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National Challenges and a Need for Capable Leadership

National Challenges and a Need for Capable Leadership

Any nation in this world has to face certain types of national issues that impede its growth and damage its global standing. The same is happening or one can say has always happened in Pakistan. The country has faced challenges ranging from democratic turmoil to militancy, economic instability to corruption, leadership vacuum to terrorism and the list goes on. Currently, Pakistan is passing through such a hard time that any mistake or wrong decision by leaders can destroy the country’s stability, be it political or economic. Here are a few suggestions that are necessary for future leaders to be followed to make a nation prosperous and stable.

Firstly constitution should be given priority above any individual or institute. Constitution is the one that gives guidelines about the way a country has to be ruled for the betterment of its public. Being a supreme law, the constitution should not be breached by anybody and the lawbreakers must be dealt with with heavy hands. The judiciary must be impartial and free in this regard.

Secondly, the economic crisis, an oldest national issue, needs special efforts to be resolved. The leaders must bring innovative and rational economic reforms. These reforms vary from agricultural to industrial as well as from trading to budgeting. The budget should prioritize those fields which ensure long-term and better economic well-being. In this regard, more budget should be allocated to the technical education and the industrial sector than to the defense and development sector. Similarly, government expenditures should be lowered by removing or minimizing spending on VIP protocol. Exports should be raised by reforming the agricultural, educational, and industrial sectors. Digital awareness must be raised among the public to make them capable of raising foreign reserves.

Thirdly, corruption is the biggest issue that causes injustice among the public and spreads hatred against the ruling class. Since corruption is always present in one form or another, it must be dealt with by punishing corrupts harshly. In this regard, anti-corruption agencies should be given independence to operate freely. Moreover, loopholes in the anti-graft laws must be mended. Once a corrupt gets punished, others will feel fearful of getting involved in the same.

Fourthly, hybrid warfare and terrorism are also contributing to national instability that further impedes economic growth directly or indirectly. These challenges need special strategies to be resolved. Major reasons behind terrorism and street crimes must be taken into consideration before launching any military operation against the offenders. Soft power should be given preference and measures must be taken to reduce extremism, radicalization, and intolerance in society.

Fifthly, political polarization is the one that is paralyzing a country’s base. The whole nation has been divided into political parties and groups. People have become highly sensitive and do not tolerate opposing views. The resulting social turmoil has become so intense that people do not feel fear of killing each other amid political differences. The current political and social turmoil is not generated spontaneously but is the result of the Pakistani leader’s aggressiveness against the opponents. Instead of solving the national issues, they are engaged in a blame game against each other. They issue hateful statements and use vulgar language which further adds fuel to the fire. A leader should not arouse polarization and intolerance just to raise his vote bank. He should be the one who teaches lessons of tolerance and unity to his followers just like the founder of Pakistan, Quiad-e-Azam. Hence, the leader’s responsibility is very crucial as he is the only one who can promote diversity and strengthen national integrity.

Sixthly, there is a lack of a leader’s seriousness towards following democratic culture. Without adopting democratic values, democracy will not be different from autocracy. Unfortunately, the Pakistani political elite takes democratic values for granted and molds them as per their wishes. Resultantly, the country’s political stability, economic growth, and social well-being suffer. Hence, democratic culture and values must be fully incorporated into the political system through constitutional reforms and their implementation be given special priority.

In short, to implement the above-mentioned strategies, strong and capable leadership is a prerequisite. Only an honest, reliable, and capable leader can take a country out of these challenges. Unfortunately, Pakistan always lacked such type of leaders. Even if there comes one who tries to bring reforms, he has to face strong opposition from the greedy ones who are like those as mentioned by Sun Tzu: An evil enemy will burn his nation to the ground to rule over ashes.


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Chairman NDMA represents Pakistan in Midterm Review for Sendai Frameworkat UN

ISLAMABAD: Chairman, National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA) Lt Gen Inam Haider Malik, participated as delegation
leader in an event on Accelerating implementation of DRR & resilience in
infrastructure at United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA.

The event was part of the High-Level Meeting of Midterm Review for
Implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR, a news release said.

The Chairman NDMA highlighted crucial role of Disaster Risks Reduction
for developing economies & laid stress on innovative DRR approaches
based on local needs. He added that SDGs need to be met through unified
global efforts.

He said that Pakistan’s demonstrated resolve is an act of brilliance
amidst economic odds but still facing risks of multiple hazards with
simultaneous coded disasters whereby still under recovery mode after
floods in 2022.

He emphasized conducting a resilience audit of existing infrastructure
and resilience NOC needs to be embedded into the planning phase of
future infrastructure projects.

He also mentioned about NDMA’s national think tank NIDM which besides
global connectivity, aims to collate academia with all DM responders of
respective areas for developing local communities’ centric projects. 

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Black Day Vandalism of 9th May: Unparalleled in Country’s History


Every democratic society provides its citizens the right to associate with others and gather together for a common purpose. Protests, marches and demonstrations, counter-demonstrations, press conferences, public and private meetings are a part of the democratic process, but this freedom of assembly certainly does not justify deliberately violent protests.

Pakistan’s past is replete with protests, marches and demonstrations, and counter demonstrations, some gargantuan and some relatively smaller in expanse. But the shameless episode of May 9, 2023, to speak the truth, has no parallel in the country’s 75-year-old history.

To term this day a “Black Day” couldn’t be more fitting. Needless to say, the unparalleled anti-state rebellion that engulfed the entire country on May 9 has abominably maculated Pakistan’s image in the comity of civilized world nations.

It wouldn’t be incorrect to say that on this profoundly sad day all  bounds of civility and sanity were brazenly and outrageously breached by elements who could out-and-out be called anti-state elements.

The insurrection of theses utterly anti-state elements against the state and strategic state institutions left every peace-loving citizen of this country in a state of complete shock and awe. These elements, at the behest of their mentors, ruthlessly vandalized strategic state institutions, monuments of profound national significance, and umpteen public and private properties and vehicles.

Their brazen looting and arson at the places they vandalized, portrayed a horrible sight for those who remained glued, throughout the day, to the mainstream media and the social media not only across Pakistan but the entire world.  

To reiterate, once again, the rebellion of the magnitude of May 9 was never seen before in the history of this country. All that happened on May 9 cannot, rather must not be condoned under any circumstances.

The perpetrators and abettors of the May 9 episode vandalized public and private properties across the country in a planned manner. Both are equally responsible for the irreparable damage they have caused to the state of Pakistan and the vital state institutions.

It is indeed very unfortunate that key state institutions such as the Pakistan Army and the Election Commission of Pakistan, including the vital pillars of the state – the executive, the legislature, the judiciary, and their heads, are being fiercely castigated and defamed by a particular political force.

Their audacity to engage in this contemptuous vituperation against these institutions of strategic importance actually got a fillip due to lack of adequate and appropriate response on the part of the powers that be. It wouldn’t be impertinent to conclude that the dreadful incident of May 9, 2023 occurred due to the undue liberty that this group has enjoyed, and continues to enjoy, to say or do whatever it wants to and get away with it.

The detractors of the armed forces of Pakistan somehow tend to forget the respect that the country’s armed forces command both within the country and abroad. According to Global Firepower, the Pakistan defense forces are ranked as the “9th most powerful military” in the world.

No one can doubt the unparalleled professionalism and capability of the Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army has remained the most well-managed, disciplined and responsive institution of the country. In fact, it is the singular unifying power that, after religion, has so far kept this nation together. Our critics across the border also openly acknowledge this fact.

It is known to everyone, the role that Pakistan Army continues to play in securing the borders of the country, and courageously dealing with the menace of terrorism is pivotal. Needless to say, the valiant Pakistan Army has always come to the rescue of its citizens in times of natural disasters and calamities, and played a significant role in aiding the civil administration to maintain law and order in case of civil unrest.

It is deemed unnecessary to discuss the role of the Army in country’s politics, in the past, as it has now been cogently stated by the military leadership that the military has decided to stay away from politics. With that, one expects, the outpouring of negativity and scathing criticism towards the valorous military of the country should cease forthwith. Unambiguously, in a democracy every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression. But one shouldn’t forget that this freedom is subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law, in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defense of Pakistan.

Reverting to the core issue, one has to admit that the reign of terror that was unleashed across the country, on May 9, by the anti-state elements thoroughly mentored by their leaders has hung the heads of this nation in shame. Words can’t express how deeply shattered and ashamed the entire nation felt on that sad day, when monuments of its national heroes, the country’s strategic institutions, and public / private properties and vehicles were being mindlessly vandalized and burnt by the belligerent arsonists. Indeed, the 9th of May 2023 would be penned in the annals of Pakistan history as a ‘Black Day’. 

The question is, should this utterly brazen and heart-wrenching happening be confined to condemnation only? No, certainly not. Those directly involved in the Black Day vandalism, and the masterminds behind it, must, regardless of their stature, be apprehended, exposed, tried according to law, and, if found guilty of the heinous offence they committed, must be given exemplary punishment.

The National Securi­ty Committee (NSC) too in its meeting on Tues­day, May 16, 2023 vowed “zero toler­ance” against violence and miscreancy in the country. The referenced meeting that was presided by the Prime Minister of Pakistan, and attended by feder­al ministers, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, three ser­vices chiefs, heads of the security institutions and senior officers also endorsed the de­cision of booking and trying the miscreants, planners, in­stigators and facilitators as per the Constitution and rele­vant laws, including the Paki­stan Army Act and the Official Secret Act.

While entirely concurring with the unanimous decision of the NSC regarding the issue in question, may it be suggested that every endeavor should be made to ensure that the trial of all these barbaric elements is incontrovertible and fair.

If this is ensured, the possibility of concocted or speculative stories vis-à-vis the trials, expected to be generated by vested interests, will tail off. Of course, the main stream media, the social media, and human rights organizations across Pakistan, and across the globe, would be very closely monitoring these trials. Under no circumstances they should be provided an opportunity to speculate. And, this objective can be accomplished by providing them regular updates on the proceedings of these trials.

—The writer is a columnist and analyst based in Islamabad-Pakistan.


Bilawal calls PPP CEC meeting to ponder over NSC decisions

KARACHI: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman and
Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has called a meeting of the
party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) at Bilawal House in Karachi on

The PPP CEC meeting will take up the prevailing political situation in
the country and the party’s future line of action. The huddle will also
ponder over the outcome of the meeting of the National Security
Committee, which was held in Islamabad on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif had chaired the high-powered NSC meeting
at PM House on Tuesday, which was attended by senior cabinet ministers,
three services chiefs, ISI director general and other relevant
officials. While the civil and military leadership promised to bring to
justice those behind the violent protests, they stressed the need for
dialogue over confrontation to resolve the political differences.

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A statement issued by the PM office after the NSC meeting read: “The
meeting endorsed the decision to initiate trials against the
perpetrators, conspirators, and facilitators under relevant laws
including the Pakistan Army Act and the Official Secrets Act, to ensure

The meeting reiterated that the policy of ‘zero tolerance’ would be
adopted by not tolerating violence and mischief in the country. The
meeting also announced May 9 as Black Day at the national level. 


Pakistan decides to train one million people in AI

ISLAMABAD: The government of Pakistan has decided to train
one million people in artificial intelligence (AI).

As per official sources, the Ministry of Information Technology (IT) has
prepared a draft of the AI Policy, and a separate fund will be
established for AI and related technologies.

The IT and telecom sector will provide 30 per cent of funding per year
for AI, and a campaign will also be launched to create awareness about
AI among government employees, technocrats and other staff concerned.

AI will be made part of primary, secondary and higher education.
Funding, publication fees and travel grants will be provided to the
students conducting research in AI.

As many as 1,000 AI research and development projects will be given
financial support. AI centres will be established in Islamabad, Lahore,
Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta. AI technologies will be used in all
sectors including agriculture, financial,

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Islamabad Capital Police intensify action against public transport vehicles over route violations

Islamabad Capital Police has decided to take stern action against public service vehicles involved in non-completion of routes, misbehavior with passengers and overloading, a police public relations officer said.

He said that strict action will be taken against those transporters violating traffic routes. The purpose is to provide better traffic facilities to the citizens,” said SSP Traffic Islamabad while reviewing the special report submitted by the special squads constituted for checking of route completions by the public service vehicles.

According to details Islamabad capital police is utilizing all resources to facilitate the general public and not only issuing traffic violation tickets to the public service vehicles for overcharging, misbehaving and incompletion of routes. Zonal DSP’s were also directed to take stern action against PSV’s drivers who were found repeatedly involved in the same violations.

He said that such action against violators would be made more effective and progress of squads would be reviewed on a regular basis.

Following the directions of IGP Islamabad Dr. Nasir Akbar Khan, the SSP Traffic said that special squads have already been constituted to check the route violation and Islamabad capital police Helpline “Pucar-15” was 24/7 available to resolve the public grievances on a priority basis where citizens can lodge their complaint on the helpline round the clock.

He further said that the citizens can lodge their complaint regarding non-completion of routes, misbehavior of PSV’s staff or other traffic related issues at this helpline. Effective action against such violators will be continued in future as well.

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The US’s first state to outlaw TikTok is Montana.

Montana on Wednesday became the first US state to ban TikTok, with the law set to take effect next year as debate escalates over the impact and security of the popular video app.

The prohibition signed into law by Governor Greg Gianforte will serve as a legal test for a national ban of the Chinese-owned platform, something that lawmakers in Washington are increasingly calling for.

“TikTok may not operate within the territorial jurisdiction of Montana,” said a copy of the freshly-minted law at the state website.

The ban makes it a violation each time “a user accesses TikTok, is offered the ability to access TikTok, or is offered the ability to download TikTok.”

Each violation is punishable by a $10,000 fine every day it takes place.

Under the law, Apple and Google will have to remove TikTok from their app stores and companies will face possible daily fines.

The move almost certainly will be challenged by lawsuits.

State political leaders have “trampled on the free speech of hundreds of thousands of Montanans who use the app to express themselves, gather information, and run their small business in the name of anti-Chinese sentiment,” said ACLU Montana policy director Keegan Medrano.

The ban will take effect in 2024, but be voided if TikTok is acquired by a company incorporated in a country not designated by the United States as a foreign adversary, the law read.

“Governor Gianforte has signed a bill that infringes on the First Amendment rights of the people of Montana by unlawfully banning TikTok,” a spokeswoman for the company told AFP.

“We want to reassure Montanans that they can continue using TikTok to express themselves, earn a living, and find community as we continue working to defend the rights of our users inside and outside of Montana.”

TikTok has gone on record saying that the ban’s constitutionality will ultimately be decided by the courts.

The law is the latest skirmish in duels between TikTok and many western governments, with the app already banned on government devices in the United States, Canada and several countries in Europe.

The app is owned by Chinese firm ByteDance and is accused by a wide swathe of US politicians of being under the tutelage of the Chinese government and a tool of espionage by Beijing, something the company furiously denies.

Gianforte himself said on Twitter that he signed the ban in order to “protect Montanans’ personal and private data from the Chinese Communist Party.”

Despite its immense popularity, TikTok faces an ultimatum by the White House that it split from its Chinese owners or stop operating in America.

Montana’s clampdown on TikTok comes as the app faces proposals of national legislation — including one bill that could give the White House massive new powers to oversee Chinese tech companies.

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2023 Yangtze River Tourism Overseas Promotion Season Kicked off In Pakistan

By Staff Reporter

Islamabad : The opening ceremony for the 2023 Yangtze River Tourism Overseas Promotion Season took place in Yichang, in Hubei Province of Central China, on May 5.

The 2023 “Yangtze River Tourism Overseas Promotion Season” is jointly organized by the Network of International Culturalink Entities in cooperation with the competent departments of culture and tourism in ten provinces (municipalities), embassies and consulates, Chinese Cultural Centers and overseas tourism offices and other institutions of China.

China Cultural Center in Pakistan is organizing series of online videos and theme exhibitions to celebrate 2023 “Yangtze River Tourism Overseas Promotion Season” by the Center’s Facebook Page, Wechat Channels and Wechat Official account, including the Director’s personal Twitter account.

The event, with a focus on the theme “Guarding the Golden Waterway and Promoting Green Development,” aims to showcase the successes of ecological civilization construction and sustainable development in the Yangtze River basin while also promoting the Yangtze River culture to the people of Pakistan as well as to the global community. This year, the promotion season will last through the end of June.

The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest river in the world. China’s top culture and tourism authority has released 10 tour routes and travel itineraries that will enable tourists to experience the culture and history of the Yangtze River while also ensuring its protection.

According to China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the new routes were created under the direction of the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021–25) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035.

The framework for the “10 National Select Yangtze River Tourist Routes,” which includes the “Yangtze River International Golden Tourism Belt,” was unveiled by the ministry at the 2023 Yangtze River Tourism Overseas Promotion Season.

The tourism belt spans 11 provinces and municipalities in China and includes locations with a strong connection to the nature and ecology, rural vitalization, intangible cultural heritage, and urban recreation. It also includes sites that are closely related to the origins of Chinese culture.

A total of 38 provincial-level routes along the Yangtze River have been designed and published in the Boutique Route Book of the Yangtze River International Golden Tourism Belt, which contains travel information on route planning, road conditions, notable scenic spots and travel tips.

Tourism is a very effective means to promote conservation of the Yangtze River, but it’s also crucial to incorporate the “soul” of the river into the tourism sector. It is imperative that thorough research be done on the river’s ancient heritage as well as that a museum be built to educate visitors about its rich history and culture.

Through events like this, China Cultural Centre in Pakistan hopes to fully appreciate the significance of preserving the river’s culture and role in Chinese civilization while also demonstrating its contemporary significance to the Pakistani and worldwide audiences.

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Despite a deadlock over the date, the government and PTI agree to hold elections simultaneously.

ISLAMABAD: The government, which is led by the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), agreed Tuesday night to hold elections concurrently throughout the nation, but there is still no agreement on the date. Both parties will therefore continue their negotiations.

The breakthrough happened following the third session of negotiations between the government and PTI delegations, the first two of which were held last week on the Supreme Court’s directives.

However, he confirmed that both sides had agreed that the polls should be held simultaneously across the country. He also said both sides had shown flexibility in their positions.

“Hopefully, if they proceed with sincerity, the next phase will be passed successfully,” the financial czar added.

The meeting took place at the Parliament House in Islamabad, with Shah Mehmood Qureshi leading his delegation, which comprised Fawad Chaudhary and Senator Ali Zafar.

The government team comprised former prime minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, FinMin Dar, Law Minister Senator Azam Nazir Tarar, Minister for Railways Khawaja Saad Rafique, Minister for Commerce Naveed Qamar, Minister for National Food Security and Research Tariq Bashir Cheema, and Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan Kishwar Zahra.

‘No breakthrough’

In conversation with journalists, Qureshi said the PDM wants simultaneous elections, and the Supreme Court has also asked political parties to show flexibility in making decisions on the staging of polls.

The former foreign minister added although there was “no breakthrough”, both sides have agreed that they respect the Constitution and would try to find a middle ground so that it isn’t violated.

Qureshi said that the PTI delegation has proposed that since Supreme Court’s decision is in line with the law, a one-time exemption should be allowed through amending the Constitution for holding the polls simultaneously after 90 days — the time limit for staging polls once an assembly is dissolved.

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Islamic Concept of Veil

By Dr. Maqsood Jafri

@ Ms. Linda Barto

an American converted Muslim scholar happens to be my friend and had kindly written the Foreword of one of my books. Today, she has touched a very sensitive issue on her Facebook page.

It is about the wearing of scarf by Muslim ladies. She has written that head scarf is not obligatory in Islam. Some people have supported her stance, while some others have severely criticized her and maintained that head covering is obligatory in Islam. Very briefly, I would like to comment on it for the clear understanding of this subject.

In my book titled “The Message of Islam,” published in New York in 2005, I had explicitly thrown light on this issue under the title “ The Islamic Concept of Veil.” Such non- issues are made very serious issues by the retrogressive and fundamental clerics. They side track the real pragmatic issues. Instead of challenging monarchic and dictatorial regimes and struggling to establish welfare state as is the basic message and mantra of Islam, they outrageously debate on such trifling self- created matters.

There are two verses in the Holy Quran about veil. First; In Surah Al- Noor( The Light) in verse 31, the Quran says:” And tell the believing women to lower their gazes and be modest, and to display their adornments only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms.”
What parts are apparent between men and women? Head, face, hands and feet. Only sex parts are not apparent and are called as adornment and are not ordained to hide. The ladies are clearly asked to draw their veils over their bosoms.

The body parts of ladies that tempt for sensual and sexual attraction are sex parts. Head, hands, face and feet are not sexual parts and are apparent parts of men and women and are not ordained to cover them.

The second verse of the Holy Quran is the verse 59 of Surah Al- Ahzab( The Confederates). It says:” O; Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them ( when they go outside).

That will be better, that so they be recognized and not molested.” The English translation of the Arabic word “ Jalbeeb” means garment or cloak. When a lady wears garment, her body is fully covered and her sexual parts are covered also. Garment, cloak or sheet do not cover head and face. Actually, the problem or confusion arises when we look at Islam from ancient Arab culture.

Islam is a universal religion that meets the needs of all countries, climes and times. In Saudi Arabia and Arab Emirates, even today, the ladies hide their face and head. In 1998, I visited Afghanistan. It was the regime of Taliban.

Ladies were ordered to cover their head, face, hands and feet.They were arrested and punished, if even their hands or feet were uncovered. There is a tug of war between the enlightened and progressive Muslim thinkers and retrogressive fundamentalists. The spirit of age and the spirit of religion are being ignored.

In America and in the West, these fundamentals have created a lot of hue and cry and are colliding with the government rules, making the issue of veil as the basic issue of Islam which is absolutely irrelevant. I also condemn those Western countries like France, Germany and Norway, which are hostile against scarf and veil. It is nothing but religious discrimination. If the Jews can wear their religious caps and dress and the Christians can wear the sign of Cross, and there is no restriction on them, then as to why is restriction being imposed on the Muslim ladies for wearing scarf?

In my opinion, no one should interfere in the religious rituals and beliefs of others. The Muslim ladies who wear scarf, let them wear it and the ladies who do not wear scarf, let them not wear. According to the Quran, the covering of bosom of ladies and sex parts are clearly mentioned and there is no confusion on this subject. The other side is controversial, so every one has the right to act according to his/ her juristic interpretation.

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Pakistan’s Economic Predicament

Pakistan’s economy has been facing unprecedented challenges for several years, and the situation remains bleak. The government of Pakistan has taken several measures to address the issues, but the progress has been slow, and the economy continues to suffer. The country’s economy is vital for the well-being of its people, and urgent action is needed to revive it.

One of the primary challenges facing Pakistan’s economy is the lack of investment. Low levels of investment have led to slow growth, which has resulted in a shortage of jobs and high levels of poverty. The government needs to create an environment that is conducive to business and provides incentives for foreign investors to invest in the country. Reducing bureaucratic red tape, improving the ease of doing business, and providing tax breaks are some of the measures that can be taken to encourage investment.

The second major challenge facing Pakistan’s economy is the high levels of poverty. Over 24% of the population lives below the poverty line, and many people struggle to meet their basic needs. Poverty leads to social and economic inequality, which further exacerbates the economic struggles. The government needs to prioritize poverty reduction by investing in social safety nets, improving access to education and healthcare, and creating employment opportunities.

Another challenge facing Pakistan’s economy is corruption, which has long been a major issue in the country. Corruption undermines economic growth and discourages investment. The government needs to take firm action to tackle corruption, strengthen institutions, and create a transparent and accountable system.

Pakistan’s infrastructure is also inadequate, which hinders economic growth. The government needs to invest in developing roads, highways, bridges, airports, and other critical infrastructure to facilitate trade and commerce. This will make it easier for businesses to operate in the country and create new jobs.

The agriculture and manufacturing sectors are crucial for Pakistan’s economy, and the government needs to provide adequate support to these sectors. Modern farming techniques, credit facilities, and market access should be improved to promote agriculture. Similarly, the manufacturing sector needs to be promoted by providing incentives to entrepreneurs, improving access to credit, and enhancing the ease of doing business.

Education and skill development are also critical for economic growth. The government needs to invest in improving the education system to produce a skilled workforce that can drive economic growth. Access to quality education should be provided to all citizens, particularly in rural areas. Additionally, vocational training programs should be developed to provide technical skills to young people, enabling them to enter the workforce.

Pakistan faces a severe energy crisis, which is affecting economic growth. The government needs to develop alternative sources of energy, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, to address the energy crisis. This will reduce the dependence on expensive imported oil and gas and lower the cost of production for businesses.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s economy is facing significant challenges, and urgent action is needed to address them. The government needs to create an environment that encourages investment, reduce poverty, tackle corruption, invest in infrastructure, support agriculture and manufacturing, invest in education and skill development, and develop alternative sources of energy. These measures will help revive the economy and improve the well-being of the people of Pakistan. It is high time that the government and stakeholders come together to address these challenges and ensure a better future for the country.

The author is a political and security analyst based in Islamabad

Syed Muhammad Ali Shah