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After Sales Services in Leather Industry of Pakistan

Written By:
Murtaza Kazmi & Ahsan Raza

Pakistan is recognized as one of the top countries in the world with respect to finished leather industry in after sales service along with value added services. Pakistan currently focuses more on import but the time has come they have to focus more on exports and products have to be exported all year long unlike seasoned exports of leather and garments. Leather goods have the potential to be developed for international market products have to be available locally. Local market leather goods have already been adopted and people are using it frequently due to imported quality considerable demand has been noticed.
Garment manufacturers did not spend money and time for research and development Pakistan is facing tough competition with all the countries that produce items technical improvements, market research adoption of new techniques and improvement in designing are must and work units have to be more efficient.
The export of leather and leather garments now stands at 345 million dollars. There has been seen and increasing tendency in the value added products exports as can be seen from the figures of leather garments export during 1996-97 than previous years i.e. the exports of leather garments was 345 million dollars, i.e. 107 million dollars higher i.e. compared to more than the exports of tanned leather which is 238 million dollars. The commerce minister has accepted another demand of the exporters by allowing samples, labels etc. Duty free and quick release of such samples and labels will help execution of export orders.
Leather sector has now to face a challenge in the open markets. It is not only competition with the under developed or developing countries but the industry now also have to compete with the developed countries. Being producer of finished leather and leather products, Pakistan is facing tough competition with all the countries that produce these items. Technical improvements, market research, adoption of new techniques and improvements in designing are a must now, besides the units have to be more efficient.
Our Pakistani leather goods have potential to be developed in international markets up to international exports standards. Due to some facts the major chunk of the product the indigenous material which is available locally. In the local markets leather goods sales are increased as people have already been adopted this product and people are using frequently and leather goods make good give away at present. But in the last few years the imported quality considerable demand has been noticed for the foreigners.
Our observations says that leather items have comparative edge as leather products used over gift items from Pakistan the products like carpets, leather jackets, wood and other handicrafts leather products have edge on these products. But due to more quality improved issues the packing of all Pakistani exported leather goods product packing needs to be improved. We need to concentrate more on the prices level that needs to bring down to the international standards during the product manufacturing because it has been noticed as higher leather product prices in Pakistan. This can easily be achieved as manufacturing units are boost for exports production and export orders are proceed year around.
Due to further increase exports item of leather goods it needs a high level of promotion up to international standards so leather goods should be pushed further. The goods need to be more value added incentive. If the new item is introduced it can create its own place in the market due to high promotion without hurting those exports that currently exported from Pakistan. Leather industry of Pakistan has great chance to grow and become export oriented industry. The leather based industry sector are contributing about Rs 20 billion to the National Economy and employ more then 250,000 workers.
The leather industry Tanneries and garments compared with available domestic raw hides and skins on the other developed countries tanneries were closing down and leather garment manufacturers not being able to complete as the third world country closed down the factory. As profit tanners and garment manufacturers did not spend money and time for R&D. The leather sector industry is having tough time while taking place worldwide. Leather industry faces challenge in the open markets.
The competition when it comes to a developed country like USA and Pakistan is immense. As Pakistan needs technical improvements, market research, adoption of new techniques and improvements in designing are a must to compete. In this year Pakistan leather export increased up to 14% in top business. The “Highways Creation Pvt Ltd” representative at Karachi Mr. Danish Khan has said, that export of leather garments of Pakistan was on top of the list and the leather gloves was on second which shows improvement. The current government is supporting all those who work on finished leather within Pakistan, which is good sign for the prosperity of this industry and ultimately the country.

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ecommerce sale

Benefits of Retargeting Ads for Online Retailers & eCommerce stores in Pakistan

By Taha Gill & Umer Saleem Kiyani

global growth rate of 29 percent. eCommerce revenue continues to grow. New markets are emerging, and established markets have the possibility for expansion. Global growth will resume in the next years. This will be fueled by East and Southeast Asia, where the middle class is growing, and the offline purchasing infrastructure is behind. eCommerce is a term that refers to the online sale of tangible items to a private end user (B2C). This term encompasses both computer-based and mobile-based purchases made via smartphones and tablets. The following items are excluded from the definition of ecommerce DB: digitally distributed services (e.g., airline tickets), online stores dedicated to digital media downloads or streams, online stores dedicated to B2B markets, and sales between private persons (C2C) in the eCommerce market.
Retargeting is a simple cookie-based strategy. When a new visitor to your site arrives, the code (referred to as a pixel) drops an anonymous browser cookie. Later, while your visitors surf the web, the cookie informs your retargeting provider when to display your adverts, ensuring that your content is only available to users who have already visited your site. Retargeting is beneficial in the digital environment since conversion rates are often low. The average website converts less than 2% of its traffic, and that is just if everything is done right. This indicates that 98 percent of the visitors to your e-commerce site is being lost. Retargeting is particularly powerful because it directs your advertising dollars to individuals who are already familiar with your site and have expressed interest. That is why most marketers that use it receive a larger return on investment than they do with most other digital platforms.

The benefits of retargeting advertisements can be very robust:

. Website visitors who are retargeted with display ads are 70% more likely to convert on your website.
. The average click through rate (CTR) for display ads is 0.07% while the average CTR for retargeting ads is 10 times higher at 0.7%.
. 46% of search engine marketers believe retargeting is the most underused online marketing technology.
Retargeting Ads is the way forward for Pakistani online retailers. With staggering conversion results in campaigns using retargeting customers using the cookie-based strategy, Pakistani retailers can truly enhance their lead generation and increase their market share using this innovative method of advertisements. A retargeting ad on average performs 10 times better than a normal display ad, this is something that the marketing team of Ecommerce stores in Pakistan must consider while determining their strategies. The Pakistani ecommerce market had a turnover of Approx. 978 billion rupees in 2021, is retargeting is utilized effectively, this number can grow by billions in revenue, benefiting the online retailers and eCommerce stores greatly.

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Impact of technology on financial institutions of Pakistan

Written by: Hania Gul

Continuing financial services companies are looking for new technologies to improve efficiency and speed of service, as well as to provide better customer information. The remarkable growth in information technology has enabled companies to use banking technology to use digital to transform the financial services industry by managing customer information. The financial services industry is focused on improving online customer service that is empowered to compete with consumer products such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google.
Importantly, many financial services managers feel like they are developing customer information to become the top driver of digital banking. The advent of smart statistics allows financial services companies to capture the wealth of consumer data in order to better understand and serve customers. Technology has helped organizations improve their financial services. The development of better payment systems is a major challenge for organizations. There is also the possibility that the robo-advisory will be an important application in the future. Similarly, blockchain-based services will gain popularity in the coming years. The digital integration of financial services is a continuous transformation. This requires “major engineering.” The firms will do well to have a large number of engineers who can introduce the dynamism of dealing with renaming while using the original method. Financial services organizations can leverage cloud capabilities to make processes more transparent and easier.
Technological advances are in the form of efforts to better serve customers through the management of customer information. Adopting new banking technologies, therefore, is essential for financial services organizations to be successful. Emerging technologies in the financial services industry often disrupt how consumers deal with their finances, what they expect from financial institutions, and how those organizations operate. Today, new technologies make processes easier, more efficient, reduce errors, improve communication, and change the way consumers view and interact with money.
Most importantly, financial institutions can benefit greatly from this technology. For the past ten years, Pakistan’s digital financial services industry has been booming. With high bandwidth penetration (3G / 4G) reaching 43%, and mobile penetration rising above an astonishing 77%, it comes as no surprise that Pakistan has become a hotbed of innovative fintech innovation. With 64% of people under the age of 30, Pakistani fintechs are important participants within the financial technology space because they are well positioned to develop technology, and launch a new wave of digital financial services. The years 2020 and 2021 have been significant milestones in Pakistan’s growing fintech industry. A key influence in transforming the banking environment and financial services in Pakistan is ultimately the most important factor: the customer. Consumers now want their digital knowledge to be superior, enabling banks and financial institutions to create smart, attractive, and consumer-focused customer channels.
Perhaps the key to the rapid adoption of fintech in Pakistan using new, traditional technologies, and collaboration with technology partners who have proven work records in building a fintech ecosystem that sets the market precedents. As Pakistan’s fintech ecosystem grows steadily, Codebase Technologies is on track to play a significant role in accelerating growth in the fintech space. As Pakistan State Bank unveils early payment systems such as Raast, the situation is ripe for market leaders such as Codebase Technologies to develop strategies for working with Pakistan fintechs, and accelerate the fintech space we have. The result is banking and financial services that are completely different from what it used to be, and it helps customers successfully while changing jobs everywhere.

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Asia nuclear missile 1280


(Ahmed Saeed*)

The post-World War-II era started with nuclear proliferation throughout the world, including south Asia. In the region, India and Pakistan have achieved the nuclear weaponry system. Game started in the early 1970s when India conducted its first nuclear test. Later on, Pakistan also put efforts to get nuclear arms and hence, succeeded.

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This nuclear proliferation adversely impacted the regional prosperity and progress in the form of western sanctions, international isolation, regional instability and insecurity, economic decline and bloc politics and hence, both the states introduced their nuclear doctrines. Still nuclear arms race is continued and can only be averted by strict measures such as stagnation of arms race, pre-test notifications and confidence building measures must be taken. All these suggested measures, sooner or later, would lead to nuclear free south Asia.
During the era of cold war, in 1964, China gained nuclear power and India felt insecure which further led India to become a nuclear state. In 1974, during the rule of Indira Gandhi, India conducted its first nuclear test with codename ‘Smiling Buddha’. It was not enough to declare India as a nuclear state so after years’ efforts on May 11, 1998 India conducted 5 nuclear tests and put itself in the list of nuclear states. Moreover, it is vivid enough that India started nuclear arms race in the region. Despite declaring it’s ‘No first use policy’, this nuclear proliferation resulted in international outrage which further paved the way for sanctions and many other implications to India such as stagnation of arms race and suspension of previously approved defense articles and services.
Since independence Pakistan had fought three wars against India on Kashmir issue till 1974. In addition to that, Pakistan also lost its eastern part, Bangladesh, in 1971 war. Moreover, India’s placement among nuclear states posed an existential threat to Pakistan’s territorial integrity. In the response, Pakistan conducted 5 successful nuclear tests on May 28, 1998, during the rule of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and placed itself among nuclear states. Presently, Pakistan is the only nuclear member state among Muslim states. Later on, Pakistan declared its nuclear doctrine while mentioning the deterrence in order to avoid existential threat posed by Kashmir dispute and hydro-politics. In return, international outrage led to stagnation of arms manufacturing and economic as well as military sanctions. At that time, south Asia was called most dangerous place on Earth by the then US president Bill Clinton.
Amongst the adverse impacts regional instability is the prominent one. South Asia’s regional stability is predicted by Indo-Pak relations hence, peace between them will entail peace in the region and vice versa. Likewise, nuclear proliferation here will bolster other neighboring countries, such as Iran, to achieve nuclear weaponry system. In addition to that, southeast Asian region will feel insecure and hence, it will move towards achieving nuclear capabilities.
Despite being developing nations, both states’ expenditure on defense is huge. For the ongoing fiscal year, India has announced $70.2bn to spend on defense which consists of 13% of government’s total expenditures. While Pakistan allocated $8.8bn for defense in its last budget. If this huge spending is spent on the betterment of people, living standard in both the countries could be improved. Moreover, high defense expenditure may result into economic decline such as poverty, unemployment and poor living standards. Similarly, nuclear proliferation will further strengthen the bloc politics and hence, north south divide, which will pose serious threats to developing nations.
Till the date, both the arch rivals have not signed ‘Non-Proliferation Treaty’ (NPT) and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) yet. The former US president ‘Donald Trump’ asked former Pakistani PM ‘Imran Khan’ to stay away from nukes, PMIK denied while saying that first India would have to do so. According to current figures, India has 156 nuclear warheads while Pakistan has 165 and both the rivals have achieved ‘nuclear triad’ as well.
In order to eradicate the adverse impacts of nuclear proliferation in south Asia, nuclear arms race must come to an end. Both countries must ensure cooperation to maintain peace across the borders. Deployment of troops on the Line of Control (LoC) must be limited and resolution of Kashmir dispute may play vital role in this regard. In addition to that, end of hydro-politics may also ensure peace in the region. While testing nuclear experiments, both nations must notify their neighboring countries e.g. China and Iran, so that misunderstanding can be avoided. There must be common defense exercises which will build confidence between armed forces as well as give a clear message to regional enemies.
Development of nuclear weapons in south Asia was initiated in 1970s specifically by India, though, it was revealed in the end of century by both countries. Such developments gave setback to the western world which further led to economic as well as military sanctions. Currently, both states have gained latest nuclear technologies including ‘nuclear powered submarine’ purchased by India from US, while from Pakistan’s side deal is still in the progress with China. Regional instability will make region more vulnerable to living threats including poverty and unemployment. Bloc politics will lead to economic disparities in the region and all these circumstances can be averted by compromised policies of both countries. Common defense activities and peace agreements can tackle too the fire, fueled by nuclear weapons.

*Ahmed Saeed is freelance columnist based in Islamabad and can be reached at

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Prisoner’s Dilemma Game By Sana Bibi

The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a classic example in game theory where two individuals, each faced with a choice, can either cooperate or betray the other. The outcome depends on the choices made by both parties, resulting in various possible outcomes: If both cooperate, they both receive a moderate reward. If one cooperates and the other betrays, the betrayer receives a high reward, while the cooperator receives a severe punishment. If both betray, they both receive a moderate punishment.


This scenario highlights the tension between individual self-interest and collective benefit. It is often used to study cooperation and decision-making in situations where trust and communication are limited. The optimal strategy can vary depending on the specific context and whether the game is played iteratively or as a one-shot game The Prisoner’s Dilemma is a classic example in game theory, often used to illustrate the concepts of cooperation and rational self-interest. In the game, two suspects are arrested for a crime, and they have the option to cooperate with each other (stay silent) or betray each other (confess). The possible outcomes typically lead to shorter sentences when both prisoners stay silent, but if one betrays the other while the other remains silent, the betrayer may go free while the other prisoner receives a longer sentence. If both prisoners betray each other, they both receive moderate sentences.
The dilemma arises because, from a purely self-interested perspective, each prisoner’s best move is to betray the other, regardless of what the other does. However, if both prisoners follow their self-interest, they both end up with longer sentences compared to if they had cooperated.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma is used in various fields, such as economics, psychology, and political science, to study decision-making and cooperation dynamics. It highlights the tension between individual rationality and collective well-being.
The conclusion of the Prisoner’s Dilemma highlights the conflict between individual self-interest and the potential for mutual benefit through cooperation. In a one-time, isolated situation, the rational choice for each prisoner is to betray the other, as it minimizes their individual risk. However, this leads to a suboptimal outcome where both prisoners receive moderate sentences.
The key takeaway from the Prisoner’s Dilemma is that when parties involved have a chance to interact repeatedly or build trust over time, cooperation can become a more advantageous strategy. By cooperating, the prisoners can establish trust and potentially achieve better outcomes over the long term, as they are less likely to betray each other in subsequent interactions. In real-world scenarios, the Prisoner’s Dilemma serves as a model for understanding the challenges of cooperation, negotiation, and trust-building, and it highlights the importance of communication and shared interests in achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.
The writer is a student of BS at the University of AJK

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(Written by Ali Basit)

Shipping is a key user of the oceans, delivering more than 80 per cent of world trade, taking ferry passengers to their destinations and carrying millions of tourists on cruises. Annually, more than 50,000 seagoing ships carry more than 10 billion tons of vital and desired cargoes, including commodities, fuel, raw materials and consumer goods.

As the United Nations agency responsible for developing and adopting measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping and to prevent pollution from ships, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has an integral role in meeting the targets set out in UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

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The increase in the number and the size of ships and the volume of cargo carried over the past five decades has gone hand in hand with the work of IMO, through its 172 member States, to create the legal and technical framework within which shipping has become progressively cleaner and safer. Of course, there remains work to be done. IMO will continue its efforts, in partnership with member States and other organizations, to implement and support the enforcement of its regulations.

Formed by means of the 1948 Convention on the International Maritime Organization, IMO initially focused on maritime safety and navigation. Then, in the 1960s, the world became more aware of the spillage of oil into the oceans and seas through accidents or as a result of poor operating practices. Spurred by major oil pollution incidents, such as the Torrey Canyon disaster off the south-west coast of the United Kingdom in 1967, IMO embarked on an ambitious programme of work on marine pollution prevention and response, and on liability and compensation issues. A key outcome was the adoption, in 1973, of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, universally known as MARPOL.

From the start, MARPOL addressed not just pollution by oil from ships but also noxious liquid substances such as chemicals, sewage discharges into the sea and the disposal at sea of ship-generated garbage. Under Annex V of MARPOL, a general prohibition applies to discharging all garbage from ships, while discharging plastics is subject to a total, globally applicable ban.

Later, in 1997, IMO added a new Annex VI to MARPOL dealing with atmospheric pollution from ships. Today, Annex VI addresses air pollution from Sulphur and other harmful emissions, such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. In 2011, IMO became the first international regulator for a transport sector to adopt globally binding energy efficiency requirements, which apply to all ships globally, regardless of trading pattern or flag State, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping.

Today, the expanded, amended and updated MARPOL Convention remains the most important, as well as the most comprehensive, international treaty covering the prevention of both marine and atmospheric pollution by ships, from operational or accidental causes. By providing a solid foundation for substantial and continued reductions in ship-source pollution, the Convention continues to be relevant today.

Recognizing the urgent need to safeguard our oceans, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has designated the last Thursday of September as World Maritime Day. Each year, this occasion provides an opportunity to reflect on the challenges facing our oceans and to celebrate the accomplishments of international agreements aimed at protecting them.
This year, World Maritime Day carries the theme, ‘MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on.’ As we delve deeper into the significance of MARPOL’s 50th anniversary, we cannot overlook the contributions of nations around the world in upholding their commitments to reducing pollution from ships. Pakistan, with its extensive coastline along the Arabian Sea, has been an active participant in these global efforts. The Pakistan Navy, in particular, has played a pivotal role in ensuring the enforcement of MARPOL regulations and taking proactive steps to protect its maritime environment.
Pakistan, geographically positioned at the crossroads of South Asia and the Middle East, having a coastline stretching over 1,000 kilometers along the Arabian Sea. This coastline serves as a gateway for trade, offering strategic access to international waters. Yet, Pakistan understands the responsibilities that come with such a position, recognizing the need to balance economic growth with environmental preservation.
Pakistan Maritime Security Agency’s well-equipped fleet has been actively patrolling our waters to enforce MARPOL regulations, displaying Pakistan’s commitment to marine environmental protection. This commitment extends to monitoring shipping activities, inspecting vessels for compliance, and responding swiftly to incidents of pollution, ensuring that international standards are upheld.
Moreover, Pakistan has been actively participating in regional and international forums related to maritime safety and environmental protection. In recent years, Pakistan has also invested in the development of sustainable and eco-friendly port infrastructure, integrating cutting-edge technologies for waste disposal and pollution prevention. These initiatives reflect Pakistan’s dedication to preserving its marine environment for future generations.
To mark World Maritime Day, Pakistan Navy is organizing seminars/ webinars to engage both the public and stakeholders in meaningful discussions about maritime conservation. These initiatives serve as platforms for experts, environmentalists, and maritime enthusiasts to come together and share knowledge, ideas, and best practices in pollution prevention. By fostering a culture of responsibility and awareness, the Pakistan Navy plays a vital role in ensuring that the significance of World Maritime Day resonates not just within its ranks but also throughout the nation, reinforcing the collective commitment to protect our oceans and promote sustainable maritime activities.

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World Maritime Day, a significant reminder of maritime safety, security, and environmental conservation, is marked annually, urging nations to work together for sustainable maritime practices. Under the aegis of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), this year holds special significance as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Accordingly, this year’s theme ‘MARPOL at 50 – Our Commitment Goes On’ is intended to pay tribute to our efforts under IMO’s long history of protecting the environment from pollution through the impact of shipping via a robust regulatory framework and emphasis on its ongoing commitment to prevention of our oceans from pollution.

Offshore Patrol Vessel


MARPOL’s legacy stretches over five decades, symbolizing our collective efforts against marine pollution emphasizing the duty we all hold to protect the lifeblood of our planet. As we reflect on the journey, the statistics remain alarming; marine pollution’s ripple effects on ecosystems, economies, and livelihoods of coastal communities urge us to take more concerted actions.

Pakistan Navy stands at the forefront to conserve the maritime environment. In alignment with MARPOL principles, we have instituted measures to curtail emissions, enhance energy efficiency and, in earnest, implement pollution prevention strategies. Our ongoing efforts against marine pollution bear testimony to our unwavering commitment.

On this World Maritime Day, as we look back to our shared maritime heritage and achievements, let us also look ahead with determination, commitment, and resolve to align our national objectives with the ongoing global shift towards sustainable and green marine practices. I urge all the stakeholders to embrace these evolving paradigms. Particularly, I reiterate Pakistan Navy’s resolve to ensure maritime safety and uphold environmental mandates.

In this stride, let us recommit to the principles of maritime safety and marine conservation and reaffirm our solemn pledge to the maritime world that ‘our commitment goes on’, both in spirit and in action. I look forward to a profound and cumulative response by all stakeholders.

World Maritime Day, a significant reminder of maritime safety, security, and environmental conservation, is marked annually, urging nations to work together for sustainable maritime practices. Under the aegis of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), this year holds special significance as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL). Accordingly, this year’s theme ‘MARPOL at 50 – Our Commitment Goes On’ is intended to pay tribute to our efforts under IMO’s long history of protecting the environment from pollution through the impact of shipping via a robust regulatory framework and emphasis on its ongoing commitment to prevention of our oceans from pollution.

MARPOL’s legacy stretches over five decades, symbolizing our collective efforts against marine pollution emphasizing the duty we all hold to protect the lifeblood of our planet. As we reflect on the journey, the statistics remain alarming; marine pollution’s ripple effects on ecosystems, economies, and livelihoods of coastal communities urge us to take more concerted actions.

Pakistan Navy stands at the forefront to conserve the maritime environment. In alignment with MARPOL principles, we have instituted measures to curtail emissions, enhance energy efficiency and, in earnest, implement pollution prevention strategies. Our ongoing efforts against marine pollution bear testimony to our unwavering commitment.

On this World Maritime Day, as we look back to our shared maritime heritage and achievements, let us also look ahead with determination, commitment, and resolve to align our national objectives with the ongoing global shift towards sustainable and green marine practices. I urge all the stakeholders to embrace these evolving paradigms. Particularly, I reiterate Pakistan Navy’s resolve to ensure maritime safety and uphold environmental mandates.

In this stride, let us recommit to the principles of maritime safety and marine conservation and reaffirm our solemn pledge to the maritime world that ‘our commitment goes on’, both in spirit and in action. I look forward to a profound and cumulative response by all stakeholders.

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International Day for Universal Access to Information Written by: Tanvir Hussain , Ahmad Pur Sial

Knowing begins with questioning and man is undoubtedly in search of information. Mankind, who is the highest among the creatures, wants to know because thinking is the nature of man and this ability was given to him by his intellect. It is through information that the cave-dwelling man molded himself into a civilized society. New inventions are due to “information”.

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International Day for Universal Access to Information

Newton got to the bottom of why the apple fell to the ground and discovered “gravity”. The word “information” means to be aware or have knowledge about anything. In the light of Quran and Hadith, the acquisition of knowledge has been declared a duty on every man and woman. Curriculum education has a limit which ends until the completion of the final degree, but knowledge is an ocean that has no shore, that is why the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said that “Get knowledge from the lap to the grave” means get information from birth to the end of life. The chain of information does not end till death. The thought of a person with thinking, prudence and curiosity brings him to the point where he can be guided by his intellect. Access to the information Day is generally celebrated on 28th September every year globally. Even today this day is being celebrated all over the world including Pakistan. Universal access to information means that everyone can get healthy and comprehensive information. One has the fundamental right to provide. One of the objectives of celebrating this day is to facilitate access to information so that anyone in any corner of the world can be aware of the events happening around the world. One of the objectives of the day is to focus on the benefits of constitutional, statutory or policy guarantees for public access to information to help formulate sustainable policies. It was initially designated by UNESCO in November 2015 and celebrated for the first time on 28th September 2016. The 21st century is the era of information and globalization. Through access to information, governments, civil society and people can achieve dynamic and sustainable development goals. Information is power. Informed citizens can make informed decisions. Only if citizens are informed about who is governing them? How are they governing? They can hold their government accountable for its decisions and actions. This right is an essential element of freedom of expression. The media, whether electronic or print, play an important role in informing about issues of public interest. The right of access to information is intertwined with the right to freedom of the press. Media has made access the easiet. Now the world is in the hands of man, getting any kind of information is just a “click” away. The modern era of information technology has created a “revolution” in access to information. Now there are apps in touch mobiles that can be used by everyone sitting at home. Now there are such apps in touch mobiles from which one can get all kinds of information at home, for example, if you want to travel, you can get the departure times of the ride and buy tickets at home. In government offices counters are set up to provide information to people. Similarly, if information is required about a package or service of a mobile phone, the entire menu is heard. A computerized female voice makes it easy for the user to access information. Literacy is not a prerequisite for accessing information. Even illiterate people can access information the way an educated person gets. In short, access to information has not been difficult in modern times, but the people sitting at the information counters in various institutions should politely convey information to the knowledgeable. Islam also teaches us the same.

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Pakistan , The Country for Tourism Writer: Tanvir Hussain , Ahmad Pur Sial

The United Nations has established a tradition of celebrating different days globally. For this purpose, September 27 has been allocated for “tourism”. World Tourism Day is celebrated every year in Pakistan and around the world. The purpose of celebrating this day is not only to promote tourism but also to highlight the political, social, economic and cultural values ​​of the countries of the world. The environment of “Pakistan” is also favorable for tourism, this is the reason why the beautiful natural scenery of Pakistan is not only the center of attraction for tourists but also a source of fascination. Kaghan Valley or Naran, Swat, Kalam or Queen of Mountains Murree,

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Pakistan , The Country for Tourism Writer: Tanvir Hussain , Ahmad Pur Sial

Skyscraper Mountains or mountains as far as the eye can see, be it historical and cultural heritage, Pakistan is a country rich in natural beauty and dedicated to hospitality. Beautiful sights attract tourists not only from within the country but also from foreign countries. Whether it is the culture of Kailash Valley in Chitral or the historical places of Lahore in the heart of Punjab, tourists are flocking to dazzle the eyes. Tourism is the best way to bring different cultures closer and understand each other. Tourism is travel undertaken for recreational or informational purposes, which provides an opportunity to better know different cultures and regions. One of the objectives of World Tourism Day is to promote the exploration and accessibility of tourist destinations and to preserve archaeological and archaeological sites and to provide more and modern facilities to the tourists. According to a careful estimate, 61% of the tourists in South Asia go to India while only 9% go to Pakistan. According to the statistics of the Tourism Development Corporation, after the northern regions, the largest number of foreign tourists come to Lahore, the provincial capital of Punjab. According to the report of the World Travel and Tourism Council, Pakistan ranks 47th among 185 countries in tourism. Pakistan is a land that is a combination of densely populated cities, natural beauty and a fascinating culture that attracts tourists from all over the world and thousands of tourists visit Pakistan every year. People have different moods. Some people prefer to go to big cities with old civilization and history that provide all the facilities to the tourists. Those who are interested in archeology should visit Taxila, Harappa and Mohenjo Daro to satisfy their curiosity. For those who like to visit cities and have a passion for high mountains and climb high peaks, the peaks of K-2 and Nananga Parbat are of interest. People who are oppressed by the monotony of life can enjoy the change of climate by visiting recreational and tourist places. The beautiful scenery, waterfalls, mild weather and pleasant environment give the tourists a pleasant feeling and provide refreshment. The best leisure time is “Tourism”. Pakistan has a large number of tourists who visit domestically as well as foreign countries and enjoy the natural scenery and beauty. Pakistani tourists, including students of schools and colleges, go to recreational places in the scorching summer months of June, July and August to see the beautiful creations of the Creator. Even in the snow fall season, there is a rush of tourists in the mountainous areas who enjoyed snow falling. Similarly, there are many places in Azad Kashmir which are worth visiting. In Ahmad Pur Sial Dr . Ahmad Ali Jafari, Master Kherat Ali , Ali Raza Baber and companions are fond of tourism. They visit Kaghan and Naran velley every year when hot season is in full swing to refresh themselves and capture the charming scenes in their mobile phones and upload the photo graphs on the face book. If tourism in Pakistan is developed on modern lines, it can be a major boost to our economy.

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In response to global climate change By kamran Raja

The member countries of the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation seek ways to achieve sustainable development.
The third Research Conference of the Central Asian Institute for Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) under the theme “Inclusive Green Growth and Sustainability Prospects in Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC)” opened online.

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In response to global climate change By kamran Raja

During this period, a number of experts and scholars from the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation member states will delve into various aspects of green growth and sustainability, examine the challenges, explore innovative solutions, and discuss how CAREC member states can achieve green and sustainable development in the face of global climate change.

CAREC Institute President Kabir Giurazoda said in a speech at the opening ceremony, the urgency of tackling climate change, ensuring sustainable economic growth and promoting inclusive development has never been clearer. He noted that the need for green growth and sustainable solutions becomes more critical as we witness the impact of global climate change on the environment and society.

Bai Chengzhou, deputy director of the Asian Development Bank Institute, pointed out that development must be sustainable and Sustainable development should be achieved at the environmental, social and economic levels. Although the member states of CAREC are facing the challenges of climate change and economic development, I still believe that the potential for green growth and sustainable development remains very promising. He said that the convening of this meeting is very timely and the theme fits the current situation.

ADB in Central and West Asia, Regional cooperation and integration Director Rayalisa Sabirova said that Climate change is already having a serious impact on the world. In her speech, she cited examples of climate change already taking place today, including massive flooding in Pakistan, drought in Afghanistan, and irrigation water shortages facing Central Asian countries. Rayalisa Sabirova advises that we need to shift to cleaner and sustainable energy sources, and sustainable agriculture, in order to strengthen the green and sustainable development of the CAREC region
Piao Zhishui, chief economist of the Asian Development Bank, delivered the keynote speech, looking into the economic development prospects of CAREC countries and analyzing the current situation of CAREC countries in the global transition to net zero emissions. He said Asia has a special stake in the global climate crisis because the region is vulnerable to climate change and will be important to achieving the goals of the “Paris Agreement”. He further noted that developing Asia has ample opportunities to accelerate its transformation through price reforms, regulatory improvements, and a focus on equity.

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Title: Examining the Efficacy of Fish Oil Supplements in Enhancing Heart Performance

Fish oil supplements have enjoyed a long-standing reputation as
beneficial health additions, but recent investigations suggest that more
concrete evidence is required to substantiate these claims. Regardless
of one’s geographical location, procuring fish oil supplements from local
drugstores has become a routine. The alluring packaging of these supplements is adorned with bold health proclamations, making them hard to resist. Despite the financial strain they might impose, many
staunch believers continue to invest in these supplements, hopeful for
improved cardiovascular health and relief from various ailments.

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Title: Examining the Efficacy of Fish Oil Supplements in Enhancing Heart Performance

However, recent research conducted at the University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas casts doubt on the scientific
basis of fish oil’s purported benefits for heart health and other medical
concerns. Furthermore, variations among different types of fish oils
persist across global markets.
Statistical data reveals that one in five Americans over 60 regularly
includes fish oil capsules in their regimen, drawn by the perceived
advantages in managing cardiovascular conditions. Surprisingly, the
findings of these studies disprove any notion of miraculous
cardiovascular benefits among heart patients. It appears that while
supplement labels feature compelling content, the promised benefits
are not substantiated by scientific evidence.

Conflicting Research Outcomes

The grand promises on fish oil bottles’ labels about exceptional heart
disease benefits and more raise expectations, but practical results fall
short in providing significant proof that these products effectively
alleviate heart disease symptoms or other health issues. Ann Marie and
her team emphasize the significant disparities in the daily doses of
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in
the array of supplements available today. These variations could
contribute to differences in the safety and effectiveness of these

Dose Discrepancies and Inconsistencies

An article titled “Health Claims and Doses of Fish Oil Supplements in the
US,” featured in JAMA Cardiology, sheds light on the matter. The
research findings reveal that the daily dosage of fish oil supplements
contains sizable quantity of EPA and DHA. Analyzing 255 fish oil
supplements from 16 manufacturers highlights notable variations in
EPA and DHA content. Intriguingly, the quantities of EPA and DHA
diverge significantly.
Cross-sectional examinations of these fish oil supplements underscore
that a staggering 73.9% of them assert health benefits related to heart
disease, joint function, and brain health. Unfortunately, adherence to
health claim guidelines outlined by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) remains inconsistent. Consequently, experts
emphasize the urgent need for more stringent measures to rectify
inaccuracies in health claims presented on fish oil supplements.

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In open court, the IHC will consider Imran Khan’s bail request in the cipher case

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) decided on Tuesday that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan’s bail hearing in the cipher case will be held in open court the following time it is scheduled.

The IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq responded to the prosecution’s demand for closed-door proceedings with a two-page written order.

A closed-door hearing was initially requested by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), who cited the existence of “privileged” and “sensitive” papers and material.

As a result, the court has directed the FIA prosecutors to file a separate plea for private hearings at the future hearing.

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In open court, the IHC will consider Imran Khan’s bail request in the cipher case

The special prosecutor for the agency argued, according to the ruling, that the public was excluded from the trial court hearing on the bail application; nonetheless, the official conceded that the petitioner presented its argument in open court.

The order did note, however, that the PTI attorney had stated that he would not object if extraneous people were kept out of the courtroom.

In their plea, the FIA prosecutors also noted that the case was heard in secret by the special trial court and that anyone not authorized to be there was requested to leave.

Nevertheless, it said, “Section 14 of the Official Secret Act, 1923 permits exclusion of the public from the proceedings, but a reading of the section reveals that if such is to be undertaken, the prosecution must make an application.”

The prosecution may make a proper motion, the court stated, if it want to have the public excluded from the proceedings.

‘Null and void’ declaration made about the Attock jail notification
The IHC ruled in a separate hearing that the government’s notification to put the PTI chairman in Attock jail was invalid.

IHC Chief Justice Aamir Farooq granted the motion to send Khan to Adiala prison in a written ruling. The PTI leader was given a three-year sentence, according to the court.

The trial court had ordered that the PTI head be kept at Adiala Jail, but on the suggestion of the Inspector General of Prisons, he was transferred to the Attock jail to finish his sentence due to security concerns.

The former prime minister was nonetheless detained in the prison since he was also arrested in the cipher case, even though the IHC had suspended his sentence in the Toshakhana case on August 28.

Khan’s transfer to Adiala prison, according to the additional Punjab advocate general, presents a security risk. Only prisoners who have been found guilty may be transferred to any jail in Punjab; all prisoners awaiting trial in cases registered in the federal capital are housed in the Adiala Prison.

The court ruled that Khan is entitled to better class amenities in jail because he was a former prime minister.

The PTI chairman’s attorney had asked for exercise equipment to be brought to his client while he was incarcerated, according to the court’s written ruling. However, the court said it cannot give such directions because it is unclear whether or not such facilities are permitted.

The court ruled that the superintendent jail is the authorized authority in this matter and that the proper demands should be made to them.

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According to Ukraine, a missile attack killed a Russian Black Sea navy commander

In the missile attack last week on the command center of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in the port of Sevastopol, 33 other officers, including a senior admiral of Moscow, were killed in Crimea, according to a claim made by Ukrainian special forces on Monday.

However, Moscow has made no statement to confirm or deny that Admiral Viktor Sokolov, the Black Sea Fleet commander and one of Russia’s top navy officials, had died.

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According to Ukraine, a missile attack killed a Russian Black Sea navy commander

However, Moscow-installed authorities in Sevastopol were taking further steps to resist Ukraine’s intensifying attacks on Crimea, a critical region acting as a base from which Russia has conducted the majority of its air operations against Ukraine during the 19-month conflict.

If verified, Sokolov’s murder would be one of Kyiv’s most significant counterattacks against Russia’s 2014 takeover of Crimea from Ukraine.

“34 officers, including the Russian Black Sea Fleet commander, killed following the attack on the fleet’s headquarters. 105 other occupiers suffered injuries. On the messaging platform Telegram, Ukraine’s special forces declared that the headquarters building could not be repaired.

As each side has occasionally overstated enemy fatalities in the fight and said little about its own losses, it was not immediately clear how Ukraine’s Special Forces counted the dead and injured in the raid, according to Reuters.

After first stating that one serviceman had been killed, the Russian defense ministry then changed its statement to say that one serviceman was still missing after the strike. Five missiles were shot down by air defenses, the ministry’s statement also stated.

Attacks by Ukraine in the Black Sea and on the Crimean Peninsula have increased, and they’ve started deploying missiles in addition to assault drones.

According to Kyiv, eliminating the Russian Black Sea navy would help hasten the war’s conclusion.

Sevastopol’s newly installed Russian governor called a conference on Monday to discuss enhancing defense and attack warning systems that would better reflect the gravity of previous Ukrainian strikes.

Russian media described the governor, Mikhail Razvozhayev, as saying to the government, “We understand that we have moved into a new situation that requires a systemic response.”

“Earlier, unmanned vehicle strikes were made against us and our military… Now that everything has changed, we must be ready to face this challenge.

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Taliban considers implementing US mass surveillance plan and spoke with Huawei

Reuters, KABUL, September 25 – An interior ministry spokesman told Reuters that the Taliban are developing a large-scale camera surveillance network for Afghan cities that may involve adapting an American plan before their 2021 withdrawal. This development comes as authorities work to supplement the thousands of cameras already positioned throughout the capital, Kabul.

The Taliban government, which has stated publicly that it is primarily concerned with reestablishing security and suppressing Islamic State, which has claimed responsibility for numerous significant attacks in Afghan towns, has also spoken with Chinese telecoms equipment manufacturer Huawei about possible collaboration, the spokesman added.

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Taliban considers implementing US mass surveillance plan and spoke with Huawei

According to readouts from such sessions, the Taliban’s contact with several other countries, including the U.S. and China, is centered on preventing assaults by international militant groups, especially well-known organizations like Islamic State. However, some observers doubt the regime’s ability to pay for the initiative, and rights groups are worried that any funding will be used to repress demonstrators.

There have been no prior reports on the specifics of how the Taliban seek to increase and handle mass monitoring, including acquiring the U.S. plan.

According to Ministry of Interior spokesman Abdul Mateen Qani, the mass camera rollout, which will concentrate on “important points” in Kabul and other locations, is a component of a new security policy that will take four years to completely implement.

We are currently working on a security map of Kabul, which is taking a long time and the help of security professionals, he said. We already have two maps, one created by the United States for the previous administration and the other for Turkey.

He made no mention of the creation date of the Turkish proposal.

Speaking on behalf of the State Department, the United States claimed that it was not “partnering” with the Taliban and that it had “made clear to the Taliban that it is their responsibility to ensure that they give no safe haven to terrorists.”

Requests for comment from a representative of the Turkish government were not answered.

Qani claimed that in August, the Taliban and Huawei [RIC:RIC:HWT.UL] had a “simple chat” regarding the potential network, but no agreements or concrete plans had been made.

According to a source familiar with the conversations, Bloomberg News reported in August that Huawei had reached “verbal agreement” with the Taliban regarding a deal to set up a surveillance system.

In September, Huawei informed Reuters that “no plan was discussed” at the meeting.

However, she said, “China has always supported the peace and reconstruction process in Afghanistan and supported Chinese enterprises to carry out relevant practical cooperation.” A spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said she was not aware of any specific negotiations.

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The United States asks Azerbaijan to protect Armenians as thousands leave Karabakh


The United States asks Azerbaijan to protect Armenians as thousands leave Karabakh

BAKU: In the devastated breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, hungry and fatigued Armenian residents clogged roadways to evacuate houses as the United States urged Azerbaijan to safeguard civilians and allow in aid.

This week, the Armenians of Karabakh, a region of Azerbaijan that has been out of Baku’s control since the fall of the Soviet Union, started to leave after their troops were routed by the Azerbaijani military in a quick military operation.

On the first day of the migration, at least 13,550 of the 120,000 ethnic Armenians who call Nagorno-Karabakh home made it to Armenia, hundreds of automobiles and buses jam-packed with belongings winding down the mountain route out of Azerbaijan.

Others escaped on tractors, while some were jammed into the backs of open-topped trucks. Narine Shakaryan, a grandmother of four, arrived in her son-in-law’s ancient automobile with six passengers crammed inside. She claimed it took her 24 hours to travel the 77 miles. They were starving.

Shakaryan, who was at the border with her 3-year-old granddaughter, who she claimed had grown ill during the trek, told Reuters that the youngsters had been weeping all the while because they were hungry.

“We left not to live, but to stay alive.”

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Ladkiwale Sania, Anam Mirza, and Manish Malhotra dress to the nines for the Parineeti-Raghav wedding

Anam and Sania Mirza, as well as fashion designer Manish Malhotra, attended Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha’s wedding in Udaipur, India.

In a secret ceremony on Sunday in Udaipur, Rajasthan, Bollywood star Parineeti Chopra wed politician beau Raghav Chadha of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).

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Ladkiwale Sania, Anam Mirza, and Manish Malhotra dress to the nines for the Parineeti-Raghav wedding

The ladkiwale showed up for the nuptials, dressed to the nines in their ethnic best, along with her best friend and Indian tennis star Sania Mirza, sister Anam, and India’s top couturier Manish Malhotra, among the small but high-profile guest list of the modest destination wedding.

The former tennis legend appeared in photos posted on various social media accounts wearing a matching gharara set that was lavishly patterned and embroidered in a variety of colors, along with a sheer dusty pink dupatta by designer Aisha Rao. She accessorized the look with pink stilettos and green-stoned jewelry while wearing her hair pulled back in a textured bun.

Anam, however, chose a solid-color green saree with silver borders.

In his silver bandhgala with ivory flared pants and a matching stole, the renowned designer, who also dressed the bride in an ivory-beige attire from his collection, looked absolutely stunning as a guest.

It is important to note that the ‘Ishaqzaade’ actress shared the first official photos from her wedding ceremony on Monday morning via her Instagram account. “Our hearts knew from the very first conversation at the breakfast table. I’ve been looking forward to this day for a while. I feel very blessed to have married my love! They couldn’t have survived without one another. Our forever starts right here, right now.,” she wrote in the caption of the album of seven photos that she and Chadha, her future husband, shared.

It is important to note that in a private ceremony in May of this year, Parineeti Chopra and her beau Raghav Chadha exchanged wedding rings.

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Parineeti weddingday

Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha receive kind advise from Priyanka Chopra

With a heartfelt statement, Priyanka Chopra wishes her cousin Parineeti Chopra and her husband a happy marriage.

Priyanka shared a carousel from the wedding reception while wishing Parineeti and her politician husband, Raghav Chadha, a happy life on social media.

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Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha receive kind advise from Priyanka Chopra

“Picture perfect…sending so much love to the newlyweds on their special day!” As she welcomed Raghav into the Chopra family, Priyanka wrote: She mocked him, “Hope you’re ready to dive into the crazy with us.”

The actress from Quantico continued to praise about Parineeti, saying, “Tisha you are the most beautiful bride ever.. we’re sending you and Raghav all the love and blessings for a lifetime of happiness.”

The caption was concluded by Priyanka with the words, “Take care of each other and protect this beautiful love.”

On Sunday, a small wedding ceremony was held in Udaipur. Ayushmann Khurana, Varun Dhawan, and Esha Deol were among the stars who congratulated Parineeti on her Instagram post.

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Unexpected decline in Pakistani gold prices

These gold prices change have mostly been attributed to the effect of the notoriously volatile international gold market.

A tola of 24-karat gold was worth Rs26,000 on Tuesday in Pakistan.

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Unexpected decline in Pakistani gold prices

One tola of 22-karat gold cost Rs188,833 for those who were interested in purchasing it.

Consumers and investors are perplexed after today’s sharp and unexpected price decline on the Pakistani gold market.

A significant drop in price that caught many by surprise occurred as of Saturday for one tola of 24-karat gold in Pakistan.

The worldwide gold market, which is notorious for its volatility, has been primarily blamed for these price swings.

It is important to note that these prices are unique to local gold markets and Sarafa Markets in different Pakistani cities.

However, customers visiting jewelry stores are perplexed due to the lack of official gold rates.

Since last Wednesday, the All Pakistan Gems and Jewelers Association has not published the daily gold prices that it usually does.

As a result, those who carefully follow the gold market are recommended to exercise caution as prices continue to change in response to changes in the global gold market.

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Samsung Galaxy A05 colours

Key Specs and Promo Images for the Samsung Galaxy A05 Have Unofficially Leaked

On the horizon is a sister of the Galaxy A04. Recent leaks indicate that the Samsung Galaxy A05’s final days are near. The excitement has only gotten louder since some images of the device appeared on Anatel, Brazil’s telecommunications agency. We’re now being given a dish of promotional images with some tasty details thanks to the people at MSPowerUser.


Key Specs and Promo Images for the Samsung Galaxy A05 Have Unofficially Leaked

Details are as follows: The Galaxy A05’s camera features high-quality optics. It features a 50-megapixel primary wide-angle sensor and a 2-megapixel depth companion. Selfie enthusiasts get an 8-megapixel front camera that supports both video calls and portrait pictures.

Let’s discuss design and construction. The front of this gadget sports a big 6.7-inch HD+ panel. Samsung has also included a 5,000 mAh powerhouse with 25W rapid charging, an impressive improvement over its predecessor’s 15W, to keep the show going.

Rumors circulating in the tech underbelly suggest that the MediaTek Helio G85 powering the A05 beats with 4GB of RAM. While storage statistics are currently unavailable, 64GB of onboard storage seems to be a safe bet. In addition, the Samsung 4G new model features a stylish side-mounted fingerprint reader and a traditional 3.5mm audio connector.

The A05 intends to be sold in three colors: the traditional Black, lime green, and sleek silver. Although the teaser images are blurry and poor quality, rumors claim that the A05 features a polished glossy frame that is not fully visible in the leaked images. You should stay close to our daily news portal till we have a comprehensive understanding of the scenario to receive more exhilarating updates.

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repare for real-time voice chats and visual interactivity as ChatGPT advances

With ChatGPT, the conversational AI, undergoing a revolution that will change how we engage with technology, artificial intelligence has advanced significantly.

The brilliant designers of ChatGPT, OpenAI, have just released a remarkable update that expands this already flexible AI platform’s speech and image capabilities.

By facilitating dialogues and visual interpretation, ChatGPT raises the bar in a world where technology frequently astounds us.

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repare for real-time voice chats and visual interactivity as ChatGPT advances

New voice and image-based AI interaction era
The way we interact with ChatGPT is about to change as a result of OpenAI’s daring foray towards multimodal AI interactions.

Our interactions will be more dynamic and engaging than ever before because to this ground-breaking voice and image recognition combination.

Anywhere you go, unleash the power of your voice
ChatGPT is now free from the limitations of text-only communication thanks to this new development. With this marvel of AI, voice chats are now possible.

Imagine yourself exploring a foreign city, taking a picture of an interesting landmark using your phone’s camera, and then using ChatGPT to explore the monument’s historical significance. It’s similar to carrying a smart traveling companion in your pocket.

The universe of images comes to life
The newfound capability of ChatGPT to comprehend visuals is equally astounding. Want some cooking ideas? Take a short photo of what’s in your refrigerator, and ChatGPT will come up with delectable culinary ideas.

Having trouble with your child’s challenging arithmetic homework? A quick look at the task, then ChatGPT joins in as an experienced tutor. For any circumstance, it’s like having a personal assistant.

upcoming for your gadgets
While ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise users will first have access to these speech and image features, OpenAI has grand aspirations to introduce this breakthrough to the Apple and Google smartphone operating systems.

With ChatGPT, you’ll soon be able to have dynamic discussions on the go, exactly like you would with a friend.

Truthful discussions
In order to improve speech interactions in ChatGPT, OpenAI went above and beyond. To make sure that talks sound absolutely authentic, they worked with voice actors. This means that you can use ChatGPT to have interesting, back-and-forth conversations, whether you’re settling a heated dinner-table argument or seeking bedtime stories for your family.
But like with every technological development, moral issues become more important. By restricting audio recognition to voice chat use cases and working closely with voice actors, OpenAI is taking care to minimize misuse, especially in the area of audio deepfakes. Technical measures are also used to resolve privacy problems and protect people’s privacy. However, once this technology is widely used, the effectiveness of these precautions will really be put to the test.

ChatGPT is at the forefront of the emerging field of AI dialogues. It is ready to be your trip buddy, homework assistant, and much more with speech and visual functions.

In the field of AI, exciting times are ahead.

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Lahore Police is on high alert as they complete their security strategy for Nawaz Sharif’s return

In order to guarantee tight security measures from the Allama Iqbal International Airport to Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore Police has created a security plan for PMLN supremo Nawaz Sharif’s return.

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Lahore Police is on high alert as they complete their security strategy for Nawaz Sharif’s return

Anti-rights force will be on alert because to potential political unrest, according to the police. In a police meeting, it was resolved to do everything possible to restore peace and order following any undesirable incident.

Officials from the police and the traffic police also went over the Minar-e-Pakistan road.

According to Maryam Nawaz, chief organizer for the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), the former prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s homecoming intentions have not changed.

“The preparations to welcome Nawaz Sharif to the country are going on with great vigor,” Ms. Nawaz stated in an exclusive interview with Samaa TV from London. We will respond strongly to anybody spreading false information about Nawaz Sharif’s return.

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The top four ODI World Cup 2023 semifinalists, according to Irfan Pathan

Irfan Pathan, a former Indian cricketer, has revealed his top four picks for the 2023 ODI World Cup as excitement for the event grows. Given his expertise and keen grasp of the game, Pathan’s thoughts were eagerly anticipated by the cricketing community.

Pathan recently posted on social media, giving cricket fans a fascinating look at his top four ODI World Cup candidates while highlighting the importance of balance, experience, and extraordinary skill. His choices are in line with the changing dynamics of the sport and the intense rivalry anticipated for the renowned championship, which will get underway in India on October 5, 2023.

Irfan Pathan Picks His Top 4 For ODI World Cup 2023

The top four ODI World Cup 2023 semifinalists, according to Irfan Pathan

The following are Irfan Pathan’s top four picks for the ODI World Cup 2023:

  1. India: It’s hardly surprising that Pathan ranked India first on his list because he was a former member of the Indian cricket team. India has a strong team that is made up of both seasoned competitors and up-and-coming athletes. India are clearly one of the favorites to win the competition thanks to their formidable batting lineup, effective bowling attack, and captain Rohit Sharma.

2. South Africa: Pathan chose South Africa, a group renowned for its unpredictable nature and propensity to surprise opponents, to finish second. The Proteas have a history of turning in outstanding performances in ICC competitions, and it is never a good idea to undervalue their talented squad. The team is a dark horse in the league due to their recent triumphs and distinctive brand of cricket.

  1. England: Pathan places a special emphasis on the 2019 ODI World Cup champions, England. England has routinely produced good performances in white-ball cricket and is renowned for their aggressive and reckless style. They continue to be a difficult side to beat because to a potent combination of powerful hitters and excellent bowlers.
  2. Australia: Australia earns the final slot in Pathan’s top four due to their long history in cricket and their dependable results in ICC competitions. Australia’s team is stacked with ability across the board and is led by the charismatic Pat Cummins. They are a real contender due to their expertise and capacity for handling stress.

Pathan’s choices provide a fair representation of cricketing behemoths and squads with a track record of ICC victories. But as cricket fans are aware, the appeal of the ODI World Cup lies in its capacity to deliver unexpected changes and outcomes, where any team can triumph.

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According to CM Naqvi, Punjab will accommodate Sikh Yatrees from all over the world

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According to CM Naqvi, Punjab will accommodate Sikh Yatrees from all over the world

Syed Mohsin Naqvi, the interim chief minister of Punjab, claims that Sikh Yatrees from all over the world will have complete support when touring the province’s sacred places.

In Lahore, he was speaking at a ceremony honoring Sikh Yatrees from all around the world.

He claimed that the administration is striving to ensure that the Sikh Yatrees’ return will include packed holy water from Nankana Sahib.

The crumbling road connecting Lahore and Kartarpur will be rebuilt, according to the chief minister.

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dunya news application to nadra and punjab police response on our discussion and questions

NADRA resumes transgender person registration

ISLAMABAD: The National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) has declared that transgender registration would resume after a three-month hiatus, providing a sigh of relief to the minority community.


NADRA resumes transgender person registration

In a notification released on Monday, the decision was made to revoke Nadra’s prior order to halt the registration process in response to the Federal Shariat Court’s (FSC) ruling.

The printing of “X” National Identity Cards (NICs) for transgender people will immediately restart, according to directives from the authority, according to Rida Qazi, Nadra’s director of public engagement. According to her, the authority was legally required to print ‘X’ NICs for transgender people based on suggestions from its external legal counsel department because the case is currently before the Supreme Court.

The director of Transgender Rights Consultants Pakistan, Nayyab Ali, commended the transgender activist community for their steadfast efforts and praised Nadra’s choice.

Nadra was also praised by the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) for its “prompt response” in reactivating the NIC registration process for the “X” gender category.

The NCHR’s chair, Rabiya Javeri Agha, stressed the significance of having a current NIC in order to guarantee the provision of numerous rights, particularly for Pakistan’s marginalized people.

Nadra stopped the ‘X’ NIC registration for transgender people in May 2023 as a result of the FSC’s decision, which contravened the terms of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018.

However, the legal profession, civil society, and human rights advocates opposed this choice. Farhatullah Babar, the secretary general of the PPP, responded by challenging the FSC decision at the Supreme Court’s Shariat Appellate Bench in July. The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, which was approved by the National Assembly in 2018 and is regarded as a milestone law, was created to give transgender people legal recognition and protection and to criminalize discrimination against them in a variety of spheres of life. The Jamaat-e-Islami senator Mushtaq Ahmed and television host Orya Maqbool Jan joined transgender people Almaas Boby and Bubbly Malik as parties to lawsuits contesting the law, which the FSC considered in September 2022.

The Intersex Persons (Protection of Rights) (Amendment) Bill, 2022 attempted legal changes concurrently, focusing on specific provisions that were thought to be incompatible with Islamic and constitutional values.

The FSC overturned the law in May 2023 and determined that key provisions, such as the definitions of “gender identity” and “transgender person,” violated Sharia law. The FSC also ruled that portions pertaining to inheritance rights and the acceptance of transsexual identity were against Sharia law.

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5 Tips For Maintaining Eye Health: Your Retina, Your Responsibility

I frequently receive inquiries regarding the best practices for preserving eyesight and maintaining eye health as a medical retina specialist. While many parts of the eye are necessary for clear vision, special care should be paid to the retina. A amazing tissue, the retina lines the back of the eye and is essential in turning light into the impulses that our brain interprets as images. The retina has to be taken care of for the following reasons:

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5 Tips For Maintaining Eye Health: Your Retina, Your Responsibility

The first step to vision:

Consider your retina as the film in a camera. It gathers and interprets visual data and transmits it via the optic nerve to the brain. Loss of eyesight may come from retinal damage, thus maintaining it is crucial.

Early Detection is Crucial:

The symptoms of retinal disorders frequently do not manifest until they are quite advanced. Regular eye examinations, which include dilated retinal examinations, can spot problems early on when they are easier to handle. If detected early on, conditions including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy can be successfully treated.

Lifestyle Issues:

A healthy lifestyle can have a big impact on retinal health. Retinal illnesses can be warded off by proper nutrition, which includes a diet high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. The risk of retinal damage can also be decreased by quitting smoking and controlling chronic illnesses like diabetes. Protection Against Harm:

Sunglasses should always be worn outside to protect your eyes from UV rays. Injury avoidance is equally important because even slight eye trauma can cause retinal detachment and require prompt medical attention.

Watch What You See:

    Pay close attention to your eyes; don’t overlook any rapid changes in vision, light flashes, or floaters. These can indicate retinal problems that need immediate attention.

    Finally, the retina is a fragile and irreplaceable part of your visual system. A healthy lifestyle and routine eye exams can greatly contribute to guaranteeing its wellbeing. You take important efforts toward keeping your priceless gift of sight by giving retinal care first priority. Keep in mind that your eyes are your window to the outside world; protecting your retina is a duty we all share.

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    Government Gordon College Rawalpindi Conducts Monthly Examinations

    Rawalpindi: In a significant development for the students of Government Gordon College, the monthly examinations for intermediate students have commenced today, September 25. The college, under the able leadership of Principal Muhammad Nasir, is committed to providing a conducive learning environment and ensuring the academic success of its students.

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    Government Gordon College Rawalpindi Conducts Monthly Examinations

    The examinations, which will span over the next few days, are an integral part of the education system, allowing students to showcase their knowledge and understanding of the subjects they have been studying. The college has taken all necessary measures to ensure a fair and transparent examination process, providing students with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills and abilities.

    Principal Muhammad Nasir, known for his dedication and commitment to the students’ well-being, has been actively involved in the management of the examinations. His leadership and guidance have played a crucial role in creating an atmosphere of focus and motivation among the students. Under his watchful eye, the students have been encouraged to put their best foot forward and give their all in these examinations.

    The Government Gordon College, known for its academic excellence, has always prioritized the holistic development of its students. Along with providing a comprehensive curriculum, the college also emphasizes the importance of character building and instilling values that will serve the students well in their future endeavors.

    As the examinations progress, the college administration is confident that the students will rise to the occasion and showcase their hard work and dedication. The results of these examinations will not only reflect the students’ individual achievements but also stand as a testament to the efforts put in by the college faculty and administration.

    The entire college community, including Principal Muhammad Nasir, extends their best wishes to the students for their examinations. With their determination and the support of their teachers, the students are poised to excel and make their college proud.

    Stay tuned for further updates on the Government Gordon College Rawalpindi monthly examinations as the students gear up to demonstrate their academic prowess.

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    Pir Tahir Zahir Shah Graveyard is deprived of boundary wall in Ahmad Pur Sial

    AHMAD PUR SIAL: The largest graveyard of Ahmad Pur Sial which is called Bhiyyan Wali and and in which the saint Hazrat Pir Tahir Zahir Bukhari (R.A) is also buried is deprived of four boundary wall , due to which animals enter the graveyard and trample the sanctity of the graves. There is also no arrangement for lighting in the graveyard, which makes it difficult to bury the dead bodies at night. A Tape is also usless by the thives. Due to the increase in the number of cemented graves, the space for the burial of the dead in this graveyard has also decreased. The citizens demanded to build four boundary walls around the graveyard. They also demanded to expandthe area of ​​the graveyard and arrangement of lighting.

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    hajj pakistan

    The Pakistani Ministry of Religion begins a brief Hajj

    According to a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Religious Affairs presided over by Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Hyderi, the leader of the JUIF, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has instituted the abbreviated Hajj for Pakistani pilgrims.

    Aneeq Ahmed, the Federal Minister for Religious Affairs, stated that the pilgrims themselves will decide whether to perform the shorter Hajj, which will last 18 to 20 days.

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    The Pakistani Ministry of Religion begins a brief Hajj

    The head of the committee gave the following instruction: “The short Hajj should last between 18 and 30 days.”

    The interim minister stated that the suggestion will be carefully studied.

    Authorities in Saudi Arabia have also been instructed to reduce the 905 Hajj firms to 46.

    During his recent visit to the kingdom, Aneeq Ahmed spoke with the Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Dr. Tawfiq Al-Rabiah, about plans for the next pilgrimage season.

    Ahmed met with key officials during his week-long visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss the extension of the Makkah Route Initiative and how to make it more convenient for Pakistani pilgrims outside of Islamabad.

    Ahmed declared that Saudi Arabia had agreed to improve facilities for Pakistani pilgrims preparing for Hajj in the future year after his talk with the Saudi minister.

    He highlighted the necessity of quickly settling the pilgrims’ lodging, feeding, and transport plans.

    Ahmed also requested that the travel schedule for Pakistani pilgrims be finalized as soon as possible and encouraged that they be lodged close to the sacred locations in a statement released by his ministry.

    He argued for the Makkah Route project’s expansion to include cities besides Islamabad in order to improve the accessibility and convenience of the pilgrimage for all Pakistani pilgrims.

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    ihc moved for imran s transfer from attock to adiala jail 1691458618 6772

    Despite concerns from Attock Jail, the judge insists on Imran’s arrival


    ISLAMABAD: A court in Islamabad has ordered PTI Chairman Imran Khan to appear on Monday (today) in a case involving his alleged “un-Islamic” marriage with Bushra Bibi, but officials at Attock Jail have said they are unable to do so due to security concerns because the deposed premier’s cypher case will be heard on the same date inside the prison grounds.

    The superintendent of the Attock Jail informed Civil Judge Qudratullah in a letter that Imran was a well-known under-trial prisoner in the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Counter Terrorism Wing’s (CTW) cypher case filed under the Official Secrets Act and who is supposed to hear the PTI chairman’s alleged “un-Islamic” marriage case.

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    Despite concerns from Attock Jail, the judge insists on Imran’s arrival

    In the letter, he further said that Imran should not have to present in the purported “un-Islamic marriage case” because Special Court Judge Abual Hasnat Zulqarnain was overseeing the proceedings within the jail.

    However, according to police sources, the PTI chairman was scheduled to appear before Judge Qudratullah in the purported ‘un-Islamic’ marriage case, and they would give the Attack Jail administration a list of the officers assigned to provide for his security there.

    They claimed that the license plates of the Islamabad police cars transporting Imran to court will also be given to the Attack Jail staff.

    According to the sources, the interior ministry was told about the police’s suggested actions for bringing the PTI head in court.

    They proceeded by saying that as soon as the police received the official instructions for the PTI chief’s presence before the court in Islamabad, they would promptly take the suggested actions.

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    US to provide Kiev with long-range ATACMS missiles during the Ukraine war

    According to US media, US Vice President Joe Biden intends to provide Ukraine with upgraded long-range missiles to aid Kiev in its ongoing counteroffensive.

    According to US authorities with knowledge of the situation, Ukraine will get some ATACMS missiles with a maximum range of 190 miles (300 km).

    As a result, Kyiv would be able to strike Russian targets far from the front line.

    On Friday, at least two Ukrainian missiles struck the command center of Russia’s Black Sea fleet in occupied Crimea.

    The BBC was informed by a Ukrainian military source that British and French-made Storm Shadow missiles were used in the Sevastopol port strike.

    The range of these missiles is just over 150 miles.

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    US to provide Kiev with long-range ATACMS missiles during the Ukraine war

    Unnamed US officials are quoted by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal as saying that Vice President Biden informed his counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine that Kyiv will get “a small number” of ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System) missiles. On Thursday, the two presidents met at the White House.

    The weaponry will be sent in the upcoming weeks, the WSJ writes.

    The Washington Post also reported that Ukraine might receive ATACMS equipped with cluster bomblets rather than single warheads, citing three sources involved with the discussions.

    The reports have not been formally confirmed by either the US or Ukraine.

    Following the Biden-Zelensky meetings, Washington announced a fresh round of $325 million (£265 million) in military supplies for Ukraine, including artillery and ammunition. The Abrams tanks from America will arrive in Kiev the following week.

    On the ATACMS problem, both presidents have been evasive.

    On Friday, Mr. Zelensky stated during a visit to Canada, “I believe that most of what we were discussing with President Biden yesterday… we will be able to reach an agreement.”

    Indeed, it’s just a matter of time. Not everything is reliant upon Ukraine, he continued.

    Kyiv has been urging ATACMS to intensify its brutal and murderous counteroffensive in the south for months.

    According to the report, this would force Moscow to relocate crucial supply routes, command posts, and other logistical hubs far behind the front line, making it more difficult to replenish troops and armaments.

    According to Ukraine, Russian positions in the southern, seized parts of Ukraine, including Crimea, would be particularly exposed.

    In February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and the Biden administration was first hesitant to arm Ukraine.

    But since Kyiv received Patriot air defense missiles and high-precision Himars long-range rocket launchers, its position has drastically changed.

    Due to concerns that the ATACMS could exacerbate an already imminent direct conflict with a nuclear-armed Russia, President Biden has been reticent to support them.

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