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Bitcoin Hits $20K, Ethereum Rises 12% as Crypto Market Cap Tops $1 Trillion

Crypto: Ethereum Increases 12%, Bitcoin Hits $20K as Crypto Market Cap Tops $1 Trillion

As the larger crypto currency market emerges from its rut, Ethereum approaches heights unseen shortly after the merger in the crypto market.

Ethereum Increases 12%, Bitcoin Hits $20K as Crypto Market Cap Tops $1 Trillion
Bitcoin and Ethereum.

The price of Bitcoin surpassed $20,000 for the first time in weeks, Ethereum rose above $1,500 for the first time since the post-merge turmoil, and the whole market surpassed $1 trillion after three weeks below that threshold. These price increases indicate a recovery in the crypto currency industry.

According to data from CoinGecko, the price of one bitcoin has increased by 5% so far today to $20,322. The site claims that today is the first day since October 7 that the price of the most popular cryptocurrency has been above $20,000, after weeks of just little movement under that threshold.

Ethereum’s price has increased significantly today, rising 12% in the last day to $1,500. This is the first time Ethereum has surpassed the $1,500 level since September 15, when the price of ETH sharply dropped after the network’s successful merge upgrade. It increased marginally to $1,507 before falling.

Other well-known cryptocurrencies are also up significantly today, with Solana up 12% to almost $32, Cardano up 14% to $0.41, and Polkadot up almost 9% to $6.50 per token.

According to CoinGecko, the total market valuation of the cryptocurrency industry is currently $1.03 trillion, up more than 6% today. Since October 4, the market has not crossed the $1 trillion threshold.

What’s causing the market to be so green right now? Macroeconomic trends are cited by analysts, and the stock market is up today as a number of significant corporations report profits. Edward Moya, a senior market analyst at OANDA, also suggests the possibility that the U.S. Federal Reserve would soon scale back its impulsive plan to raise interest rates.

In an email to Decrypt, Moya stated that “Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are gaining steam as Wall Street musters up a couple of good sessions.” Investors are becoming more convinced that the Fed will be in a stronger position to downshift its tightening pace following next week’s FOMC meeting as a result of the economy continuing to show indications of weakness.

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At UN, Pakistan urges faithful implementation of Indo-Pak Indus Water Treaty

Pakistan urges the UN to implement the Indo-Pak Indus Water Treaty honestly.

United Nations, October 26 (APP): At a meeting to prepare for the UN Water Conference in 2023, a senior Pakistani official advocated for upholding and carrying out the 1960 Indus Water Treaty between India and Pakistan, a lower riparian state, “in text and spirit.”

Pakistan urges the UN to implement the Indo-Pak Indus Water Treaty honestly.

In addition to climate change, Pakistan’s water vulnerability stems from its position as a lower-riparian state, according to Ambassador Munir Akram.

He addressed the many delegates present at the gathering that many of our catchment regions and their ecosystems cross boundaries.

The Pakistani diplomat stated of India, “Changes on the other side of the border have a direct influence on us.

He continued, “It is crucial that water-sharing accords, including the Indus Water Treaty, be respected and carried out in letter and spirit.

Pakistan is one of the top ten countries in the world for water scarcity and has historically been a top ten country for

climate vulnerability.

The economic development of Pakistan has been negatively impacted by recurrent spells of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, glacial lake outbursts, cyclones, and heat waves, according to Ambassador Akram.

The recent floods in Pakistan caused widespread destruction of essential infrastructure, the loss of thousands of lives, and the internal displacement of millions of people. This was due to an intense heat wave that melted away many of our glaciers and was followed by a “monsoon on steroids.”

He said as a result of the recent rains. The winter wheat crop’s planting season was already missed by a large number of Pakistani farmers, who have warned that this could lead to severe food shortages.

He claimed that Pakistan supports the 2023 water conference’s themes since they align with its top goals.

“We agree that improved standards and regulatory restrictions to control discharge into water bodies, ecological criteria for water quality, and maintaining run-off in our rivers for the maintenance of ecosystem services” are all necessary for effective water management.

In order to safeguard our freshwater resources, especially transboundary rivers, the Pakistani envoy advised preserving environmental principles including prudence, polluter pays, and no harm.

In order to protect the rights and obligations of lower and higher riparian governments, he stated, “we must ensure transboundary water cooperation.”

Additionally, Ambassador Akram emphasized the importance of making investments in resilient and sustainable infrastructures related to water in order to meet the targets and goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are focused on ending hunger and poverty.

At the UN headquarters in New York, 1,200 scientists, business executives, and members of civil society are gathering to talk about water and sustainability-related concepts that could revolutionize the field.

National representatives will be given access to the findings from roundtables on governance, capacity development, data and information, innovation, and financing.

The General Assembly President, Csaba Korosi, whose office coordinated the discussions, noted that the world was at a turning point and urged participants to “transition from reactive water management to proactive, science-based solutions to the water crisis.”

As the 77th session of the General Assembly’s slogan, Korosi invited attendees to debate game changers from the perspectives of “solidarity, sustainability, and science.”

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Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif calls on Saudi Crown prince MBS during official visit

During an official visit, Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif speaks with Saudi Crown Prince MBS.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif met with Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Muhammad Bin Salman.

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ISLAMABAD/RIYADH – At the royal palace in Riyadh, the capital and commercial center of Saudi Arabia, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif met with Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Muhammad Bin Salman (MBS).

When the premier arrived at the royal palace, the de facto ruler of the kingdom gave him a cordial welcome. He was accompanied by a group from Sharif’s cabinet, which included Federal Ministers of Finance Ishaq Dar and Defense Khawaja Asif.

The two presidents decided to take their bilateral relations to “new heights.” In a social media post, PM Shehbaz described his meeting with MBS as outstanding and noted that Islamabad and Riyadh had decided to strengthen their ties in response to the demands of a changing global environment.

He also praised the Saudi government for helping the South Asian country during the severe flooding.

Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif was warmly received by HRH Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman on his arrival at Royal Palace Riyadh ahead of their bilateral meeting.

The Saudi crown prince, on the other hand, emphasized the value of relations between two Islamic nations for the region and the entire globe.

On the invitation of Saudi Crown Prince Salman, the premier is currently on a two-day trip to an Arab country to attend the Future Initiative Conference, sometimes known as Davos in the Desert.

The world’s air quality will improve thanks to projects like these, the prime minister of Pakistan, Shehbaz Sharif, told Saudi Arabia’s financial titans on Tuesday.

Speaking at the Future Investment Initiative Summit, he declared that Pakistan was prepared to make contact with potential investors in order to secure the future of its future generations. He claimed that technology has revolutionized every industry and that it can break down social, cultural, and economic boundaries to empower those who know how to use it. He claimed that both young men and women are using modern technology to build their careers.

Additionally, PM Shehbaz suggested the Future Investment Initiative create a satellite center at one of Pakistan’s top institutions to examine the country’s fast-expanding market and promote innovation. According to Radio Pakistan, he claimed that the satellite might evolve into a hub for a network of researchers, entrepreneurs, investors, and service providers to harness capacities that, if optimized, would propel Pakistan to a high degree of social and economic development.

“We can solve all obstacles, especially political, economic, social, educational, agricultural, and climatic change as well, through information technology, e-commerce, and creativity,” he stated.

The Prime Minister said that as Chief Minister of Punjab, he had given new digital tools to hundreds of thousands of youth.

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Women in Nuclear Science And Technology

Technology: At a special PNS session, Women in Nuclear Science and Technology were recognized.


At a special PNS session, Women in Nuclear Science and Technology were recognized.

During a special session titled “Women in Nuclear (WiN) Pakistan” on the second day of the three-day conference “Applications of Nuclear Techniques for Sustainable Socioeconomic Development,” women in the field of nuclear science and technology were recognized. The Pakistan Nuclear Society (PNS) held the event on Tuesday with the goal of boosting women scientists in the field of nuclear research and technology by recognizing their accomplishments.

The event’s keynote guest, former CTC director Naseem Bhatti, praised the role of women in nuclear science and technology, adding that the area offered many prospects for women that should be explored, especially by younger generations.

According to her, women were historically discouraged from entering the fields of nuclear science and technology, “but now many women are researching this subject due to the enormous exposure.”

Women in Nuclear Global (WiN Global) is a global non-profit organization of women working professionally in diverse disciplines of nuclear energy and radiation applications. Earlier in her welcome presentation, Dr. Ismat Fatima from the Pakistan Nuclear Society emphasized the role of the WIN forum.

According to her, WiN currently has about 35,000 members, including members of its chapters and people from 129 different countries.

Dr. Fatima stated that WiN Pakistan “has huge potential to contribute in the field of nuclear research and urge women to join and contribute in this sector” in her discussion of the organization.

She believed that in order to improve the forum’s effectiveness going forward, a formal executive body would need to be formed and elected. Nazneen Kosar, DCS/Head Electronic Division PINSTECH, spoke about “Instrumentation in Nuclear Power Plants” during the session, and Dr. Naila Siddique, DCS/Head Chemistry Division PINSTECH, discussed “Nuclear Chemistry” in her address.

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PM for coordinated efforts to utilize sustainable energy sources and cutting-edge technology for a better tomorrow


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RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA — On Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif emphasized the importance of combining efforts to fully harness the potential of renewable energy resources and to use modern tools and technological devices to explore new opportunities for progress and prosperity.

Speaking at a conference on the “Future Investment Initiative,” PM Shehbaz emphasized that the potential of clean energy would be the new driver of economic growth and urged the international community to step forward and support these collaborative efforts.

Nothing could be more crucial to us than this particular problem: how to make sure that everyone’s tomorrow is better than their present. And that we are prepared for it; that is, we have the knowledge, abilities, and technology necessary to not only traverse the complicated world of tomorrow but also to influence it now in a way that will benefit humanity the best,” he continued.

He added that these were truly transformative times, noting that periods like this have historically led to transformations in politics, society, the environment, and the economy. Imagination, invention, and action were the driving forces behind these transformations.

“Yes, bold, decisive action that has lasting effects. However, the rate of development and change has never been as rapid as it is now. We are in a good position to take advantage of the dynamics of change as the power of technology propels the globe into a future that few could have predicted in the past, the speaker concluded.

The PM asserted that technology was a tremendous equaliser that could break through social, cultural, and economic boundaries and empower those who knew how to use it.

The PM highlighted the need of making daring and inventive technical leaps that had resulted in significant advances in every sphere of life.

He continued that recent technical advancements had brought about changes in the globe that were unimaginable in the past.

He claimed that by employing technology in a variety of fields within a wider digital matrix like e-commerce, young people in Pakistan were building their careers and increasing their earning potential.

“Pakistan is particularly positioned, in my opinion, to benefit from this transition. Our population is among the youngest in the entire world. The majority of these children have access to modern digital tools. They are ravenous for new possibilities and skills. Pakistan is the fourth most popular country for freelancing, thus their talent is already well known, he continued.

The PM cited this mix of factors: a sizable population that is technologically adept and young, as well as a sizable unmet demand that could not possibly be satisfied using current manufacturing techniques.

A modern Pakistani family has access to mobile phones and the internet, aspirations for a high degree of education, a desire to purchase consumer goods, and needs for everything from insurance to healthcare, he added.

The PM claimed that the present investors and businesspeople could understand and recognise the significance of this concentrated demand.

“The Pakistani market is ready for innovation. A new generation of Pakistani businesspeople is eschewing traditional ventures in favour of disruptive innovations, the speaker continued.

The PM expressed his profound trust in Pakistan’s young population. He was therefore completely willing to commit the resources of his government to create an atmosphere that would encourage innovation.

While technology was opening up new possibilities, the world was simultaneously going through cataclysmic changes, he observed.

Global warming has started. Over time, extreme temperatures are altering weather patterns and upsetting the natural order of our ecosystem. Pakistan and other nations with small carbon footprints are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change, he added.

The PM, Shehbaz Sharif, went on to explain that this year’s record floods in Pakistan were caused by a historic heat wave in March and severe rains from June to August.

More than 1,500 people have died as a result of these rains and floods, which have affected 33 million people. Over 3.5 million acres of crops have been lost, and over two million homes have been damaged, in addition to farmland, orchards, bridges, and transportation systems.

The PM reaffirmed their resolve to reconstruct people’s lives, means of subsistence, and climate-resilient infrastructure. Therefore, sustainability depended on current climate action.

He claimed that clean energy was the engine of the new economy as society placed a higher value on sustainability. He specifically referenced his administration in Punjab province, which had investigated solar power in 2012 and created a 1000 MW solar power facility in Bahawalpur, south of Lahore. Since then, it had the capacity to produce an additional 400 MW.

“To satisfy Pakistan’s peak load demand and reduce reliance on fossil fuels, I am leading the building of 10,000 MW of solar power. Investors seeking appealing returns should take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, he continued.

The importation of expensive oil to produce electricity, according to the PM, was no longer feasible for Pakistan’s economy.

He asserted that Pakistan has urgent infrastructure development needs and was modernising its water, gas, power, roads, railways, and digital infrastructure.

“The market is growing due to a young and expanding population. The economy is being driven by private businesses thanks to our administration. He asked the attendees to take part in these cutting-edge commercial opportunities and help unlock Pakistan’s potential while earning lucrative returns on their investments. “The government is investing in public goods; they too are accessible for collaborations,” he remarked.

In order to explore Pakistan’s rapidly expanding market and encourage entrepreneurial innovation among its young population, the prime minister suggested that the Future Investment Initiative consider setting up a satellite centre in one of the country’s top universities. Pakistan has a large number of higher education institutions, some of which are recognised internationally.

He said that the satellite may serve as the hub of a network of scientists, entrepreneurs, financiers, and service providers to harness the capabilities that, if optimised, would advance Pakistan’s social and economic growth.

The PM claimed that his interest in learning new things and his passion for technology had brought him into contact with subject matter specialists who had helped him decide how to use technical tools and knowledge to enhance government.

“I saw the fruits of my policies when I introduced tech innovations in the educational and health sectors,” he said, adding that these initiatives liberated new modes of public service delivery, improved access and quality, and gave the people more power to hold the government to account. He served as the chief minister of the province of Punjab for ten years.

We supported people with disabilities, provided timely agricultural inputs to farmers, distributed free laptops to thousands of deserving students, established a high-tech safe city project, set up smart schools, incorporated digital technology into our immunisation programme, and connected markets for more equitable buying and selling using technology, he claimed.

He claimed that as prime minister, it was his responsibility to make sure that Pakistan and its dynamic inhabitants had the means necessary to actively participate in the global technological transition.

Pakistan, according to the prime minister, is open for business.

“Let me assure you that as a country, we are now poised to grasp the future with both hands. In these trying times, as Prime Minister, I’m determined to provide effective and capable leadership, the prime minister emphasised.

In order to unleash their combined energy and create the future they all desired for their future generations, he advised the participants to link hands.

The PM declared that speaking before this esteemed group was both an honour and a privilege.

The Future Investment Initiative Institute, he claimed, has developed into a powerful and action-oriented platform since its founding in 2017 and has contributed significantly to the worldwide conversation on important problems.

The environment, social, and governance ideals that it upheld provided the ideal framework and, possibly, a prism through which to view and evaluate the worlds of today and tomorrow, he continued.

The prime minister also thanked the friendly and kinship nations for their prompt assistance in the wake of the disastrous flood.

In particular, he praised the generosity of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for establishing an air bridge between their two countries so that aid could be sent to flood victims in Pakistan.

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Nepal Ambassador Visit FPCC

Islamabad (PR). Ambassador of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal to Pakistan H.E Tapas Adhikari visited the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry FPCCI, Capital Office, Islamabad, and interacted with President Irfan Iqbal Sheikh, Vice President Umar Masood Ur Rehman and others members of the FPCCI. They had a detailed discussion on trade and economic ties between Pakistan and Nepal. During the interactions, the ambassador highlighted the need to improve bilateral economic relations between Nepal and Pakistan since both countries have great potential to cooperate. He further said that the bilateral relations between our countries have always been excellent. Both Nepal and Pakistan are members of SAARC and have similar cultural and social backgrounds. Presidnet Hunza Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mr. Raziq Khan, President Rahim Yaar Khan Chamber of Commerce & Industry Mr. Shokat Hayat and other were also present on this occasion.

H.E  Tapas Adhikari said that “Pakistan is one of the most important countries for Nepal to promote regional trade, especially in the perspective of the SAARC regime but the logistics issues, lack of communication, and proper marketing were some hurdles in giving a boost to the bilateral trade,”  stressed the need for exchanging business delegations to enhance trade and promotion of investment opportunities between the two sides.

The Ambassador of Nepal to Pakistan shed light on Nepal’s provisions and policies relating to industry, trade, tourism, and investment and thanked the FPCCI for its willingness to increase engagement with Nepal. He expressed commitment to facilitating Pakistani business communities for increasing business relations with Nepal.  HE the Ambassador called upon the business communities as well as people of all walks of life to visit Nepal and in Inviting the business communities to invest in Nepal the Ambassador underscored major facilities according to the investors in Nepal.

Talking to the Ambassador of Nepal, President FPCCI Irfan Iqbal Sheikh & Vice President Umar Masood Ur Rehman said that Pakistan and Nepal are members of SAARC and enjoys friendly relations since the 1960s. “We keep emphasizing a well-devised strategy for ensuring regional peace through maintaining trade and economic relations among SAARC countries. Nepal, being a land-locked country between China and India, can understand the importance of regional trade better than others,” the FPCCI President added. They said that Nepal is an import-oriented economy whose imports are far greater than exports. In the year 2021, Pakistan exports to Nepal were US$ 4.7 million while the imports from Nepal were US $ 2.6 million.

The President & Vice President of FPCCI further said that despite huge trade potential, the trade volume between the two countries is very low which is just US $ 7.3 million. He said the connection and connectivity problem is one of the basic hurdles in trade promotion. They discussed various opportunities of joint ventures and said agriculture and tourism are the key sectors where both countries could collaborate with each other. They said that Pakistani products, particularly rice, leather and leather goods, carpets, pharmaceuticals, textiles, pashmina lawn, textile made-ups and allied products have great potential in Nepal which needs to be marketed properly. They said a number of Pakistani investors are interested to enter into joint ventures with Nepalese investors.

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IICR organized round table on China’s 20th National Congress

Islamabad Institute of Conflict Resolution (IICR) organized round table on “China’s 20th National Congress: To Prosperity and Beyond”. The roundtable was in continuation of IICR’s Round table discussion based on Chinese National Congress. The eminent speakers included Prof. Dr. Zhou Rong, Prof. Engr. Zameer Ahmed Awan, Dr. Tahir Mumtaz Awan, Dr. George I.H. Cooke, Mr Shakeel Ahmad Ramay. The session was moderated by Ms. Sabah Aslam, Founder IICR.

Speaking to the audience from China, Prof. Zhou Rong said that western social setup is deteriorating with ever increasing wealth gap in the society. Whereas the Chinese model of development based on socialist system encourages cooperation, mutual learning and peaceful development. Furthermore, Prof. Rong added that Chinese development model is indigestible for the west due to which it is engaged in massive propaganda against China and its leadership. Adding further he said that west is leading an organized campaign against China in order to hinder the progress it is making.

The next speaker on the panel was Prof. Engr. Zameer Ahmed Awan who highlighted the effectiveness of the CPC for Chinese development. Prof. Ahmed said that China is contributing in world economy with its shared progress ideology. It silently worked on organizing its internal dynamics and then aspire to lead the world. Adding further he said that world is acknowledging the Chinese progress whereas west feel threatened by it. The key of Chinese socio-economic miracle lies in the trust of people towards its leadership. People trust president Xi and supports his ideology.

Speaking next, Dr. Tahir Mumtaz described the Chinese socialist model which is the backbone of Chinese progress and its global footprint. Dr. Mumtaz said that China is pursuing socialist modernization through integrating Chinese characteristics to the country. Adding further he said that China is comprehensively working on human development at home and abroad and there is a lesson for countries in it. Discussing lessons for Pakistan Dr. Mumtaz said that Pakistan should learn and implement Chinese development model and Pakistan needs to move ahead from subsidiary issues it is facing.

Joining from Sri-Lanka Dr. George I.H. Cooke who discussed China’s foreign policy and multilateralism. Dr. Cooke said that China’s role in all international organization is significant. Adding further he said that China has positively contributed to global organization either politically or financially. Dr. Cooke further highlighted the importance of regional organization and Chinese role in it.

The last speaker on the panel was Mr. Shakeel Ramay who talked about Challenges to China and CPC. Speaking to the audience Mr. Ramay said that the biggest challenge to China is to counter Xi-Phobia of the west. West is propagating an organized campaign against President Xi to paint him in every negative way possible. Furthermore, he said that China would also have to counter propaganda against China as a whole. While talking about CPC, Mr. Ramay said that there is a need of reforms in CPC in coming years because China has to play major and complicated role in coming years. It already is changing a lot with the inclusion of more professionals in the central committee and CPC.

The session was ended with concluding remarks by Dr. Tahir Mumtaz Awan.

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Army chief appointment is prerogative of PM

Army chief appointment

Former Chairman Defense Production Senate Committee Lieutenant General (R) Abdul Qayyum said that the appointment of the Army Chief is going to be done according to the constitution and the law. Although they should know that the Pakistan Army is the guarantor of the security and protection of the country and under a fixed agenda, anti-Islamic forces are trying to defame the Pakistan Army.

However, Imran Khan’s long shot will definitely fail because a constitutional and democratic government is working in the country and what goals do they want to achieve by attacking Islamabad despite the constitution and democratic system? He was speaking live from Chakwal Press Club studio. The host of the program Zulfikar Mir, Chairman Chakwal Press Club Khawaja Babar Saleem Mehmood, Khawaja Daniyal Saleem, Abdul Khaliq Darwish and Ehsan Mughal were also present on the occasion. General Abdul Qayyum further said that the departure of Imran Khan was done through a constitutional and democratic process now that the Pakistan Army has announced that it will not participate in the country’s politics and will play its role in the rule of law and constitution in the country.

So this is not acceptable to Imran Khan, he said that in the 2018 elections, the whole nation has seen how the minority of Imran Khan was converted into a majority and now when the Pakistan Army announced that we will not participate in politics. All the allies of Imran Khan were fed up with Imran Khan in four years, they separated themselves from Imran Khan and sent Imran Khan home. In response to another question, General Abdul Qayyum said that Pakistan Army, Judiciary, administration and politicians have definitely committed major mistakes in the past 75 years. And this is the reason why the country is going through a very critical situation at the moment, General Abdul Qayyum said bluntly that after the change of Imran Khan’s government, PML-N has staked its political prestige, but we are proud that Mian Nawaz Under the leadership of Sharif, we have saved the country from default.

The current inflation and the current situation in the country are all the result of Imran Khan’s policies. In response to another question, General Abdul Qayyum said that making Tala Gang a district is a good practice and as now CPEC is active again, the position of Tala Gang has become important in this regard and on the other hand Chakwal district is now a district. It is a model district and now all its resources will be spent in Chakwal district, which will improve the condition of the common man.

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Progressive Students Federations’ second annual congress vows to forge genuine alternative to status quo.

Progressive Students Federation

Islamabad: Scores of students from across the twin cities educational institutions gathered on evening at regional office of the left-wing Progressive Students Federation Islamabad-Rawalpindi (PrSF Isb-Rwp) in G-9 Markaz, Islamabad for the second its annual congress. They vowed to build connections with students and youth across Pakistan so as to resist the ongoing corporatization of education and the anti-people capitalist system in all spheres of society.

PrSF elected its new cabinet members including Fatima Shahzad as general secretary, Syed Ali Raza as secretary education and training, Shahalam Tariq as secretary information and broadcasting and Mustafa Tariq Wynne as secretary of finance.
Speaking on the occasion, newly elected General Secretary of PrSF Isb-Rwp, Fatima Shehzad highlighted that students across Pakistan have been systematically weaned off progressive politics since the Zia dictatorship, and displaced by violent and bigoted state-sponsored thugs. The standard of education has declined drastically and the classist education system has further exacerbated inequality in education which carries forward to the job market.
Secretary education and training Syed Ali Raza talked about how students are forced to sign an affidavit while enrolling at higher educational institutions that they will not partake in any political activity, thus alienating them from the affairs of the wider society. He warned that this policy has had disastrous effects and that Pakistan’s current youth bulge – 150 million Pakistanis are under the age of 23 – demands that a conscious and progressive youth not only take an interest in but organize collectively to redress Pakistan’s many outstanding structural crises. In this regard, PrSF Isb-Rwp’s secretary information and broadcasting Shahalam Tariq demanded that the state lift the ban on student unions which has been upheld by the Supreme Court since 1993.
Mustafa Tariq Wynne, secretary of finance said that the only alternative for the youth is to organize in a revolutionary struggle against the systems that perpetuate and thrive on this exploitation, prioritizing their greed, above, and at the cost of the fundamental rights to education, health, housing, and recreation of the all of Pakistan’s people. He said that students have always been at the forefront of political struggle, most notably against the Ayub dictatorship, and progressive ideals of equality of nations, genders and religions continue to inform the struggle of PrSF today.
Progressive Students Federation (PrSF) was founded on December 21, 2014 in Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by left-wing socialist political leader Fanoos Gujjar. In 2015, PrSF Swat unit was established. In 2016, PrSF was started in Hyderabad, Sindh, after that PrSF units were formed in different cities of Sindh. In Islamabad, PrSF was started in 2017. Progressive Students Federation is a continuation of National Students’ Federation (NSF), which was formed in 1956 after the Democratic Students Federation (DSF) was banned in 1954. DSF had been an active left-wing political force, which has struggled tirelessly for the rights of students. NSF played a major role in the popular student and labour uprising against the dictatorship in 1967 and 1968.
Ever since student unions were banned in 1984, students have been facing ever-increasing problems since the crackdown on left-wing politics and students’ organizations. Left-wing political activities that raise the issues faced by workers, women and students, are subjected to censorship by the authority. Keeping this context in mind, PrSF has paved the way for student politics again and has campaigned for their issues. The aim of PrSF is to raise political and social awareness among students so that they stand for their democratic rights.


The Saudi index rises as oil prices rise; Qatar falls.

The Saudi index rises as oil prices rise.

The Saudi stock market rose in early trade, tracking higher oil prices, while the Qatari index was set to extend losses for a second session.

Crude prices rose as the US dollar fell against major peers, but gains were limited by concerns about slowing global fuel demand growth amid bearish economic data from key oil-importing economies such as China.

The Saudi benchmark index (.TASI) rose 0.1%, boosted by a 1.4% increase in Retal Urban Development Co (4322.SE) and a 3% increase in Saudi Telecom Company (STC) (7010.SE).
Saudi Tadawul Group Holding (1111.SE) was up 1.1% a day after the country’s Public Investment Fund announced the formation of the Regional Voluntary Carbon Market Company in collaboration with Tadawul.

The Qatari index (.QSI) fell 1% as the majority of the index’s stocks fell, including Qatar Aluminium Manufacturing Co (QAMC.QA), which fell 3.3%.

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Kashmir Air was established to promote tourism in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Kashmir Air was established to promote tourism

BAGH: As part of efforts to promote tourism in the region, President Dr Arif Alvi has launched commercial helicopter flight operations of Kashmir Air in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

Speaking at the launch of Kashmir Air in Bagh on Tuesday, the president stated that AJK is blessed with immense natural beauty and tourism potential, and that the private sector should come forward to develop AJK’s tourism sector to realise its full potential.

Kashmir Air is a private company that plans to launch commercial helicopter flights to AJK and northern Pakistan to transport tourists.

During his day in AJK, the president launched a helicopter flight service, went to a newly established high-end private school, and visited the flagship campus of a healthcare information technology company.

President Alvi also urged the AJK government to promote environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism, as well as to develop tourism-friendly policies to encourage private-sector investment.

He stated that tourism had become a mainstay of many developing economies around the world and was regarded as a valuable source of foreign exchange, job creation, growth stimulation, and reduction of economic disparities.

Concerning the Kashmir dispute, the president stated that the United Nations has failed to resolve the conflict in accordance with the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

He stated that the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are fighting in accordance with UN resolutions.

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The long march to Islamabad will begin on Friday in Lahore: Imran

The long march to Islamabad will begin on Friday

Former Prime Minister and PTI Chairman Imran Khan has announced that his party’s long-awaited march to Islamabad will begin in Lahore.

“I’m starting the long march from Lahore.” “We will gather at Liberty Chowk at 11 a.m. on Friday and march towards Islamabad,” the PTI chief said during a press conference in Lahore.

Imran, who was ousted from power in April by a vote of no-confidence in the National Assembly, has stated that the goal of his long march is to achieve “true freedom” in the country, and that his protest rally is not about “politics, but about a struggle to get freedom from thieves.”

There isn’t a deadline for this. When we cross GT Road, Islamabad will be reached.

Imran claimed that because of the “sea of people” who will take to the streets, he will stage the largest demonstration in the nation’s history.

The ousted prime minister also gave his supporters the assurance that police would not be able to torment them like they did during the party’s long march on May 25. “When there are hundreds of thousands of people protesting, you can’t even touch someone.”

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Rishi Sunak, the winner of the PM election, calls for stability and unity.

Rishi Sunak advocates for peace and unity.

Rishi Sunak, the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has called for unity in the face of a “profound economic challenge.”

He won the Tory leadership election after rival Penny Mordaunt failed to secure enough MP support.

Mr Sunak stated in his first speech that bringing his party and the UK together would be his “utmost priority.”

Mr Sunak, 42, will be the UK’s first Asian prime minister and the country’s youngest leader in more than 200 years.

After being formally appointed by the King, Mr Sunak, a practising Hindu, is expected to take office later this morning.

He takes over for Liz Truss, who resigned just 45 days into her turbulent premiership last week.

Following her final cabinet meeting at 9:00 a.m. BST, the outgoing prime minister will make a statement outside No. 10 before travelling to Buckingham Palace for her final audience with the King.

Following that, Mr Sunak will have his first audience with the monarch, during which he will be invited to form a government.

He will then travel to Downing Street around 11:35 a.m. to make a statement before entering No. 10.

According to the White House Press Secretary, President Joe Biden plans to call Mr Sunak after his meeting with the King to “offer his congratulations.”

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Russian claims about dirty bombs ‘appear to be scare tactics’

Russian claims about dirty bombs ‘appear to be scare tactics’

Russia maintains that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb, which is an explosive device laced with radioactive material. It is expected to make its case at the United Nations Security Council later Tuesday. However, such allegations have been common in Russia’s behaviour during the war.

Russia has never provided any evidence to support its claim that Ukraine possessed a dirty bomb.

Despite discussing its concerns with a number of Western officials, the Kremlin appears to be hesitant to air them publicly.

Lt Gen Igor Kirillov, commander of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defence Troops, said that work by Ukrainian organisations was “in the final stages.”

He claimed that Ukraine was preparing to detonate a device to accuse Moscow of using weapons of mass destruction.

However, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu’s unusual Sunday phone calls to his American, British, French, and Turkish counterparts did not appear to impress anyone.

In a joint statement, the foreign ministers of the United States, France, and the United Kingdom called Russia’s claim “clearly false.”

It’s all very reminiscent of the days leading up to Russia’s invasion on February 24, when the Kremlin accused the US of developing biological weapons in Ukraine. Once again, no evidence was ever presented.

Dirty bombs, which combine radioactive material with conventional explosives, are relatively inexpensive and simple to construct. Given the ability to use virtually any type of radioactive material, including that obtained from hospitals and research labs, governments have long feared that terrorists would attempt to use such a crude weapon.

The allegation of a dirty bomb is just one of several made by Moscow in recent days. Ukraine has also been accused of preparing to blow up the Nova Kakhovka dam on the Dnipro River, which could have equally disastrous consequences.

Ukraine, for its part, claims that only Moscow has ever considered such drastic measures.


Airline has launched a lottery to encourage more passengers to sit in the middle seat.

Airline has launched a lottery

The middle seat is unquestionably the least desirable seat on a flight, as it provides neither a window view nor easy access to the lavatory.
According to a recent social media poll conducted by Virgin Australia, only 0.6% of the more than 7,500 voters polled prefer – or, perhaps more likely, accidentally voted for – the middle seat.

If the airline is successful in getting travellers to willingly reserve the dreaded middle seat, that number may soon rise.
A unique raffle with a prize pool worth roughly AUD230,000 (about $145,000) has just been introduced by Virgin Australia. Additionally, it is only accessible to passengers who freely or involuntarily take the middle seat on a flight.
The chief executive officer of Virgin Australia Group, Jayne Hrdlicka, states in a news release that her company is an airline that “is doing things differently and we are having a lot of fun coming up with interesting innovations to make every part of the travel experience more amazing.”
We are now offering our devoted customers the chance to win from a prize pool worth more than $230,000.

Free flights, a helicopter pub crawl, and bungee jumping are among the prizes.
Any Velocity Frequent Flyer member who is seated in a middle seat and is 18 years of age or older can use the airline’s app to sign up for the lottery from now until April 23, 2023.
The lucky draw winner will receive a different reward every week. Among the creative prizes up for grabs are a two-night vacation in Cairns that includes flights, lodging, and a bungee jump, as well as a full-day helicopter pub crawl (with return flights to Darwin).
There are flights and tickets to the Australian Football League Grand Final available to supporters, in addition to special access to the pre-game lunch and post-game celebration.


Brittney Griner’s drug smuggling conviction is upheld by a Russian court.

Brittney Griner’s drug smuggling conviction is upheld by a Russian court.

A Russian judge upheld Brittney Griner’s conviction on drug smuggling charges on Tuesday and only marginally reduced her nine-year prison term. The judge left the verdict in place.

The judge decided to modify Griner’s sentence to include the time she spent in pretrial detention following her arrest on February 17 at a Moscow airport, with each day in pretrial custody counted as 1.5 days toward her prison sentence. It wasn’t immediately obvious how much the sentence would be lengthened by it.

The judgement was reached following a hearing on an appeal held on Tuesday. Griner, who the US believes was illegally jailed, again expressed her regret while pleading with the court for a lighter term, stating that the verdict was unfair and unwarranted under Russian law. The counsel urged the court to acquit her, claiming that Griner’s sentence was excessive and that the previous court’s finding that Griner had criminal intent was incorrect.

When Griner, who was detained at Correctional Colony No. 1 in Novoye Grishino, north of Moscow, spoke at the court on Tuesday via video link from her detention facility, she said, “I’ve been here over eight months, and people with more severe crimes have been given less than what I was given.”

By suggesting a prisoner swap with Russia, US officials have attempted to gain the release of Griner and Paul Whelan, another American who is detained in Russia. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said in a statement on Tuesday that those efforts have continued recently and that the most recent hearing was a “sham,” adding that President Biden has been very clear that Brittney needs to be released very away.
The attorneys claimed that “she had hopes for today” since “every month, every day away from her family and friends matters to her.”

Griner’s case has raised concerns that she is being used as a political pawn in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine, and the US State Department has maintained that she is unjustly jailed.

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Prince Harry has been ‘banned’ from attending Meghan Markle’s interview in order to avoid distraction.

Prince Harry has been ‘banned’

In a recent interview with Meghan Markle, Prince Harry was not mentioned because, according to a specialist, he was “barred” from creating a “distraction.”

Following the publication of her shocking interview with Variety magazine, the Duchess of Sussex recently made headlines.

The mother of two provided commentary on a variety of subjects, including her controversial interview with The Cut that she conducted just before Queen passed away.

The purpose of the narrative, according to Meghan, was to highlight our efforts and support Archetypes. “I’ve had time to think about it. I just move in the environment in a way that is incredibly trusting and open to anything.

Meghan mentioned her husband as well, but because an insider spilled the beans, Harry was not permitted to provide a statement of his own for the interview.

“We have to mention apparently, there was one individual who couldn’t be included,” Royal Correspondent Neil Sean stated. That was obviously… Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex.

“According to that reliable source, it was all due to the fact that Miss Markle’s PR was being adjusted, both her public image and how she looked personally.

He continued, “The new PR staff, we have to say allegedly, feel [Harry] could be too much of a distraction, which is why Harry was purportedly banned.

Ahsan Iqbal

Importance of reaching $100 billion in exports in 5 years to overcome concerns with external financing Ahsan Iqbal

Ahsan Iqbal, the minister of planning and development, stated on Tuesday that in order to meet the country’s external financial needs, domestic exports must expand from $30 billion to $100 billion over the next five years.


Importance of reaching $100 billion in exports in 5 years to overcome concerns with external financing Ahsan Iqbal

He claimed that Pakistan’s development programme needed about Rs 1900 billion in funding annually, but due to financial restrictions in the current fiscal year, the government was only able to set aside Rs 700 billion.

These opinions were presented by the federal minister at a meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Planning, which was chaired by Khalid Magsi.

The minister claimed that while the PML-N government implemented Vision 2010 and Vision 2025, the previous administration did not approve the five-year plan.

The past administration, he continued, was always accusing people of being thieves and infuriated China by charging it with spending lavishly on projects. The government is preparing to hold the 11th meeting of the Pakistan-China Joint Coordination Committee on the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) because “we are now regaining China’s confidence.”

Ahsan Iqbal further stated that the federal government’s tax and non-tax earnings will total Rs 9000 billion this year, of which Rs 4000 billion would be distributed to the provinces and Rs 4000 billion would be used to settle debts. This meant that the entire government was dependent on borrowing.

He added that Pakistan has the advantage of its location and that China has the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative plan, and that by taking advantage of this advantage, we may become a commercial hub for a sizable portion of the world.

He claimed that China also benefits from having a different corridor as part of CPEC. Pakistan would gain greatly if even 5% of China’s trade originated in Pakistan.

He added that Chinese corporations had established energy projects under the IPP model and that China had provided concessional financing for infrastructural projects.

According to the minister, more than 80 million new employment opportunities are being created in Pakistan as a result of the high cost of labour in China.

According to Ahsan Iqbal, there were issues with Chinese business visas under the Tehreek-i-Insaaf. He asserted that since 58% of the NFC’s revenues now flow to the provinces as a result of the 18th Amendment, political stability and the maintenance of sustainable economic development plans are essential.

Syed Mahmood Shah, a member of the committee, lamented at the meeting that not a single project from his district had been included in the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) 2022–23.

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Looting by foreigners in Karachi outside Gora Qabristan

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KARACHI: Recently, a group of international visitors to the city who were there on business were robbed after they left their possessions in a parked car.The event occurred in Karachi close to the Gora Qabristan (Christian cemetery), according to the police. Italian people who were on business in Pakistan for a European building materials company were the victims.

When the incident occurred, they had left their car parked outside a business and gone to a meeting. Three laptops, a pocketbook, and other valuables were also taken from the car, according to the police.According to information provided by the police, the unnamed criminals shattered the car’s windows despite Shahra-e-Faisal being a fairly busy road.

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I would go out with Fawad Khan if he wasn’t married: Sonam Bajwa

Fawad Khan, a Pakistani hunk known for his attractive appearance and captivating demeanour, frequently makes headlines. The actor has captured the hearts of both his fans and co-stars with his flawless acting abilities, leaving a lasting impression both domestically and internationally.

The star of The Legend of Maula Jatt has just found Sonam Bajwa, an Indian actress. The Ardab Mutiyaran star recently discussed her wish to date Fawad if he wasn’t already married with a radio station called Connect FM Canada.

fawad khan

I would go out with Fawad Khan if he wasn’t married: Sonam Bajwa

She said, “This is a mystery, I can’t tell, but simply that the person I want to have an affair with is already married,” when asked about her crushes. She goes on to say, “I’m not attracted to married males. If Fawad Khan wasn’t already married, I would approach him.”

The acclaimed Punjabi actor previously expressed her admiration for other Pakistani performers like Sajal Aly and plays like Meray Paas Tum Ho in an interview with Haroon Rashid of the BBC Asian Network.

She made reference to the great Mom actor by saying she is someone she “looks up to.” She declared, “I am Sajal Aly’s biggest fan. She is fantastic, and I feel delighted sharing that I have learnt so much from her. I think you’ll agree that she is outstanding.”

Sonam is a well-known actor and model from India. She specialises in Punjabi films and has attained a prestigious status in the entertainment business. In 2013, she made her acting debut in the Punjabi film Best of Luck. Since then, she has landed a number of roles, including hosting Dil Diyan Gallan, Kaatteri, and Honsla Rakh.

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Imran Khan will start the long march on Friday at Liberty Chowk

Imran Khan will start the long march on Friday at Liberty Chowk

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ISLAMABAD: Imran Khan, a former prime minister and the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), said on Tuesday that a long march against the government would begin on Friday at Lahore’s Liberty Chowk.

Imran Khan, the head of the PTI, made the declaration during a press conference in Peshawar. “I’m inviting the whole country. People from all walks of life, including labourers and others, should take part in the lengthy march for the nation’s true freedom, according to Khan.

According to him, the crowd will assemble at Liberty Chowk at 11 a.m., where the long march will begin.The PTI chairman noted that the nation had a record amount of external debt when he took office and that record amounts of revenue were collected during his administration. He also mentioned that his administration battled the coronavirus outbreak.

“It is my prediction that a sea of the masses will join the long march,” the former prime minister stated. “And now the people will determine who will lead this country because Pakistan is in a critical phase and we now have to pick if we want real freedom or servitude.”





After India defeated Pakistan in a tense ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2022 match, the Kiwi batter tweeted the remark. The cricketer likely refers to the rules governing batsmen getting clean bowled on a free hit because he used the term “free hit” in his hashtag.

There was a lot of uproar during India’s final over, where they required 15 runs to win, and cricketing regulations were questioned. The fourth delivery of Mohammad Nawaz’s over was hit for a six by batsman Virat Kohli, but it was adjudged a no-ball because it was waist-height.

The left-arm pacer bowled wide and was still available for contact.

The following pitch struck a stump, and the ball travelled into the third man’s area, where the Indian batters scored three runs.

It has been criticised that the umpire called it a no-ball and took runs after the ball hit the stump on a free hit.

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ECP petitions the SC to resume Imran Khan’s contempt case

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ISLAMABAD: On Tuesday, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) petitioned the Supreme Court, pleading with the high court to reverse the Lahore High Court’s (LHC) stay decision against the electoral watchdog’s contempt notices to PTI Chairman Imran Khan and other party officials.

Asad Umar, Fawad Chaudhry, and Khan had received notifications from the ECP on August 19 for making “contemptuous” comments about the election watchdog. In its notices, the ECP said that in his addresses on July 18, 21, 27, August 4, and 10, the former premier made “baseless claims” against the ECP and its chief.The contempt notices issued by the ECP to the PTI leaders were suspended on September 2 by the Rawalpindi bench of the LHC.

Google establishes a high-tech university in Israel

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JERUSALEM: According to the university, Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Israel’s Reichman University have established a school to train high-tech workers. The school will provide courses in computer programming, sales, and data analysis, among other topics.Israel has a thriving high-tech industry, but there are tens of thousands of open opportunities due to a serious lack of qualified tech professionals.

According to the university, students from underrepresented groups will get financial aid from the School of High Tech, including “women, members of the ultra-Orthodox community, Arabs, Ethiopians, persons from the geo-social periphery, and people from disadvantaged socio-economic groups.”

As profit booking hurts, PSX declines

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KARACHI: Despite the market titans reporting some solid financial results, profit-booking continued unabatedly on Tuesday, and the rollover week effect also began to take effect later in the day.To settle at 42,190.02 points, the benchmark KSE-100 index dropped 157 points, or 0.37%.

The current rollover week, according to a post-market note by Arif Habib Limited, was one of the factors keeping the capital market under pressure.The firm stated in its report that “despite a flying start, the market failed to rise and spent the majority of the trading session languishing in the red zone.”

However, third-tier equities continued to lead in terms of turnover, the report said. This was true even when significant financial announcements were made throughout the session.Technology and communication (-111.9 points), cement (-46.6 points), auto assembler (-13.8 points), commercial banks (-11.9 points), and chemical were among the industries that held the index back (-10.9 points).

Hrithik Roshan and the Saba Azad twins dress in white for Diwali: Image

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Saba Azad and Hrithik Roshan have been seeing one other for a while, and the couple is capturing the attention of fans with their chemistry.The couple dressed alike in white for the photo, which was taken earlier yesterday after they celebrated their first Diwali together.

Happy Diwali was written alongside a selfie the actress shared with the Krrish actor on her Instagram account.At Karan Johar’s birthday party in Mumbai, the couple also walked the red carpet for the first time in public.

According to India Today, Hrithik and Saba first met after being introduced by a mutual friend who enjoys independent music.The two recently travelled to Mumbai to attend Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal’s wedding reception.

Australia defeats Sri Lanka by seven wickets because to Stoinis’s blitz

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Marcus Stoinis bludgeoned Australia‘s quickest T20 half-century on Tuesday as his team thrashed Sri Lanka by seven wickets to claim their first victory at the T20 World Cup. PERTH: Australia’s team defeated Sri Lanka by seven wickets.Australia decided to field after losing to New Zealand in the Super 12 opener and held Sri Lanka to a score of 157-6.

Leg-spinner Adam Zampa had to be replaced because he was ruled out at the last minute after testing positive for COVID-19.With the help of Stoinis, who forcefully hit six sixes in his undefeated 59 off 18 balls, the hosts responded with 158-3 in 16.3 overs.The game’s man of the match, Stoinis, told reporters, “It was excellent slogging.”

“I must admit that I was rather anxious. The goal was to go influence the game and possibly give the players a little extra vigour.”As Australia’s seamers combined for three wickets against Sri Lanka with a barrage of pace and bounce, the Perth Stadium deck might have passed for a WACA pitch.

Pathum Nissanka (40) and Dhananjaya de Silva (26), two top-order batters, had trouble getting extra-bases but ran frantically between the wickets.De Silva was denied a six in the eleventh over by a superb flick-back on the boundary by David Warner, and five balls later the batsman was out after lofting a catch to the same fielder at long-off.

Eight Indian cities are listed among Asia’s top ten most polluted cities

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Gurugram, India, came in first on the list with an AQI of 679. Dharuhera (543) and Muzzafarpur were two further cities on the list (316). Every AQI reading was taken on Sunday AM. The nation’s capital had a 194 AQI.These were the other Indian cities:

DRCC Anandpur, Begusarai (AQI 269) Bhopal Chauraha, Dewas (AQI 266) Khadakpada, Kalyan (AQI 256), Talkator, Lucknow (AQI 298), Darshan Nagar, and Chhapra (AQI 239).
Along with Bayankhoshuu in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and China’s Xiaoshishang Port in Luzhou, which had an AQI of 262, these locations had the poorest air quality.

A score of 0 to 50 is regarded as good, and a score of 51 to 100 as intermediate. Anything over 151 is seen as unhealthy generally, while anything over 100 is regarded as unhealthy for sensitive groups.The AQI scale ranges from 201 to 300, with 300 and above being extremely dangerous and even lethal.India’s air quality suffers greatly during Diwali as a result of firecrackers. According to reports, the morning after the holiday was celebrated, pollution was present in New Delhi.

Policeman protecting polio team in Pishin is slain

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According to local government sources, a policeman protecting a polio vaccination team was shot and killed in Pakistan on Tuesday. This is the latest fatality in the brutal effort to end the disease.During a week-long nationwide polio vaccination campaign that aims to immunise 25 million children, the incident happened in the Balochistani district of Pishin.

Along with its neighbour Afghanistan, Pakistan is one of just two nations where polio is still prevalent and vaccination teams are routinely attacked by militants.The policeman was shot by gunmen riding a motorcycle, according to Yasir Bazai, the district’s deputy commissioner, who died at the scene.

Abdul Haleem, a district police officer, confirmed the occurrence.Although there was no instant admission of guilt, terrorist organisations have in the past murdered numerous polio vaccine workers and their security guards.The first incidence of polio in 15 months was reported in Pakistan in April. According to the government-funded End Polio Pakistan campaign, 20 cases have already been reported.

cargo spacecraft

Watch a Russian cargo spacecraft take off tonight for the space station.

You can watch the action live when Russia launches a robotic cargo ship into orbit tonight, October 25.

cargo spacecraft take off

At 8:20 p.m. EDT tonight, a Soyuz rocket is slated to launch the unmanned Progress 82 freighter toward the International Space Station (ISS) from Kazakhstan’s Russian-run Baikonur Cosmodrome (0020 GMT and 5:20 a.m. local Baikonur time on Oct. 26). At 8:20 p.m. EDT tonight, a Soyuz rocket is slated to launch the unmanned Progress 82 freighter toward the International Space Station (ISS) from Kazakhstan’s Russian-run Baikonur Cosmodrome (0020 GMT and 5:20 a.m. local Baikonur time on Oct. 26).

Approximately 3 tonnes of food, fuel, and other supplies are being transported by Progress 82 for the Expedition 68 crew aboard the orbiting lab.

If all goes as planned, the cargo will pursue the ISS for two days before ultimately catching up with it and docking on Thursday, October 27 at 10:49 p.m. EDT (0249 GMT on October 28). Thanks to NASA TV, you can see the arrival right here on as well. The coverage will start at 10:15 p.m. EDT (0215 GMT on Oct. 28).

One of the three robotic spacecraft that currently transport cargo to the ISS is Progress. The other two are privately owned American vehicles, the Cygnus from Northrop Grumman and the Dragon from SpaceX.

Progress and Cygnus are disposable spacecraft that explode in Earth’s atmosphere when their orbital period is up, while Dragon is a reusable spacecraft. In truth, the Progress 80 spacecraft recently perished after departing from the International Space Station on Sunday, October 23. Shortly after, it executed a planned death dive.

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