face greater scrutiny and the potential loss of financial support. On the other hand, those that comply with the PSB’s requirements will likely see continued or even increased support, as their transparency and accountability will demonstrate their commitment to the development of sports in Pakistan.

In conclusion, the Pakistan Sports Board’s directive to sports federations represents a crucial step towards improving financial transparency and ensuring the proper use of funds within the sports sector. By holding federations accountable for their financial management, the PSB is not only safeguarding public resources but also promoting a more professional and responsible approach to the development of sports in Pakistan. This initiative, if successfully implemented, could lead to a stronger and more transparent sports infrastructure, ultimately benefiting the athletes and the nation as a whole.

562414 8903741 updates

Pakistan Strives to Secure IMF Loan Amid Economic Challenges and Structural Reforms

Pakistan is currently working to meet the stringent conditions set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as it seeks to finalize a $7 billion loan agreement, which Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif hopes will be the last IMF borrowing for the country. The loan is seen as critical for stabilizing Pakistan’s struggling economy, but it comes with tough requirements, including structural reforms and the imposition of new taxes, particularly on the retail sector.

The IMF and Pakistan reached a staff-level agreement on a 37-month loan program in July. However, the program still requires approval from the IMF’s executive board. Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb emphasized the government’s commitment to implementing all necessary conditions to secure this approval. He stated that the government is focused on structural reforms, broadening the tax base, and achieving self-sufficiency to avoid future debt dependency.

One of the most contentious aspects of the IMF’s conditions is the imposition of new taxes on Pakistan’s retail sector. These taxes were introduced in the June budget, aligning with the ambitious revenue targets needed to clinch the staff-level agreement with the IMF. However, these measures have sparked significant public backlash, particularly from retailers who staged a nationwide strike last week in protest against the new tax scheme and high electricity rates. Despite these protests, Finance Minister Aurangzeb made it clear that the government would not back down on the new tax measures, urging wholesalers, distributors, and retailers to contribute to the economy.

The government’s resolve to push through with these reforms and tax measures is rooted in the belief that they are essential for achieving macroeconomic stability and sustainable growth. Aurangzeb referred to these steps as “basic hygiene” for the economy, necessary to steer the country towards a more stable and self-sufficient future.

However, there are concerns about the timing of the IMF board’s approval of the loan program. While Moody’s recently upgraded Pakistan’s credit rating to Caa2, citing increased certainty on external financing following the IMF staff-level agreement, the loan approval was not included in the IMF Executive Board’s latest meeting agenda. This omission has raised concerns about potential delays in securing the much-needed funds, which are crucial for stabilizing Pakistan’s economy.

The delay in approval is reportedly due to unresolved issues related to financing assurances from Pakistan’s development and bilateral partners, as well as complications arising from unpaid energy sector subsidies. The eastern province of Punjab and the federal government have been involved in discussions about electricity subsidies, but according to Punjab’s information minister, Azma Bukhari, no formal communication has been made with the IMF regarding these subsidies. The IMF, along with Pakistan’s finance and power ministries, has not provided any immediate comments on the situation.

The power sector’s unresolved debt remains a significant concern for the IMF, which previously ended a $3 billion bailout program in April. That program led to increased tariffs, which adversely affected the poor and middle class, resulting in a reduction in household electricity usage for the first time in 16 years. Addressing these issues is crucial for Pakistan to secure the current loan and avoid further economic deterioration.

As Pakistan’s government navigates these complex challenges, it remains optimistic about securing the $7 billion bailout package next month. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed hope that once the IMF board approves the program, the country will enter a new phase, marking the beginning of a more stable and self-sufficient economic era. However, this optimism is tempered by the harsh realities of implementing the required reforms and the potential social and economic fallout they may cause.

Starlink’s Defiance Against X Suspension in Brazil

In a significant move, Starlink, a satellite internet company owned by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, has notified Brazil’s telecommunications regulator, Anatel, that it will not comply with a suspension order related to X (formerly Twitter). This defiance has resulted in the freezing of Starlink’s bank accounts in the country, marking a contentious standoff between the company and Brazilian authorities.

The conflict stems from Brazil’s broader efforts to regulate social media platforms and combat the spread of misinformation and illegal content. X, the social media platform now owned by Elon Musk, has been under scrutiny in Brazil for failing to comply with the country’s regulatory demands. As part of a crackdown, the Brazilian government issued a suspension order against X, targeting its operations within the country.

Starlink, though primarily a satellite internet provider, is closely associated with X through Musk’s ownership. The company’s decision not to comply with the suspension order highlights a broader resistance to regulatory measures that Musk has expressed globally, especially concerning what he perceives as overreach by governments in controlling free speech and digital platforms.

In its communication with Anatel, Starlink argued that it operates as an independent entity and that its services should not be directly linked or affected by the regulatory issues surrounding X. Starlink provides internet services through its satellite network, which is particularly valuable in remote and underserved areas in Brazil, where traditional internet infrastructure is lacking.

The Brazilian government, however, has not been swayed by Starlink’s arguments. Anatel proceeded to enforce the suspension by freezing Starlink’s bank accounts in the country, a move that has significant implications for the company’s operations. This action signals Brazil’s determination to hold companies accountable for non-compliance with national laws, even if it means targeting affiliated businesses.

The freezing of bank accounts is a severe measure that could cripple Starlink’s ability to operate in Brazil, affecting its capacity to maintain services, pay employees, and fulfill contracts. This decision underscores the seriousness with which Brazilian authorities are approaching the regulation of digital platforms and their associated entities.

Starlink’s refusal to comply with the suspension order and the subsequent freezing of its bank accounts have broader implications for both Brazil and international tech companies. For Brazil, this situation is a test of its regulatory framework’s strength and its ability to enforce national laws against global tech giants. The government’s actions could set a precedent for how it deals with other foreign companies that resist compliance.

For Starlink and Elon Musk, this standoff raises questions about the future of their operations in Brazil. The company might face significant financial and operational challenges if the freeze on its accounts is prolonged. Moreover, this conflict could affect Musk’s broader business interests in the region, potentially straining relationships with Brazilian regulators and consumers.

The confrontation between Starlink and Brazilian authorities over the X suspension order is a critical development in the ongoing global debate about the regulation of digital platforms. As Starlink continues to resist compliance, the situation in Brazil could become a landmark case, influencing how other countries and companies navigate similar conflicts in the future. For now, the freeze on Starlink’s bank accounts represents a significant escalation, with both sides standing firm in their positions

562207 2325874 updates

Dead beluga whale thought to be a Russian spy

The beluga whale known as Hvaldimir, suspected of being a Russian spy, was found dead off the coast of Risavika Bay in southern Norway. The whale, which gained international attention after being spotted with a GoPro camera harness labeled “Equipment of St Petersburg,” was discovered floating in the water by a father and son fishing in the area.

Hvaldimir’s death was confirmed by marine biologist Sebastian Strand, who had monitored the whale’s movements for the past three years in collaboration with the NGO Marine Mind. Strand noted that while no significant external injuries were visible on the whale, the cause of death was not immediately clear. Hvaldimir was approximately 15 years old, which is relatively young for a beluga whale, as they can live up to 60 years.

The whale first appeared in April 2019 near the island of Ingoya in Norway, around 300 kilometers from Russia’s maritime border. Its unusual behavior, including an apparent familiarity with humans and responsiveness to hand signals, led Norwegian intelligence to suspect that it had been previously held in captivity, possibly as part of a research program in Russia before its arrival in Norwegian waters.

In May of the previous year, Hvaldimir was spotted off the coast of Sweden, traveling several hundred kilometers south. The Barents Observer, a Norwegian news site, used satellite images to suggest that the whale pens near Russian naval bases in Murmansk might have been used to train marine mammals for military purposes, although Russia has never officially confirmed or responded to these allegations.

The suspicion that Hvaldimir was a product of a Russian military program fueled interest and concern in the West. The whale’s death has raised questions about the circumstances of its life and the extent of its involvement, if any, in covert operations. As investigations into the cause of death continue, Hvaldimir remains a symbol of the intersection between wildlife and international intrigue.

562237 9477506 updates

Taliban leader orders authorities to implement the new moral code

Taliban Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada has mandated the enforcement of a new morality law that severely restricts personal freedoms and curtails women’s rights in Afghanistan. The law, introduced last month, formalizes and expands upon the restrictions that had been informally applied since the Taliban’s takeover of the country in 2021.

The new regulations include stringent measures for both women and men, aiming to impose an austere interpretation of Islamic principles on Afghan society. Key provisions of the law dictate that women must cover their entire bodies and faces when they are outside their homes, which should only be done out of necessity. The law also prohibits women from raising their voices in public and enforces strict dress codes, including forbidding men from wearing shorts above the knee and mandating that they keep their beards untrimmed.

In addition to these dress codes, the law encompasses a broad range of behavioral regulations. It mandates attendance at prayers, bans public music, animal fighting, and the keeping of photos of living beings. It also prohibits homosexuality and non-Muslim holidays. The law includes a system of graduated punishments for violations, ranging from verbal warnings and fines to detentions, which will be enforced by morality police.

Akhundzada, who operates largely from a secretive location in Kandahar, issued the directive during a rare official visit to the northern province of Faryab. This visit marked his first trip to northern Afghanistan since the Taliban’s return to power. The Supreme Leader’s decree reflects the Taliban’s commitment to their vision of enforcing Islamic morals and societal norms as they interpret them.

The international response to the new law has been overwhelmingly negative. Roza Otunbayeva, head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, described the law as a “distressing vision for Afghanistan’s future,” highlighting concerns over its impact on human rights and individual freedoms. The formalization of these restrictions has sparked an outcry from global human rights organizations and has further strained Afghanistan’s relations with the international community.

The Taliban’s push to codify such laws underscores the regime’s resolve to reshape Afghan society according to its strict interpretation of Islamic law, despite widespread criticism and concerns about the erosion of basic human rights.

562234 8574631 updates

The removed leader of Bangladesh causes India diplomatic difficulties.

The recent political upheaval in Bangladesh has created a diplomatic dilemma for India, which finds itself caught in a challenging position following the ouster of former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The situation has become increasingly complex with demands for Hasina’s extradition from India, where she sought refuge after fleeing the country amid a student-led revolution.

Hasina, who was ousted by a popular uprising led by students protesting against her administration’s alleged abuses, is now seen as a contentious issue in Indian foreign policy. The Bangladeshi students and their supporters are pressing for Hasina’s return to face trial for her role in the crackdown on protesters during the revolt. This has put India in a difficult spot, as sending Hasina back could jeopardize its diplomatic relationships with other South Asian nations and negatively impact its influence in the region.

India has traditionally been a key ally of Bangladesh, but Hasina’s removal has strained this relationship. The diplomatic challenge is compounded by the broader geopolitical context, where India is vying for influence in South Asia against China’s growing presence. Analysts, such as Thomas Kean from the International Crisis Group, argue that India is unlikely to extradite Hasina due to the potential repercussions it could have on its relationships with other regional leaders. Extraditing Hasina could signal to other allies that India may not offer protection in times of crisis, thus weakening India’s position in the region.

The situation is further complicated by recent developments in neighboring countries. India’s influence in the Maldives waned last year when its preferred presidential candidate lost to a rival who subsequently leaned towards Beijing. With Hasina’s departure, India has lost one of its closest allies in Bangladesh, a significant blow given the strategic importance of the region.

The current Bangladeshi administration, led by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, has garnered support from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has also emphasized the protection of Bangladesh’s Hindu minority. However, this support has not been without controversy. The previous administration’s abuses, coupled with ongoing anti-India sentiment among those who suffered under Hasina’s rule, have strained relations. This discord was exacerbated during the recent floods that affected both countries, with some Bangladeshis blaming India for the disaster’s impact.

Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, a prominent leader of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), criticized India’s approach, stating that India had put all its diplomatic efforts into supporting Hasina and now struggles to adjust to the new political reality. Alamgir pointed out that while Bangladeshis generally desire a positive relationship with India, they do not want it to come at the expense of their national interests or principles.

As the diplomatic fallout continues, India faces a delicate balancing act. It must navigate its support for the current Bangladeshi government while addressing the growing discontent and demands related to the previous administration. This situation highlights the intricate nature of international relations and the challenges of managing alliances in a rapidly shifting geopolitical landscape.

562232 5181275 updates

Large portions of China and Japan record high summer temperatures

In a striking demonstration of escalating global temperatures, China and Japan have both reported record-breaking summer heat. According to China’s weather service, August 2024 was the hottest on record for the country, surpassing previous highs. This extreme heat affected a broad swath of China, including major cities and provinces such as Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hebei, Hainan, Jilin, Liaoning, Shandong, and the northwest region of Xinjiang.

The weather service highlighted that several regions experienced their hottest August since records began, with five provinces recording their second-hottest August and seven more their third-hottest. Population centers such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Chongqing saw unprecedented numbers of “high temperature days,” defined as days when temperatures exceed 35°C (95°F). Despite the onset of autumn, the heat is expected to persist in some areas.

China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has pledged to peak its carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2060. The recent heatwaves align with broader climate change trends, which have led scientists to predict that 2024 will be the hottest year on record. This prediction is supported by data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), which reported that July 2024 was the second warmest July since 1940, slightly cooler than July 2023.

Japan has also experienced extreme summer heat. Japanese authorities reported that 2024’s summer was the warmest since records began in 1898, with average temperatures between June and August 1.76°C above the long-term average. This record heat is part of a broader pattern of increasing temperatures, which has seen more frequent and intense extreme weather events across East Asia.

China’s summer has been marked by extreme weather conditions, including severe heatwaves and devastating floods in central and southern regions. July 2024 was reported as the hottest month in China’s history, with an average air temperature of 23.21°C (73.78°F), surpassing the previous record of 23.17°C set in 2017.

The rising temperatures in both China and Japan underscore the broader global trend of increasing heat and its impacts. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe as the planet warms, reflecting the urgent need for comprehensive climate action to mitigate these effects and address the underlying causes of global warming.

562253 3091347 updates 1

Azerbaijan’s ruling party retains parliamentary majority after snap vote

Azerbaijan’s ruling party retained its parliamentary majority in the recent snap parliamentary election, according to preliminary results. This was the first election since Azerbaijan recaptured the breakaway territory of Karabakh. President Ilham Aliyev’s party is expected to secure 68 out of the 125 seats in parliament, slightly down from the 69 seats it held previously.

The election saw over two million people casting their ballots, with voter turnout reaching 37.3%. However, the election has been criticized by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which stated that the vote fell short of democratic standards. The OSCE highlighted that the election campaign was “barely visible” and took place in a restrictive environment, lacking genuine pluralism.

Opposition party Musavat has refused to recognize the legitimacy of the new parliament, citing widespread violations, including multiple voting, ballot stuffing, and pressure on observers. Other opposition groups boycotted the election.

This parliamentary vote was significant as it followed Azerbaijan’s recapture of Karabakh, an area where ethnic Armenians had enjoyed de facto independence since the Soviet Union’s collapse. Despite Armenia’s accusations of ethnic cleansing, Azerbaijan has denied these claims and is focused on rebuilding the region and resettling it with Azerbaijanis who fled during the earlier conflict. Approximately 42,000 people in Karabakh were registered to vote in the election.

562259 9922468 updates

Trump claims he had “every right” to meddle in the election of 2020.

Former US president Donald Trump has reiterated his stance that he had “every right” to interfere in the 2020 election, a claim he made during a Fox News interview that aired on Sunday. Trump is currently facing both federal and state charges related to his alleged efforts to overturn his election loss to President Joe Biden.

Trump’s comments come amid a federal indictment accusing him of defrauding the United States by attempting to prevent Congress from certifying Biden’s victory. The indictment alleges that Trump sought to deprive voters of their right to a fair election. Last month, this indictment was revised to include additional charges, further accusing Trump of illegally trying to overturn the 2020 election results.

In addition to the federal charges, Trump is also facing charges in Fulton County, Georgia. These charges include racketeering, a serious offense often used to prosecute members of organized crime groups, which carries a potential penalty of up to 20 years in prison. The Georgia case stems from a January 2, 2021, phone call in which Trump allegedly pressured Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to “find” enough votes to reverse his narrow defeat in the state. Raffensperger refused to comply with Trump’s request.

While Trump continues to maintain his innocence and asserts his right to challenge the election results, his legal troubles have cast a shadow over his current campaign as the Republican nominee for president. Despite his legal battles, Trump has not yet indicated whether he would unconditionally accept the outcome of the upcoming November 5 election if his Democratic rival, Vice President Kamala Harris, were to win.

As the legal proceedings continue, Trump’s comments and legal strategy will likely remain a focal point in the lead-up to the next presidential election.

562115 3395219 updates

India is defeated by Pakistan’s Ahsan Ayaz to win the Colleyville Open Squash 2024.

Pakistan’s Ahsan Ayaz achieved a significant victory by winning the Colleyville Open Squash 2024, defeating his Indian opponent, Yash Bhargava, in a thrilling final on Sunday. Ayaz, who was the third seed in the tournament, showcased his skill and determination to secure a 3-1 win, earning the championship title.

The final was a hard-fought battle, with Ayaz taking the first game 11-6. However, Bhargava responded strongly, winning the second game 11-8 to level the match. Ayaz, known for his resilience, quickly regained control and dominated the remaining games, winning 11-3 and 11-8 to clinch the title.

The victory adds another prestigious trophy to Ayaz’s career and marks his fifth title since his comeback from injury, demonstrating his successful return to top form. His journey to the final included impressive wins over Malaysia’s Yee Xian Siow in the semi-finals and Ireland’s Denis Gilevskiy in the second round, further highlighting his strong performance throughout the tournament.

The Colleyville Open Squash Tournament, held in Texas, featured a total prize money of $3,000, adding to the significance of Ayaz’s triumph. His victory not only brings honor to Pakistan but also reinforces his status as a rising star in the world of squash.

562169 3033811 updates

Rain ends play on day four of the second Test between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

The second Test between Pakistan and Bangladesh has reached an intriguing juncture, with Bangladesh gaining control as rain forced an early end to play on day four. The visitors, led by resilient batting performances from Zakir Hasan and Shadman Islam, managed to frustrate the Pakistani bowlers by keeping the scoreboard ticking steadily. At the close of play, Bangladesh was in a strong position, with Zakir unbeaten on 31 and Shadman supporting him with a cautious 9*.

The day began with Pakistan needing to make early inroads to prevent Bangladesh from building a substantial lead. However, the Pakistani bowlers struggled to break through the defenses of the Bangladeshi openers. Zakir and Shadman exhibited remarkable composure, carefully navigating the challenging conditions and blunting the Pakistani attack. Their partnership not only weathered the storm but also added valuable runs to the scoreboard, further consolidating Bangladesh’s position in the match.

Zakir Hasan, who has shown great promise throughout the series, continued to impress with his disciplined approach at the crease. His innings was characterized by a mixture of solid defense and well-timed aggression, ensuring that the momentum stayed with Bangladesh. On the other end, Shadman Islam played the perfect foil, supporting Zakir with a cautious and patient knock. Although Shadman’s score may appear modest, his ability to occupy the crease and provide stability was crucial in frustrating the Pakistani bowlers.

Pakistan, on the other hand, struggled to find the breakthroughs they desperately needed. The bowlers, led by Shaheen Afridi and Hasan Ali, toiled hard but were unable to extract enough from the pitch to trouble the Bangladeshi openers consistently. Despite the occasional delivery that threatened to create an opening, Zakir and Shadman were able to handle the pressure, leaving Pakistan searching for answers.

As the day progressed, dark clouds began to gather over the stadium, and the inevitable rain showers followed. The weather interruption came at a time when Pakistan would have hoped to make some inroads into the Bangladeshi batting lineup. However, the rain had the final say, and play was called off for the day, leaving Bangladesh in a commanding position as they head into the final day of the match.

Bangladesh’s performance on day four has put them in a strong position to push for a favorable result. With a solid start in their second innings, they have put pressure back on Pakistan, who will need a significant effort on the final day to turn the tide in their favor. The pitch, which has offered some assistance to the bowlers, will continue to be a factor, but Bangladesh’s resilience has shown that scoring runs is possible with the right application.

For Pakistan, the key to success on the final day will be early wickets. The bowlers will need to regroup and come out with renewed energy and focus, aiming to break the partnership between Zakir and Shadman and expose the Bangladeshi middle order. Pakistan’s spinners, in particular, will have a crucial role to play as the pitch continues to wear, potentially offering more turn and bounce.

The final day promises to be an exciting conclusion to what has been a closely contested match. Bangladesh will be looking to build on their advantage and set a challenging target for Pakistan, while the hosts will be aiming to wrap up the innings quickly and give themselves a shot at chasing down the runs. The weather could still play a role, with more rain forecast, adding another layer of uncertainty to the proceedings.

In summary, Bangladesh has taken control of the second Test as rain brought an early end to day four. Zakir Hasan and Shadman Islam’s partnership has put Bangladesh in a strong position, leaving Pakistan with a challenging task on the final day. The match remains delicately poised, with both teams having everything to play for as they head into the last day of what has been a gripping encounter.

562231 6758364 updates

For the first time in almost three years, Pakistan’s annual inflation rate drops to 9.6%.

Pakistan’s annual inflation rate has slowed to 9.6% in August, marking the first time in nearly three years that the country has seen a single-digit inflation figure. This is a significant decrease from the 27.4% recorded during the same period last year and down from 11.1% in July. The reduction in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) offers a glimmer of hope for an economy that has been grappling with high inflation, which has placed considerable pressure on household incomes and business operations.

The deceleration in inflation is a positive development for Pakistan’s economy, which has struggled with a series of economic challenges, including rising energy costs, a depreciating currency, and fiscal deficits. The reduction in inflation could ease some of the financial burdens on consumers, potentially stabilizing purchasing power and helping to restore confidence in the economy. The lower inflation rate also provides the government with some breathing room as it continues to implement economic reforms aimed at improving fiscal stability and promoting growth.

However, while the headline inflation figures provide some relief, it is essential to recognize that challenges remain. Food prices, which significantly impact the cost of living for most Pakistanis, may still be volatile. Moreover, global economic conditions, such as fluctuations in oil prices and supply chain disruptions, could influence inflationary trends in the coming months. Therefore, it will be crucial for the government and the State Bank of Pakistan to remain vigilant and responsive to any signs of inflationary pressures.

In a related development, ATM users across Pakistan faced significant difficulties on Monday due to a disruption in the connectivity between various banks and 1LINK, the consortium that operates the largest interbank network in the country. This connectivity issue resulted in widespread problems, leaving many customers unable to withdraw cash from automated teller machines (ATMs). Additionally, online money transfers were affected, causing further complications for those relying on digital transactions.

As customers voiced their frustrations over the inability to access their funds, officials from 1LINK acknowledged the connectivity problems and assured the public that efforts were being made to resolve the issue. They noted that the disruption had impacted the connections between some banks and the network, but they were working to restore normal operations as swiftly as possible.

This incident comes on the heels of a previous controversy in August when rumors of widespread ATM closures across Pakistan began circulating. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) quickly dismissed these reports as “fake news,” issuing a statement to clarify that there were no issues with the availability or operation of ATM networks at that time. The PTA also emphasized that the operations of expired Long Distance and International (LDI) licensees had not been suspended or shut down, and that these operations were not impacting the IT or financial sectors, including ATM networks.

The recent disruption, however, underscores the vulnerabilities in Pakistan’s financial infrastructure. Connectivity issues can have a significant impact on consumers who rely on these services for day-to-day banking needs. As banks and network operators work to address these challenges, customers are reminded of the importance of having backup financial plans, such as carrying some cash or using alternative payment methods, to mitigate the impact of such disruptions.

This incident also highlights the critical need for continued investment in robust and resilient financial infrastructure. Ensuring that these systems can withstand disruptions is essential for maintaining consumer confidence and ensuring that people can access their funds and conduct transactions without interruption. As Pakistan’s economy continues to navigate challenges, the importance of a stable and reliable financial system cannot be overstated.

562256 3016636 updates

Users of ATMs have trouble taking out cash.

ATM users in Pakistan faced significant difficulties on Monday due to a disruption in the connectivity between various banks and 1LINK, the consortium that operates the largest interbank network in the country. The connectivity issues caused widespread problems, leaving many customers unable to withdraw cash from automated teller machines (ATMs).

The disruption also affected online money transfers, further complicating the situation for bank customers who rely on digital transactions for their financial needs. As the issue persisted, frustrated customers expressed their concerns over the inability to access their funds.

In response to the situation, officials from 1LINK acknowledged the connectivity problems and assured customers that efforts were underway to resolve the issue. They explained that the disruption had impacted some banks’ connections to the network, but steps were being taken to restore normal operations as quickly as possible.

This incident follows a previous controversy in August, when reports began circulating about widespread ATM closures across Pakistan. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) was quick to dismiss these reports as “fake news,” issuing a statement to clarify that there were no issues with the availability or operation of ATM networks at that time. The PTA also emphasized that the operations of expired Long Distance and International (LDI) licensees had not been suspended or shut down, and that these operations were not impacting the IT or financial sectors, including ATM networks.

The recent disruption, however, highlights the vulnerability of financial networks to connectivity issues and the resulting impact on consumers who rely on these services for their day-to-day banking needs. As banks and network operators work to resolve the issue, customers are reminded of the importance of having backup financial plans, such as carrying some cash or using alternative payment methods, in case of such disruptions.

The incident underscores the need for continued investment in robust and resilient financial infrastructure to minimize the risk of such disruptions in the future, ensuring that customers can access their funds and carry out transactions without interruption.

562170 4600856 updates

The new feature on WhatsApp makes it much simpler to communicate feelings.

WhatsApp has introduced a new feature designed to make expressing emotions in chats much easier and more intuitive. This update, available with version 24.17.78 on iOS, includes several exciting enhancements that improve how users interact with stickers and media within the app, according to WABetaInfo.

One of the most anticipated features in this update is the integration of a GIPHY sticker search function. This allows users to quickly and easily find the perfect sticker to convey their emotions in a conversation. GIPHY, known for its extensive library of GIFs and animated stickers, is now directly embedded within WhatsApp’s sticker search functionality, providing users with a more diverse and accurate selection of stickers. Whether users are looking for something humorous, heartfelt, or just plain fun, the new search tool makes it simpler to find exactly what they need without having to leave the app or sift through their personal sticker collection.

Additionally, WhatsApp has introduced a “move sticker to the top” option within the sticker tray. This new feature lets users rearrange their stickers, making it easier and quicker to access their favorites. This enhancement is particularly useful for those who frequently use specific stickers, allowing them to keep their preferred stickers at their fingertips without having to scroll through numerous options.

In terms of media interaction, the update brings two significant improvements to the media viewer experience. First, when users are viewing a photo, video, or GIF, they can now reply directly from the media viewer screen. By tapping the new reply shortcut at the bottom of the screen, users can open a reply bar, type their message, and send it without leaving the media viewer. This streamlines the process of engaging with media content, making it more seamless and efficient.

Second, WhatsApp has introduced a reaction shortcut in the media viewer, allowing users to express their emotions through emoji reactions without interrupting their viewing experience. This feature is similar to the reaction options found in other messaging platforms and social media apps, providing a quick and easy way to convey feelings about a particular piece of media with just a tap.

These new features are being rolled out gradually, so users who don’t see them immediately should not be concerned. WhatsApp has indicated in the official changelog that the update will be available to all users over the coming weeks. To ensure access to these features as soon as they become available, users should regularly check for updates in the App Store and the TestFlight app.

The introduction of these new features reflects WhatsApp’s ongoing commitment to enhancing user experience by making communication more expressive, efficient, and enjoyable. The GIPHY sticker search and the new shortcuts for replying and reacting to media are part of a broader effort to keep WhatsApp at the forefront of instant messaging by continually evolving to meet the needs and preferences of its global user base.

These updates are particularly exciting for users who enjoy personalizing their chats and making their conversations more lively and expressive. With these new tools, WhatsApp continues to be a versatile and user-friendly platform for staying connected with friends, family, and colleagues around the world. Whether you’re sending a quick reply or reacting to a friend’s photo with the perfect emoji, these new features are sure to enhance your messaging experience on WhatsApp.

562081 9146723 updates

AI chatbots need to have the ability to say “help”: Microsoft Executive

Vik Singh, the executive responsible for Microsoft’s AI assistant, Copilot, has highlighted a crucial challenge in the development of AI chatbots: the need for these systems to ask for help when they are uncertain about an answer. As AI models like ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot become more integrated into business operations, their tendency to “hallucinate” or generate incorrect information remains a significant issue. This problem is especially critical for corporate customers who rely on AI to assist with tasks like customer service, sales, and accounting, where accuracy is paramount.

Singh, who joined Microsoft in January and now oversees Copilot’s development, emphasized that AI models should be designed to admit when they don’t know something and seek human assistance. He believes that even a more humble AI that requests human input in 50 percent of cases could still be incredibly valuable, offering substantial cost savings and improving customer service efficiency. For instance, one Microsoft client currently spends $8 on average for a customer service representative to respond to each new request. By using AI to handle these requests—while asking for help when necessary—the company could save significant amounts of money and provide faster responses to customers.

The drive to make AI more reliable and autonomous is critical for Microsoft as it seeks to justify the massive investments being made in generative AI technology. Applications like Copilot are designed to boost productivity by automating mundane tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative work. For example, Copilot can assist salespeople by conducting research, allowing them to spend more time engaging with customers. Singh pointed out that Lumen, a telecom company, saves around $50 million annually by leveraging Copilot in this way.

Looking ahead, Singh’s team is working on integrating Copilot more deeply into Microsoft’s software ecosystem, aiming to make the AI assistant more autonomous. He envisions a scenario where Copilot can handle follow-up tasks, like sending emails on behalf of a sales representative, without requiring constant human oversight.

Despite the optimism surrounding AI’s potential to enhance productivity, there are concerns about job displacement. Some industry leaders, such as K Krithivasan of Indian IT giant TCS, have suggested that generative AI could lead to significant job losses, particularly in sectors like call centers. However, Singh is more optimistic. He argues that, rather than eliminating jobs, AI has the potential to create new ones by enabling humans to be more creative and productive.

Singh drew on his experience at Yahoo in 2008, where an AI system was introduced to optimize the selection of articles for the home page. While there were initial fears that this automation would lead to job losses, the opposite occurred. The AI-driven process increased the need for fresh content, resulting in the hiring of more editors to keep up with the demand. Singh believes a similar outcome could occur with AI applications like Copilot, where automation drives the need for new types of work.

Singh sees the current phase of AI development as just the “first inning” in a long game. While there are still challenges to overcome—such as ensuring AI models know when to ask for help—he is confident that these technologies will ultimately lead to greater productivity, new job opportunities, and significant benefits for businesses and employees alike.

562257 3753649 updates

Young Pakistani wins fourth place in int’l Quran recitation contest

A remarkable achievement was made by 10-year-old Muhammad Bashar from Swat, Pakistan, who secured fourth place in the international Quran recitation competition, “Mazamir Dawood,” held in Algeria. The competition, which ran from August 18 to 31, featured participants from over 15 countries, demonstrating the global talent and dedication to Quranic recitation.

Muhammad Bashar’s achievement not only brought pride to Pakistan but also highlighted the strong cultural and spiritual connection between Pakistan and Algeria. His accomplishment is especially significant, considering his young age and the high level of competition he faced.

Organized by the Algerian private media outlet Echorouk, “Mazamir Dawood” is an annual event that showcases the skills of young Quran reciters from around the world. This competition provides a platform for young talent to demonstrate their dedication and mastery of Quranic recitation, a highly respected and revered practice in the Muslim world.

For securing the fourth position, Muhammad Bashar was awarded a prize of $1,500. His success is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and the support he has received from his community.

In addition to the “Mazamir Dawood” competition, Algeria’s Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments organizes another international Quran recitation contest annually. This event, held under the patronage of the President of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, further emphasizes Algeria’s commitment to promoting Quranic knowledge and recitation.

Muhammad Bashar’s achievement at such a young age is an inspiration to many and reflects the deep-rooted cultural and religious values that are nurtured in countries like Pakistan and Algeria. His success story serves as a beacon of hope and encouragement for young Quran reciters worldwide.

562248 6264317 updates

Starlink notifies the Brazilian authority that it would not follow X’s suspension.

Elon Musk’s satellite internet provider, Starlink, has informed Brazil’s telecom regulator, Anatel, that it will not comply with a court order to block the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, in the country. This stance by Starlink comes amid an ongoing legal dispute that has escalated tensions between the Brazilian government and Musk’s companies.

The conflict began when Brazil’s Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered all telecom providers in the country to block access to X. The ruling was based on the platform’s failure to maintain a legal representative within Brazil, a requirement for operating in the country. As part of the enforcement, Starlink’s bank accounts in Brazil were frozen, creating a significant financial strain on the company.

Starlink, which is controlled by Musk and operates under his rocket company SpaceX, responded by refusing to comply with the order until its local accounts are unfrozen. This decision was communicated to Anatel, which confirmed the information to Reuters. Anatel has since forwarded Starlink’s response to Brazil’s top court.

The situation escalated when Musk publicly criticized Justice de Moraes, calling him a “dictator” following the freezing of Starlink’s accounts. The account freeze is related to a separate legal issue in which X was ordered to pay fines for failing to provide certain documents requested by the court. This ongoing legal wrangling has placed Starlink and X in a precarious position, as the Brazilian government intensifies its efforts to enforce compliance with its regulations.

Starlink’s refusal to comply with the court order has raised concerns about the company’s operations in Brazil, where it serves more than 200,000 customers. The potential shutdown of X in the country could have significant implications for both the social media platform’s users and Starlink’s business.

On Monday, a five-member panel of Brazil’s Supreme Court is expected to decide whether to uphold Justice Moraes’ ruling. Legal experts consulted by Reuters have indicated that the panel is likely to confirm the ruling, which would solidify the order to block X and maintain the freeze on Starlink’s accounts.

The situation highlights the growing challenges Musk’s companies face in navigating legal and regulatory frameworks outside the United States. The conflict in Brazil also underscores the broader global debate over the responsibilities of social media platforms and tech companies in adhering to local laws and regulations.

As the court’s decision looms, the standoff between Starlink and the Brazilian authorities remains unresolved, with significant consequences for both the company and its customers in the country. The outcome of the panel’s ruling could set a precedent for how similar disputes are handled in the future, particularly in countries where tech giants are increasingly coming under scrutiny from regulators and governments.

562090 6573999 updates

Daniel Craig Branded as Master Negotiator: Secures High Pay for Indie Films

Daniel Craig has reportedly leveraged his negotiation skills to secure impressive paydays for his work in indie films, achieving 007-level compensation for his roles. Known for his portrayal of Benoit Blanc in the 2019 hit Knives Out, Craig has reportedly used his expertise to turn what began as a low-budget indie project into a lucrative venture.

An insider shared with In Touch Weekly that when Craig signed on for Knives Out, it was considered a modest indie film with limited financial backing. “When Daniel signed up for the first Knives Out more than five years ago, it was practically a low-budget indie film,” the source explained. However, the film’s unexpected success led to Netflix acquiring the franchise and financing two more installments, which significantly boosted Craig’s earnings to $100 million.

The insider attributed this financial windfall to Craig’s adept negotiation skills honed from his James Bond days. “On the back of his hard-earned Bond fortune — which involved plenty of side jobs and commercials and promotion beyond just the acting and bone-shattering stunts — the Knives Out movies are very relaxing for Daniel,” the confidante added.

Craig’s experience with the Bond franchise has been a crucial factor in his negotiation prowess. “You show up and trade quips with a bunch of funny, famous actors. And Daniel figured out how to get paid 007 prices for these easy, quick ensemble mystery movies he can shoot in two months!” the insider noted. This savvy approach allowed Craig to negotiate high compensation for roles that are less physically demanding compared to his Bond performances.

The source also emphasized that Craig’s Bond experience has made him a formidable negotiator, often leaving producers in suspense about his return. “His Bond experience made him a master negotiator because he always left those producers wondering if he would come back to the role after his initial deal expired. He can do the same thing with Knives — and probably will!”

In summary, Daniel Craig’s ability to secure high pay for indie films like Knives Out highlights his exceptional negotiating skills, leveraging his experience and success from major franchises to enhance his earnings in more relaxed, ensemble roles.

562096 9990169 updates

Arnold Schwarzenegger Reportedly Stressed by Lawsuit Accusations

Arnold Schwarzenegger is reportedly experiencing significant stress due to recent legal troubles surrounding his Netflix show, FUBAR. The acclaimed filmmaker and actor faces accusations from entrepreneur Aharon Jason Curtis, who claims that Schwarzenegger’s show borrowed ideas from him without proper credit.

A source close to Schwarzenegger shared with In Touch Weekly that the lawsuit is having a considerable emotional impact on him. “At his age, Arnold’s no longer Mr. Invincible,” the insider revealed. “He’s reeling from this and desperately furious. It’s really ticked him off and he’s losing sleep over it.”

The stress is reportedly exacerbated by the legal process, including potential subpoenas and depositions. Schwarzenegger is reportedly worried about being dragged into lengthy legal proceedings that could consume valuable time. “He assumed he’d be beyond these things by now,” the source added. “But he has to deal with it. He’s not nearly as strong as he likes to pretend,” noting that the ongoing legal battle is proving particularly challenging for him.

The source expressed concern about Schwarzenegger’s well-being, suggesting that at his age, he should be focusing on a more relaxed lifestyle. “It’s bad enough that he’s still working, but the last thing he needs is the anxiety of this lawsuit,” the insider stated. “Everyone is trying to keep him calm and remind him he’s not the one on trial. But it’s still stressing him out, which is terrible for his heart.”

This situation underscores the personal and professional pressures Schwarzenegger faces, even as he navigates the complexities of high-profile legal disputes. Despite his tough public persona, the emotional toll of the lawsuit is reportedly taking a significant toll on him.

562019 8604336 updates

Cyclone Asna Moves Away: Karachi to Experience Improved Weather

The effects of the cyclonic storm “Asna” are nearly over as it has moved far from Karachi’s coastline, according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD). As of Sunday, the storm has shifted significantly away from Karachi, now located approximately 500 kilometers southeast of the city and 350 kilometers from Ormara. It is also about 260 kilometers southeast of Gwadar.

The PMD has reported that while the cyclone’s immediate impacts have diminished, Karachi can expect light rain or drizzling due to prevailing overcast conditions. Strong and gusty winds associated with the storm have subsided, with current winds blowing from the northeast at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour.

Fishermen in Sindh have been cleared to resume their activities at sea from today. However, the PMD has advised Balochistan fishermen to avoid deep-sea ventures for another day due to residual cyclonic effects. Winds of 60-70 kilometers per hour might still be present in the affected areas, the department warned.

PMD Director General Mehar Sahibzada Khan noted that Cyclone Asna originated off the Karachi-Gwadar coast and had the potential to cause heavy rainfall in western coastal regions. Despite the cyclone’s retreat, Karachi may experience partly cloudy skies with intermittent light rain or drizzling over the next 24 hours.

The weather forecast indicates that Karachi’s minimum temperature was recorded at 23.5°C, with a maximum expected to reach between 30-32°C during the day. The humidity ratio in the air stands at 91%, which may contribute to the overall weather conditions in the port city. The resumption of sea breezes in the evening or night could provide some relief from the lingering humidity.

Karachi has largely recovered from the impacts of Cyclone Asna, residents should be prepared for occasional light rain and humid conditions as the weather gradually returns to normal.

562076 2314693 updates

Driving in Pakistan with a UK Licence: Why You Need an International Driving Permit (IDP)

A UK driving licence alone is not sufficient to drive in Pakistan. The country’s regulations require that foreign drivers carry both their domestic licence and an IDP. This legal requirement stems from the Vienna Convention of 1968, which Pakistan is a signatory to. The Convention allows citizens of member states to drive legally in other member countries, but only if they possess an IDP alongside their national driving licence.

Sindh DIG Licensing and Traffic Iqbal Dara highlighted this requirement, explaining that the IDP provides legal protection for foreign drivers in Pakistan. In a notable case involving a traffic incident on Karachi’s Karsaz Road, a UK licence holder faced legal issues because she did not have an IDP. Despite her argument that her licence was valid worldwide, the absence of an IDP led to legal complications. Dara emphasized that without an IDP, even the most prestigious foreign licences do not exempt drivers from legal consequences in Pakistan.

In Sindh, acquiring an IDP is a straightforward process. The permit costs Rs1,100 and can be obtained relatively easily. However, there is a surprising trend where many Pakistanis secure an IDP in anticipation of moving abroad but neglect to obtain a driving licence in their own country. This oversight can lead to severe legal repercussions, including serious charges if an accident occurs while driving without a valid licence.

An IDP serves as a supplementary document to your domestic driving licence, not a replacement. It is an internationally recognized permit that translates your driving credentials into several languages, making it easier for authorities in foreign countries to understand and validate your driving qualifications.

The IDP’s origins trace back to the 1926 Motor Traffic Convention in Paris, with subsequent updates under the 1949 Geneva Convention and the 1968 Vienna Convention. These international agreements have established a standardized system for driving permits that many countries, including Pakistan, accept.

If you hold a UK driving licence and plan to drive in Pakistan, ensure that you obtain the 1968 IDP. The UK government’s official website confirms that this permit is recognized for driving in Pakistan. Being well-prepared with both your UK driving licence and the IDP will help you navigate the roads legally and avoid potential legal issues.

To drive legally in Pakistan, you need both your domestic driving licence and an IDP. Make sure to obtain the IDP before you travel to ensure a smooth driving experience in Pakistan and comply with local regulations.

562047 1126455 updates

13 IPP owners are summoned by the government after an inquiry reveals “extra profits”

The Pakistani government is currently facing significant scrutiny over the operations of independent power producers (IPPs), particularly those established under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Recent investigations have led to claims of “additional profiteering” by these power plants. As a result, 13 IPP owners have been summoned to Islamabad to present their financial reports. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Power Division, Muhammad Ali, is reportedly playing a central role in this probe.

This move follows a directive from the Senate’s Functional Committee on Devolution, chaired by Dr. Zarqa Suharwardy Taimur, which called for a forensic audit of the IPPs due to concerns about their operational transparency and the impact on electricity bills. Public discontent over high electricity tariffs has fueled demands for renegotiations of the IPP contracts, with Jamaat-e-Islami staging a 14-day sit-in in Rawalpindi to press for changes.

Despite the ongoing probe, Energy Minister Awais Leghari has cautioned against unilateral alterations to IPP contracts. He has warned that such actions could have severe repercussions, similar to the Reko Diq mining dispute, due to the sovereign guarantees backing these agreements. The government is reportedly seeking concessions from Chinese IPPs and aims to address the high electricity tariffs through comprehensive negotiations.

The Power Division has refuted claims that IPP owners have been formally summoned, stating that no such directives have been issued. They emphasize that discussions with IPP owners are part of an ongoing process and no unilateral actions are being planned. Additionally, the government is exploring options to reduce capacity payments and profits for state-owned power plants while re-profiling its debt to China, with support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

562068 9197810 updates

Harris describes Trump’s visit to a cemetery as a “political gimmick” that is insulting.

This situation involves a significant controversy over former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery, which has been criticized by Vice President Kamala Harris as a “disrespectful political stunt.” Trump visited the cemetery to honor 13 U.S. service members who died during the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, but the event has sparked debate due to its use in campaign videos and the sensitive nature of the location, particularly Section 60, where the military does not permit political activities.

Harris’s critique highlights her view that the cemetery is a place of solemn remembrance, not for political purposes. Trump’s visit has also drawn mixed reactions from veterans and military families, some of whom defended him, while others expressed outrage. This controversy is being further amplified in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election, with Trump and Harris potentially using it to sway public opinion and the veteran vote.

The situation also touches on past criticisms of Trump, particularly his history of making disparaging comments about military service members, which Harris referenced in her remarks. The incident has become a focal point in the ongoing political battle between the two, with both sides leveraging it to appeal to their respective bases.

562062 6066218 updates

Govt Calls Dr. Kaiser Bengali’s Claims a ‘Misunderstanding’ After Resignation

Following the resignation of Dr. Kaiser Bengali from government committees over concerns about biased rightsizing, the government responded by describing his decision as stemming from a communication gap or misunderstanding. A government spokesperson clarified that the rightsizing initiative is not limited to lower-grade positions (grades 1 to 16) but also targets higher-ranking officials, including those in grades 17 to 22. The spokesperson highlighted that the rightsizing committee has already reviewed six ministries, leading to the dissolution of one ministry and the merger of two others, potentially making around 60,000 positions surplus.

Dr. Bengali, a prominent economist, had stepped down from three key committees responsible for austerity, rightsizing, and expenditure reduction, citing concerns that the government was disproportionately targeting lower-grade employees while sparing higher-ranking officials. He warned that the economy is in dire straits due to mounting debts and criticized the government for not implementing the committee’s recommendations effectively.

In response, the government asserted that the committee’s review of government and autonomous bodies is impartial and comprehensive. The spokesperson also mentioned that the government is working on a compulsory retirement package for civil servants, aiming to apply it across all grades without favoritism.

Despite Dr. Bengali’s resignation, the government maintains that its efforts to stabilize the economy through austerity measures, rightsizing, and privatisation remain on track.

562085 1888321 updates

PM Shehbaz ‘Satisfied’ with Drop in Inflation, Economic Stability

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed satisfaction over the significant reduction in inflation and the overall economic stability in Pakistan. Speaking on Sunday, the premier noted that the country’s economy is showing positive signs due to the diligent efforts of the government’s financial team.

According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), the Consumer Price Index fell to a record low in July 2024, bringing inflation down to 11%. The prime minister welcomed forecasts predicting further declines in inflation, with expectations that it could drop to between 9% and 10% in September.

The Ministry of Finance, in its monthly outlook report, echoed this optimism, projecting inflation to remain within the 9.5%-10.5% range for August. The report also highlighted the stability in economic indicators.

Shehbaz Sharif also pointed out that international financial bodies, such as Fitch and Moody’s, have acknowledged Pakistan’s improved economic situation by upgrading the country’s credit ratings. This, he said, is a testament to the positive trajectory of Pakistan’s economy.

The prime minister acknowledged recent relief measures, including reductions in electricity bills and petroleum product prices, which are part of the government’s efforts to pass on economic benefits to the public. He emphasized that the government remains committed to addressing the challenges faced by the people and is working tirelessly to improve the situation.

Furthermore, the premier highlighted the ongoing economic reforms and the rightsizing policy, which he is personally overseeing. He expressed confidence that these measures will soon have a positive impact on the economy.

In August, Moody’s Ratings upgraded Pakistan’s local and foreign currency issuer and senior unsecured debt ratings from Caa3 to Caa2, citing improvements in macroeconomic conditions. The ratings agency also changed Pakistan’s outlook from stable to positive, reflecting reduced default risk and greater certainty regarding the country’s external financing sources.

However, concerns remain about securing a crucial $7 billion bailout package from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). While the government is optimistic about obtaining approval for the loan next month, the absence of Pakistan’s loan approval on the IMF’s latest schedule has raised some concerns. Nonetheless, Finance Minister Aurangzeb expressed confidence that the IMF will approve the loan soon, following the staff-level agreement reached in July.

562025 7065514 updates

Peshawar Emerges as ‘Epicentre’ of Mpox as Pakistan Reports Fifth Case

Pakistan’s efforts to contain mpox have intensified after Peshawar reported its fourth case this year, raising concerns that the city may be turning into a hotspot for the virus. The latest patient, a 47-year-old man who recently returned from the Gulf region, tested positive on August 29 after being isolated by Border Health Services staff.

This case marks the fifth mpox infection reported in Pakistan this year and the fourth since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared mpox a global health emergency. Federal Director General of Health, Dr. Shabana Saleem, expressed serious concerns over the virus’s re-emergence in Peshawar, emphasizing the need for increased vigilance.

Dr. Saleem noted that all recent cases have involved individuals with a travel history to the Gulf, highlighting the importance of monitoring travelers from high-risk regions. “Peshawar appears to be turning into an epicentre for mpox cases,” she stated, warning that the situation demands immediate action.

In response, authorities have implemented stringent screening protocols at all airports across the country. Dr. Saleem assured that the government is fully committed to preventing the virus from spreading further, with federal and provincial health officials closely coordinating efforts.

The spike in cases has alarmed both health experts and the public, leading to calls for heightened awareness and stricter travel guidelines. Dr. Saleem urged the public to remain vigilant and follow health advisories, particularly for those returning from regions where the virus is prevalent.

“Public cooperation is crucial in preventing the spread of mpox,” she stressed, calling for a collective effort to curb the virus before it gains a stronger foothold in the country.

562017 8907585 updates

2nd Test: Pakistan Leads by 21 Runs After Litton Das, Mehidy Hasan’s Resistance Ends Bangladesh’s Innings at 262

On day three of the second Test at Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium, Pakistan bowled out Bangladesh for 262 runs, securing a 21-run lead despite a resilient fightback from Litton Das and Mehidy Hasan Miraz. Bangladesh’s innings began in turmoil, losing six wickets for just 26 runs due to Pakistan’s potent bowling attack led by Khurram Shahzad and Mir Hamza.

Litton Das, however, anchored Bangladesh’s innings with a brilliant century, partnering with Mehidy Hasan for a seventh-wicket stand of 165 runs. Mehidy contributed a crucial 78 before being dismissed by Khurram Shahzad, who claimed six wickets in the innings, marking his best figures in Test cricket.

Bangladesh’s lower order offered some resistance, with Litton continuing to bat firmly alongside Hasan Mahmud, who supported him in a 69-run partnership for the ninth wicket. Litton’s century, his fourth in Test cricket, came off 228 balls and included 13 fours and four sixes. His innings ended when he was caught by Saim Ayub off Salman Ali Agha’s bowling, bringing Bangladesh’s innings to a close.

In response, Pakistan ended the day at 9/2, losing Abdullah Shafique and night watchman Khurram Shahzad to Bangladesh pacer Hasan Mahmud. Pakistan now holds a narrow lead of 21 runs, setting up a crucial fourth day in the Test.

Earlier in the match, Bangladesh had bowled out Pakistan for 274, with spinner Mehidy Hasan taking five wickets and pacer Taskin Ahmed grabbing three. Pakistan’s innings was highlighted by fifties from Shan Masood, Saim Ayub, and Salman Ali Agha.

With two days remaining in the match, Pakistan will aim to build on their slender lead, while Bangladesh will look to make early inroads in the remaining Pakistani lineup to set up a competitive chase.

562082 984289 updates

Free admission for spectators to Champions One-Day Cup round matches

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has confirmed that spectators will have free entry to the round matches of the upcoming Champions One-Day Cup, featuring five teams. PCB Chairman Mohsin Naqvi discussed the arrangements for the tournament, which will be held in Faisalabad, during a meeting where preparations at Iqbal Stadium were reviewed. Naqvi highlighted Faisalabad’s passion for cricket as the reason for selecting the city and announced that only the knockout matches would require tickets.

The Punjab Chief Minister noted that the tournament offers a rare chance for fans to see legendary Pakistani players in action. Following recent disappointing performances by the national team, Naqvi assured that this domestic league would help improve the national team’s performance by showcasing and strengthening local talent. He emphasized the importance of responsible teamwork for the event’s success.

The fitness tests for players have been completed, and the tournament is set to run from September 12 to 29, with the Wolves facing the Panthers in the opening match. The meeting included key PCB officials, such as Chief Operating Officer Salman Naseer and Chief Financial Officer Javed Murtaza.

562083 3441708 updates

As moist currents from the Bay of Bengal come in, Karachi and other parts of the nation prepare for additional rain.

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has issued a weather advisory predicting significant rainfall across various regions of Pakistan due to moist currents from the Bay of Bengal and a westerly wave approaching the country. Karachi, along with other parts of Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan, is expected to experience heavy rains accompanied by strong winds and thunderstorms in the coming days.

From September 2 to 4, heavy rainfall may cause urban flooding in low-lying areas, landslides in hilly regions, and disruptions due to increased water flow in local streams and nullahs. Travelers and tourists are advised to exercise caution, and authorities are urged to remain vigilant to mitigate potential damage. The PMD has also advised farmers to plan their activities accordingly to avoid any adverse effects on their crops.

Key areas at risk include Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Sialkot, Murree, and regions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan, where landslides and flooding could significantly impact infrastructure and travel. The PMD emphasizes that the situation will be closely monitored, and updates will be provided as needed.