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Requiem of a mother for justice

By Muhammad Sharif

The month of august has reached with various pain, sorrow, miseries, heart-wrenching tragedies, and memories. The month of august has become a jinx for Baloch people. This month, the whole country celebrates the independence of Pakistan. While, in Balochistan, things and events are differently worked and celebrated.

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This month, Shaheed Hayat Baloch, a native of Turbat, a young, energetic, and educated boy who was a student of Karachi University, was brutally killed by FC before his old and poor parents with eight bullets on 13 august 2020. I know the tale is outdated and sounds cliché, but the old and blind mother with a wounded heart is still waiting for justice. Even when you talk to Hayat’s mother about it, you feel that this happened yesterday. The wound and pain of losing a young son in such a way are not forgettable.

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Let me shed some light on this unkind tragedy holistically and wholly what happened. When the vacation of COVID-19 got announced at Karachi University in March 2020, Hayat Baloch came to Turbat with many plans. He thought these vacations would help him earn money to bear the educational expenses.

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Similarly, he also thought of helping his old parent on a farm. From then, he started working with his poor parent in date palm. His parent was Farmer. The data palm was near the main road of Balochi Bazar area, two kilometers distance from the city where frontier corps (FC) usually had to visit. The date was 13 August 2020; when Frontier forces were patrolling, suddenly a bomb was blasted nearby the area where Hayat and his parents were working. The FC armed forces got perplexed and furious. They started searching near or adjacent places. They entered into the data farms where Hayat Baloch worked with his parents. Many young farmers started running from that place when the bomb blast occurred and insisted Hayat run along with them. The innocent and naïve Hayat said, “When I did nothing, why should I run?”

FC armed men heatedly entered the farm, caught Hayat, and started dragging him out from the farm. His old mother was shocked and started imploring them, “he is working with her. He is just a kid. Please leave him, for God’s sake.” the mother of Hayat cried mercilessly, but no one was there to help her. At the same time, naive Hayat was also pleading to them; “please leave me, you are hurting my neck, it is aching, I were just working with my parents in date palm, I am innocent, I did nothing for God’s sake, I am just a student.” However, they were not ready to listen to him or his poor parents. Hayat started crying and praying to his mother; “O Amma mana e zalema the bacharen, e mana kushant, maan h nakurta, o Khuda main h nakurta, maanbegunao.” O, mother! I plead, please help me from these cruel monsters, they will kill me, o Mother! For God’s sake, I did nothing save me from these; I am innocent.” This was a heart-wrenching and heart-piercing situation; the mother was begging God to save the life of her innocent son, but she had to suffer to see the barbarism with her own eyes.

How cruel the reality was that God had turned his eyes towards this inhumaneness. His old father was pushed back, tightened his hand with rob, and threw into the farm’s dig. FC persons took his old mother’s cloak (Chadar), closed Hayat’s eyes, and started dragging him towards the main road. Hayat Baloch’s old mother was crying and started throwing a stone over them, but they were not ready to do little mercy. In the end, they lain Hayat down on the road in the hot summer of 48c, and finally, they fired eight bullets at him before his old and sobbing mother. On this day, the sky was fallen not only on Hayat’s mother’s heart but also on humanity. Who knew that the vacation of COVID-19 would snatch his life? Who knew the cruel month would not do mercy over a poor parent? 

 It cannot be possible to give appropriate words to the feelings of an old and poor mother who has seen all the brutality; the killing of her young and beloved son, who was her only and solely hoped to support her in her old age as I mentioned that this tragic accident came to occur in 13 august 2020. After a year, I came to visit her parent and Hayat’s younger brother when I got my vacation. Before Eid night, I visited Hayat’s home. My heart started beating speedily. I thought about how I could face them. I felt like I, too, were responsible for their miseries. I think my words would not justify what I had felt when I met them. Hayat’s old father, with sorrowful eyes, came first to meet me when I visited their home. I just hugged him tightly. I felt my half burden got lessened. I said, I am a friend of Hayat and am studying in Punjab.” His eyes sparked. He hugged me again. I became nervous. I did not know what to say. Unconditional, I said, “I have something for Hayat’s elder brother and a cloak (Chadar) for his mother. I handover the thing to his father and said,” Greetings.” Because I had lost all my confidence, consciousness, and nervous order to meet Hayat’s mother, but suddenly, what I saw; I saw his mother, who was looking at me from a distance. I could not control myself and rushed toward her. I kissed her hands and hugged her. When I hugged her, she started sobbing and crying. Her moaning voice was aching me internally. Her whimpering voice portrayed or showed that she is holding the most unmeasurable pain on earth. I became numb, nervous, and furious even I failed to say a single word. Then I run away from there. It was the most painful and sorrowful day of my life.

After Eid, I met some of Hayat’s family members. They shared about Hayat. They said that they were expecting many things from Hayat. Because he was not only a hardworking student but was also the only person in the family who was taking education at a higher level; therefore, they said with pessimistic tones and trimmed eyes that Hayat was Hayat for all family. They were expecting that this son would change the fate of their family. All family loved him because he was an obedient and hardworking young boy. The rest of them was illiterate. It cannot be exaggerated to say that Hayat was keen on education from his childhood. When he was a student in nine classes, he started earning by working shop with his uncles in the evening time. On the one-sided, he studied hard to secure his future. But in summer vacation, he used to work with his old and poor parents in date palm. When he passed his intermediate, he forced his low-income family to pursue higher education at Karachi University. After that, he took admission in Karachi University. He was very jolly and social in making new friends. He also took part in each program and conference. His teachers were pleased with him and his performances. However, he was an average student, but he usually took part in extra curricula activities.

He was beloved to his all family. He usually wore a Balochi cloak (Chadar). He had a jolly nature. He had many friends due to his humanistic and social behavior. One of the teachers shared a story about Hayat. While talking, her eyes got trimmed. She said “I got to know him when Hayat was in his first semester. He was really a humble and hardworking student. He gave respect to his teachers as a parent. Whenever he went on vacation home to Turbat, he came with some gifts for his teachers.

Similarly, he usually engaged the class with discussion. One of his close friends who grew up with him said,” whenever something terrible happened around him, he felt sorrow and got upset about that.” He was keen on his future and had made many plans. Even during graduation, some of his colleagues said he was also a CSS aspirant. He had planned after the completion of his graduation; he would appear in CSS. Here is what can be said; a young, passionate, hardworking, naïve, and innocent ‘Hayat’ is no more.

Nevertheless, who could dare to gather the courage to console or conceal to the family that Hayat is no more? Despite keeping himself away from Baluchistan’s issues and politics, he was still killed.

Hayat’s mother, a soft-hearted woman, always felt feared about the circumstances of Turbat. She always advised Hayat, “do not go outside nor visit friends unnecessarily.” She always surveilled Hayat. Whenever Hayat came late at home, she scolded him. She also advised him to be careful about the situation of Turbat as we know that since the emergence of the fifth insurgency, the Mekran division has remained the hotspot. Since then, the situation in Baluchistan has been terrifying and uncertain. Despite all of his care and safety, ignoring to visit a friend and going outside unnecessarily, Hayat still became the victim of circumstances and was brutally killed before his old parent.

I again say he was full of life. He was just 18 years old. He did not deserve to be killed; he deserved more appreciation and opportunities. I may not exaggerate if I say that any of us could be killed on any day by anyone if the situation continues like this and if Hayat would not get justice. However, mistakenly killing an innocent soul who was full of life is not justifiable. The cold-blooded murder of an enthusiastic and innocent Hayat is worse than George Floyd of America and Sarfaraz shah of Karachi. It was more than the accident. Hayat’s parents are still in trauma. Still, if someone visits them, they start crying and sobbing.

However, this barbaric event, for the time being, got spread. The picture of Hayat’s parents crying, mourning, and grieving over Hayat’s dead body, which was riddled with eight bullets, caught the attention of mainstream media after a week. In the meantime, someone took a picture and shared it on social media, which got viral. Similarly, various young Baloch students had become emotional and quit their education. At that time, I was in Lahore for my study purpose. I was sitting in our room with a Pashtoon friend; suddenly, someone sent me this on my Whatsup; When I saw the picture for the first time, my blood pressure got high, and my heart came to my mouth. It was a heart-piercing picture. When I showed it to my Pashtun friend, who was busy with his laptop, he was shocked and perplexed. His eyes got wet, and he got furious. He scolded me and warned me, “don’t show me such sort of things, please, for god’s sake, because I don’t have that much courage or big heart to see such thing.”

How brutally anyone killed someone before old parents.” I said, “We Baloch are used to bear such sorts of things from our childhoods.” He started smoking cigarettes. Thus, a soft-hearted person could not see the picture. Within a week, various protests had been held in many cities. Strikes were organized across the country. The picture not only portrayed a bleak image of Balochistan but also showed or unfolded the vulnerabilities of the Baloch nation. It has been proved that there is no check and balance in Balochistan nor any law and order.

Nevertheless, some questions arise: Has Hayat Baloch and his family gotten justice? Has that armed person got punished? Has any constitutional and institutional mechanism been built to avoid such tragedy in the future? Have things and situation got changed in Turbat?   While writing this, some traditional words strike into my mind. Does Baloch really mean (Baad-roch) which means bad luck or jinx in Balochi and Persian.

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Mushaal flays fascist Indian govt for turning IIOJK into a slaughter house

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Chairperson Peace and Culture Organization Mushaal Hussein Mullick lashed out at the supremacist Indian government for turning the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) into a world largest open prison and a slaughter house to terrorize and force Kashmiri people so as they could shun the freedom struggle; however she added that such brutal tactics did not work for the last over 70 years.

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This was stated by Mushaal, the jailed Hurriyat leader Yasin Malik’s wife, in a video message on India’s 75th Independence Day, which Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and around the world marked as Black Day to draw attention to Indian state terrorism and war crimes.

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She said that India and Pakistan are celebrating their 75th Independence Day but Kashmiri nation has been deprived of their fundamental rights to live with peace and harmony as citizens of Independent country due to India’s forceful and illegitimate occupation of the valley. Mushaal said that the people of the scenic valley had been battling for their independence for the last over seven decades during which over 100,000 innocent Kashmiris were martyred.

The head of the Hurriyat said that although the world community and human rights organisations kept silent, the fascist Indian forces had unleashed a wave of brutality and perpetrated war crimes in the IIOJK. According to Mushaal, the courageous Kashmiri people will continue to fight for their right to self-determination until they are free of the chains of Indian oppression. According to Mushaal, Indian forces are killing defenceless and innocent Kashmiris in war crimes and acts of genocide.

She went on to say that her husband Yasin was a face of peaceful resistance movement but he has been languishing in Tehar death cell for his sole crime to raise voice for the Kashmiris just and birth right of right to self-determination. The chairperson stated that practically, she was living a life like a half widow and their ten year daughter was a half orphan for past eight and half years, as they did not see him.

She pleaded with the UN, its five permanent missions, its embassies around the world, and all people to “understand the sorrow of a mother and daughter.” Mushaal urged the world’s nations, UN agencies, and human rights groups to apply pressure on the fascist Indian government to resolve the Kashmir conflict in accordance with the UN’s formula and the desires of the valley’s residents.

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IHC seeks more arguments from govt lawyer in Shahbaz Gill case

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court has issued a notice to PTI leader and Imran Khan’s chief of staff Shahbaz Gill on the government plea seeking his physical remand while asking the government lawyer to present arguments on the maintainability of the petition.

IHC Acting Chief Justice Amir Farooq on Monday heard the government petition which challenged the lower court’s decision of sending Gill on judicial remand while rejecting its plea for extension in his physical remand.

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On behalf of the government, Islamabad’s advocate general Jehangir Jadoon appeared before the court. Additionally present in court was the case’s investigative officer. The judge requested information from the AG regarding the case’s stage. The law enforcement official informed the court of the lower court’s ruling. He claimed that during one of Gill’s talks with a private TV channel, Gill specifically mentioned the state institutions. The AG said, “The institutions that the PTI leader criticised have made so many sacrifices for the country and are revered and held in great esteem.

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The court said that the sessions court had rejected the government review plea for physical remand. It asked the petitioner’s lawyer to first present arguments in favour of the maintainability of the petition.

The lawyer citing several court judgements contended that the petition against the decision of the judicial magistrate was suitable to be heard. He said that police were yet to recover mobile phone and other devices from the possession of the accused, that’s why they needed his further physical remand.  

However, the court required attorney Rizwan Abbasi to provide justifications for his request for an extension of the accused’s physical remand. Shahbaz Gill was then given a notice by the court instructing him to file his response by tomorrow.

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PTI starts preparations for general elections

By Our Correspondent

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has started preparations for the upcoming 2023 general elections. In this regard, PTI chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered immediate mobilization of the Tiger Force and formed a committee over this matter.

While senator Saifullah Khan Niazi has been appointed to the committee formed by Imran Khan to mobilize the Tiger Force, and12 members from all provinces and the federation have been included in the committee. Among the members are Sher Ali Arbab, Salman Amjad, Chaudhry Iqbal, Shahid Hussain, Khawaja Shams, Sohail Afridi, Arsalan Khalid, Farid Rehman, Rana Nadeem, Abdul Karim and Nauman Gul in the committee.

Imran Khan has summoned the inaugural meeting of the Tiger Force Committee, which will coordinate the Imran Khan Tiger Force across the nation and directly report to Imran Khan. This group will mobilise employees at the grassroots level, per the notification. In addition to organising the employees at the level of the union council, the force will arrange Election Day and the voting process.

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PTI rejects talks on charter of economy, says Fawad Chaudhry

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) senior leader and former federal minister Fawad Chaudhry on Monday reacted to the charter of economy proposed by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, saying that his party has rejected this proposal.

Addressing the media, the former federal minister said that the entire party condemns the torture of PTI leader Shahbaz Gill. He alleged that efforts are being made to kidnap and shift him to PIMS. Lashing out at Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, Fawad said that he has established a tradition of torturing children and women.

Shireen Mazari has been given instructions by former prime minister and PTI Chairman, according to Fawad, to bring up this issue in international fora. On Thursday, he remarked, the entire world would observe National Press Day. The PTI leadership, according to Fawad, would march in support of press freedom. The PTI leader noted that Imran Khan would also address the Bar Association. He claims that the PML-N is using its tried-and-true techniques to split the judiciary.

The PTI leader said that campaigning for the early elections will be carried out with full vigor. He said that it is useless to talk to Shahbaz Sharif on the charter of economy. Supporting Shahbaz Sharif’s economic policies is a sign of ignorance, he said. The former federal minister said PTI would be ready to talk only on the structure of elections, but nothing else would be discussed.

Fawad questioned the secrecy of JUI-foreign F’s sponsorship. He asserted that the PTI leadership lacks faith in the Pakistan Election Commission (ECP). Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif were urged by Fawad to return the stolen funds, but Zardari suggested that he first try to salvage the Sindh government before turning his attention to Punjab.


Will Smith is spending “a lot of time” with Jada to recover from the Oscars slapgate

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Will Smith’s adored wife Jada Pinkett Smith has come to his aid following his Oscars rant.The King Richard star, who is now barred from attending the prestigious awards for a decade, got into hot water after slapping host Chris Rock on the stage.

The couple was photographed in Malibu last week, months after the confrontation.
According to a source, “Will is doing well. He devotes a lot of time to Jada. He appreciates her unwavering support. They are really close and support each other. To them, family is everything.”

Will believes he has “learned a lot in the last few months,” according to the source.”Will is thrilled about the support he constantly gets from Jada,” another insider says.He previously confirmed in a video message that his wife had nothing to do with the altercation.

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Arshad Nadeem, a world-class javelin thrower, has arrived in Pakistan

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Arshad Nadeem, Pakistan’s outstanding athlete who won gold medals for Pakistan in the javelin throw events at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham and the Islamic Solidarity Games in the Turkish city of Konya, has returned home.

Arshad Nadeem landed in Lahore late at night from Istanbul on a foreign carrier flight. At the Allama Iqbal airport, he received a hero’s welcome from his family, friends, supporters, and Pakistan Sports Board officials.

His supporters also danced to the beat of the drums.In an interview with the media, the famous athlete stated that he won gold medals because of the prayers of the Pakistani people. He described winning two medals for Pakistan as an honour.


A man was chastised for wearing trousers and a t-shirt to his wedding

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People aren’t used to seeing someone casually dressed up as a bride or groom because couples all across the world wear formal, and often carefully created, attire to their nuptials.

And, despite many netizens defending the concepts of “to each their own” and people’s independent choices, many of them couldn’t stomach seeing a man on his wedding day wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

Users mocked the man, whose wedding video went viral on TikTok, with the video receiving over two million views.In the video, the man can be seen at the altar wearing grey skinny jeans and a Palm Angels t-shirt.

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A video of a recently married couple playing rock-paper-scissors has gone viral

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Weddings are all about creating beautiful memories and sharing precious moments, and a video of this newlywed couple playing rock-paper-scissors during the wedding has gone viral.The video depicts an Indian couple enjoying a game that brings back childhood memories for everyone.

“Not only is this a lovely varmala moment, but it’s also an adorable one. Add your future spouse’s name to the list “The video had closed captions.They play the game to see who will go first as they stand on stage to begin the ceremony of exchanging garlands.

The duo were also seen sporting similar clothing.The bride is seen winning the game and then placing the garland around the groom’s neck.The couple’s names were revealed to be Priyanka Shah and Rahil Shah.

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According to reports, Johnny Depp will make a film on Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani

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Johnny Depp is preparing to helm a film about Amedeo Modigliani, an Italian artist.
In 1997, the Pirates of the Caribbean actor made his directorial debut with The Brave. Johnny is preparing to direct his second film, 25 years after his first.

Modigliani is a biopic of the Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani. He will, however, co-produce it with renowned performers Al Pacino and Barry Navidi.Dennis McIntyre’s play Modigliani inspired the film. Jerzy and Mary Kromolowski are adapting it for the big screen. Amedeo Modigliani was a Parisian painter and sculpture.

The film’s plot revolves around the painter’s life in 1916. According to the article, the video depicts an eventful 48 hours in Modigliani’s life that proved to be a watershed moment in his life. Production on the film is expected to begin in Europe in the spring of 2023. The cast for the film will be announced soon by the producers.

Brooklyn Beckham teases his mother, Victoria, by stating that he enjoys cooking for Nicola Peltz

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Brooklyn Beckham has revealed some fascinating facts about cooking and the food his new wife Nicola Peltz consumes.The 23-year-old son of David and Victoria Beckham was recently interviewed by People and revealed that he goes to great lengths to keep his new bride happy amid rumours of the actress’ rift with Victoria Beckham.

Brooklyn made his mother appear envious by confessing that he enjoys cooking for his wife, saying, “I like to cook a lot, she loves angel hair noodles with pink sauce.”

But she also enjoys the spaghetti bolognese I make her; the sauce takes about eight hours to prepare.”Nicola Peltz gushed about him in the comments, writing, “You are literally the loveliest person I’ve ever met @brooklynpeltzbeckham love you man.”

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are facing harsh criticism ahead of their visit to the United Kingdom

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are facing harsh criticism after announcing their return to the United Kingdom.The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will return to the United Kingdom in the coming weeks to visit organisations and associations near to their hearts, according to one of their representatives.

Many people took to Twitter to voice their displeasure at the decision. @loveforcambridg, a Cambridge fan account, wrote: “And why is that relevant and necessary to reveal? They are no longer royals, and the vast mass of people are unconcerned with these two traitors! They should quit pretending to work for the Firm and start living in the present, not the past.”

In the meantime, @things royal tweeted: “It reeks of desperation! We despise the United Kingdom and how dare they not pay our security; the British public and media are racists; our family is racist… But guess what? They’re coming to the UK for video for Netflix!”

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Injured Smith withdraws from BMW Championship

Injured Smith withdraws from BMW Championship

Australian star Cam Smith withdrew from this week’s PGA Tour BMW Championship on Monday citing a hip injury, organisers confirmed.

Smith, the recently crowned British Open champion who has been linked to a move to the breakaway LIV Golf circuit, has been struggling with a hip problem for months according to agent Bud Martin.

“He has been dealing with some on and off hip discomfort for several months and thought it best he rest this week in his pursuit of the FedExCup,” Martin said in a statement quoted by US media.

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Smith’s withdrawal comes after his hopes of victory at last weekend’s St. Jude Championship in Memphis — the opening round of the 2022 FedEx Cup Playoffs — were hit by a rules violation.

The Aussie world number two was given a two-stroke penalty for improper ball placement ahead of Sunday’s final round.

It meant Smith started the final 18 holes four strokes off the lead instead of only two back. Smith eventually finished six strokes adrift of winner Will Zalatoris.

The rules violation controversy comes amid reports that Smith has agreed to join the Saudi Arabia-backed LIV Golf series.

Smith refused to comment on the reports last week when quizzed by reporters in Memphis

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Simon Stiell of Grenada named new UN climate chief

Simon Stiell of Grenada named new UN climate chief

Grenada’s former environment minister Simon Stiell was named Monday as the new UN Climate Change chief, replacing Patricia Espinosa of Mexico, the UN secretary-general’s office said.

The appointment of the long-time advocate for climate action was approved by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) under which all climate negotiations are held, including the Paris agreement.

Stiell will take up the position shortly, said a spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, suggesting he would be in office for the next UN climate conference, COP27, in Egypt in November.

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A member of Grenada’s government from 2013 until June, Stiell has served as minister of environment and climate resilience for the last five years, calling relentlessly during COP summits for more progress in the fight against global warming.

Guterres’s office called Stiell, who trained as an engineer, a “true champion for formulating creative approaches for our collective global response to the climate crisis” and said he brings unique skills honed over a 30-year career.

He will replace Espinosa, who has served two terms as head of the UNFCCC, from 2016 until July.

Until Stiell steps into the post, Mauritanian Ibrahim Thiaw remains in place as interim head of UN Climate Change, in addition to his duties as leader of the UN agency that combats desertification.

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Imran declares all his and Bushra Bibi’s assets

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has declared all his and wife Bushra Bibi’s assets in the nomination papers. Former Prime Minister Imran has provided the details of these assets in the nomination papers filed in the Election Commission to contest by-elections from Faisalabad constituency NA-108.

Imran Khan’s assets are valued at more over Rs304.2 million, according the specifics of the reported holdings. Imran, the chairman of the PTI, also said that he owns no jewellery but two inherited homes and 228 kanals of property in the Bhakar district. Imran Khan also has a flat and a business plot on Islamabad’s Constitution Avenue that he rents out for Rs1.4 million each month.

The PTI chairman confirms his four bank accounts but has no investment in any company. He shows Rs11.22 million cash in hand. While he has four goats worth Rs0.2 million. Imran Khan has declared that he had spent Rs48.66 million on the construction of the Zaman Park house while spending Rs4.9 million on additional constructions in Bani Gala. In the nomination papers, Imran Khan did not mention children.

Imran Khan declared 698 kanals of land in Pakpattan and Okara in the name of his wife Bushra Bibi, according to the nomination papers. Additionally, he registered a three Kanal house in Bani Gala under his wife Bushra Bibi’s name. The nomination documents state that Imran Khan’s wife does not wear jewellery.

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Alvi urges Public Sector Audit & Accounts Departments to adopt & practices, modern technology

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi has urged the need to adopt international best practices and modern technological tools by the Public Sector Audit and Accounts Departments for better financial control and ensuring efficient and transparent use of public funds in the best interest of people of Pakistan.

 These comments were stated by President Dr. Arif Alvi on Monday at Aiwan-e-Sadr while addressing the officers in the 49th Specialized Training Programme (STP) of the Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service (PAAS). Senior government officials including the Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP), Muhammad Ajmal Gondal, Additional Auditor General of Pakistan, Syed Sajjad Haider, Rector PAAS Academy, Ms. Namana Gulrukh Fareed, attended the meeting. 

Talking to the newly-inducted Civil Servants, the President advised them to keep on updating their knowledge and professional and communication skills and technical expertise and to discharge their official responsibilities with humility, justice and ready accessibility to the common man.

According to President Dr. Arif Alvi, technical advancements are occurring at an exponential rate while our decision-makers and civil servants continue to use a linear decision-making process. In order to stay current and relevant in the era of technological advancements occurring at breakneck speed, he said, “We need to adopt critical technologies like blockchain, virtual reality, and augmented reality in the office processes and procedures, along with making the right decisions at the right time and serving the nation with the passion.” He added that automating government operations and moving to cashless transactions could aid in better monitoring of government spending and greater financial oversight in the public good.

The President said that he had been advocating the adoption of online, distance learning and hybrid means of learning and working from home for a long time but the COVID-19 lockdown had proved as a catalyst to change our thinking patterns and work attitudes toward this effective and fast-paced means of imparting education and knowledge. He added that a large educated and skilled population could be an asset and a source of wealth and prosperity for the nation.

The President expressed sadness that women were denied their legal rights as a result of regional traditions and cultural practises in response to a query regarding the low involvement of women in the workforce. Although legislation were passed to grant women property rights, he claimed that in some areas of the nation women were still confined on the margins due to deeply ingrained social and cultural traditions. He claimed that a significant mainstreaming of women who make up over half of the population—is the only way to significantly improve Pakistan’s dreadful socioeconomic indices.

He called upon the civil society, media, women parliamentarians and women’s organizations to play their proactive role in ensuring women’s inclusion in the workforce for their socio-economic empowerment. “Media should portray women as financially and economically empowered persons to serve as role models and help in raising awareness regarding the pressing need for women empowerment in the country”, he added.

President Dr. Arif Alvi also called for the need of imparting fast-paced quality education to youth and women and equip them with optimized skills through conventional and online and hybrid modes of learning.

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Ambassador of Uzbekistan pays courtesy call on PM Shehbaz Sharif

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD:  The Ambassador of Uzbekistan, Oybek Usmanov, paid a courtesy call on the Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. The Ambassador conveyed warm greetings from the President of Uzbekistan for Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and said that President Shavkat Mirziyeyov was looking forward to welcome the Prime Minister to the SCO Summit at Samarkand next month.

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The Prime Minister highlighted Pakistan’s vision for deeper engagement with Central Asia and the important role of Uzbekistan in this regard. He expressed satisfaction at the level of close and fraternal relations between Pakistan and Uzbekistan and emphasized the importance of further deepening bilateral trade and economic ties.

The Prime Minister underlined the significance of Trans-Afghan Railway Project to advance the connectivity agenda and promote regional prosperity. He also invited Uzbek investments in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) of Pakistan, particularly in industrial, electronics and agricultural sectors, which would accrue mutual benefits.

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif underscored the need to urgently operationalize the Transit Trade Agreement and Preferential Trade Agreement in order to fully unlock the immense bilateral economic potential. He also reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to provide transit access to Central Asian Republics to the ports of Karachi, Bin Qasim and Gwadar.

The Prime Minister stressed closer collaboration in education, tourism and cultural spheres to promote people-to-people contacts. He underlined the importance of direct air connectivity in this context and urged upon the respective national airlines to start operations at the earliest to facilitate the movement of businessmen, students and tourists between the two countries.

While highlighting convergent perspectives of Pakistan and Uzbekistan on regional issues, the Prime Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s strong resolve for lasting peace, security and stability of Afghanistan.

Target of Bolsonaro attacks to become Brazil election court chief

Target of Bolsonaro attacks to become Brazil election court chief

Openly reviled by President Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian judge Alexandre de Moraes may have to show the stuff that earned him the nickname “RoboCop” as arbiter in polarizing, disinformation-plagued elections to decide the far-right incumbent’s fate.

Currently a Supreme Court justice — a job in which he has been a constant target of Bolsonaro’s attacks — Moraes is set to take over Tuesday as head of Brazil’s Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), the institution responsible for refereeing the South American giant’s October elections and punishing violations of electoral law.

It is typically a fairly humdrum role. But these aren’t shaping up to be typical elections.

Bolsonaro, who trails in the polls to leftist ex-president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), has been aggressively knocking the electronic voting machines Brazil has used since 1996, alleging — without evidence — that they are plagued by fraud.

He has also hinted he will not leave the presidency without a fight, saying his reelection bid can only have three outcomes: “prison, death or victory.”

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That has many Brazilians worried Bolsonaro will try to fight the election result if he loses, following in the footsteps of his political role model, former US president Donald Trump — and putting Brazil on track for its own, possibly uglier version of last year’s attack on the Capitol in Washington by Trump supporters.

That context makes Moraes’s new job particularly high-profile.

“He’ll have to run the TSE with an iron fist to prevent the collapse of our entire electoral system,” says political analyst Andre Cesar of consulting firm Hold.

Bolsonaro bane
Instantly recognizable with his shiny bald pate and the stern demeanor that earned him the “RoboCop” nickname, Moraes, 53, is used to being on the receiving end of Bolsonaro’s diatribes.

One of the most vitriolic came just under a year ago, as Brazil celebrated 199 years of independence from Portugal on September 7, 2021.

Riling up a crowd of hardline supporters in Sao Paulo, Bolsonaro vowed he would no longer obey rulings issued by Moraes.

“From now on, this president won’t carry out one single decision by Alexandre de Moraes. My patience is up,” Bolsonaro said to cheers and chants for the Supreme Court’s judges to be jailed.

Long hostile to the Supreme Court, which he accuses of blocking his agenda out of “left-wing bias,” Bolsonaro has singled out Moraes for particular disdain, making him a poster boy of the “judicial activism” he says is wrecking Brazil.

The justice has earned the president’s ire on a regular basis.

Moraes ordered Bolsonaro investigated for his unproven claims Brazil’s voting system is riddled with fraud; and jailed one of his biggest supporters, Congressman Daniel Silveira — who was then pardoned by Bolsonaro — on charges of attacking democratic institutions.

He ordered social networks to remove some of Bolsonaro’s posts on grounds of disinformation; and he is the lead judge in investigations into charges Bolsonaro leaked a classified police probe and interfered in another, into corruption accusations against his sons.

Alleging “persecution,” Bolsonaro has sued Moraes for abuse of authority and asked the Senate to impeach him.

Neither effort succeed.

Pragmatic ex-prosecutor
Moraes first gained national prominence as justice minister under center-right ex-president Michel Temer (2016-2018), who appointed him to the Supreme Court in 2017.

Ironically, given Bolsonaro’s attacks, fellow justices call Moraes a pragmatist with a gift for dialoging with politicians and the military.

The latter is an institution with which the president has sought close ties.

Moraes got his start as a Sao Paulo state prosecutor, then went on to serve as state security secretary. Known as a hardliner, he was no ally of left-wing activists, who accused him of repressing social movements.

Since becoming a top Bolsonaro target, Moraes barely speaks with journalists and keeps his decisions strictly under wraps until they are made public, a Supreme Court source told AFP.

But he is active on Twitter, posting last week for example in support of massive rallies in “defense of democracy” held across the country.

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Saudi crown prince accepts PM Shehbaz’s invitation for state visit

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud (who is also known as MBS) accepted on Monday Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s invitation for a state visit to Pakistan.

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According to a PM Office statement Monday, PM Shehbaz had a telephonic conversation with crown prince and deputy prime minister of Saudi Arabia. PM Sharif conveyed his deep respects to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Majesty King Salman bin Abdulaziz.

According to Saudi Press Agency, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman exchanged views to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries during the telephonic conversation.

During the conversation, the crown prince congratulated the Prime Minister and the people of Pakistan on 75th Anniversary of Pakistan’s Independence. MBS also conveyed best wishes for the continued progress, prosperity and development of Pakistan. The two leaders exchanged views on issues of mutual interest. They also reaffirmed the resolve to further strengthening the strong, longstanding Pakistan-Saudi Arabia fraternal ties.

PM Shehbaz and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman also reviewed the progress made on the decisions taken by the two sides during the visit of the prime minister in April 2022. They agreed to expedite the ongoing cooperation in investment, energy and trade fields. The prime minister also thanked MBS for the economic and development support Saudi Arabia extended to Pakistan in times of need.

He also conveyed his deep respects to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz.  A day earlier, on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) congratulated the Pakistani nation.

In his message to President Dr Arif Alvi, the Saudi King expressed his best felicitations to the government and friendly people of Pakistan. He also expressed wishes for steady progress and prosperity of Pakistan. In his message, Crown Prince Mohammed also congratulated the Pakistani nation and expressed best wishes for steady progress and prosperity of the people of Pakistan.

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Awareness campaigns for drug prevention to be made more effective: Bugti

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Narcotics Control Nawabzada Shazain

Bugti on Monday said that awareness campaigns for drug prevention would be made more effective in educational institutions as to keep children safe and far away from this menace. He expressed these views in a meeting with Dr. Faisal Mushtaq, CEO of Roots School System who called on to him here. In the meeting, it was discussed on how to prevent the use and prevention of drugs in educational institutions. “Prevention of drug abuse in educational institutions is a challenge," the minister said and added therefore awareness campaigns for drug prevention would be made more effective.

Specialized technology and mobile applications are also accessible to students in this area. We must protect our young people from the drug epidemic, he said, adding that parents and teachers play a crucial part in this. He claimed that drug usage was on the rise in both metropolitan areas and schools nowadays. He announced, “A special effort will be run to raise awareness among parents and provide student counselling.” Officials from Roots School and Anti-Narcotics Secretary Ms. Humaira Ahmed also attended the meeting.

Youngster Popovici eases to Euro 200m freestyle gold

Youngster Popovici eases to Euro 200m freestyle gold

Romania’s David Popovici swam the third quickest time in history to claim the men’s 200m freestyle gold at the European Championships on Monday in Rome.


Popovici, who only turns 18 next month, cruised to victory in 1min 42.97sec with Switzerland’s Antonio Djakovic in second place and Austria’s Felix Auboeck third, both over two seconds behind.

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On Saturday, Popovici claimed the world record in the 100m freestyle after taking double gold at the World Championships in June.

Earlier, Sweden’s Louise Hansson won the women’s 100m butterfly final in 56.66sec, beating France’s Marie Wattel and Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Lana Pudar.

In the 200m women’s breaststroke final, Switzerland’s Lisa Mamie took gold ahead of Italy’s Martina Carraro and Lithuania’s Kotryna Teterevkova, who had led until the final 50m.

Three more finals are scheduled Monday in the Rome sunshine at the Foro Italico complex’s outdoor pool, including the mixed 4x100m freestyle.

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NA speaker congratulates journalists on nomination of National Civil Awards 2022

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: National Assembly (NA) Speaker Raja Pervaiz Ashraf on Monday said the journalist community had always played an important role in strengthening democracy in the country and promoting democratic values in the society.

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He expressed these views while congratulating renowned journalists for being nominated for the National Civil Award 2022 on the occasion of 75th Independence Day of Pakistan. The speaker said the role of the media in the promotion of democratic values was commendable in the country. However, he appreciated the role of the journalist community for the promotion of freedom of expression and supremacy of the Parliament. He congratulated Mujibur Rehman Shami, Altaf Hasan Qureshi (Hilal Pakistan), Javed Chaudhry (Sitara Pakistan), Nadeem Malik, Tikka Khan and Hafiz Tahir Khalil for being nominated for the Presidential Award for their services.

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The speaker paid tribute to the late Ahmad Nizami as (Hilal Pakistan), Late Ziauddin and Late Atta Ur Rehman for being nominated as recipient of Star Pakistan.

He also expressed his gratitude to the late Zia-ur-Rehman Farooqui, the late Ajay Lalwani, the late Irshad Mastoi, the late Musa Khan Khel, the late Arif Khan, and the late Shahid Zahri for being nominated for the Taghma Pakistan award. According to Raja Pervaiz, the journalists nominated for the National Civil Awards provided remarkable contributions in the field of journalism, and as a result, they were given the awards. He claimed that journalists who have won awards serve as role models for upcoming journalists.

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Imran is attempting to divide the army: Ahsan Iqbal

By Our Correspondent

NAROWAL: On behalf of his “foreign backers,” Imran Khan has been plotting to split the Pakistani Army, according to Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal, who made the statement here on Sunday. Speaking at a flag-raising ceremony attended by PML-N local leaders and employees, a former interior minister claimed that the chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf attempted to attain “real independence” by disobeying army regulations. He asserted that Imran Khan was engaging in “political sabotage” in Pakistan by accepting cash from Israel and India. He promised that the Quaid Nawaz Sharif party would return to Pakistan before the ensuing general election.

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The PML-N, according to Mr. Iqbal, has always maintained that the institution of the army should stay out of politics. He cited the PTI’s 2013 agitation that led to the postponing of the Chinese president’s visit to Pakistan as evidence that Imran began holding sit-ins and strikes throughout the country whenever the situation in Pakistan improved and the country’s economy started heading towards development. He asserted that Imran Khan had ruined the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. He asserted that the nation was crushed under the weight of its external debt as a result of the PTI government plundering the country’s coffers and releasing the inflation and poverty genie.

He claimed that although limits were put in place after Pakistan conducted nuclear tests in 1998, the situation was not as dire as it had been under Imran’s rule. Ahsan Iqbal called Imran’s campaign slogan of “true freedom” the worst joke on the nation and claimed it could not be attained by damaging the nation’s economy, putting it in financial crisis, or scrapping initiatives like CPEC. He believed that growing the economy and paying off the country’s foreign debt were the only ways to achieve true independence. He criticised Imran’s claims that he was “saying no to slavery,” and claimed that the PTI chairman was dispatching envoys to the US and asking with the American ambassador to arrange a meeting with President Biden.

He asserted that it was obvious the PTI had no candidates in the nine National Assembly constituencies if Imran Niazi was running in the by-election. Imran Khan is currently asking for a “NRO” in the foreign funding matter, according to Ahsan Iqbal, but “we will not give it to him.” He asserted that despite Imran’s repeated requests for reconciliation and resolution of the foreign funding case, it will not be concluded at this time.

“You stole a huge sum of money. You encourage political upheaval by taking money from Pakistan’s enemies. You have argued against using government agencies. Imran Khan, you must answer to this “He advised. Imran Khan only ever unveiled one “big project” to the country: the politics of abuse.

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Olivia Wilde seems happy after winning the custody dispute

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After winning the custody dispute with her ex Jason Sudeikis, American actress Olivia Wilde seemed upbeat on her Sunday Instagram Story.Olivia, 38, looked lovely while out and about with one of her kids in London wearing a thigh-splitting green flowery maxi dress and waving her hand in the air.

They were riding a purple scooter, but it’s unclear if it was son Otis or daughter Daisy accompanying their mother on the day trip.Earlier, a judge denied Olivia’s ex-fiancé Jason Sudeikis’ request for the children to live in Brooklyn, New York, and Olivia won the custody battle.

According to court records, a judge rejected Sudeikis’ petition and determined that California is the children’s home state (where Wilde lives).It follows the filing of a motion by Sudeikis in October 2021 to relocate their two children, Otis, 8, and Daisy, 5, to live with him in New York.

It might be possible to create oxygen in space using magnets

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Researchers at the University of Warwick have demonstrated how using magnets, oxygen may be produced in microgravity.

Gas bubbles are drawn to a single location by the magnets, where they combine. This can take the place of the bulky equipment used to extract gas in space’s low gravity.

In space, there is no inherent buoyancy. The most important issue that the current magnet experiments address is this one.

On Earth, gas bubbles originating from liquids rise to the top naturally, but in places with low gravity, bubbles stay suspended in the liquid state.Centrifugal force is used by large equipment aboard the international space station to push gases out.

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PM directs to provide Rs50,000 cash relief to each flood-affected family

By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Monday directed to ensure the provision of Rs. 50,000 relief to each flood affected family in the flood hit areas through a transparent process within the three days. Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) will provide Rs. 50,000 cash relief to every flood affected family under the supervision of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), he added.

A meeting of the Relief Coordination Committee established for the flood-affected areas was being presided over by the prime minister. Federal Ministers Miftah Ismail, Ahsan Iqbal, Marriyam Aurangzeb, Murtaza Javed Abbasi, Maulana Asad Mehmood, PM Advisor Qamar Zaman Kaira, Chairman of the NDMA Lt. Gen. Akhtar Nawaz, and pertinent senior officials were present at the meeting.

Minister for Housing Maulana Abdul Wasay, Chief Minister Balochistan Abdul Quddus Bizenjo and Member Provicial Assembly (MPA) Balochistan Sanaullah Baloch attended the meeting through video-link. The Prime Minister further said that the disbursement of cash relief should be ensured through electronic transfer so that the deserving people get relief. He directed the Flood Relief Coordination Committee to finalize the process of Rs. 50,000 cash relief disbursement and present its report by today evening.

The Prime Minister said that the joint survey in coordination with the provincial governments for the assessment of flood-related losses should be completed in three weeks instead of five weeks. The provincial governments should also cooperate and coordinate with NDMA regarding the joint survey at the earliest and to ensure timely relief for the flood affected people, he added.

The federal government would ensure the relief and rehabilitation of the flood-affected people using its own resources, the prime minister said, adding that it is the provinces’ right to participate in the federal government’s flood relief operations. Additionally, he gave the Minister of Information and Broadcasting instructions to create a thorough awareness campaign in that area.

The meeting was told that a survey will be conducted in coordination with the provincial governments to assess the damages caused by the recent spell of rains and floods. It was further told that by the time survey was completed, the government, through BISP, will provide Rs. 30,000 cash relief to each flood affected family.

The Prime Minister, however, directed to enhance the cash relief to Rs. 50,000 for each affected family and disburse the same under the supervision of NDMA. The meeting was further told that as the federal government was in contact with international donors and other welfare institutions, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank have already assured to provide necessary funds for the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure and rehabilitation activities in the flood affected areas.

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) was also analysing the damage to impacted educational institutions, and teams of doctors and paramedics had been dispatched to the flood-stricken areas. The meeting was briefed by the Chief Minister of Balochistan and the Provincial Chief Secretary on the rescue efforts and material losses that have occurred in Balochistan as a result of the recent rains.

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Oil falls as China data is considered

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LONDON: On Monday, oil prices dropped by more than $4 a barrel as supply concerns grew in response to disappointing Chinese economic data.

After closing 1.5% down on Friday, Brent crude futures dropped $4.75, or 4.84%, to $93.40 a barrel by 12:01 GMT.Following a session-high 2.4% decline, US West Texas Intermediate crude was down $4.52, or 4.91%, at $87.57.

The open interest in Brent crude this month is 20% lower than it was in August of last year.Because of the volatility, some market participants are choosing not to touch open interest, which is still declining. That, in my opinion, is what is causing heavier volumes on the downside.


What is the newest WhatsApp emoji?

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WhatsApp recently revealed that it is developing a new feature that would let users create an avatar to use as their profile picture.With this function, users might make an avatar to represent themselves in a different way without sharing their own photos, perhaps similar to those on Snapchat.

Users will be able to customise their avatar to perfection, as seen in the screenshot given by the WhatsApp news tracker. Additionally, the backdrop colour of the avatar can be selected.

The beta versions of WhatsApp for Android, iOS, and the desktop will all have access to the feature.Though the corporation is still in the early stages of developing this function, the release date is still uncertain, and it will likely not happen for a very long time.

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Despite his ongoing legal struggle with Twitter, Elon Musk delivers some positive news

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Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, announced the good news to his followers while he fought Twitter in court over a $44 billion acquisition offer.The billionaire revealed on Twitter that one million of the three million cars produced by his company, Tesla, were produced at the Gigafactory Shanghai.

Thank you for producing the millionth automobile, Giga Shanghai! Now over 3M Teslas have been produced overall, he tweeted.He announced the good news days after selling Tesla shares valued at close to $7 billion, according to legal documents released last week.

The erratic Tesla CEO and Twitter are engaged in a court dispute over his attempt to renege on the April agreement to purchase the company. A judge has decided that the trial will start in October.

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Shaheen Afridi will miss the next two Pakistan vs. Nepal games

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ROTTERDAM: The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) announced on Monday that star bowler Shaheen Shah Afridi will not play in either of Pakistan’s two one-day international (ODI) games against the Netherlands.

Shaheen Shah Afridi, the third-best ODI bowler in the world, will be unavailable for Pakistan’s opening two matches owing to a knee injury, according to a statement from the PCB.

The young pacer’s knee injury, which he sustained during the Test match against Sri Lanka last month, is now fully recovered.Babar Azam, the Pakistani captain in Shaheen’s absence, stated that this is a chance for young people to step forward and demonstrate their abilities.