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Government to reopen schools in flood-affected districts of Sindh, minister

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KARACHI: Sardar Shah, the education minister for Sindh, announced on Friday that the provincial government would open schools in the province’s flood-affected areas.The minister stated that continuing education in flood-prone areas is difficult and that all the officers have been given 15 days to restore schools while speaking at a press conference in the Sindh Assembly.

In his talk, Shah stated that the government has planned to reopen the schools that were closed throughout the province’s districts owing to monsoon-induced flooding, adding that it will take three years to restore schools in certain of Sindh’s districts.Shah claimed that as an alternative, the ministry has asked Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah for assistance in constructing tent schools.

The steering committee will decide whether to accept students from the flood-affected areas, he said, adding that 15,000 tent classrooms are being created in the disaster zones.Additionally, the minister announced the hiring of nearly 700 music educators across the province. Teachers of naat khwani, qawwali, and sana khwani will also be recruited in addition to those who teach music.Minister Shah also stated that 49,000 teachers have been hired by the government.


According to PM Shehbaz Sharif , the Saudi crown prince would visit Pakistan soon.

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) will soon visit Saudi Arabia, according to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s announcement on Friday.

The remarks were delivered by the premier during his speech at the National Police Academy in Islamabad’s ceremony marking the 48th batch of ASPs’ passing out parade.

shehbaz sharif

According to PM Shehbaz Sharif , the Saudi crown prince would visit Pakistan soon.

According to Shehbaz, the government has restarted Saudi Arabian projects that have been experiencing delays over the past few years. He said that the monarchy would invest between $10 and $12 billion in building an oil refinery there.

The prime minister made references to Pakistan’s relations with Saudi Arabia and China, saying that both nations had always supported Pakistan during trying times.

He said that “we are striving to improve our relations with the US” in reference to the nation’s relations with the US.

It’s important to remember that the prime minister visited Saudi Arabia earlier this week on an official two-day trip to attend the meeting known as “Davos in the Deserts.”

In his speech at the parade, PM Shehbaz gave the assurance that the required resources would be made available to give police with the newest equipment and training methods, and he asked the interior secretary to develop initiatives in this vein.

He emphasised the need for a forensic lab in the nation’s capital as well as the need for the CTD to serve as an example for the entire nation.

PM Shehbaz appreciated the police’s contribution to ending terrorism and reestablishing peace in the nation. According to him, police officers give their lives to keep the public safe from terrorists and criminals, and their efforts are not in vain.

He stated that during his stint as Punjab chief minister, the CTD was founded in the province and has now become a role model internationally.

According to the prime minister, “despite being blessed with all resources, Pakistan lags behind in progress,” and in order to protect the future of the next generation, we must absorb lessons from the past.

Commandant National Police Academy Allah Dino Khowaja spoke at the event and announced that 14 officers, including seven women, graduated today.

He added that in order to adequately prepare young officers for the demands of the modern world, their training has been intended to be both academically and physically demanding.

Prior to it, PM Shehbaz congratulated all of the graduates and presented shields and medals to the officers who excelled in the programme. Anam Sher, assistant superintendent of police, received the sword of honour.

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Ex-Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan and his followers began their march to Islamabad.

Imran Khan, a former prime minister of Pakistan, and thousands of his supporters have begun a march toward the capital in an effort to persuade the administration to hold early elections.

Khan has attended demonstrations across Pakistan since his ouster in April following a no-confidence vote in the government, inciting opposition to a ruling party that is fighting to rescue the economy from the crisis Khan’s administration left it in.

prime minister

Ex-Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan and his followers began their march to Islamabad.

Khan intends to gather more support along the Grand Trunk Road as the motorised caravan steadily makes its way north toward Islamabad before entering the capital the following week.

Khan stated that by the time he arrives, he anticipates being accompanied by hundreds of thousands of people, and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has requested permission from the capital’s authorities to hold a sit-in.

From the eastern city of Lahore, about 10,000 protesters fled on Friday, many of them packed into many cars and trucks.

Before leaving, Khan spoke to his followers and called the action a “peaceful march.” He also vowed to keep fighting the government until it agreed to conduct early elections. The administration of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has frequently affirmed that the 2023 elections will take place on schedule.

The chants of “Imran, many people are willing to offer their lives for you” were among the ones that the Khan fans in Lahore yelled.

Laila, a mother of two from the eastern Punjabi city of Toba Tek Singh, echoed those ideas.

“My husband and two sons, who are nine and eleven, and I have travelled to Lahore to participate in the long march. Because Khan is fighting for a better future for my children, I am not worried about security, she added, noting that she and her family would travel to Islamabad and remain there until the protest was over.

Khan has already employed this strategy, most recently in May, a few weeks after losing power. But that time, as Khan’s supporters approached Islamabad’s government district, police clashed with them and deployed tear gas, which caused the protest to disperse rapidly.

This time, Khan has urged demonstrators to remain calm and promised not to breach the government’s “red zone.” He made a commitment that the demonstration would stay in places set aside by the courts and municipal authorities.

But given the polarised political climate, violence worries continue. Islamabad is governed by the federal government, which has stated that the city’s police will use force if protest plans are deviated from.

Khan anticipates more than a million people travelling with him, but the capital’s officials intend to obstruct their path.

However, he claimed, “the government in Islamabad has made provisions and placed containers all over the country.” They claim that any attempt to march directly into Islamabad would be met with full force.

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Who launches health film festival

The World Health Organization has launched the fourth Health for All Film Festival.

The World Health Organization has issued a call for short films for the 4th edition of the Health for All Film Festival.


“The World Health Organization for All Film Festival has become an incredible venue for conveying poignant tales from around the world about people who suffer various health difficulties and those who dedicate their lives to improve health,” said the World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Films allow affected people to engage with others in a real way, contributing to a greater understanding of the communities we serve.”

The call for short films (up to 8 minutes long) will commence on October 31, 2022, and finish on January 31, 2023. The World Health Organization encourages public institutions, nongovernmental groups, patient and health worker communities, and public health and film students from throughout the world to submit innovative short films. In addition, the festival is open to independent filmmakers, production firms, and television broadcasters.

Around 70 shortlisted films will be presented to the public in April 2023 via WHO’s Youtube channel and website. From this list, a jury of distinguished professionals, artists, activists, and senior experts at the World Health Organization will select the award-winning films. Sharon Stone, the critically acclaimed actress from the USA and public advocate of health and humanitarian issues, has confirmed that she will join the jury again in 2023, having participated in the 2022 festival.

Three “GRAND PRIX” will be given out, one for each of the primary categories connected with WHO’s major global public health goals: universal health coverage, health emergencies, and improved health and well-being. There will also be special prizes for climate change and health films, sexual and reproductive health and rights films, student-produced films, and extremely short films (1′ to 2’30” in length).

Three “GRAND PRIZES” will be awarded, one for each of the major categories associated with WHO’s major global goals The festival’s winning films are working to raise awareness and support for critical health concerns around the world. With an average of 1150 submissions per year from 110 countries, the films are increasingly being used for health promotion and education by other institutions and partners, and future synergies with the World Health Organization Academy public health goals: universal health coverage, health emergencies, and improved health and well-being are being explored. Special awards will be given for films about climate change and health, films about sexual and reproductive health and rights, student-produced films, and extremely short films (1′ to 2’30” in length).

“Storytelling is a social interaction.” “It’s not just someone making a film; it’s someone watching a film,” said Dr. Mike Ryan, the World Health Organization Executive Director of the Health Emergencies Programme and 2021 film festival juror. “This is exactly how WHO should be transforming: changing how we interact with the world, and this event is just one example of how we can do it.”

In honor of WHO’s 75th anniversary in 2023, this call for films is especially open to historical films as well as recent films by students giving their perspectives on current health concerns and potential solutions. These testimonies will be highlighted in a separate playlist.

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affect of technology on ukraine conflict

The Impact of Technology Companies on the Ukraine Conflict

Technology, Internet, and telecommunications corporations, by providing or discontinuing services, provide a glimpse of a future in which the tech industry takes sides in combat, with far-reaching consequences.

affect of technology on ukraine conflict

Meta, the corporation that owns Facebook and Instagram, warned earlier this year that individuals could make postings on its social media sites asking for violence against Russia. This has never happened before. One of the world’s largest technology companies openly chose sides in a geopolitical dispute. Russia was now fighting not only a country but also international corporations with a financial stake in the outcome. In response, Russia declared an Instagram ban within its borders. The repercussions were profound. Meta spent about $2 billion on the ban, which eventually included Facebook.

Through the conflict in Ukraine, technology corporations are demonstrating how their decisions can affect geopolitics, which is a significant departure from the past. Technology businesses have either been drawn into conflicts because of how their customers used their services (for example, people listing their homes in the West Bank on Airbnb) or have supported government foreign policy (e.g., SpaceX supplying Internet to Iran after the United States removed some sanctions).

Technology firms are now autonomously influencing conflict in real-time by determining what capabilities to give and how much opposition they are ready to endure.

This is bringing about a new global reality. Any government (or group of countries) with geopolitical ambitions must now plan not only for how nations will respond but also for how technological corporations will respond. As an expert on the intersection of technology and geopolitics, I believe that the ideas and ideologies of technology CEOs are now as important as those of politicians.

The Internet is an excellent example. When the war started, Russian soldiers moved in to disable Ukraine by seizing important infrastructure, such as nuclear power reactors. One-fifth of Ukraine’s electricity is generated by the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power facility, over which Russia now holds authority.

For the Internet, this method did not work. Just days after the Ukraine war began, US-based SpaceX switched sides and began supplying the Ukrainian government with Starlink, its satellite-based Internet service, allowing Kiev to retaliate against Russian soldiers. Aerorozvidka, one of Ukraine’s most destructive drone divisions, was only able to target Russian forces because of access to Starlink.

By October 2022, SpaceX’s total cost for delivering Starlink terminals to Ukraine had reached $80 million. Even with this connection in jeopardy, Ukraine was able to prevent Russia from dominating the country’s Internet with the help of SpaceX.

In the conflict, social media has provided an additional point of control. When Ukraine’s digital minister, Mykhailo Fedorov, stated that Twitter had become a “weapon to the damage Russian economy,” he was referring to a broader Ukrainian strategy to utilize big tech against Russia. The IT industry’s lobbying was successful. From Alphabet ceasing all advertising sales in Russia to Apple removing VK, Russia’s largest social media network, from its ecosystem, Russia’s society has been digitally “squeezed.”

In addition, big tech has joined Ukraine’s lobbying effort, urging other governments to intervene. DigitalEurope, a European lobbying group comprised of companies such as Amazon, has called on the European Union to contribute digital infrastructure to Ukraine. However, blocking Russia’s access to some social media networks has not resulted in a total blackout: new Russian equivalents, such as Rossgram, have emerged to replace Instagram.

And, as Russian forces combat the Ukrainian opposition, satellite imagery is becoming increasingly important. Google has stopped live traffic features in Ukraine, a capability that could provide Russia with information on the whereabouts of the Ukrainian military. Simultaneously, MDA, a Canadian space business specializing in images intelligence, or geo-intelligence, gained government authorization to supply

When the situation in Ukraine began, all eyes were on Western nations to see how they would respond. Will Russia be cut off from the global finance system SWIFT? Can Europe handle another refugee crisis? Was the world prepared for a worldwide energy shortage?

In all of this, the role of technology businesses has been underestimated or misinterpreted, whether by Russia failing to anticipate Western technology companies assisting Ukraine or by Western nations wrongly expecting that reducing technology transfers to Russia would hasten the conclusion of the war. Even countries like China are involved, despite the fact that its technology businesses have not taken a clear stance on the Ukraine conflict.

However, it is possible that the decisions of technological businesses will have the most long-term impact. Ukraine’s administration aspires to be a technological powerhouse like Israel after the war. As Ukraine reinvents itself, the Ukrainian president wants the country to become a “digital state,” relying on technology supplied by foreign firms.

But, more crucially, as technology businesses influence the Ukraine war and assist rebuild the country, they may obtain “power” over the most critical aspects of the state, ranging from infrastructure, such as the Internet, to defence, in the form of satellite imaging. These corporations are a separate force from the Ukrainian government, the Russian government, or the Ukrainian people.

Technology corporations are shifting the balance of power, as Ukraine gains capabilities it did not previously have, and Russia, in some situations, is denied these capabilities. Of course, not everything is pro-Ukraine. While many Western corporations leave Russia swiftly, numerous Asian companies continue to operate there.

Nonetheless, this highly political movement in technology should serve as a wake-up call for states all around the world. Technology corporations are no longer remaining silent in geopolitics for the sake of money, as many Western firms have done in China despite that country’s behavior toward its political adversaries. They also do not blindly follow government decisions. They are acting independently and, at times, unexpectedly to attain geopolitical goals that they have set for themselves.

In the future, having the support of Google or Meta will be just as important as having the support of the world’s superpowers. And, on top of that, nations that rely on technology companies may have to deal with these companies—and their leaders—changing their tune at the drop of a hat.

With no end in sight to the Ukraine crisis, the stage is set for other technology companies to take even more daring action. Regardless of their goals, such as intervening in conflicts where democracy is under threat, or how far these companies will go to achieve them, such as abandoning tens of millions of users, one thing is clear: the more technology firms shape geopolitics, the more control they will have over the world, and it is this control that countries and companies will wrestle over for years to come.

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cardano weighs on major crypto after us tech stock plunge

Cardano Assesses Crypto Majors Following a Drop in US Tech Stocks

Shares of major crypto technology companies fell on Wednesday and Thursday following disappointing earnings reports.

Cardano weighs on crypto majors after us tech stock plunge
ADA Cardano

Crypto majors have fallen in the last 24 hours as a result of a drop in US technology stocks after prominent companies reported lower-than-expected profits. Bitcoin has previously tracked the performance of technology equities.
The dip in equities came despite an unexpectedly robust GDP report in the United States, with economic growth growing 2.6% in the third quarter versus projections for 2.4% growth, as reported. The tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 lost 1.63% on Thursday, while the S&P 500 fell 0.61%.

Dogecoin (DOGE) recovered after shedding 7.7% in 24 hours following a two-day gain as Elon Musk neared his purchase of Twitter (TWTR). Musk has been a strong promoter of DOGE, which has become a proxy for public opinion of him. The token’s price has been regularly influenced by the entrepreneur’s statements about it. As of 11:00 UTC, the token had gained 5% in the previous 24 hours.
Cardano’s ADA-led crypto big falls, plunging over 6%. Bitcoin (BTC) declined 2%, while ether (ETH) and Solana (SOL) fell 3%. BNB Chain’s BNB token suffered nominal losses when Binance, a crypto exchange that issued BNB and supports development on the BNB Chain, disclosed its equity investment in Musk’s Twitter.

Crypto-tracked futures saw only $97 million in liquidations, a lower-than-usual figure that showed the drops were primarily due to spot volatility.
On Wednesday, U.S. markets were pulled down by disappointing third-quarter earnings from Microsoft (MSFT) and Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL). Revenue-generating units have slowed, according to the corporations. Amazon (AMZN) shares plunged 13% on Thursday as the company warned of a slower-than-expected Christmas season due to cautious customer spending. Amazon’s operating income fell to $2.5 billion in the third quarter, down from $4.9 billion in the same period in 2021.

According to sources, Alphabet, Apple (AAPL), Amazon, Meta, and Microsoft stock has plunged by roughly $850 billion since Monday.

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Shah Mahmood Qureshi is called before the FIA on November 1 because of audio leaks on the cipher

FIA summons Shah Mahmood Qureshi over audio leaks on cipher on Nov 1

FIA calls Shah Mehmood Qureshi

In a significant development, the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Friday called the former foreign minister and vice chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Shah Mahmood Qureshi to testify on cipher audio leaks.

It is important to note that Sohail Mahmood, the former foreign secretary, also came before the investigating team at FIA Headquarters and was questioned about the cipher issue.

According to sources, Shah Mehmood Qureshi received a summons for a hearing on November 1. He has been asked to report to the FIA headquarters at midday, where he will be questioned as part of the continuing investigation into cipher audio leaks.

Cabinet okays legal action

It was earlier reported that the federal cabinet has officially approved taking legal action against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan and other party officials in relation to the “cipher” audio leaks.

The cabinet gave the Federal Investigation Agency the go-ahead to look into the “diplomatic cipher” audio leaks, in which former government officials are said to have discussed how they would “play” the cipher issue.

To discuss the events surrounding the tape leaks including the PTI chairman and top party leaders, including General Secretary Asad Umar, then-personal secretary Azam Khan, and Vice Present Shah Mahmood Qureshi, a cabinet committee was established on September 30.

In a meeting conducted yesterday, the committee advised taking legal action, and its recommendations were put to the cabinet for approval in the form of a summary.

The cabinet committee stated in a notification that legal action was “necessary” and that the FIA should form a committee made up of senior officials to investigate the matter. “This is a matter of national security which could have possible adverse effects on the country’s interest,” the cabinet committee added.

According to the committee’s summary, “The FIA team shall take measures against offenders in accordance with the law.”

The recently-discovered audio leak, which allegedly revealed a conversation between Imran Khan, Asad Umar, Azam Khan, and Shah Mahmood Qureshi discussing the much-touted “threat cipher,” has put the former ruling party in the spotlight and ratcheted up the controversy surrounding the steady drip of damning leaks allegedly providing a glimpse of the inside story.

The 1.09-minute audio clip surfaced on social media and supposedly showed a talk between Imran Khan, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Asad Umar, and Azam Khan regarding a strategy to set the stage for a narrative centered on the Cablegate issue.

Leaked audio 

Meanwhile, a 1.09-minute audiotape, again from anonymous sources, was posted on social media, apparently exposing a conversation between Imran Khan, his principal secretary Azam Khan, and party leaders Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Asad Umar concerning diplomatic issues.

“Shah jee (Shah Mehmood Qureshi), we have to hold a meeting tomorrow, the three of us and the foreign secretary,” the claimed audio shows the former prime minister stating.

“We’ll ask him [foreign secretary] to draught minutes of the meeting about the letter during that meeting.” Imran Khan may be heard saying, “Azam [Khan] has been urging that we make minutes of the meeting and photostat it.”

The PTI Chairman directed that no Americans’ names be taken. “We are under no obligation to take the names of the Americans. It’s critical for all of you; I don’t want to hear from anyone’s mouth where this letter came from,” he continued.

Meanwhile, former planning minister Asad Umar can be heard adding, “This [cipher] isn’t a letter; it’s a meeting transcript.” “Transcript or letter, they are the same thing,” Imran Khan responded. People will not comprehend what a transcript is.

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music festival

3-day Riyadh music event will feature artists including Post Malone, FKJ, and Bruno Mars.

Some of the top musicians in the world are scheduled to perform at a three-day event in Riyadh, including Post Malone, Bruno Mars, and DJ Khaled.

music festival at Riyadh

The promoters of SOUNDSTORM have dubbed it “the loudest music event in the region.” It will take place from December 1 to 3 in Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh.

This is the third iteration of the MDLBEAST’s signature event, and it can accommodate up to 400,000 people. For many of the performers, this will be their first time ever performing in the Kingdom.

Riyadh event

Over the course of the three-day festival, fans can see sets from Carl Cox, Solomun, DJ Snake, and David Guetta, as well as returning DJs like worldwide superstar Marshmello.

The music event will be located in Banban, on the outskirts of Riyadh, and will include performances by artists like as Zedd and Hardwell.

In addition to Dish Dash, Vinylmode, and regional superstar DJ Aseel, the lineup also has a number of female Saudi DJs. These include Biirdperson, DJ Cosmicat, Dorar, Kayan, and Solskin.

The event will also include performances from critically acclaimed musicians like Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Michael Kiwanuka, Tiesto, and Steve Aoki, among others.

The festival will expand into musical subgenres that it has not explored in the past thanks to the participation of musicians such as Chet Faker and FKJ.

The scale of this year’s event has apparently increased by a factor of two. According to the event’s website, “more enhanced food & beverage offerings, open seating spaces to relax and parking on site for all General Admission ticket holders.”

There will be a 2022 event, and premium and “VIB” tickets are already on sale. These tickets provide holders access to VIP areas, such as stage-side viewing platforms, exclusive parking spots, a private entrance, and more.

There will be public water fountains placed strategically throughout the venue, and attendees may choose from gourmet to vegan fare for their meals.

Prices for a single day start at $29 (SAR 109), while a pass good for three days costs from $66 (SAR 305). (SAR 249).

More than 730,000 people showed out to the event last year.

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rihanna releases her solo

Lift Me Up is the first single released by Rihanna from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

Rihanna has just released her first single under her own name in almost six years. The music, “Work,” is included on the soundtrack for the upcoming Black Panther sequel.

Rihanna releases her first solo in six years

Following hints that she would be returning to music earlier this week on social media, the singer finally released her new single, Lift Me Up, on Friday.

The track will make its debut in Marvel’s Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which is scheduled to hit shelves in the month of November.

According to the film’s director, Ryan Coogler, Rihanna’s participation in the production was a way for her to pay tribute to the late actor Chadwick Boseman. “Honestly, I think it was Chad,” he stated. “A lot of improbable things needed to happen for it to come through and Rihanna was very clear that she did that for him.”

Boseman’s cinematic credits include the original Black Panther movie as well as 21 Bridges, a biography on James Brown, and Da 5 Bloods. In 2020, he passed away, having been given a colon cancer diagnosis four years earlier. After passing away, Boseman was recognized for his work in the film Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom by receiving a nomination for an Academy Award.

Coogler continued, “We knew [Rihanna] was at a point in her life as well where she was focusing on different things – focused on business, motherhood, which is a big theme in our film. We were holding out hope that maybe it could work out and boy did it for this song.”

Rihanna, Coogler, and Nigerian singer-songwriter Tems co-wrote Lift Me Up. Tems has previously collaborated with Drake, Justin Bieber, Future, Wizkid, Beyonce, and Khalid.

Swedish composer Ludwig Goransson, who composed the original Black Panther picture as well as Creed, Venom, and Tenet, produced and co-wrote the song.

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For the third straight session, the Pakistani rupee declined against the dollar on Friday, dropping 97 paise in the interbank market.

According to the State Bank of Pakistan, the local currency depreciated by 0.44 percent from yesterday’s finish of Rs221.5 to settle at Rs222.47 per dollar.

According to the State Bank of Pakistan

According to information gathered by Mettis Global, the value of the Pakistan Rupee has decreased by Rs16.64 or 7.52 percent since the start of this fiscal year.

The PTI’s lengthy march, which is scheduled to start today, has “dampened sentiments once again,” according to Tresmark’s Head of Research Komal Mansoor, and as a result, the value of the rupee is declining.

In addition, investors prefer to maintain their dollar investments due to the increased risk profile, she said.

Early this week, the probability of a sovereign default grew to its highest level since November 2009. On October 25, the country’s five-year credit default swap (CDS), a kind of protection against the possibility of a sovereign default, climbed by more than three percentage points to reach 52.8pc, a 13-year high.

Investors’ decreasing confidence in Pakistan’s capacity to repay its international loans is reflected in the growing CDS level.

The protracted march and political unrest, said to FAP Chairman Malik Bostan, were further factors in the rupee’s decline. He claimed that while banks were also buying the dollar at greater rates, which was driving up costs, importers were buying the dollar out of worry that the rate would rise.

Additionally, according to Bostan, exporters were keeping their gains abroad in the hope that the dollar’s value would increase, leading to bigger profits.

The FAP chairman urged the government and opposition parties to resolve differences via dialogue and issued a warning that the rupee would hit a new low if political uncertainty persisted.

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Science is not benefited by destroying eLife’s reputation for selectivity

According to eLife’s longtime supporter Paul Bieniasz, changes that pretend scientists don’t care about publishing in highly selective journals would terminate eLife’s critical role in publications related to Science.

Science is not benefited by destroying eLife's reputation for selectivity

The most esteemed and well-read peer-reviewed journals in the scientific field are where scientists prefer to publish their greatest work. The “big three” of the biological science—Cell, Nature, and Science (CNS)—are highly regarded.

Sadly, but unavoidably, repeated rejection is a cost of having access to these coveted and extremely selective publication places. Many successful but dissatisfied biologists have a tale to tell about an editor who seemed ignorant or a malicious peer reviewer who unjustly prevented the publication of their Nobel-worthy submission in CNS.

Science is not benefited by destroying eLife’s reputation for selectivity

More significantly, when unable to come to a clear “accept or reject” conclusion, CNS editors and reviewers have formed the irritating habit of demanding vast volumes of additional experimental work as a requirement for publication. As a result, there were and still are many concerns about CNS judgments and peer review. Even yet, CNS has regularly reported significant findings, and publication therein continues to be highly sought after, while the newspaper’s publishers reap enormous profits from charging excessive subscription prices.

A little over ten years ago, Robert Tjian, the then-president of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), announced plans for a new publication of science that would challenge the dominance of the big three. I was there at the gathering of HHMI scientists at that time. HHMI would support eLife, a journal that would publish work in “the top tier of life science,” along with the Wellcome Trust and the Max Planck Institute. eLife would be blatantly exclusive and extremely picky. The opening editorial of eLife stated, “We invite you to select eLife as a preferred forum for the publication of your best work.”

However, eLife would differ from CNS in two crucial respects.

Science is not benefited by destroying eLife’s reputation for selectivity

First, it would follow the increasingly well-liked open-access publication paradigm and be free for readers. Second, eLife would alter the process of peer review. Editors would be active scientists chosen for their competence in a particular topic. Reviewers would discuss manuscripts and work with editors to reach accept or reject decisions, providing a short list of manuscript adjustments as needed. Reviewers would be anonymous to one another but would know each other’s identities.

Anonymous reviewer sabotage and several months of reviewer-imposed experimentation would be eliminated. In other words, eLife would offer a careful, unbiased, and kind review process. Many people who frequently suffered at the dictatorial whims of CNS reviewers and editors found the model to be fascinating and alluring.

Even though eLife was never able to unseat the main three journals, it did achieve and gain recognition. Seven studies from my lab were published in eLife over the years. I shared the opinion of many others when I said that eLife was the place to publish research that showcased our greatest work but wasn’t quite showy enough for the editors of CNS.

We backed eLife because it had the most impartial peer review of any scientific journal, but also because publication in eLife came with a seal of approval and recognition. In fact, a few of the eLife papers my colleagues and I published served as launching pads for team members to win elusive academic positions and establish independent research labs. It is an uncomfortable reality, but one that must be avoided.

Now that eLife is being led by new people, things are changing. Most crucially, eLife leaders are offering to publish every submission that can pass a brief editorial screen rather than sticking with the conventional binary “accept vs reject” publication choice approach (although there is significant uncertainty about how much initial gatekeeping editors will do). Manuscripts, reviewer comments, and an editor’s description of them will all be placed online. The editor’s summary will also contain a list of common keywords in bold fonts, such as “important,” “solid,” and “inadequate,” that essentially functions as a grading system.

Descriptors that even remotely communicate the idea that something “should be rejected” are conspicuously absent from the list of common buzzwords. The choice of whether and how an author responds to a critic is theirs.

It’s a novel method of publishing research that has some advantages and advocates. However, I find it difficult to perceive eLife’s modifications as anything other than its doom.

For all the authors who have long backed the expansion of eLife as a “preferred venue for the publication of your greatest work,” the modifications are comparable to a “bait and switch.” The enormous prestige that eLife formerly held—built on the selective publication of excellent research from numerous laboratories, including mine—is now being abandoned.

It wasn’t necessary that way. With their innovative “no rejection” publishing methodology, the eLife leaders might have simply launched a unique spin-off journal. Scientist-authors had the option of voting with their feet if that model was what they preferred.

However, it is obvious that the eLife leadership doesn’t just want to build a new publishing model; they want to obliterate the conventional one because they are self-assured that they know what is best for us. They contend that the reputations of scientific journals have become an unwarranted barometer of the caliber of the papers they publish. They do have a very small tip.

The title of the journal does, however, give a somewhat accurate sense of the level of scientific rigor of the articles that are published there. As a result, eLife contributed to the creation of opportunity by offering a further prominent setting where excellent science can be fairly assessed, published, and promoted as well as professions begun. The publishing of the Science industry complex is flawed in many ways, but eLife in its original form is not one of them.

In the end, one of my favorite scientific journals has been murdered by the current eLife management. eLife is now reviewing our seventh paper. It’s going to be our last.

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imran khan arrives at liberty chowk

 Imran Khan is greeted with cheers as he arrives at Liberty Chowk

Imran Khan, the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), arrived at Liberty Chowk on Friday afternoon to a sea of party fans.

Imran Khan arrives at liberty chowk
Imran speaks to crowds as PTI kicks off its long march.

Imran Khan claimed, when addressing ecstatic crowds at Liberty Chowk on Friday afternoon, that he was “not a runaway who would either sit quietly here or criticise the military in London,” in contrast to PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif.

“I won’t be leaving the nation. I’ll spend my entire life here “said Imran Khan

On Friday afternoon, the PTI leader Imran Khan arrived at Liberty Chowk to a sea of party supporters. on top of the container

As the party prepared to launch its “Haqeeqi Azadi March” from Lahore’s Liberty Chowk, its activists and sympathisers flocked there in large numbers.

By next Friday, the march, which is being held to put pressure on the government to choose a date for new elections, will arrive in Islamabad.

Imran Khan, the leader of the party, came to Liberty Chowk just before the march was about to begin in order to officially launch it.

Sheikh Rashid, a former interior minister, announced he would participate in the march today and expressed hope that “the nation will come out” and “an election date will be acquired.”

Interior minister warns of strict action

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Rana Sanaullah, the federal interior minister, issued a warning earlier in the day, saying anyone who “attacks” the federal capital will face “such grave repercussions that no one will ever consider performing such an act again.”

The minister stated during a press conference in Islamabad that the government was ready to deal with anyone trying to disobey the law harshly.

Sanaullah stated that “if they [protestors] adhere to the law, we will facilitate them” before threatening “severe action” against them.

“Depending on the circumstances, we shall carry out our obligation. If they intend to march on Islamabad, they should be aware that no group will be permitted to do so “.

He advised people to consider about “a lot has been revealed concerning the case of Arshad Sharif,” the author continued. Who made the phoney threat alert, who assisted him in travelling abroad? “. He added that Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif would receive comprehensive information on the situation.

In response to the possibility of establishing governor raj in Punjab, the interior minister remarked that the Cabinet should decide this. But he continued, “If any such case happens, I will propose a summary.”

It should also be mentioned that the CJP stated during a hearing at the Supreme Court (SC) about the PTI’s May 25 March that the march was the party’s political strategy and that everyone had the right to protest, provided they did so peacefully and without endangering others or public property. He additionally stated that the government has the power to enforce the law.

Sanaullah acknowledged that the government will follow the SC’s directives but said that democracy would be jeopardised if “mob culture” were allowed to spread further throughout the nation.

These remarks were made by the interior minister as he was waiting outside a court in Rawalpindi. “Imran Khan claimed two days earlier that the Punjab administration had failed since these people couldn’t arrest Rana Sanaullah.”

He said that the warrant has been revoked by the anti-corruption agency today. “It was a repugnant instance of political retaliation. The Punjab government should be dismissed by Imran Khan “said he.

Sanaullah remarked in response to the news conference held by the DGs of ISPR and ISI yesterday (Thursday) that “if an institution is accused of something, it has the right to express its position with the head’s approval.”

Additionally, he stated that “DG ISI’s conference really benefited the country; a false narrative was rejected.”

The PTI could stage its long march in the federal capital’s sectors H-9 and G-9 as designated by courts, the interior minister had declared the day before, but its participants were prohibited from crossing the Red Zone, which would be guarded by Rangers and Pakistani Army forces.

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Elon Musk completely owns twitter now

Elon Musk completes $44 billion takeover of Twitter.

Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, has finished acquiring Twitter for $44 billion (£38.1 billion), according to US media and a company investor.

Elon Musk now owns twitter.
Elon Musk carrying sink

He appeared to be alluding to the sale finishing when he tweeted “the bird is freed.”

According to reports, several senior employees, including the boss, Parag Agrawal, have been let go.

As a self-described “free speech absolutist,” Mr. Elon Musk has criticized Twitter’s moderation practices, so the news likely is met with varied reactions from users and staff members.

The resignation of Mr. Agrawal as CEO will be widely celebrated on the right of US politics. They see Mr. Agrawal and Jack Dorsey, who was Mr. Agrawal’s predecessor, as liberals who are restricting free expression.

Additionally, they believe that Twitter has blocked conservative viewpoints while under their leadership, a claim that Twitter has refuted.

Ned Segal, the company’s chief financial officer, Mr. Agrawal, and Vijaya Gadde, it’s senior legal and policy executive, are no longer employed by the company.

Following the completion of the transaction, Mr. Agrawal and Mr. Segal were led from Twitter’s San Francisco offices, according to Reuters.

Mr. Agrawal, Mr. Segal, and Ms. Gadde were praised by Twitter co-founder Biz Stone for their “collective contribution” to the company.

Bret Taylor, who had been the chairman of Twitter since last November, updated his LinkedIn profile to reflect his resignation from the position.

*How Twitter was purchased by the richest person on earth
* A unique perspective on Elon Musk’s tumultuous upbringing

It is yet unclear if the reported board purge represents the start of company-wide employment layoffs.

A shareholder in both Twitter and Elon Musk’s other company, Tesla, Ross Gerber, president and chief executive of Gerber Kawasaki Wealth and Investment Management, told the BBC that predictions that 75% of the social media giant’s workforce will lose their jobs were “inaccurate.”

He stated that the number of jobs lost would depend on “how good the personnel is,” but added that the first figure was 50%.

According to Mr. Gerber, “Twitter has a lot of talented employees, especially on the engineering side, and they want to keep as much of that expertise.”

The management side of trimming is really what they’re looking at, according to Mr. Gerber, and they’ve already started with high management. The product managers “and items they have been working on that aren’t going anywhere” will then likely face cuts, he claimed.

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Prag Aggarwal is already out, reports say

The website of the New York Stock Exchange states that trading in the shares of the social media network will cease on Friday.

Mr. Musk claimed that he purchased the social media network in order to benefit humanity and to create “a shared digital town square for civilization.”

Let that sink in! was the caption on a video Mr. Musk posted earlier this week of himself entering Twitter’s San Francisco offices carrying a kitchen sink.

Additionally, he changed his Twitter handle’s name to “Chief Twit.”

Twitter is “an asset that has just sort of languished for a long time, but has amazing potential, although obviously myself and the other investors are overpaying for Twitter right now,” the owner of Tesla noted on a recent earnings call.

A long road
Early investments made by Mr. Musk on Twitter at first went unnoticed by the public. He started buying shares on a regular basis in January, and by the middle of March, he had amassed a 5% ownership holding in the company.

He was identified as Twitter’s top stakeholder in April, and by the end of the month, a deal to acquire the business for $44 billion had been made.

He declared he will eliminate spam accounts while maintaining the platform’s status as a place for free discourse.

But by mid-May, Mr.Elon Musk, a frequent Twitter user, had started to have second thoughts about the purchase, expressing worries that there were more phony accounts on the site than Twitter had indicated.

He declared he was done with buying the business in July. However, Twitter asserted that the billionaire was legally bound by the transaction and ultimately filed a lawsuit to enforce the agreement.

On the condition that legal procedures be suspended, Mr. Elon Musk renewed his acquisition intentions for the firm at the beginning of October.

Change Ahead
Twitter has not yet made any comments regarding its new management group, but regardless matter who takes over as its future CEO, it is certain that Mr. Musk will ultimately be in charge of the business.

Early in April, while Mr. Agrawal was a temporary member of Twitter’s board, he split with him.

In private exchanges made public in court documents, Mr. Musk complained that Mr. Agrawal didn’t know how to fix the issues with the social network platform.

It appears that many individuals who have been barred from the site due to hate speech or misinformation may be invited back now that Mr. Musk is in charge.

The decision to omit former US President Donald Trump has been dubbed “foolish” by Mr. Musk, who also promised to change it.

Following the assault by his supporters on the Capitol building in Washington, which resulted in the deaths of five people, Mr. Trump’s Twitter account was permanently disabled in January 2021. Twitter claimed that it wished to reduce the possibility that his posts may stir up more violence.

Mr. Trump insists he won’t be reactivating his account and would rather use his own platform, Truth Social, to post.

In a post, Mr. Musk stated that “X, the app for everything” is part of his intentions for Twitter.

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taylor swift changes the Anti hero mv

After criticism for being “fatphobic,” Taylor Swift changes the Anti-hero video.

Days after it was released, Taylor Swift changed the music video in response to criticism of one of the moments.

Taylor swift changed Anti-Hero MV

In the first video for Anti-hero, the singer stands on a scale that reads “FAT,” and her alter ego shakes her head, perhaps in disdain. The sequence, according to critics, reinforced the word’s negative connotations and was “fatphobic.”

After Lizzo and Beyonce removed offensive lyrics from new songs, Swift is the most recent artist to do so.

One of the songs on Swift’s most recent album, Midnights, is Anti-hero. It was released last week and has already surpassed the record for the most Spotify albums streamed in a single day. The controversy and disapproval surrounding Swift’s written and directed Anti-hero music video, however, has in some ways eclipsed its popularity.

However, the singer also received compliments and encouragement, with many online commenting that she was only sharing her own experiences with difficulties with body image.

Taylor Swift is the most recent A-lister to face pressure to update their work recently. An ableist slur was removed from the lyrics of Lizzo’s song Grrrls in June, while Beyonce changed the lyrics of her song Heated a few weeks later.

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west lost $2 billions in a single day

Kanye West claims that his anti-Semitic outbursts cost him $2 billion.

Due to the West’s hate statements, some commercial agreements were shelved by corporations including Adidas and Gap.

west lost $2 billions in a single day

According to Kanye West, he lost $2 billion in a single day as a result of business partners quitting the rapper following a string of anti-Semitic comments.

Profitable business deals for the music and fashion entrepreneur have been stalled because Adidas and Gap were scared off by remarks that campaigners labeled as hate speech.

“I lost 2 billion dollars in one day. And I’m still alive. This is love speech”. Ye, better known as Kanye West, said on Instagram in a post that received over a million likes.

“I still love you. God still loves you. Money is not who I am. The people are who I am”. The CEO of the entertainment company Endeavor, Emanuel Ari, was cited in the article as having advised businesses to cut their relations with the rapper.

Adidas, the world’s largest sportswear company, announced on Tuesday that it was discontinuing its collaboration with West due to his “unacceptable, hateful, and dangerous” remarks.

Adidas also said that it will “stop all payments to Ye and his companies” and discontinue the manufacture of the hugely popular “Yeezy” brand. The decision is anticipated to reduce Adidas’s revenue by about a quarter of a billion dollars only this year.

West has a history of being vocal; he ran for US president in 2020 only half-heartedly before endorsing Donald Trump. West is candid about his issues with bipolar disease. His propensity to go beyond the pale is a double-edged sword for business partners who have profited from his high profile and regular media appearances but who run the danger of being damaged by association.

Gap, a US-based corporation, said hours after Adidas that it was closing down and taking “immediate steps to remove Yeezy Gap product from our stores”

West unexpectedly showed up with a film crew at the Skechers corporate offices in Los Angeles on Wednesday and was taken out, the business claimed.

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Imran Khan PTI long march 2

Long March schedule is completed by PTI.

PTI Long March Details

Imran Khan, the party’s leader, is finalising the plan for his movement as the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) gets ready for its long march to up the ante against the government and force a timetable for quick elections.

On Friday, the march will start from Lahore’s Liberty Chowk and end on November 3 in Rawat, where the leadership will decide the next step. The party’s top aim would be to hold a large rally, and its second would be to make the protest into a sit-in.

PTI chairman Asad Umar revealed the route, stating that the march will arrive at Islamabad on November 4.

A request for a protest and sit-in has also been made to the deputy commissioner of Islamabad on behalf of the previous ruling party.

The former prime minister gave the elected officials, including federal and provincial officials, information about the march’s schedule.

He will remain in Lahore till the march’s beginning, which will happen following Friday prayers.

At the Shahdara Interchange, the party leader will speak to his followers. The next stop will be Gujranwala, from which they will depart on Sunday morning for Gujrat.

Pervez Elahi, the chief minister of Punjab, and his son Moonis Elahi will greet the marchers when they arrive in Gujrat. After stopping in Sarai Alamgir, which about halfway between Gujrat and Jhelum, the group will continue on to Jhelum on Monday morning, when PTI leader Fawad Chaudhry will host them.

Imran will set up camp in Rawal on Tuesday, travelling there through Gujar Khan, where he will speak to his supporters at night. The highest leadership of the party will decide on the final plan of action for moving closer to the federal capital here.

As the march approaches Islamabad’s boundaries, party leaders and friends will serve as the march’s hosts initially, but as they come face to face with Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, they will decide otherwise.

Convoys from both the north and the south of Punjab, including those from Faisalabad, Sargodha, Chakwal, Mianwali, Bhakkar, and Leh, are expected to take part in the lengthy march at Rawat, according to sources. The marchers should proceed in the direction of Faizabad, where the twin cities converge.

Along with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) are preparing to move their caravans in the direction of Islamabad.

According to sources, the marchers would arrive in Islamabad in about seven days using the interval approach to prevent weariness.

Asad revealed the route of the “Haqeeqi Azadi March” in a series of tweets on Wednesday.

The march, according to him, will start on Friday at Liberty Chowk in Lahore and proceed to Azadi Chowk along the Ferozepur Road via Ichhra, Mozang, and Data Darbar.

He tweeted, “The trip to Islamabad will begin on the GT road from the following day.

He claimed that Imran and his supporters would travel through Muridke, Kamonki, Gujranwala, Daska, Sialkot, Sambaryal, Wazirabad, Gujarat, Lala Musa, Kharian, Jhelum, Gujar Khan, and Rawalpindi before arriving in the capital on November 4th.

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Zimbabwean fan demands retaliation from Pakistan after being duped by a fake Mr. Bean

Something unusual happened on Twitter in advance of Zimbabwe’s second Super 12s T20 World Cup 2022 match, which will be played in Perth today. A Zimbabwe fan responded to a PCB tweet wanting retaliation for sending a phoney Mr. Bean.

Zimbabwean cricket fans are demanding retaliation from Pakistan in their forthcoming game because they are not satisfied with them. A Zimbabwean supporter threatened the Pakistan Cricket Board with retaliation in their upcoming match in the comment area of a post uploaded by the organisation on its official Twitter account.

When questioned about the situation, a Zimbabwean fan admitted that Pakistan had sent a phoney Mr. Bean to a gathering in their country in 2016 and had conned them out of money by mimicking the well-known figure played by British actor Rowan Atkinson.

When a supporter tweeted the following, PCB had already revealed pictures of the Pakistani team getting ready for Zimbabwe.

As Zimbabweans, he wrote, “We won’t forgive you…you once gave us that Fraud Pak Bean rather than Mr. Bean Rowan..we will settle the matter tomorrow just pray the rains would save you…

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US Dollar strengthens versus PKR

After a further decline, the Pakistani rupee lost ground versus the US dollar on the fourth business day of the week.

Details reveal that the local currency lost 81 paisa against the dollar, which closed at 221.49. The rupee had a Wednesday closing value of Rs220.68, according to data from Pakistan’s central bank.

Nevertheless, the rupee has collectively appreciated by Rs18.43 from its record low of Rs239.94 against the dollar, despite the recent loss.

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In Lahore, “ghari chor” chants were used to jeer Imran Khan.

Imran Khan, the chairman of the PTI, was booed and subjected to “ghari chor” (watch stealer) cries near the civil courts in Punjab’s provincial capital, LAHORE.

In a video that has been making the rounds on social media, the former prime minister was seen leaving a gate at the Awan-e-Adal (Civil Courts of Lahore) flanked by party members and security officers when bystanders began chanting the insulting phrase in reference to the Toshakhana scandal.

A PTI supporter who was with Khan can also be seen pushing a man in the video for shouting slogans.

Khan has asked the attorneys to take part in his party’s impending long march and given the Lahore Bar a check for Rs50 million. In addition, the PTI leader declared that attorneys would receive health cards and pledged to upgrade a hospital for them.

Khan added that the Punjab Assembly will approve a bill to protect lawyers.

In a unanimous decision relating to the Toshakana reference, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) disqualified Khan on October 21 and determined that the PTI chairman was no longer a member of the National Assembly.

The judgement said that “criminal procedures will be commenced against the PTI chairman for misdeclaration.”

Imran Khan was found to have produced a fraudulent affidavit and engaged in corrupt behaviour in violation of Article 63(1), according to the ECP (p). According to the aforementioned article, a legislator is temporarily ineligible to be elected or selected as a member of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) or of a provincial assembly.


Protests against the economic crisis and police brutality in Sri Lanka

Thousands of Sri Lankans demonstrated in the nation’s capital, Colombo, against the economy and the savage crackdown on earlier protests. Participants included civil rights organisations, trade unions, and students.

The biggest economic crisis Sri Lanka has seen in years is causing many people to fall into poverty. The annual inflation rate for food is 85.8%, while it is only 62.8% for non-food items. The gross domestic product (GDP) of Sri Lanka is expected to decline by 8.7%.

According to Minelle Fernandez of Al Jazeera, the demonstrators are impatient since it feels like there is “no let-up” in the ongoing economic crisis. “People are really, really struggling,” she remarked. “The cost of living is skyrocketing, food inflation is over 90%.”

The rally was organised by the Trade Union Coordination Center. Trade unions and well-known individuals who were in charge of the prior demonstrations to oust former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa are now part of the merged people’s movement.

The protests against Rajapaksa this year started on March 31 and finished on July 9 with a raid on his home.

On July 21, Ranil Wickremesinghe was chosen as the new president in a vote in Parliament.

A state of emergency was swiftly declared by Wickremesinghe, giving the military broad authority and leading to a series of crackdowns on protestors that culminated in the imprisonment of several protest leaders.

Following the crackdowns, there was a brief period of waiting and watching, but now, according to Fernandez, “people are coming out once again, and the reason for that is there seems to be no let-up.” When it first started to show up at the dinner table a few months ago, most households were barely making ends meet.

The United Nations called the crackdowns a “misuse of emergency measures” and asked Wickremesinghe to stop them in August.

However, the 22 million-person island nation is experiencing unrest due to increased living expenses and a number of upcoming tax rises.

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China is the subject of the US defence strategy’s “pacing challenge.”

DC, Washington The Pentagon has identified China as a “pacing challenge” and asked for an urgent increase in deterrence against Beijing in a periodic assessment of US defence needs and priorities. Russia, Iran, and North Korea have also been identified as dangers.

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is still the United States’ most “contextual strategic competitor for the future decades,” according to the National Defense Strategy (NDS), which was unveiled on Thursday. The report, which is created every four years, identifies dangers to the US and provides the Department of Defense with long-term direction.

The assessment stated that the PRC’s coercive and increasingly aggressive effort to reshape the Indo-Pacific region and the international system to suit its interests and authoritarian preferences posed the greatest threat to US national security.

The assessment was released two weeks after the White House published a report of a similar nature in its National Security Strategy. In that report, China was referred to as “the only competitor with both the intent to reshape the international order and, increasingly, the economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to do it.”

The National Defense Strategy was declassified and made public for the first time by this administration, following receipt of a secret copy by the US Congress in March.

President Joe Biden has carried on the approach taken by his predecessor Donald Trump, who regarded China as the nation’s most significant geopolitical foe.

Relations between Beijing and Washington have deteriorated recently due to a number of causes of contention, such as trade disputes, Taiwan’s legal status, territorial disputes in the South China Sea, and the US’s ongoing campaign against China’s expanding influence in the Indo-Pacific.

Beijing criticised the US strategy for relations with China in response to the National Security Strategy released earlier this month, urging Washington to embrace “win-win collaboration.”

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Canada dispatches a delegation to Haiti to ‘assess’ the security situation.

The decision was made as senior US and Canadian officials gathered in Ottawa to consider a potential “international security operation” to Haiti.
While the US and Canadian foreign ministers met in Ottawa to discuss a Washington-led proposal to send an international armed force to the Caribbean island, Canada has sent a team to Haiti to assess the country’s deteriorating security situation.

A government delegation from Canada was in Haiti, according to a statement from the department of foreign affairs, “to meet with stakeholders on measures to support the Haitian people in resolving the humanitarian and security challenges.”

In what the government referred to as a “assessment mission,” the delegation is also thinking about “how Canada might contribute to the international response” in Haiti.

“The brutality in Haiti, especially against women and girls, worries Canada and the rest of the world. In the statement, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly stated, “Canada will not sit idly by as gangs and those who assist them threaten Haiti’s civilians. We will continue to help law-abiding Haitians as they work to end the crisis in their nation.
While visiting Canada for the first time in his career, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made the announcement and met with Joly and Justin Trudeau.

Thousands turn out at the funeral of Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif.

At least 25,000 people pay their respects to the seasoned journalist who was shot dead in Kenya.

After being shot and died in Kenya under unknown circumstances, journalist Arshad Sharif was buried as thousands of people screamed “revolution.”

Early on Thursday, prayers for his funeral were said at the Faisal Mosque in Islamabad. Many of the thousands of attendees carried Pakistani flags and placards, as well as those of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the political party founded by former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Kahn.
The burial was held the day after Sharif’s body was brought back to the United States from Kenya, where he died on Sunday after being shot while riding in a car with a friend on the Nairobi-Magadi highway.

Sharif was one of Pakistan’s best newscasters. He attracted a sizable following from all walks of life. To pay their last respects, many people came to the mosque.

The 49-year-old journalist was fatally shot in what the Kenyan police described as a “mistaken identity” event, and they apologised for the “unfortunate tragedy.”

An extensive police presence was set up at the mosque to control the gathering, which one police official in Islamabad believed to number between 25,000 and 30,000.

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Rihanna’s Red Carpet Resurrection Has a Message

Boom. It’s Rihanna again. The world’s most prolific multi-hyphenate returned to the red carpet after announcing her long-awaited musical comeback with the lead track from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, demonstrating that style is still a top priority.

Rihanna wore a Rick Owens gown that epitomised strength, joining other Black Panther cast members Lupita Nyong’o, Michaela Coel, and Danai Gurira in their selection. The hopeful atmosphere fit with the themes of the film trilogy and was taken from the designer’s poetic, elegiac autumn/winter 2022 collection, which revealed a softer side to his anarchic vision.

In his presentation notes, Owens stated, “I have always found great consolation in the fact that good has always managed to triumph against evil in the history of the world. “Beauty can be one of the ways to keep faith in difficult times.” Owens made an effort to spread the idea that, if anything, fashion can be a solace in trying times.

For those in the Navy who took Rih and A$AP Rocky’s sequined ensemble at face value, it was just another day at the office for the duo, who coordinated in a low-key streetwear version of the garment that included draped jean hems. A pair of beige opera gloves, pointed shoes, and some Reza jewellery underneath the singing added to the drama.

Rihanna could have chosen any brand for this occasion, but Owen’s brand was suitable for a tastemaker who never opts for the safe option because of its subtle, haunting lyrics. Since 2010, Rih has sported the dark, directional creative’s jersey maxis and hoodies, which are usually black; while Owens is currently a favourite of Gen-Z fashion icons like Zendaya, Kendall Jenner, and Hunter Schafer, Rih, as always, was ahead of the curve.

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Putin said that world is entering the most dangerous decade since World War II.

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the world is facing “probably the most dangerous” decade since World War II’s end.

In a broad speech, he attempted to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a move that has isolated his country internationally.

Mr Putin also accused the West of using nuclear weapons against Russia in order to force allies to abandon Moscow.

The West has condemned the Kremlin’s recent veiled nuclear threats.

Earlier this week, NATO condemned Russia’s unsubstantiated claims that Ukraine might use a “dirty bomb” – conventional explosives laced with radioactive material.

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that members of the alliance “reject this allegation” and that “Russia must not use it as a pretext for escalation.”

President Putin was speaking at the annual Valdai forum in the aftermath of a string of military defeats in Ukraine and growing public outrage in Russia over a drive to mobilise 300,000 Russians for the war effort.

He had overseen routine nuclear exercises the day before his address in Moscow, which included a simulated nuclear strike in retaliation for an enemy’s massive nuclear attack. “We’ve never said anything proactively about Russia’s potential use of nuclear weapons. We’ve only offered hints in response to comments made by Western leaders “He informed his audience.

Liz Truss, a former prime minister of the UK, came under fire from President Putin when she said during a campaign event in August that she would be willing to use nuclear weapons if necessary. He expressed surprise that the UK’s friends did not raise a protest: “What exactly were we to do? Keep quiet? Act as if we weren’t aware of it?”

He has, however, repeatedly forewarned of Russia’s deployment of “all available means” to defend itself, which is largely regarded as a nuclear threat.

Pakistani twosome among ACCA’s international prize winners


ACCA winners

By earning the top scores in the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants exams, which were held in September 2022, two Pakistani students have brought honor to their nation.

In this regard, a press release stated that 83,630 ACCA students from all over the world enrolled for the September sitting. It was especially encouraging to see Pakistani students excel in the tests and establish a solid reputation for their nation as having top finance talent on a worldwide scale.

“Association of Chartered Certified Accountants students and professionals from Pakistan are increasingly making a worldwide impact with their talent and desire; it’s not only about one or two deserving students. This demonstrates even again how Pakistanis can succeed internationally.

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Epic biblical conflicts are recreated by scientists in a ground-breaking new study

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JERUSALEM: The epic sieges and conquests described in the Hebrew Bible are only partially depicted by ancient ruins, but scientists are piecing together historical events to determine how closely they reflect those in the Bible.Researchers from the Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University have more precisely dated these remains using measurements of ancient geomagnetic fields that have been retained over time in mud bricks from fire-ravaged locations and in two collections of ceramic artefacts.

Although the technique has been employed before, never to this degree.Yoav Vaknin, of the Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University, told Reuters: “Since we have a very extensive database, we can compare many different sites according to the magnetic signal and this way establish a very reliable dating approach.

The study’s conclusions, for instance, suggest that Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit, and Horvat Tevet were all destroyed by the army of Hazael, the first King of Aram-Damascus listed in the Book of Kings.Vaknin claims that the magnetic field and its activity are one of the greatest scientific mysteries, and that using this technique will allow scientists to forecast how the magnetic field will behave and change in the future.

Pakistan’s foreign exchange holdings are declining, and the $1.5 billion from ADB will be reflected next week

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KARACHI: The State Bank of Pakistan’s (SBP) foreign exchange reserves for Pakistan decreased by 2.07% once more.According to data issued by the SBP on Thursday, as of October 21, the foreign exchange reserves held by the SBP were $7,439.9 million, a decrease of $157 million from $7,597.2 on October 14.

In all, the nation maintained $13,162.2 million in liquid foreign currency reserves, including net reserves held by banks other than the SBP.The total amount of net reserves held by banks was $5,722.3 million. Repayment of external debt was one of the main causes of the fall, according to the central bank.But it also mentioned that SBP had obtained $1.5 billion in loans for the Pakistani government from the Asian Development Bank. The SBP reserves for the week ending October 28 will reflect these proceeds, according to the central bank.

Esmayeel Shroff passes away at 62 years old

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Today in Mumbai, 62-year-old veteran director Esmayeel Shroff passed away from sickness.The former director apparently had a heart attack around a month ago and was rushed to the Kokilaben Dhirubai Ambani Hospital. He passed away today at the same hospital.Govinda, Ashoke Pandit, and Padmini Kolhapure, three Indian superstars, sent their sympathies to Esmayeel’s family.

Love 86, Govinda’s debut feature film, was directed by Shroff. “I’m extremely saddened,” he wrote. His movie was the catalyst for my career. Jannat naseeb karaye uparwala. May he rest in peace, his soul. He used to have faith in me in addition to giving me tasks. He was the first person to ever tell me that Govinda knew how to make movies. He had a significant role to play.

Pakistan against. Zimbabwe: Shan Masood is dissatisfied with his performance

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Shan Masood, a top-order batsman for Pakistan’s cricket team, expressed disappointment at not being able to play through the entire ICC T20 World Cup match for his squad after his team was defeated by Zimbabwe on Thursday.After the game, Shan spoke to the media and admitted that he accepted responsibility for his team’s inability to win the game.

“I tried playing ball by ball. I believe I was in a good position to win the game and take charge. I’m quite unhappy because these are the games you should be winning for your nation, especially if you’re the only remaining batsman.Before being stumped by Regis Chakabva off Sikandar Raza, Shan had scored 44 runs off 38 balls.

The top batter claimed that losing two games after being so close to winning is demoralising for the squad and that returning to the field on Sunday and giving our all is the only way to boost morale.”We committed mistakes in all three areas, and while Zimbabwe scored runs against respectable bowling in the first three overs, you also have to give credit to the opposition. I believe that while batting, we had the game under control until the 13th over; however, we ended up losing. Three games are at our disposal.